/ ____ ____ ____THEMICHIGAN PAILY Czarist Slays Diloat; THIlS IOtesDe f- u COLUMNf -~et a Le~ on CLOSI Daily "Classified",, Columns CLAS SI S9 'wf cents a. at the !W''g ITEID C, CNC, SITUATION WVANTED-Cook (male, colored, cooking school graduate) FLD. wishes work in a fraternity where i good cooking and economical man- a, word agement would be appreciated. G. Ini1um I W. Station A, 547, Champaign, 1ll. in fl1n l Intramural Items (Continued from Page Six)} winner of Jerome-Cranea match; W11I-1 koff, 732, vs. winner of Goldsmith- Tarte match. The Aill-campus tennis doubles tour- nament is a little behind scheduled time and it is necessary thiat the matches listed belowr be played off 5 o'clock, this evening. Garbcr-Hicksf, 1324J; vs. We,7ntworth-Brusk e, 210GM; Mcl~night-partn er, 1597A1, vs. Barnes- dIriggs, 2733;: Jerome- Shaefer, 236, vs. Zook-DunalKin, 63; Morris-Loose, 2451, vs. winner of Birks-Flowers, 1166, and Freedman-Van Ripps, 751W, $inatch. No postponements will be allowed MATS. TUES., TH URS DifliUM(ad ATURDWAY 14th1 Anw-raI Sensory NIGHTJ 25-$O-75-41 THE BONSTELLE ,O in Rita johnson Your g's Br~lliant Comedly "Ln i e NEXT MONDAY - S'31 ENTEEN" TODAY IS "?4" DAY. After for any of the M~atches sclmedulerl above and it is up to the indiviual l yr to determine'whether or, not hie wishes to remain in the tourname'uns or not. All matches may be report-' ed to the Intramural olffce, 22r)S;- -r Harw ich, 2980A L :1c;Koch nie-Alton won the All-cam- puls Ph: mar~n and playing fc >_ i took: the Cygnzus into ch.ampionship of the fra I rhoe teamsi. :ents per word White space five cents per charged only plae eld- Diamnond Tires 128c t13 MOTM PICES. on gro- 'ierce's ad. in the Wed- of The Daily. I 25c-tf A- silk underwear and percent discount. Jane tps. 171c-5 169p-10 WANTED-To buy return trip tickets from Californiia to Ann' Arbor at end of school year. An opportun- ity for some coupleIr going to save some expense. Call Chas'. E. Gal- lup, SO8. 16903 WANTED-Young man student, fond. of boys and out-of-doors things, to 1spend summe..r up north as tutor comypanion for- disadvantagcd }boy of twelve . Addre~ss Box CHlS.I 171p-3 WANTED-Roomns to- accommodate -club of about ten men,. also boards ing privileges if possible. Call Rtoe 1398-R between 7 and 10 p. mn. 171p WANTED,-Apartment for family of four. Take possession Sept. 1. !Call Welch 1328. 170p-2 WANLTED-To ~buy second hand man- dolin and refrigerator. Call 976-MI 170-2 I I! I. . Ceitter, 1. Vorovsky, s'OTvlE, aIIin 0 act~or to HIow id h. -t1IPua))Te pirley dele- Kate. shot to.- death. Photo01)taken at first 1,11sz.iiiie 1meet shows 3L. ILtvliT onr hi .lft s id If.lo lIoe oilrIglIC Tho Ruissin delegation at the Lausanne -peace- conference'-was almost wiped out Nhen Maurice Conradi, Swiss but former, czarist officer, shot M. Vorov-sky to death and, seriously wounded M. .Ahrens and: M. Dibulkowov- ski. Slight lhope io held for the recovery of the later. The shooting occur- redl in a Lausanne restaurant during the slipper hour. Most of us eat hastily and Ido +heW our food enoi II Follow That Hunch to the BLU -GOLD LUNCH 605 Church If. people realized how much more good - their food would do them If properly masated, and followed up with a -bit of WRIGLEY'S to assist the digestive process, we'd have far better health, iful lot on Clear Lake just west anaugh lake. One of the pret- te ini southern Michigan, good ;boating, and, fishing. High~ spring mater. Price $600i.00. nn and $10 monthy. F. Roy Hlmbes 113 S. Main 169c -3 Is ai beautiful home on Chu