ONOM PF A61F ~aiI LET'S BEAT THE ILLINI II. No. 171 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE r PERSIST.Light Sentence AwaitingS :PARATIONS, TO K( IN ;REECE DEFIANT WHILE URKS THREATEN WARJ reak-up of Liausanne Conference Seen as ResuIt of New Crisis Lausanne, May 22--(By A.P.)-No ompromse to the deadlock on the uestion of Turco-Greek reparations I as known today at theNear East eace conference.. M. Venizelos, head the Greek delegation, spent a fev- rish day from consulting with Con- rence leaders, discussing ways and eans- in an indeavor to ameliorate Le situation. Lausanne, May 22-(By A.P.)--The eclaration of Foreign Minister Alex- Varied Articles F Issue Of Chim Features abound in the last issue of the Chimes to appear this year that will be put on sale tomorrow. "In Retrospect", by Robert D. Gib- son, '23, an article devoted to the out- going senior class, is the first article in the magazine. The memories and associations that the seniors have ac- } quired in their four years on the cam- ? pes are brought out strongly in this artcle. A review of the past musical sea- son at Michigan, containing comments on the May Festival, is found in "Good Music at Michigan" by D. E. Snyder, GOVERNMENT TRIP LaRue to Collect Seed& for Rul bel Raising in Ceni ii 1eature Last rUIMr X TROIQI 116 Junior Lits I fllg I||IPF[E- es Out Tomorrow UIIILtJL IIUUULL Receive Honor Of VlLVVVI LIUULLU Druid Initation 25. who reviews the performances of Sixteen men were declared Druids, great musicirns that havo, been seen following trials in which they learned by Ann Arbor audience:s during the secrets of the ancient bards of the season.f OREIGNBforest. IB ITISH P EMIE William Ruwitch, '25, writes on "Our-- Appearing in the sacred grove at Version of the Manly Art", and pry- WASHINGTON FALLS TO RECEIVE dusk, illuminating their way with flar- MINISTER, FOR3ER TRAIESMA sents a history of boxing at the Umn- WORD FROM MINISTER ing torches, and clad in flowing robes, NEW TO ENILIS*H versity. Golf is given a place in the TFO CHINA members of the order started the wait- POLITICS publication in an article by Carton _ing Awenydds on the way to their Wells, coach of the Varsity squad. I goul. Instruction in the ways of ' The Great Scotch Game at Michigan" GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL the men of the forest were given in COMMERCIAL INTERES' is the subject of this article. AND BANDITSMAY MEET j the grove and in the abode of the an- APPROVE APPOINTMEN Poetry for the issue is contributed Icient men. Following this the new by Anton Rowlande and Merry Wag- United States Cabinet :feets to Con- men were given a banquet. Sir Robert Stevenson TPkeS Phi nor, besides the regular poem of ;(iMer Plight of Captured Elected to the senior literary honor In Char'ge of "You Fa, Sword and Bandanna", by Citizens society this year were: James Beres- Exchequor Lew Harlan. ford, Harry C. Clark, Harry Davis, As to fiction, three short stories ap- Lawrence Dooge, Arthur Graves, IHar- London, May 22--(By A. P.)-Sta l ar. They, are: "The Iaw", by Mar- WXashington, May 22-(By, A. .)- ry D. Hoey,Kenneth Kerr, John Law- ley Baldwin, Chancellor of the E tin Klaver, '23; "Good Fellow Emer- The Washington government had ton, Arthur McWood, Robert Mitchell, chequor, is the British prime mninist itus," by Wallace Elliott, '23, and "A been without advice from Minister Robert C. Moriarity, L. B. Parks, James in succession of Andrew Bonar La Certain Black Stone" a fantastic tale Schurman for more than 24 hours .Rice, John Russell, Walter K. Scher- Having followed a constitutional pra by Anton Rowlande, today, when the cabinet met for con- er and William T. White. tice and views of the conservati leaders through the medium of I sideration of the plight of the for- secretaries, Lord Stanfordham and t eigners, including American citizens, !King came to town today and wit held as prisoners by Chinese bandits. out further remark offered the 3 T It was said emphatically the adminis- glint position to mr. Baldwin who a tration had all confidence in Mr. 'fcepted. Schurman and believed the country That a man comparatively new was fortunate in having a man of his Ipolitics has come to the first positi ~~ judgment to represent it and at so - in the nation's council, passing ov MAuriep Alexander Conradi Under the laws of Switzerland tho EXPERIENCE IN EAST INDIES BRIN S HMu A IPOlNT'Mea rI' andris of Greece that his nation, hav- most severe punishment Maurice ing decided to pay no indemnity to Alexander Conradi can receive for Tnurkey, would withdraw from the near shooting to death the soviet envoy, east conference this week if the An- 'M. Vorovsky, at Lausanne is four gora delegates persisted in their de- years in prison. Conradi was a 'stu- mands for reparations has created a dent of chemistry in the Polytechnic fresh crisis in the peace negotiations. school at Zurich when -the above M. Alexandris told the foreign cor- photo was taken. respondents that " ,f the, Turks pro-r pose to resume the war .to obtain an indemnity then Greece accepts the challenge" "My government," he continued, "has determined to retire from the conference next Wednesday or Thurs day when the indemnity question Comes up in a plenary session if Tur- I key insists upon an unjust position Seniors I!etitaon Faculty For Ojen or any effort is imade to force Greece Air Exercises ir Split Coni- to accept this position." . nencement He said he believed that - "if the worst comes to the worst the Greek AMPLIFYING MECHANISM IS army will be able to defend its honor." SOLUTION REQUEST OFFERS "Turkey seems to feel that Greecer was beaten in the war and therefore PetItions seeking alleviation of the owes an indemnity," he said, "buti crowded commencement conditions,I this is a-grave error, as Greece was addressed to President Marion L. Bur- merely beaten in battle in Asia Minor ton and the faculty, were circulated and hostilities were suspended by an yesterday by members of the senior armistice which Greece is trying to classes. In as much as the present transform into peace." graduating class totals 2064 and the The foreig nminister urged that seating capacity of Hill auditoriumj Turkey and Greece write off their re- 's only 4500, only a small proportion paration demands, one against the oth- of those desiring to attend the comn- et . #mencenent exercises can be accom- modated under the plan decided uponI IT rat the Dean's meeting last Wednes- UI NION aPwru TMIii 1,Holding the exercises at Ferry field with an amplifying device so as to M[ permit all to hear the address, or holding the exercises in Hill auditor- ium In two sections, is urged in the pe- Charles W. Merriam, '25F, was ap- tition. It is known, however that the pointed last night by the nominating faculty isvery much against a splitI committee of the Union to the pol-si commencement and that it refused toj tion .of chairman of the Upperclass seriously consider open air exercisesI advisory comi-iittee fe, the school last year. The response to the circu- year 1923-24. lation of the documents indicates that The aim of this committee is to the seniors are actively interested in give each freshman when he comes the movement, as alarge number of here in the fall an upperclass ad- names has been secured. visor, who has as his duty, the ac- The petition follows: "To the Pres- quainting of the new man with the ident, Members of the faculty and ad- customs and traditions of the Univer- ministraive officers of the University sity, and helping him to become ac, of Michigan: customed to his new surroundings. "By reason of the large size of the This committee also had complete present graduating clas: and the con-, charge of the sectional games, held rsequent larg number of immediate for the first time during the last year relatives of tine members of the same between the freshimen from different ;who are intensely interested in witnes-I sections of the country. During the, sing the Commencement exe cises, past year these contests were held and ;a order to prevent the numer-' only in basketball, but it is planned ous disappointments and heartaches to enlarge the scope of this activity which have accompanied : previous iext year. commencements even with a less nun- her of students, due to the limited ment has been appointed to head an Ladld Declares Congressional Action expedition into South America sent ; o (n Check United State S - out by -the Thureau of Plant Indus- wnrene Court tries of the United States Department- of Agriculture. Investigation of the S YS "PEOPLE FEAR GROWTH extent and varieties of rubber trees, OF POWER IN HIGH ('OURT" and the collection of seeds for plant-- ing in -Panama and Central America Los Angeles, May 22-(By A.P.)-- is time purpose of the expedition. In- United State Sento E. F. Ladd of dependence of the eastern rubber North Dakota, declared in an address monopoly is sutht, by the Depart- here today before the Los Angeles nent of agriculture, and if rubber' City club, the "undescribable tenden-{ can be successfully grow'n in Central cy "of the United States Supreme1 America, the price of the product in Court can be checked by Congres,-I the American continents will be ~reaty redcec1tonal action. greatly reduced. . The senator said he believed there The party, whih I will be0 headed by was no question the highest court had Mr. LaRue, in capacity of specialist wusnrpet ontohdecrthade in rubber investigations, will consist "usurped the power to declare an act of three men. Mr. McKeever, scien- of Congress unconstitutional oific threse t men. tr. Mc ere ion- "We cannot help but take notice of tific. assistant in the Bureau of Plant.i the fact,", said the senator, "That there, Industries, has been selected to ac- h company Mr. LaRue, and the third is a growmng unrest among the people compny r. a~u, ad te tirdand an increasing fea~r that the Su- man is yet to be selected. Danger pnd Co isassuming toer thimt from fever and from Indian attacks preme Court is assuming powers that r necessitates the presence of three areapr iogsaofntcontutin men, as the Indian guides would not iTe rtiis of the Supremeuourt be d dabl The criticism of the Supreme -Court be dpendble 3th rnr.lc lr in t hrs wo fro. critical a time. It was -assumed here that some of the delay in further advice from the legation as to the situation was due to the difficulty the diplomats have j found in determining whether there should be foreign intervention in the negotiations through some unofficial delegate or arrangement should be made for a direct meeting between{ the bandit leaders and the official 1 spokesman of the government whose nationals are victims of the bandit: outr age. It was intimated at the White House in the question of providing a sum to meet the ransom demand of the banditst alone appeared to1 block release of the prisoners, which should not be regarded as a serious matter. The implication given was that the United States government would ffind some method of collecting the money and later collect from the Peking government of such an j amount. Seniors Excited On Election Eve Excitement is running high over the senior lit mock elections, which are to be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon in Natural Science auditorium. Both parties are confident of victory, and , ,I { :" I r' . Selection of Members to Play at well tried and experienced statesmne Commencement to Be like Marquis Curzon and the Earl c Announced Balfour indicates the change whit has taken place on the political stag SGl'STAY 4tOLST, ENGLISwith the rise for the first time i COMPOSER TO GIVE TALK the country's history of the labo party to the position of His Majesty opposition in Parliament. President Marign L. Burton' will j The new Prime Minister, like h be the main speaker at the banquet predecessor has graduated from trai of the Varsity banft that will be held and also like Mr. Bonar Law, fro at 6 o'clock tonight in the Union as- the iron trad. Neither of these me sembly hall. All members of the was trained for politics but adopte band who went on the recent trip politics after a successful commerci through the state will be guests. career. Besides President Burton several I This fact insures for the premi prominent faculty men will speak. the support and confidence of ti Fielding H. Yost, director of inter-, commercial and financial world. I collegiate athletics; Prof. John L accordance with custom, the men Brumm, of the department of rhetoric bers of the cabinet now will formall and- jqurnalism; Prof. Fredrick B. tender their resignation and Mr. Bali Wahr, assistant to the Dean of Stu- win will procede to appoint a ne dents; Dean Joseph A. Bursley; and ministry. It is generally ibelieve Prof. Earl V. Moore, of tle School of that for the most part the preser Music, will be the speakers. . ministers will be reappointed. Mr. Gustav Holst, noted English Among the sur-priseaof -the.d a composer, will also talk to the band. was the anonuncement that Sir Rol Mr. Hoist is a prominent composer ert Stevenson Horne has consente and his "The Hymn of Jesus" was to the chancellor of the exchequor i the feature of Thursday's performance j the new cabinet, a post he held und, of the May Festival. He is expected Lloyd George. to remain in town only a week more, as he came here specially from Eng- land to direct his offering at ths Festival. - 'E IA E OOE Announce-ment will be made at the banquet of the men who will play at commencement. In addition, the new officers elected a week ago will be installed. These are: president, Arth- One faculty member sand five sti ur M. Smith, '24; vice-president, Josh- dents in the school of medicine wei ua A. Bacon, Jr., '24M; librarian, Nel- I honored Monday night at the annn son J. Waters, '24; assistant librarian,) initiation banquet of Alpha Omer Quentin Klien, '24. The next year Alpha, national honorary Medical frt manager has not yet been appointed. J t.ernity. Dr. Norman F.bMiller, -of the scho: of Medicine, was toastmaster. . Ti speakers for the evening were: D L. M. Warfield, Dr. Warren Lombar Dr. Rueben Peterson, all of the schoc of midicine, and H. K. Ransom a' Russel Mutard~t'4: [i asma H 19HWIY0FP1HTMA ' tj t .: _ t . t [ . E ., i . E .j b t t f 1 t Ci x rJ , ; . r 7 t f , t 1 c t I I I.' i E, i I E i' I The party will leave Washington, D. C. about July 1, and will be gone for at least a year. The actual work- ing starting point will be Georgetown, in British Guiana, from which point the expedition will work through Brit- ish and Dutch Guiana, Brazil and Bolivia, -oming out on the Pacific coast. A garden will be established in Panama to take care of the plants and seeds sent in from time to time. Mr. LaRue was chosen for this work, because of his previous experience with the United States Rubber com- pany in Sumatra, in the Dutch East Indies, where he was stationed for three years., Mr. LaRue will be absent on leave from the University to carry on this work. lias reaclec Me poln we aee e- quently give a suggestion to accept another amendment. to the constitu- tion in order to curb the tendency of} the court in the exercise and admin- - istration of these powers. "To my mind as a- layman who has given a great deal of thought to the subject I do not think that the remedy' is as -difficult to obtain as our cau- tious law makers prone to be- lieve." STUDENTS DEMANDNEW PRSDN AT OKLHM I !' Stillwater, Oklahoma, May 22--(Ty A. P.)--Two thousand students of Oh- lahoma college held a mass meeting here today in which they carried] ban- ners and distributed 'handbills pro- testing against the appointment of Geor~geWilsmn, former state manager of the Far mers and Labor reconstriu- tion league, as pr e3ideiit. The students urged the cal-ing of a mass meetnlg to name a ('onammi te which would wait o Gov. J..C2. Walton and protest 'against Wils:on's appoint- ment. The flag e",n the college cam- pus was at half mast and iiverted. PRINI ING DELAY HOLDS UP.OPTIC the leaders of each side predict a IS !iclean sweep for their factions. Neither machine, however, would make known its candidates, each hoping to sur- prise the other by introducing several 5 SILL IN LU L dark horses into the race. The mystery with which each party is veiling its activities has caused Sattiago, Chile, M1ay 22-(By A. many to claim that neither organiza- P.)--Recurrent rumors that Easter-: tion is particularly strong. It is, in Island has sunk beneath the Pacific fact, an open secret that a number duing the intense earthquake last of individuals in the class, who re- ~cemrber has beenn proved usound. fuse to acknowledge allegiance to any party at all are planing to run against 1The fishing schooner Fallcon which, both machines on an independent plat- left for the island in February re form. Observers now claim there will turned today, reporting that all was be a number of nominees for each :-ells. position, and that each will be hotly The island, which is used b y the contested. Chilean government as a penal col- Leaders of the two main parties ony, has a population of about 1200.- contend that the independen-t candi- It is the eastern most inhabited meni-- (rates will serve to split the vote hos- her of the Polynesian group and is tile to their own men, thus lessening remarkale for its giant pieces of the size of the necessary majority. sculpture, the work of a prehistoric Then too. it is believed that the con- people. The island lies 2~>00 miles nection of one party to the student west of the Chilean coats. councili and of another to the track - -------team will help strengthen the influ- KEEA encesof both. Briscoe Chosen Edgar A. Kahn, '244, was elected M imes President captain of next year's hockey team Lansing, May 22-(By A.P.)-Gov. Groesbeck again publicly criticized - officials of the state highway depart- ment in a meeting of the state admin- istrative board here today.j He charged Levi 11. Neilson, deputy highway commissioner with belmig re-E sponsible for an inaccurate article which appeared in a weekly road niag- ' azine, purporting to show that the highway department purchased $30,000 worth of automobile tires cheaper than the state purchasing depaitment cI-..A nv scrc . Those initiated into active memnber- shjp are: Hewitt Smith, '24M, Walter Simpson, '24M, Russel Mustard, '24M Robert L. Glass, '24M, and Putniam C Lloyd, '24M Dr. WaNren P. Lombard, head of the physiology department in the school of medicine, was initiated into honor- ary membership. Co'Zens Speaks Here Tomorrou LPFIA EPSILON MU I NIT IAT ES FIVE facilities of Hill auditorium, we, the undersigned Seniors of the Univer- sity of Michigan, do hereby petitiont that one of the following means of al- Alpha Epsiloni Mu, honorary musi- leviation be adopted: al fraternity, initiated five men yes- (1)' That the Commencement cx- erdy afternoon, f' olloing, which a ercises be held on Ferry field where ;ncet as heldl in their honor at an amplifying system can be used to' he Union, T1e men initiated 'were: -permit all in attendance to hear the bester A.I DeWitt, '25M; Richard D. Address, or lartuell, '24; James I-. Maxwell, '24; 1 (2) That two different sets of loyd R. Preston, '24E; and Arthur 14. ComMencenment exercises beheld in 1ill auditorium one for the graduat- i l! ! P,. could have secure hm 'rhe governor described the article Sen. James E. Couzens, of Detr as direct reflection upon the purchas- I and Washington, will speak at the 1 ing department and subjected Mr. Neil- epltion of the King's Daughters -c son to a severe cross examination re- tcles of Ann Arbor, given in honor garding the "motive behind the the honorary members of the 10 c story. {Iles, will be held from 8 to 11 o'clo "What possible purpose was there tomorrow night in the assembly h -for this article except to discredit the of the Union. As an additional fe purchasing department?" Groesbeck t f program the Union 4 asked. chestr, will play. "To. sw aA silver offering for the benefit To show that we purchased tiesthe educational and teachers' fund cheaper in December 1922 than the Ite University ta i bd ctkn r~n +at sain nr o oi n~.Tk; he U iversity hopta vl be c( Delay in printing has caused the at the banquet given for the team last Mimes, honorary dramatic organiza,. i f nitli, 4.. 'I'le ntpvly elected officers for the 11 semester ae director, J. Duane ilier, '2411, to succeed Charles J. >le, '23; assistant director, J. E. Ba- n, '24M, to succeed Harold E..Belles, 3, 5. of 1W., librarian, Burton E. yde, ',21, to succeed Donald J. Fra- i y, '2:' flodos To Present Five Plays Dodo play shop will give its fifth rics o plays starting tomorrow ght and' lasting through Saturday' ght. At each performance five short 1 c-nit navs will be presented. Mrs.1 lng class of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, and the other for those of the professional schools, i.e. Engineering, Medicine, Law, Den- tistry, Education, Architecture, Phar- macy, Nurses and Dental Hygiene; this division being logical and approx- imately equal.". PIl81ETAKAPPADINES Phi Beta Kappa, national senior lon- orary society, will hold its annual in- postponement of the date of issue ot night at the Union. Harold Friedman, tion, the Michigan Optic, campus rotogra- vure magazine, that was to have been '23, manager of the team, acted as quet out today until Friday. A letter was toastmaster. time received yesterday by Harvey Reed, Coach Barss, Varsity hockey men- the 1 ,24E, business manager of the Optic, tor, spoke on the prospects for next in an saying that the press work was being year. Kynle Robert MacDuff, 23E, elect held up and that the magazines would icaptain of this year's team, spoke onIJo be sent as soon as pobbile. the necessity of co-operation among presi The issue that will appear. Friday the members of the team. Walter E. comi is the final number of the two trial Comb, '23E, who with Kahn and Mac- ager issues recently authorized. It will Duff, has served on the team for been contain 16 pages of photographs taken four years, spoke from that stand- two by a staff of Optic photographers as point. Willi j well as a number of pictures of 2lichi-; and' gan graduates and their activities. It 'Jewish Students Elect andt w!'D sell for 10 cents. . At their last meeting of the year ! E. held its annual initiation ban- last night in the Union at which the 13 new members chosen at ast meeting were formally taken nd the officers for the new year ted. In D. Briscoe, '24E, was elected ident of the organization for the ng year.. Briscoe was stage man- of last year's Opera and has a member of Mimes for the past years. The other officers ar.e: Jam C. Kratz, '24E, vice-president, L. B. Stokesberry, '24, secretary treasurer. Mortimer Shuter. director of dra- cs, Thomas I. Underwood, '23L, state contract price toi- a different brand of tires in 1923," Neilson re- plied. "In order to be a true statement it would have shown that the purchasing department could have' bought tires cheaper in December than the high- way department, wouldn't it?" "That seems to be.the situation." The article was printed in Michigan Roads and Pavements and was fur- nished by Mr. Neilson, it was broughtj out. Mr. Rogers said the publication is the official organ of the highway department and that its editor is on lected. All friends of the K Daughters and all who may be i- ested in hospital work are invite attend. FRESHMAN DUEPAY Members'of the '26 literary who do not pay their freshman before June 2 will lose all privileges next year as members c r class, it was declared yesterday. .nnlonfinfrm mn whnLav . i - - - - - _ .. niLLI I h0l last Sundav afternoon in Lane matl