4E MITCInfGA'N I7ATLY w TI'S CLOSES IAT 3 P.M. Poland's Pianist Statesman { Makes New Fortu In U. S., jVERTI SING following Box Replies are at the' Lily Office: J)SC, MC, 1$, fBC, 18, 689,; CNC~, DM, Jake. ICHIGAN.DALY LASSIFI'ED.. o? cen~ts a wordj ace. Miizimuni 4#' it~e .space cen~ts per .rged only4 to C. SITUATION AWANTED-Cook "(male. colored, cooking; school graduate) wishes work in a fraternity where good cooking and economnical man- agement would be appreciatedl. .. W. Station A, 547, Champaign, 111. 169p-16 WVANTE.D---To buy rotuirn trip tickets from California 'to Ann Arbor at end of school yeoar. ;An oriortuin- ity for some couple going to saive some expense. Call Chas. E. Gal- lup, 808. 16903 W VAP;T ED--ILady of good personality for de,-iral~le summj.,er position with reliable corp)oration. M'usi:tib loyal and faithful to her work, caba le ov assuming responsibility. Box ABQ. 170p W VANTED-=Aparltment for family of four. Take possession Sept. 1. Call Welch 1828. 170p-2 WANTED-Garage in the vicnity of Packard and Division. Call 2774-MI. i70p BE OBSERVED UERE Senior Sunday will be observed iii Ann Arbor churches next Sunday in accordance with the custom of many years. Sections will be reserved in all churches participating tn the event where Seniors in cap and gown, will sit in a body during the special serf- ices. It was formerly the custom to oi'- serve Senior Sunday in the churches 'l 0on the Sunday preceding graduation. Changes in com-mnencement plans, piay- :ng baccalaureate services on the morning of the Sunday before graduI- 'PROMPT AND ACCURATE r service when your MANUSCRIPTS are TYP~ED by EXPERTS at BID-' Dl'RS BOOK STORE. 11 Nickels Arcade. lllc-tfw TYE WRITERSi EXPERT Typewriter Repairing, all " makes. Ann Arbor Typ~ewriter Esc- NW P change. Phone 866. 9 Savings Bank ~NW O E" Block. 123 c-tf FLOWERS For choice cut-Slowers and plants goj to Geprg0 BISCEO4FF, 220 Chapin.; St. Call' 809--. 106c-211 LUNCHES 1A REX Special Canoe Lunch will T N K L'siv~e Straw Ha~ts-- 192~ FOR YOUR APPROVAL r R & COMPANY XYJA AN * AM AL I