'ATHE BLY FAR u )DAY L AW Air ~IZ~li LET'S E 3 - __ ILLINI Ii.No. 170 MIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, TUESDAY,. MAY 22, 1923 EIGHT' PAGES PRICE E~D~~ OSecond Issue (foti'il LASSES WILL BE HELD) MK N1Appear on Campus Tomorow ;. I LIT1 SCHOOL JUNE 1 B 0 N9 R;1n FrClayues 1, tbeheld ay heua DI E O ON B The Michigan Optic eallpus rotoga- photographsI~ t will sell fo iseon ll b 3te 1 hed ay beua Il P P cond time tomorrow when the last; The cover will be aftaCll pg -r faculty ye stcrday. 1hi:, is the VV ~ JUC Ed ~ f thne trial issiues which it was au- production of the Acropolis of Athens~ha SUCC SSOR thorized to publish wilt appear. The taken over the roofs of modern Athlfrsme n thatIn preion hars numerĀ«,'ilconai alarger number ens by Professor Swain for the Uni- Iclsehaeendiisdtet D~ELAYS .NWAPPOINTMENT, of pictures than was Mi~ed in the first, v'ersity photograph collection. Photo- imeityprcdn ( UJZON AND IRALDWLNY issue, 16 pages being given over to; graphs of the new heads of some of caynim daty.pThe edinnane PRSET h oepoietpblctos~of this custom has been hbrought ! also figure promilnently in the mnake - POSSBILTY Uupai)out through the belief of the NOMNE~ PlO E~S D5 WIFGenieral photographs of ther student faculty that such an interrup- JARK HORSE lieOMINEEnvestyar u1 4 tl tion. so close to the excaminrationt nin I m n l3greatest extent inthisu with n. period has proven harmful to theI N outstandig, Se',cra -Yr f 1oseof IFords Member 01L Ispecal-: group ousadn.Svrl l)ay Restit In Compromise I UILUS I N, aio i Ews of the ilaeh all and al z 'The system, of "honor sections" 1 lay which large classes will be Selection ! lgrm ~t~anm are used. dividedI into sections, the individ- I C ega CoEFfing'er Tells of UDeath - - ul members of which will Ibe idcon, May 21--(Bly A. P.)-No 1 of lMrs. E. C. determined by the degree of paro-i asyeben___ i1te1 re {SC;friency in their subject to whichI ffilling the vacant primiership iU they attained teya eoe the na.me of Mir. Donar Law's N0 MENTIO' ' MAI)F 111 lRECTNT nr on ias adopted at yesterday's meet- ssor is silamteofpe-LETRS OF ANY .1LLNE'S j ing andl will probably go into ef- i.As parliament is not sitting :_ fIO jIIIIIL eet next fall. is no immediate hurry to fill Death of Mrs. Mary Margaret Snow t Awenydds Await PRSDETFRDYCallOf Druids' PLAN SHO DOWN Druids, senior literary honor soci- pL9NSSH W0,6WN ety, will today take into mernbe:Ailp eni chosen from Among the many to STAT DV~lU arry on thle Work and p erpetuate the screts of the "ancient. men of the for- i Appearing: at 8 o'clock illflowing WILL QUESTION THEM CONCERN. robes an4f bearmn in e toce , ING REPORTED ACTION g aetrhs ie IN fEEINQancient worshippers will teach the~l __I_____.I ( lessons at the.sacred rock in the Drumidl grove. Awenydds, awaiting there, will DEMONSTRATION HELD learn Of' the ways of the ancients, -willj BY M. A. C. STUDEN'TS come to know the meaning of the syn- boll and wuilbe taught the message 1 X01 nl 1t ce on nication with an intermediary with Case, ife, of Prof. Erm!ne C. Case, ose statement he desires to con- of the -palteontology department, at t before he retur~ns to London for C ape Town, Africa, was announced ins ;onal consulta~tion.a cablegram received yesterday by 'hie task facing; His Majesty is no i . l-..- -s # F" i 4 t t r } 3 ISlw.1,lhue Body Qnest ionls M embers, of Senir ('asses in Sriing-v.r Ot Prinking; Affir UTI NE T E N 110 0 1 S S S IO N - E TDIW P J I ) v R I Y v E More than 30 senior members of s JV1Ii asy one for there is no outstan'd- ng person to whom all could point 1.s the inevitable nominee while: the onservative party itself is complete- y divided on the subject. If MAarquis Curzon seems to be in- licated as th~einost appropriate nomi- ee the chancellor of the excheq or also has a village following among its party. These two are most likely uccessors to IBonar, Law but it may )ossibly turn ou~t that their' rivals are o well balanced that the solutionj nay ultimately be found in somne third ompromise candidate. Mr. Baldwvin s r'~ported as willing to serve Mr. urzon but claims that, there would ersist a deep feeling against him- as ew prime minister, being a mnember f the House of Lords. There werej >ome hints today, he whose health ately has been the best may make hant excuse for declininfg the honor, which it. is widelyr expected the acing will proposo. to him and that he wlfl JiJ t- i Dean, John R. Effinger of the literary college. The cablegram, which was -dated May 21, gave no information as to the cause and exact date of Mrs. Case's death, but stated that Prof es- sor Case would continue his tour of the Nvorld which has engaged hitn since ; a 'i Form Pantude and itareli in Body to off the oak andT pine.. Oic..eil By The ceremony in the grove will be, Band followed by further instruction in th10E - 1 Druids' abode, after which the new Lansing, May 21. - (DvAX'.) men, well versed in the lore of the "Showdown" in the fight between Dr. forest worshippers, will be banquet- D~avid Friday,, nationally, known ac-I ted.j ademist, president of Michigan Agri- culture college, and member of the state board oVl agriculture, is expected to come Friday morning, after an in- members together today or tomorrow II for a meeting at which he, plans to -n N C A H question them concerning their re-I SU K IN C 9 ' ported action at a secret meeting i where they decided to ask him to re- : " sign. Dr. 1,'riday announced late to- I ~i.eIn Lifeboatts and~t Are dthat lie has called a, meeting of Pice i~up in Huron by day Passing Vessels the board for Friday. To lNeet Withi Goyernor- In the meantime the president was OTHER SHIP L S't, THEN expected to confer with Cov. Alex J. APPEARS BIADLY I)AMAOED j G roesbeck.. The trouble that hiar come from thej Port Huron, Mich., May 21.--The hoards' reported action was heighten- ed still further today when virtuallyi steamer Saturn, arrived at the mouth the entire student body of the college of the riverĀ« here this morning with: deserted their classes to gather in the her bow badly damaged. The wreck- gymnasium at an hour previously set j ing tug; Harding and the lighter Rces- by the student leaders. Members of k the student body delivered addresses cue, stationed at Detroit, are comning fraternities, and others not affiliated with organizations were questioned regarding the alleged drunkenness on Swing-out dlay, by the University corn inittee on discipline yesterday in a 'session which opened at 1 o'clock in -lolverlues lim From B:Ilgers only. One lMatell 'Going to Three Sets .tunie 1Jhz, the afternoon and adljourned at 11:30 Letters received last Saturday by last night. kProf. 'William, 11. Hobbs and Prof.,I The students were summnoned by George 11. 1hlers of the geology de-,the committee in an effort to obtain co-operation in dealing with the eases partment indicated that bioth Profes- C ftoewoaealgdt aebe sor Case and M1r.Case were in ex- guilty of disorder and "conduct u1- cellent health. Both letters were dat- becoming a gentleman" on that day, e4 fromt Pretoria, Southi Africa, April In all of the cases which came be- I.S. 'rofessor ;.Case .Tad planned to fore- the conmmittee the men were sail from !Cape Town, May 19, for Aus- questioned as to their sobriety on tralia., Swing-out day and if they were un- Professor Case married Miss Snow der the impression that drinking wax at U .wrence, kansas, June 24,18991 a part of the Swing-out tradition. In H ber father was Chancellor of the Un- every case the student was accorded versity of Kansas and one of the fore-, consideration by his inquisitorq and 'most public men of the state in whiceb permitted to Yolunteer information in i Pi fe orCie asan-intructor in his ownl defense or in d-fense of . chemistry. Following- teaching posi-j others. The truth or falsity of state- 'tions in the IUniversity of Chicago and ments given before the meeting willI the State Normal School ,Mlilwftsukee, probably bear weight in the final I t i CONFERENCE TOURNAME-NTat Displaying a strong brand of tenl-t ni s, the Michigan court artists swami)-. DYE R IDMIT STANDS FIRM APAINST IT.. SAYS GRECIAN .ARMY JS READY FOR IIATTI Declares. Many ProVoc0ations lii Theu ('opletrly TDIsre- ' regarded, Lausanne, May i-dt y .z 3A'.)-= Turkey insists on war to settle t questions of the indemnity she eab is due from Greece, then reeoew accept the gage of tittle, . Alexs dIris, the Greek foreign' minister a~ to the foreign correspondent tonig The fact that the Turks have giv no indication of an intention to rece from their reparations demand, ai that M. Alextindris said that Gxe was resolved not to pay one cnt. indemnity brought increased consti nation in conference circles. The Greek minister denied that: had come to Lausanne in a bellico mood but said the Greek army sin~ the overthrow of Constantine, was nt well equipped and able .to take ca of itself. "I think," he said, "that if the wo-o comes to worst the Greek. armyw be able to defend its hono." M. Alexandris added that he wou like the ,American eople to reali Greece's, position and know that. though Greece had numerous pray cations which would reasonably "it tify her' in reopening the wr W1 Turkey she had, ignored them all ;a that she was sincerely desros peace. The seizure by the Turks of lmpo erished refugees,..continued' the, f eign minister, and- the abomiia treatment of Greek' prisoners oif recently arrived from Asio Minor ,cc stitute(I certain prGocations. 'T Greeks and Turks had signed a sep tes, c6oV'etio at ILausane .. , for the compulsory exchange of poll lation, with the distinct pro vsioti it should be inoperative before ay The latest .provocation, accrdi to Al. Alexandris, was -the steady d patch; of Turkish troops into Easte Thrace, violating the Mudania r istice. r Turks Reinforcing T. have ,just received a telegra from Athens," hie added, "that on S urday 1000 additional troops cross the straits as reinforcement to- I Turkish army already. mobilized Thra ce. With reference- to possible war,' Alexandris said: "Turkey seems to fe that Greece was -beaten in the and therefore owes an indemnity, b this is a grave error, as Greece m, merely beaten one -battle in Asia vi of and hostilities -were sus:pended , an armistice which Greece is trying transform' into peace, But if the Tur propose to resume the war to bta an indemnity, then Greece accepts t challenge. "My government ,has determined, retire from the conference next W44' nesday or Thursday, when the inde :pity question comies up in a plena session, if Turkey insists ppon'an u just position, or' if any effort is ma to force Greece to 'accept this polre tion." 1 i ' ; , 1 -d W iscons 1ijWlI in a dl W ma0.1Th hedI i u pot fth peid nto te8n oninFcrryortldf yesterdayntbyfatscoie stitution, while the remainder, voiced on Frryfied ysteday bya soretheir disapproval of the agricultural of t,-Q. The Wolverines were never hroard by staging a parade about the in danger audi once the lead was es-? campius, marching behind the college tablished, the victory seemed to be a3 band and beating upon tin cans. certainty. All of the men' played3 Students Cheer uip to thecrusual form, only one of When Dr. Friday refused an invita- the singles matches going to three 'tion, the students wvent to the build- sets. ing_ in which his office is located. and MIerkel 'Betats Strong Rh1"al cheered him loudly. Dr. F'riday ap- Chuck Wlerkel, the speedy clay court peared and urged them to disperse. artist played a stellar game, dlowniing The board of agricuture is report- Captaini Treadwel.by the score of G-, ed to heave decid'ed to ask the presi- 6-2 Treadwell- is one of the, best dlent to resig~n on account of'satis- players in the, Conference and Mien- faction with hi's administrative meth- kel's performance in beating him ods. t I 3 't { ' i j, I I 3 pp' f' , '9 I I I ;.1 I' sbeing maintaine~t onar L.aw who un- operation of the nobody buit a -fewN Wis., Professor Case came to theL Uni- vers ty in 1906 and has since that time I Should Lord Curzon be fappoinitedl een couuecteLwim tl. prime minister it is understood that According to Is schedule, Profes-j he would also retain the foreign secs- sor Case will travel in Austrlia, 11a8-! retaryship, so that practically no mania and New Zealand, scailing from change in the constitution of the catb- Auckland in time to reach Ann Arbor inet wvould be needed. If on the oter by mid-Septembe. hand Mr. Baldwin is appointed lie+ would have -to retain the, chancellor-, ship of the exehequor for, althoughFOETR WILM premier's also holding the exchequor 'I portfolio the demands upon the time I ANA INRM N1 and energy of the prime minister iiiA INRM NA would almost certainly preclude his holding a double office. That the ap- BAQUET TO ILRK RETIREMERNT pointment of Mr. Baldwin would prob- 1 RF.FLBR ably necessitate a general ministerial R OTHf decisions which will grow out of ther stamps the Wolverine' star as a ser- investigation if the discussions fol- ions contender for the Conference lowing the hearings express the atti- championship.- tule ,of the committee. They will re-" Captamn Rorich played his usual- sumne their investigation on Wedlnes- strong game and proved to be too pow-- day afternoon1 erful a rival for Aagesen. The score E ~was 6-3, 6-3. Kline also played a goodz AILPHIA NIT TO HIOLD FINAL game, defeating Moulding 6-2, 6-4. In MEETING OF YEAR FRI) Iy the only mtatch of singles to go three. set-s, Zenion wvon from Bennett, 2-6, Alpha it will hold its last meet. 6-3, 6-1.- - ing of the year at 7:30 o'clock Fri- ; Getting off to a bad Mart Merkel day evening, May 25, on the fourth and Captain Itorich finally emerged floor of University hall. An espe- victors over Tread well and Aageson - cially. good program has been au'- Some fine tennis was displayed In ranged for this meeting aid visitors this match. The strokes were.-true} are cordially invited to attend. and the uncanny, serving of the Wol- Time chief feature of the evening venue's was no less semnsational. Th~ej will be a debate on the question: score' v'as 3-6, G-4, -8-G. In the other Senior Rivalry E At Fever Heat urp to assist the Saturn. jSault Ste. Marie, Mich., May 21.- - 'The steamer Edward U. Demmer was j sunk in a collision wvith. the steamnerl jSatur nduring' a dense 'fog in L.ake~i Saturn during a dense fog in LakeI Huron about. 7 a.:in.' Sunday. of the Demmer- barely, had. time, to put off in their lifeboats, They drifted- about in thue lnke until rescued, :sev- eral hours late-r by the steamers lads and Algassiz, which brought theme to, ti:-2SSoothis imorning. i The lDenmer's >crew fear for the safety of the Saturn, Joseph C. Bur-j ke, mlaster of the Demmer, said that the Saturn disappeared in the tog at- ter the collision.1 Sinks Almost at Ogce SThe collision occurred: about 301 jmiles below Thtunderi Bay Island. The Demme was en route to Milwaukee 1 with a cargo of coal when the Satuvrn suddenly appeared out of the fog and struck her, on the starboard side, op- I ening a big hole below the water line. After the crash the Saturn backed, out. and was, lost to sight. The Dem- mner began to sink at once and the; crew lowered the life. boats and scram- bled into them. All got off before the ship sank but saved none of their be- longings. }Niels Kruger, of buffalo, a deckhand, was alone in one of the lifeboats.' Hisl ,bat was half filled with water whon he wvas- sighted by the steamer 1Eads5' Shuffle.v "Resolved that IHenny Ford should be -Foresters will hold, their annual elected the next president of the London, Nlay 21-(Bly A. P.)--Prep- banquet at 6 o'clock Monday even- I U3nited States." After the debate the arations are in progress in Chathaim I.ng in a banquet 'rooam of the Union. floor will be open to visitors to ex- end ortmouh fr te ImedateThe dinner is to be given in honor press any views they may have on the dispatch of destroyer and mine erms- of Prof. Fubbert Roth, of the tor',st- subject. A brief time will be allowed en o RsslW ates, ccrdig t Iry department, and marks hIis, retire- between the rehular meeting and the the Daily H-erald "labor organ" which anent froni the ranks of active' profes-> business meeting when visitors will specifies four cruisers and seven sort. Professor Kotth-has been active,; have an opportunity to meet all of sweepers have thus far been detailed in the forestry department for the' the members. for Russian northern waters.( past 20 years.I It also asserts that there has been j Speakers have been procured from Germans B"elieve Austria 'Wants UIiion significant movement of British war- ( various institutions throughout the. Frankfort-on-Main, May 21----(13y A. country. Dean K. F. Moon, of the I .Po.Ld atan ships in the Mediterranean district INwYrStecolgofoesyP)-Pr aul Hrnan Vienna en- toward the Dardanelles, possibly en'Ne YokSaeclgefFrstyj voy to Berlin, in a speech at festivi- route to the' Black sea. has signified his intention of being!I ties- celebrating the first German The dispatch declared that Great ipresent and will deliver a talk. Prof.; Parliament, said Austriatzs "are hal-d Bmitaiin is preparing for more than# Ralph S. Hosmer of Cornell Un ver- i and fast in their yearning for a union a mere diplomatic rupture with This- sity will speak on "6Some Observations ; with Germany," adding that "thle Ievo- sia-nro confirmation of the, Daily on Forty Years of Forestry in the: lutlont of 1918 was to bring about the Hera- ld statement regardinig the move- United States." unity andl co-ordination of. German ment of British warships hats been I.Piresident .1fbrio:u L. Burton will I licddle E trope into one state." 'obtained elsewhere. The Herald hasi give a, short talk at the. dinner and been making an ardent pro-Bolshre- !Regent* Junius E. -Peal 'will act as Standard Oil Ev" ades Customi Duties viki campaign in connection twith Lord toastmaster. Professor Roth will be Buenos Aires, May 21-(By A. P.)-- Clirzon's recent note to the Russian' the principal' speaker of the evening The Federal judge at La Plata has or- Soviet. }ttais yet has not announced his sub- dered'a temporary charge on the West ________-ject. India 'Oil Refining company plants Until Saturday, the banquet will be! ne-ar Buenos Aires after ch0,es that open to 'the entire student, body but!I the coinpany-a Standard Oil concern after that date, due the necessity for --evaded: Argentine customs. on $3,- nr i~~irinmaking proper arrangements, only 000,000 worth of oil. OfVt ILICbBOOKS I students of the forestry department lllddd ,will b issued tickets. An attend-s Caught Cold at Hing ntuu's Tomb11 ---- ance of more~ than 125 persons hasj Nice, May 21-(By A.P.)-Fniends 'More than SO persons were apprc- been arranged for.l of George J. Gould, who ied at Cape hendd a~theFery fild ate atu- I I artin, say his last illness was devel- opedl following a cold caught when vis- day afternoon trying to gain admris-#C. OF iC. 'TO(HEARiiting ftie Vallevno'f te kiwis aftr half of the doubles program, Jeromet andl Sanchez proved to be superior'- to Moulding and B~ennett and humibled them by the score of 8-10, 6-4, 6-4. I S Team Leai-es for Cxieago t Tenwsa fanis are anxiously awaiting xthe Conference tennis tournament fwhich is slated to start on Wednesday E rat Chicago. Some of the strongest teams in the country will be repre- stinted at this meet. Although'the mneth-, od is unpopular to most of the enter- igk teams, the tournament will be con- ' ducted on an Iindiildual nmerit basis andl not a team basis. This' systemIa sevnus to be unfair as some of the weakest teams may have an individ- ; ual star who could almost win the' mecet for his team. Wilsoni of Chicago looms as a pos- sible winner of the tournament while timhe samte may b~e said of Dupach oa Illinois. Mlerkel is also the favorite - 01 an1y to Carey away first place lion- ores at the Western classic. T:read yell of Wisconsin and Schuiman of Indianaj are also strong players who will be- in the rtunning at the tournament. Tfhe Michigan team leaves for theF meet today. Mlerkel, Captain Rtorich and Kline are surse of makting the trip while either Lemnon or Sanchez willE play at'- fourth p~lace. Only four meni grill make the trip).j Oapposing political machines in the senior literary class are actively cam -I paigning.Son ,votes to elect their. can. - didatea -in the class nockel eet.o, to be held at 4 o'clock- tomorro-. after- noon..in, the .Natural Science, auilitor- iumn. Expert observers report both 'partics 'equally active and elare, it's impossible to predict which party will { develop the greater strength by: the t time of election. Although no names can be men- tioned it is reported that a member of the class once prominently known!t in connection with the student coun- cil is heading one party, which In- chides several of the most promin- I ent men in the class and already pre-- sents a very strong front. The oppo- sition is being led. by a man closely connectedl with the "wonder track team", and is said to have the support of the class officers. The list of places to 'be filled in- I cludes: the most popular man, 'hand- somest man, best man student, big- gest, grind, biggest bluffer, smoothest 'politician, biggest .fusser, miost bash- fuil man, be it athlete, best kidder, most. popular girl, pretties-t girl, best girl student, biggest girl 'grind,'meast bash- ful girl, class vamp and jolliest girl. At this meeting the chairmian of the - various class conmmittees will make their reports and the final announce-3 ments regarding the graduating, exer- cises will be made. Robert D. Gibson, president of the class, requests that all seniors attend this meeting, which is probably the last time the entire class will assemble together. SEN IOR ENGINEERS WILL HOLD OUTINGI Saturn's Fate Unknownl The other 26 Mmnbers af the were picked 'up by the Agassiz. Neither the Agassiz nor the S 1 i . I j 1{ i i i crew . Eads'1 saw the Saturn and it is not known how badly she was danmaged, nor what became of her. ' Among the Demnmer's crew. were Johnson, first mate; Reinhardt, second mate; Landridge, chief en inecr; Kammer, first assistant engineer, and Callahan, second engineer:,! The Demmer was owned by the Mil- wan kee-Western Fuel Co., She was a steel freighter, 440 feet long., built in 1 1909. The Saturn is owned by the Inter- lake Steamship co. of Cleveland. She - is also a steel' freighter, engaged in the ore trade. She was bumilt in 19,01 and is 416 feet long. s.iCt A ELECTS MEM ERS1 OF0BOARD Of TRUSTEES' N roinations recently made to the ; Board of Trustees of the Student Christian association were ratified in1, the elections held at Lane ball yes - terday. All dhurch members were1 eligible to vote.l Four new. members elected to the If boards for three-year tennms are Mar-; ion B. Stahl, 125L, Harold W. Jaicox, '26, Pauline L. Canby, '25, and Prof.1 Charles C. Fries. Prof. John IT. Shep- ard, Harry B. Earhart, and Dean George W. Patterson were re-elected. SENI TO 1ORS MUST PAY DA OR_ O IlDTEs F OR DIP1ITNA LA ST OPPORITNITY"1 PAY DUES I I I on to the game with student atblet-j books not- their own . These cases ave been brought up before the athli- Aic authorities and the books si )ud on ;persons to whom they do0_ ot belong will be withheld by the( thletic association for the remaini- LO4CAL SPEAKERSI IShort. talks concerning the problems which confront the city of Ann Arbor will feature the luncheon meeting of the Chamber of CJommnerce at noon thme Tutankhamnen discoveries. Day to Speak in Detroit Prof. Edmund E. D~ay, head of the 1 economics department, will speak be- fore the Detroit Board of CommerceI tonight. His stbject will be "Business YES, WE HAVE; NO BANANAS BUT -- should they constitute your desire we are here to see that you 'get themn - the same with "string beans and carrots." E. i { I I 5 +{{i $(f 3 Memberw. of the Senior 'engineering I class will hold their annuial out- ! ing tonight at Barton Dam. Fallowing:. the custoil of past years, ball games, races, music,.~eats, and~ short talks will feature the program. In the centi- pede race teams from the civil, one-s chanical, electrical, and marine de- partme rnts will be entered. j The election of class celebrities will be a new evenit, being instituted fori the first time this year. -Today is the last day on which ' ors miay pay their diplonia fee. office of the treasurer of'the Ur si'ty will be open until 4 o'clock afternoon and after that tin'e fee: not be accepted. In no case wil University confer a degree at mencemlent upon any student fails to pay his fee by this timei. Candidates for degrees or forn certificate or diploma should at fill out cards which are availab the office of the secretary of their lege or school, pay the treasurerc ljniv- rsity and have cards recel and file the indicated section 01 card with ithe secretary of their lege or school. In case the faculty does not re mend -any payor,' the fee will b funded on surrender of receipt i