THE MICJIXGAN DAILY rMr~~r . ..._.r.__ _ _ _.r__ _ - - -rrw MMa+ raa . . ._,_. _ OFFICIAL NE WSPAPER OF THE . UNIVEPSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Mondaya uring the university year by the Board in Control of Student Publications Members of Western Conference Editorial Asociation. The Associated Press is exclusively en- tled to the use for republication of all news lispatches credited to ithor not otherwise sredited inethis paper and the local news pub- ished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,' Michigar, as second class matter.t Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.5o. Offices: Ana Arbor Press Building, May. hard Street. Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi- ness, 96. Communications not to exceed 30orwords ifsinied. tlhe signature not, necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, and notices of events will be published in rhe D>aily at the discr-tion of the F'ditor. i eft at or mailed to The Daily office. Un- igned commnnications will receive no con- ideratiou. No manuscript will be returned tinles the writer encloses postage. The Daily loes not necessarily endorse the sentiments G:pressed in the communications. EPITORTAT1 STAFF Telephones 2114 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR MARION B. STAHL' NJ-ws Pditr...................Pant Watzel City Edior..............James B. Young Asstant City Editor,........J. A. Bacon} dintitd l Board Chairman . ......R. Meiss$ To tell of the desirability of per- f petuating the traditional Senior Sings RO L EDITORIAL COMMENT at this time seems hardly necessary. r O D R L Anyone who has ever attended one ,.--- of these functions ha seen at a ES Uke The Shot Heard Around The glance its inestimable va(Lue .as a World stimulator of Michigan spirit; he has (The Daily Northwestern) seen the picturesqenessrofhthettra- seen the picturesqueness of the tra- CAVETE, PUELLAE! If ever Northwestern had a faithful dition and been impressed by the friend, an able administrator and a sentimental strain offered throughHe stopped his wanton swaggering, wise and honest executive it has one A kiss of her red mouth to buy: wsanhoetxcuiethsoe this event. .keoh m tin the of Walter Dill Scott. Ever This year there can be but two Alas! that scarlet purse, his heart, since he has held the position that is Senior Sings, and if by any chance' !.acked songs enough for sweet so his, Dr. Scott has been reverel the weather should be inclement eith, high. by students, faculty members and er this Thursday or next, there will townspeople. Such genuine loyalty is be but one. Obviously some remedy "I'll seize the moon to be your skiff only rarely extended, and only to rare ib needed if the tradition is to be per- And float you through the tideless individuals. petuated and to be put on a stable A s' Yesterday Northwestern students basis, where the advent of three or And bind a garland for your hair fou cnscutverany husdys il IFrom star-weeds drifting 'by.- officially broke the long silence that four consecutive rainy Thursdays will Fo trwesditn y- has, hovered over the campus since not completely preclude the possibil- the Mount inquiry began. And they ity of having any Sings at all. And then she knew the cheat, Desire: , Fty onlyawith anyaughghea-paid. broke it is rousing cheers for Prexy' Under the present arrangements nt For only with a laugh he paid. Up to yesterday the hoard of Trus- Th kwt Wii.O._I'lta i'.nt or 1:1 k f ald A GIFTS /or GRADUATION I at Graham s Iloth .fnds of the Diagonal Walk -- Senior Sing is held until the week fol- lowing Swing-Out. Since there are noa attempts made to out-guess the "weather man," a rainy evening simp- ly means dispensing with a Sing. A plan, probably entirely feasible, would be to begin the Sings soon after Spring vacation, thereby making pos. sible the holding of five or six o them rather than two or three as is now the case. In addition some pro- vision for shelter in the event of rain' might be provided, some campus audi- torium being used in this case. The outdoor feature of the Sings is of course the most attractive one, but an indoor Sing in bad weather, held; in Hill Auditorium, for example, would be preferable to the complete postponement of the event. This tradition is significant to all classes of the University, but for the Senior class it bears an unusually, vital significance. If it is worth pre-' itma on was a nd sts o With moon and stars to ruinan (c;:- cozen maid. Pudentiiis * * * t Editors-- [[h L Byer5 j. Irs'horfere A. Donahue Harry Hoey R. C. Moiarty J. E. Mack TodayE'sEditorialI Scene of the Dialogue: On the banks of the Huron. Socrates: THE baseball team seems to be romping away with confer- ence honors. Philopoemus: Yes, to be sure-romp- ing away. Soc: Thee-the aggzregation referred' tees had expressed its confidence In the president. Ministers of the Rock River conference had passed resolu- tions in his support. Faculty mem- hers and prominent Evanstonians had voiced their approval of Northwest- ern's chief executive and a few scat- tered groups of professional students had joined in his defense. All of these groups had spoken. But--if we judge the president right, and we think we do-the group that the pres- ident wanted most to hear from was1 still officially silent. Yesterday that group formally, and informally, broke out from under theI spell of tragedy and mystery, and its first action was unreserved and un- qualified support of the president. We think that yesterday's demon- stration was good for Prexy. We) know that it was good for the student body. And we are absolutely sure er, more experienced, and have seen more of the world than you. Some experienced teachers, some fairly new at the game, all are anxious to help, the students. They can tell you much you have never heard of; they can help you solve problems which crop up in your life; they can inspire you. But not with the present state of re- lations existing between faculty and studlents. sow a nmore intimate relation? Go to your instructor when het hasn't a class. Sit down and talk I to him. If you haven't anything in particular on your mind, engage him in conversation. He may be busy at the time, and if he is he will not hes!- tate to tell you so. If he isn't, he will probably be only too glad to talk. There is a big purpose which pro- fessors can fulfill besides those of teaching and guiding us in our studies --namely, to inspire us. Such an intimate relation between faculty should and could exist. It's up to the students. True, some will F d LISc y(Jit ofl itiIrlteait 7 Wh.Vy n i We can also furnish you with ANNOUNCEMENTS EITHER ENGRAVED OR PRINTED 112 S. MAIN ST. PHONE - 1404 SENIORS! Now is the time to place your order for CALLING CARDS ENGRAVED OR PRINTED c(or ilditor...........Wallace .. Elliott Women's Editor ..........Marion Koch Sunday Magaiine Editor ....H. A. Donahue Music Editor ..,............E. 1-. Aileb nor I'ditor...........Buckley C. Robbin Editorial Board Lowell Kerr Maurice Berman Paul Einstein Eugene Carmichael iAssistants Stanley IT. Armstrong Franklin D. Iepburn Sidney Bielfieid Winona A. Hibbard- P. A. Bilington Edward J. 1Iliggins Hlelen LBrown Khennieth C. "Kellar 1. C. Clark Elizabeth Liebermann A. B. Connable john' McGinnis 'Bernadette Cote Samuel Moore Evelyn I. Coughlin M H. Pryor Tose h Epstein W. 1. Rafferty T. E. Fiske Robert G. Ramnsay John Garlinghouse I. W,. wwit-h Waiter S. Gnedspeed Sol 3. Schnitz Portiad oulder Philip M. Wagne Ronald tfalgrim THE MAYER - SCHAIRER COMPANY Stationers, Printers, Binders and Engravers 0- . Iaccuse you of handshaking. wnj that it-will be good for the World at BUStNESS STA"F Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER ALBERT J. PARKER Advertising........John J.3. Iamel, Jr. Advertising............WateK. Scherer A\ivertiaing...........Lawrence 1. Favrot Vlication ..............Edward F. Conlinj Copywiting..... .....David 3. M, Park icula .ion... ... Townsend Is. Wolfe Accounts...............L. Beaumont Parks Assistants Perry M. Hayden Win. H. Good Eugene L. Dunne Clyde L. Hagerman John C 1askin Henry Freud C. L. Putman Clayton Purdly I. D. Armantrout J. B. Sanzenbacher William H. Reid, Jr. Clifford Mitts Harold LI. Hale Thomas McEacbrenI Wm. D. Roesser Louis M. Dexter Allan S. Morton C. Wells Christie * James A. Dryer Edward B. Reidle Herbert W. Cooper WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1923 Night Editor-RAY BILLINGTON serving at all, efforts should be made to in line one-have defeated the large. to avoid the possibility of inclement I Illini, or suckers, have they not?- weather conditions putting the Senior Philo:: Yus. TE SPEEDER Sings temporarily out of existence. Soc: They have trampled the Bad- (The Daily Illini) gers; and they have crushed the The season of gasoline, dust, and ON FORGOTTEN DEBTS Buckeye babes. the open road is now upon us again. With school over in three weeks, Philo: You betcha. Once more the lure comes, to tune up' campus creditors are becoming anx- f Soc: They have ruined not only once the 01d bus, step on the gas and let ious about their accounts. Many stu- but twice the hordes of Iowa and 'er rip, with the throttle wide open. dents, intending to settle their ac- Mineesota. Everyone feels this urge more or less, counts before leaving, will rush off. Philo: That is true. Everyoe f e moresortsess June 15 without making payment, and Soc: The natural conclusion that- a 'adfor te tart te uts so the bill hangs over until the stu- sophist less experienced myself and that is the end of it.t dent returns, (if he does at all)- might draw is what? But there is one person With whom The expense of doing business in Philo: (biting nicely) That we shall t re is ne perso it who deetteIliiaano the result is not all that could be dc- Ann Arbor is relatively high and the certainly defeatsired. This is the chronic speeder, co-operation of students in regard to Thursday, and thus win the con- f dri prompt payment of their accounts b- ference title. ing fast. He does not confine his out- fore the semester ends is important. { Soc: "Certainly" is where you err gn Not alone should students who owe grossly. That is also the point where bursts of speed to the iet country- merchants pay their debts, but those the local aggregation and its men- side, but rather takes grea ght in traveling at a breakneck speed over with other students should also be tor are apt to err.ntein stt. ekesetovr, settled. When you were hard-up and Philo: (recovering) To be sure. thiyreets. He likes t so borrewed that five for just a week, sur.pi hslorlludan long, and then ge, yourwer vhappy to be accomo- Plato shooting by his more sane fellow driv- you were very happytobacm-* * ers with tut-out open,^throwing dlttst dated. The time is here now when National Heroes: William Of Wied, . w it should be paid up. Possibly it who during his lifetime held the of- e all directions , ! ha diped ourmin andthestu-fic ofThese 'speed demons' are a distinct has slipped your mind and the stu- fice of Mpret of Albania. menace to every community. They dent from whom you borrowed it is It,strikes us that the softest way are usually of the more or less ir- too proud to remind you of it. ! on earth to get mentioned in a his- resnble type, who imagine that "Prompt payment maintains credit tory lecture is to do as this gentle-"" and friendship." Pay up this week man did--be one of the causes of the Fhe rey "get oe incgreat ste. so that your affairs will be in good Great War. The Mpret of Albania, the when they drive at an excessive speed. shape before you leave Ann - Arbor Gzook of Morocco, the Phtik of Mon- They are the persons who speed up for the summer. tenegro, and the Horseradish of Mes- and whose greatest delight is to send -- opotamia were the four original di- n hs raetdlgti osn ANTICIPATING NOTE-TAKING rsomeone scurrying back to the side- AYTTIPATN4~NOTETA1{~t~ rectors of the Bagdad railway that ;walk for safety, as they brooze by One of the greatest difficulties in finally caused the big break with the ,the path of the freshman at the Uni- Sextuple Alliance. nonchalantly. versity is that of taking notes in lee- * * * The spring and early summer seems ture courses. Not only are freshmen to inflame these fast drivers more than does any other season. And just bothered by -this task, but it also In the waving long grass . c . proves to be the partial undoing of The god Pan sat and wept: now is the time when city of ficials f many upperclassmen who did not For every tear that fell should nip their childish. semi-i- master the art as freshmen, and who A purple pansy leapt. sane manner of driving in the bud. find an even greater need for it than A few arrests, with relatively heavy at the time when they first caine in sentences attached, would make all contact with lecture courses. The Sad-faced, wistful pansies, of them stop and consider before they power of taking notes in an intelligentF Swaying with untold woe, try speedng again And i ach fashion is one of the most iniportant Feel you still the sorrowcedn ofnswrepihdwth and necessary accoplishmetsof Felt by Pan long ago? a heavier fine, or longer imprison- t college accomptishniehots f. K ment, it would not be long before! thecee student whoa hopes for{ 6 1 scholastic attainments. It is an abil- Mesopotamian Oil practically all of the "speed demons" ity which becomes more and more Causes Friction squid be cured of their mania desirable as one moves onward in his, -Headline in the Springfield Re- college course, not only because lee- publican WRAT AREPROFESSORS F011?, ture courses are more common in I have for some time suspected that (The Johns -lopkins News-Letter). the junior and senior years, but also the oil on our family fliv came froin Recently a question was asked of because each year is more important Mesopotamia. This convinces us of three Hopkins men and three differ- to the future success of the student it. ent answers were obtained than the one preceding. For this rea- CRE ESE "What," was the query, "is the pur- r son high scholastic standing becomes * * * pose of professors?" correspondingly more desirable. Dear Urch: "That's easy," replied student A: G 13 20 27 141 21 28 1923 1 22 29 MWAY 2 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 worry about that? Columbus was ac- cused of being craby. W. G. D., Jr. Patronize The Daily advertisers. WE 1~tl~ { SEL L WE SHAPE HATS WE SELL o FIT THE HEAD FREE OF CHIARGE. We also CLEAN and REBLOCK Pananias, Leghorns, Bankoks, and all kinds of Straw Hats at low prices for HIGIH CLASS WORK. (No acids used) , Let a "Boot-black"'shine your shoes, but have your hat Clean- ed and Reblocked by a Practical Hatter. FACTORY 'HAT STORE 617. Packard Street Phone 1792 Whlere D. U. R. Staps at State TOLEDO-ANN ARBOR BUS Cars leave for Toledo 7:10A.M., 2 P.M3. and 5P. M. Except Sun- day. Sundays at 8:00, 11:00 and 8:30. 4 11 25 1923 12 26 : :"Irr l j;irir°='":rli'a'ti dlflh ibiillfi lIII ell II tII llrtIdIII I illliUI4llI Now added to our stoCk-the new Kodak I- No de oorsok tewKdkclips ,.seconds from' the 'picture prelimina? No. 1 Pocket KOD) heSeries II ELEASE the catch, pull down the b It by means of the Self-EreCting Front th focus lens automatically springs into position I for the picture. The Kodak slips into the pocket wit. to spare and gives you pictures-good p ' size 2Y x 3.--with a convenience her unknpwn. The lens is carefu and the Kodak Bal Shutter, with adjusto shot speeds of 1/25, a/roo e~ond, is rel accurate. The au attachment is count the hand may hav surface of the camer a support while wr and title on the film . Let us show you t Pr-ice $z3 P CALKINS-FLETCHER DRUG. 1"" STATE STREET 314 So, STATE STREET STATE and [ ed and he fixed , ready h space ictures, retofore illy tested 1 Bearing able snap- 1/5o and liable and utographic tersunk so e the flat ra back as iting date . "hs Kodak. ries. -V1 LOOKING TOWARD OXFORD he college daily of a 'far-western ool in an extended feature article he "Oxfordizing" of American unt cities under the present system as 00n-fed." 7y, L. Ru --------------- r. 'I, Throughout the article a hearty en- dorsement of the action of Princeton, tUniversity in introducing the so-called "Oxford system" is implied. "Spoon- fed" education is a mistake, says thri article', and it further states thax students ;o educated, never being ~'called to assume any real responsl- bility, cannot; be expected to step in and make good from the very start when they enter the outside world. Educators in increasing numbers seem to be impressed with the idea of putting more responsibility on stu- dents during their junior and senior years and of insisting upon special- :,iation and coicentration on some par- ticular field of work during these lat- ter two -years at college. The deficiency most stressed in our present system is that students are not given enough responsibility to de velop their latent power of shoulder- ing such weight. Here, indeed, is 'a weakness that is certainly needful of remedial treatment. The student who drifts through four years in an attempt to get a broad education is likely to do more "drifting" than i consistent with his needs. He attends large classes, in some of which he i called on to recite but once or twice A WORLD CO NV ENTION ON B~USINESS PROMOTION Three Factories that Advertising Built s3 3 Knowledge of the art of note-taks- ing does not come to a student through intuition, it is not born in him, but it may be taught him. Be- cause note-taking plays such an im- portant part in the student's success in college, and because it is an ac- complishment which may be culti- vated under capable instruction, a course in note-taking would be very 1 worth while to the high school stu- i a month. dent who looks forward to attending When the advantages of "Oxfordiz- some institution of higher learning, ing" Michigan are clearly seen the day In recent years, the primary aim of } will not >e far distant when at least American high schools has been to some modification of the system just prepare their students for a course started at Princeton will be intro- in g t s duce. A eduatinalsystm wichin college. If this is the case, onie Ouced. An educational system which iof its aims, contributory to the prime. insists upon upperclassmen specializ-e object, should be to acquaint these ing on some phase of his elementary students with the most efficient and; studies, and which increases the load practical methods of study. Embod- of responsibility as the student grows ied in the process of giving this older and more capable, is certain to knowledge must be a course in note- turn out graduates far better pre- taking. pared to cope with weighty problems . ----- I seen by yur colum that all Sen- yors who were unusual on Swing Out is to be reported. I also seen my King Ben at Swing Out walking as tho lie had a pebble in the other shoe. He also wore his tassel on the wrong side of the cap. Need must I report him*, -le cut me last Sunday when I passed him at Speddings. Also, Urch, would you report him-as he had already been reported once and told to watch pebbles in future. Foolishly, QUEENIE P. S.-This is to let yu know I re- ported him. An early reply will be appresheated. Really, Queeie, we hardly know what to say. Perhaps you'd better ask Auntie Belle. If you really truly love him you shouldn't have reported hiih, of course.j * * * "to make our lives miserable, of course." Student 13 did not hesitate Jong be- fore he answered, "To teach us courses in various subjects." Student C thought a while. "Well," he finally answered, "I would say to guide us in our studies." Each of these replies was some- what disappointing for, although ali three may contain an element of truth, it seems as if something Is lacking. If one turns to page two of the Y. M. C. A. Handbook. he will see that President Goodnow, in speaking of the University, has this to say: "The older members of this association, to which both instructors and students A business man recently visiting in an Iowa city asked a banker friend who showed him the town the secret of the prosperity of three factories which had grown rapidly. "We have an advertising club here," the banker said, "and through an exchange of information in the club, and at State and National advertising conventions, the owners of those fac- tories, each of whom started with little capital, learned how to establish demand for their products-and we all know that the finding of markets is the real problem of business. These factories have learned to advertise with profit." The business man who does not know the business-build- ing power of well-planned advertising lacks- knowledge which would be of great profit to him. And every forward- looking business executive should attend the NINETEENTH ANNUAL CONVENTION ASSOCIATED ADVERTISING CLUBS of the WORLD Atlantic City, June 3 to 7, 1923 ' f . ". , ,,,: °' ; ' 1'*'.:. . j belong " What does this mean? Simply this: that while your professors may' be instrumental in making your life miserable, that while they may ho here merely to teach you, and that Membership in the Association is not essential to attendance. Five thousand minds will meet there, and there will be more than thirty departmental meetings, for the close-up study of advertising in various lines of business and in various advertising mediums. In addition to the sessions of You will go back home enriched. Share with us the joy of June in Atlantic City. What a delightful place it is in that delicious month! Ample hotel accommodations at reasonable, guaranteed rates, ad- mirable transportation facilities, special railroad rates-a great busi- ness opportunity and a chance It has been reported that there are Share with us the joy or June in Atlantic City I i