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May 23, 1923 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-23

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.. ..


Wall Street Bomb
Suspect Arre sted

[l Plane to Ad-
ig T o-
G11 JOU TfA1S1,1

William ]B. Stout, president ad ge-
al~ manager of the Stout Engineer-
tg laboratorfes, Ilnc., Detroit, and the'
iventor of the first successful all-;
etal aircraft, w1ll speak at 7:30 o'-
ook tonight in room 348 Hof the E'-
ineering building under the auspices
EAeronautical, society. Iqe will de-
Ae hiis talk to° a discussion of cm
er-.1l aviation and the modern met-
After is graduation from the Un-
eslty- of Minesota in 102, Mr
out took an active interest in the
ipidly growing motor industry. Early
tribe'tons to newspapers were the
iundation for his later success in
itomotive journalismn, which was 'in-
fated' when he started -a department
tthe St. Paul "Dispatch' under the
ame of "Jack Kneiff" which soon be-
Mine a full page feature, syndicated
a1,12 he became technial and avi-
,fon editor of the Chicago Tribune
id later founded the Alerial .Age.
Duiring the war Mr. Soout became
tief engneer of the aircraft division
fthe Packard Moitor company and
is later aopp~nted technical adviser
p the ircraft board in. Washington.
~nce that time he has been occuied
ith his expriments on the all-metal
irplane which recent tests havepr-
prw to be successful. The plane eg s
56 poundts less than. a Ford, carries
ve passengers,rnd has beeni flying
rider adverse weather coditfns at
d bfridge field all during the past win-
Mr. Stout will bring it im nso e
Lralu menittifts, and sectons with
rhich he will illustrate his lecture.
he public is ordally invited. There
ill be no admission charge.
The Michigan Forester, an annual
ublication issued by the studtets o
he forestry department and support-
d. by the alumni of that department,{
ready for distribution.k
In this year's isue' appears an-
rticle on Filbert Roth who this June
,'tires from the active ranks of po-
essors to become rofessor emeritus.
t is a review of Professor Rth's life
rom the date of his birth to th prs-
nt time.
Two other articles give' an insight
to the forestry world namely, "P'ay-
ig the Way for Silviculture in the
southern Appalachian Region",' andI
The World~ Do Move."' The firt is
7 E. H. Frothinghai, '6 and the
econd is by Russel Watson, '17.
Other features of-'interest to for-
,sters are contained in the issue i-
luding a list'of the names 'ad ad-
iWeses of the alumni of the, depart-
neut. _u
4K Students TAken Into Sockie ~r-
lug Ti ,
LUs Voyageurs, a society of outdoor
'eheld <jheir spriginitiatin ,at-
Trcay at Whitmobre' Lake. I'nstead of
lie customary banquet at the Late
ouse the men camped out overnight
rd prepared teir own' meals.
tSeveral alumini attended the6 ban-
act. W'alter. P. Staebler, Harry .
ills, Prof. Russel Watson, Victor C.
lmendinger, Eli Galup, tlory
chmidt, George White and Steve
chaiblo were thle local men that at-
C. B.: McKechnie, '239, Paul Smith,
33t', John Berri, '23, w. J. Lewis,
1, Austin Basl, '25, and John V. Wa-
ar, '20, as an assoiate member, were
ose initiated.

R~obbins Reads Paper at Meeting
Dr. Sidney Robins, pastor of the
nitarian church, read a paper at the
pecial meeting o , the Washtenaw,
hapter of the Sons of the American
,Xe4olution held last night at the home
f~ Prof. Wilbert Hinsdale, head of the
rchaeolegy department in the IUni-I
er ity. The ilc ting was also called
o discass plans for the Centennial
elebraztion to be held here in Ann
rbcir nx ers
Patronize The Daily -advertisers,

Prof. Chancey Juday, of the Univer-,
sity of Wisconsin will deliver a po-
putlar lecture on the subjecti "Thie Bi
ology of "Laks", at 8 o'clock tonight'
in the Natural Science auditoilum.
Hle will give two other talks whilef
v isiting the University whicn. will be
more technical in tone anti intended
primarily for advanced student.s of
biology but to which all others in-
terested are. invited. "Tlhe Physieal
and Chemical Characteristics of& Lake
Waters" will be the topic ,to, be dis-
cussed in the first of these talks at
4 5 o'clock this aftern~ooni in room
214 of the Natural Science building.
Hlis second technical, talk on the
subject "Thle Productivity of,,Lakes"
will be given at 4:15 o'clock tomor-
row afternoon in the same roomu..Prof-
essor Juday will also meet withad
a-vanced students and with members
of tile zoology department in ,discus-
}siCli groups following his -talks.
recognized as the leading American
figure in the field of limnology, Pro-
fessor Juday, has distinguished him-
self as an ecologist of importance and
hias' made extensiv e .researches in othi-
er' fields of biology. Hle has devoted -a
great mlany y ar ato the, intensive
study of the ecology of fresh water:
lakes and has been one of the most
promilnent leaders in the fiheld of
fresh water biology. Hlis ,collabora-
tions on this subject have be'een praised
highly for their' degree of accuracy
and completeness.

composed of the R.- 0. T. C. unit, the'
' eterans of Foreign War's, the Amer-
ican' Legion, th e G. A. IL, the, Nation-
al Guard,, the Gun and Blade club,
the Spanish-American War veterans,.
tihe Ploy- Scouits, and the children of
the public schools will march through
parts cofthb town.
Following th e parade therke will be
a meeting held iVi I-ill auditorium
where a prominent speaker will speak.
Ciasases will be dismissed for the dlay
in, both the University and the public



Final plans for the annual banquet
as well as a discussion of results of i
the past year and plans, fog' next year.
will be under. consideration at ther
last meeting of the University Chain-
b' he f Commerce at 7:15 o'clock to-
night in room 306 of the Union.
Officers elected at the last meeting
will be installed and the organization
planned for next year.

. l ioah Lern er
Noah Lerner. 23-year-old Brooklyn
youth,'has been arrested in connection
with the Wall street bombing several
years ago. Young Lerner is* charged
specifically with the !Tilling of Carolyn
Dickerson, olio of the victims of the
blast.' He is accused of having hired

Articles of. interest, to persons -with
slight knowledge of. technical meat-I
ters are outstanding in the May issue
oi; the Michigan Technic, technical
publication of the enigineering college,
that will be .sold on the campus to-
clay. Geod illustrations also consti-
tute a characteristic of the last is-
sue bf the school year.
A com prehensive treatment of life
and science in modern Japan by El-'
finer A. Sperry of the Sherry Gyroscope
cofn pany-' is emabodied in the opening'
article. The discussion is, based on
the experiejnces' of the .au'thor during
aV short stay, in the -island- nation. Prof,
Emil Lorch,. head, o. the college ofI
architecture, hias contribiuted a schol-
arly treatment of the "Tendencies in
Hg 'ilinDegn":ilutae bthe frontispiece, a picture of the win-
ning, design of, the.-Chicago 'tribune
General camipu sale will be con-
ducted froma the -booth in the Engin:
eering+ arch. The " drop-a-coin tap~e-a
Technic" machine will , again. be in
operation in the. corridor of" the En-
gineering- building, 'serving the engin-
Gering' students.
Election of ofllcers of the Michigan'
Boosters' club, for next year will' be~
held at a meeting of that organization
at 7:15 o'clock tonight at Lane hatll.
All members of -the club are urged to
be present at this time as the Program
of work for next year will be discuss-

Alin Arbor and Jackso n
(1,asterri Standard Time)
Detroit# Limited and Express Car-
6:oo a.m., 7:oo nat., 8:oo a.m., 9;05
a.m. and hoturly to 9 :05 pj.
Jackson Express Crr-s (local" stops
west" of Anm Arbor)--9 :4'! a.m., and
every two hours to 9'47 Pm
Local Cars Eait Bound-7 :00 a.'n.
arnl every tw'o 'hours to 9 :60 p. mn.,
ax ;coo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-ax :40
p~rr., i : is a.mn.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West. Roud-i :5o a.m.,
to Jackson And XKaamazoo-Linr-
ited cars 8:47, 10:41 a .m., iz:4 , 2:47,
n4:47" p.m.
To Jackson and La~isin¢-.-iminited at
8:47 pm.
(Effective May 14-Central
Bus leases Adrian 6:00 and
11:45 a. in. and' 3: 45 P.in. Leaves
Ann Arbor 6:45 a. 'in. and 12:45
and 4:45 p. mn.
SUNDAY-Leave Ann Arbor
6:45 a. in. and 6:45 p. ra. Leave
Adrian 3:45 p. in. only.
Meiet D. L?. 12. eayas at Saline both ka'ys
for -councttilons for Ypsilanti, Wayne
and Detroit.

Cl AMPERS, Canoeists, etc. Amongst
Cour stock you will find many useful
articles. Camp Stoves, Sterno Outfits,
Tin Plates, Cups, Vacuum B~ottles, Canoe
Paddles, Fishing Tackle, Sporting~ Goods,
205.S. IP ars.Phone 574


B unswiek

A- r



the little red wagon inswwchthe ex-'
plosive, was carried to, the' scene. Classes Pre en
CHIME a~ir~u~sPlaysTomrrow
W MIS OINTOENTSThree one-act plays will be given
r' nat- 8 o'clock tomorrow nigeht by P'rof.
lflflAR, D T. ollister's clases in pa
I- - production 'as the next number on ther
Appoitmens for'tl~ literrse of plays and recitals whtich ark
Appintent fo -te lterry taf . eing given ti iig
of Chimes, camiwu opinion monthly, j In Lord Dnayspa,"h Tents1
were announced last nighxt by John A. of the Arabs", the cast will include
Bacon, '24, naging editor. -These Gerrit. Beminink, '23, Ross L. Taylor,
'24, David Seder, '24, A. C. Beami, '23Ed..;
appointments are for- the year 1923-J.FId a,'4JueAKnle,25
1924.! and HI. E. Fritsche '24. -
IF01owng are the upper staff -ap-, "Between the Sohn aand the Savory"!
pointinent": literary, etliqr, John P. b~y Qertrude Jenning; w:Ill1be present-
Comstock, '24; curren~t events editor, I ed by Madeline McGurk, Yonie Morin-l
Kenneth 1-bag, '24; pulblications edi- jya., '23, and Catherine Riggs, r'24. Thei
tor, Jphn S. Huber,'25, and arte cdi- tird- one-act play, "Suppressed De-
ter, :John Clarki, '24. , siren" by Susan Gaspell, will 'be en-
Men ,nained for positioins on the loco. acted by Grace Walz, '22Ed.,lleulah
or: staff are competing on an cqfal! Fox, '23, and Stanton Eliot, '23. 'Be-

A I.N ew Charm
Breath like Spring
You who seek" to please and charm
'i-don't forget'the breath.' That of ten
offends. Tobacco, decaying food,
stomach disorders, etc., may cause it.
May Brteath makes every conitact
pleasing. Eat one in fairness to,
yourself and all.
An antiseptic mouth wash in
candy forth. Instantly deodor-
izes both the moujth and
stomach. Gives spring odors"
to the breathi. In the stomach
it, also acts as a digestant.
Carry with you. All druggists.

Bennie Kreger's O rehestra
2419'A4pple Sauce"
"4Wild Papa"
Two Wonderful Fox Trots
Bernie K{rueger's Dance Orchestra makes records ex-
clusively for Brunswick, because of their absolute fidelity
to tone and-rhythm and their clearness and beauty.
Here are two of the best danice selections you have
ever he~ard. Full of tantalizing saxophone strains with
a rippling accompaniment of brasses and piano. Hear'
these two dance records. You'll want them.


Something new every da~y
New Brunswick Records are ready every~ day.
N4o waiting., Any Brunswick dealer will gladly
play them for you. 'Brunswick Records can be
played on any phonograph but are best on The

basis for the positioni of managing edi-
tor. They are: drama editor, Ronal
IT. H-algrim, '25; story editor, R. L.
IAlexander, '2-t4; essayi editor,- N. D.
Staebler, '26; alumni edito:r,. A.lbert
F. Koepeke, '25; history editor, Ed-
ward J. Higgins, '25j; current articles
editor, M. 'A. Peterson, ' '25; campus
Iopinion editor,. Leslie, E. Chappel, '25.
Assistant art editors are pilwobd
Fayfield, '25, and Harry IV. Weiffen-
bach, '25. Staff writers are Howard
P.' Bundy, '2=4, Thomas C. Tracy, '24,
and' Sylvester Ford, '26.
There' are still several pcosition4 s
open for staff writers and per sons in-
terested in wr'iting for the ,pubilica-
tion are aked to see John Bacon, '24
at the Chis office any afternoon
from .4 to 5 o'clock. Possible con-
tributors are also asked to call.
A special effort is bieing made to
I develop a woman's staff for Chimes,
and appointments' for this wvill prob-
ably bae announced later,
Si !clit d omnc:I Meets To' *h
Mweni!)rs of -next.- year's .Student
council will ie t at- 7:30 o'clock to-
n~ight at- the -Uniion. The program for
ne:xt year an:d 1,116 ,utline of work. for
the council uinder the new plan of or-
ganization will-b ,discussed. The new
council is now in "ch~arge of stuident
government i the Unliversity but is
working in connecin with_ the old-
ody for the reminder of this year.
Toi-,hy is "1111P'Iay.-
* S .i.E.C IA. -
1s Stits wvith extra Trousers
No. So.,Stte St.____
T6'~ Guy W. Ellis Realty Co.'s
Employment Proposition
Good Rcanuneration - Investigate
Room 302 ! Michigan Union

tween the presentation of the plays,
F. A. Rcckwvell, '25Etd., and Ruth Chris-
tensen, '24, will give short readings.
jTickets for -the plays .tomorrow
night are 50 cents. The final program
in the series is to lbe given ,next-Mon-
day night. Clyde Fitch's ' four-act
drama, "T'he Truth", will be present-
ed at this time.-
A movement to have all the busi-
ness and patriotic rorganizations of the
city unite in an observance of Memnor-
ial day is being forwarded by com-
mittees appointed from many bodies.
Aparade in the morning that will be

Coachi Fielding. H. Yost, director of
intercollegiate athletics, ' vho is one
of the; founiders of .the club, will be
present at the meetin r.j
P rofessors Speait IResearch Chii
Research Club held ;their May, meet-;
ing in the Histological Laboratory, at
S last night at whichi time two, pa-
pers wiere presented to' the members.
Professor U. 13. Phillips read "The!!
Persistanice of 5eCtianalismi in Missi- (
ssippi politics. 1,848-1-922". Another pa -
per was given bey Professor F'. E. Bar-
tell on "Membrane. Potentials and(
Their Relations to.* Anomalous Os-
V reshman~tz Glee Club Meets Toighlt
Members of the Freshman Gle clubr
will hold, their final meeting of theI
year at 7 o'clock this evening in the!
heading room of the Union unde'r the
direction of George Oscar B~owen.

, K;a

x a . .w . . rw.

.r. rawh
New Vic tarReod
S"I Vespri Siclhaii-=Qto 1waeri wt Jose Mardones
, Vitr Rd-a Record No. 7408.$1.75 Orhta
Vi'tor. SmphnyOrchestraF;,
} Victo Record35724. $1.25.,
S"Tbe Music Lesson (DobRe-?I)"' The -Duncan Sisters
"Babty. Sister Blues" The Duncan Sisters .;
Victor Record No. 19050. 75c:
i"W o's Sorry 'Now l"-.-Fox Trot - Original 11em phis Five
' Snakes' 1-111 "-Fox Trot Original- Memjihis Five
Victor' Record"No. 19052." ,75c.
"Little ILier"-Fox Trot Inter national Novelty ' Orchestra M
"."3t1: tnt' 11-1M0-'Fox Trot Origfnal Meinphi's Five=
j Special releases from the June and July issues. Ask to hear them M
in our wareroom-s--glad to play theni for you. Largest stock of Victor
Records we've ever had. -Service--all you could wish for..

Xhat's New
Nel/v Seapes in
I FISE new straw hats
ire made of cleat,
perfect braids, Plain and
fancy, bleached or urf-
bleached.' Every n e w
shape for every occasion.
As low-priced ais $2.50.
Others to $6.50.
Swea ter Coa ts
are Popular
Y OCU can wear one of
these sweater jackets
with° regular trousers or,
knickers and be "confident
that ,you're rightly attired.
Made of brushed. wool
and alpaca. $6.50 to
A Wardrobe
Trunk "Sbest.
I TH awardrobe
trunk yurgarments
will be. as fresh and free
from wrinkles at the end
of your trip as when you
started. Indestructo and
other fine mnakes. $35 to
Extra Trousers
$5 to $10
A NT Pvt nir f tm



O verpla1isl,
THEY'RE here, in all the
nw colors, in every smart
size.. Hart Schaffner '& Mary
and others are featuring
them in- suits for wear n o w.
Good looking. You'll like





Students Supply Store

TIhey 'I satisfy, or money back

lZ ,c 1 In(inr

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