THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'ion .dedicates Memorial Hall ZThTC OiIH aAY nn i!Fighing zSpirit E } I I fir, :? Jilfl l L IULIUL I 11U .. Puzzles Doctorse HIHLI P1WON~ ORK! It has beensaidtha lci a #; p4 I:I f iJT';I:fVE3 l:j ' i;! I":CN !has been frightened and puit to flight,{ 1;?.1_i 1\A T x D BV that nature gives him additional en- Ci1..ANGJ I ergy through an increase in seere- ______ tion from the adrenal glands. Thq? Lansing, May 19-(By A.1'.) Gover- adr'enal glands, there are two of thiiim, nor Groesbeck has asked L Whitney aelctd utaoe ahc h l Watkins, state agricultural commis- CkYe~zn h ru~zo hspe sioner, and Roy C. Vandercook, head vailing supposition, Dr. Louis 1I. W- of the public safety department, to re- field, of the medical school, saiid ;Ga port on the feasibility of placing part time ago, "There is considerable dif- of the inspection work conducted by, ference of opinion among nedit l mezr- the agricultural department. in the' of today, as to whether the increased ihands of the state police. It is the production of adrenialb ie secretion governor's belief that the police could does produce an increased condition (take over the work of inspecting can- of fighting spirit. There is one set: ning factories for insanitary practice, :of men that say by test if two ai -. and rural gasoline filling stations for nrals, say, a dlog and a cat are pila-wi complaints of short measure, with together in a cage and angered, ii economy to the state.I will be found that there is an in 'reac:e Representatives of the safety de- in adrenaline secretion in the blood partment, he points out, are now re-t of the cat and the dog. Yet there qluired to tour much of the state in-' are other mien who have, not I0Oeii spectin kerosene. They are scatter-' alyle to find this increase of secre-{ ed about in posts and details are con- tioan." stantly scouring the state for law vio=; Dr. "Warfield went on to say, "It lators. The governor is' of the opin- these glands were to be removed from ion that inspectors fro~n the various an animal, that individual wouldl die departin. fits cross each other's trailsThyaeavtlndsetilpr and cause needless expense to theIofthearganitalandwesenIannot state. He asserts that the state pof ustnaetheoranspsihownvrIhant - lice can handle the inspections effect- subtatioatrenathe sppostion thlt adt- ivl and that the cnettionof ill-tioa deaiesceinwl meetmigt pemitredctaion crease a being's fighting spirit. Thcere I spaio wok i th saetydeprt-is nothing in this supposition that can. pay Trolls of some departments. becle1afc. Inquiry shortly will be made as to the possibility of placing the inspec- «3"s' We'ek Cliing aut 01T",,o~ tion of' fisheries, now conducted by the' Owosso, May 19-- (Bly A.1.)-Elahbor-I conservation department, in, the safe- ate plans for celebrating boys' week; t3, department. which begins May 20, have been madet. Patronize The Dally advertiser:;. Theobserved thepuli scoo. il S.C. A. to 11'mpiloy lxecitiv e Secretary 't-lIE S;1- tsi, ':hri.S UOn a1IssocIat ion,. according to latest plans, is to eml- pioy an execultive e'ear hs al-".r. \'.:wil1 Ie'the irei on () of the ge era capu:wor,1, andythe -guidanc(e of studenrt initiative. r "w .,1. *h;AioTorssCamp T~knsB--!May 1(yA.P.)--The' v illage council has set as ide a lar7ge, :r act here focr use as a free summer111 lonrii s camn. st Ifl oV f7/4p Ii 1. for pfect;' TAXI SERVICE I Bl1o gong Memorial Hall and left. to right, ""aidd'" Schick, dejparttneli commander of the American Legion, Alvin Ows ley, national con- mnandler, and William NeCanley. In the presence of National Commander, Alvinl Owsley; Department Commander, "Daddy" Schick;. Retiring Department Commander, William Mc~auley; and other notables of the order, the American Legion dedicated xwith notable ceremonies at Bloomington, the first memorial hall erected in Illinois to soldiers of the late war. This structure, just completed1, is the headquarters of the state department of the Legion-.and also contains rooms for me~mbers of the Grand Army of the,-Republic and also for veterans of the8 Spanish-American war. The coist was $150,000. OINRES IN, FANCE REUNIONS OF CLA9SSESTOu DOUBLE IN1SJ31PRECEECOMMENCEMENT IN I, TY. DESERTION AND More thtan 1700 auimm- are expected - BIEAKOJG 'AiIILY TIES to be in Ann Arbor for the class re- IS CAUSE u tnions to be held. the .week end 'pre- -. ceding Commencement. Secretaries Paris, Mlay 19, (flyA. P.)-Divorces of 23 classies have signifled -the inten- have. doubled in France since =the wvar,I' tion of thei.r class-mates to hold reun- according to figures made public re- ionss ;.and a number more are expect- tcopeearnmns'so. Gently. The number will be slightly smaller A general divorce law was first than last year because many of the passed in France in 1884, and in thatj more recent classes will not meet this year there were 1,657 divorces. year. - In 1923, the number of divorces was Friday, June 15, has been, designat- 15,372. In 1919, when the armies wereI ed_ as Reunion day at Which time all being disbandedi and people were free returning alumni will r'egister at alum- to pu~t their houses in order,'this z4um- ni headquarters in Alumni Memorial ber reached 19,465. In 1920 it reached hall. The dedication of the W. L.. 31,456, in 1921 the number was 30,498, I Clements library will be. held in the an~d the past year 30,753. j afternoon, followed by the Univer- The causes of this increase of di- sity of Washington baseball game at vorces are not tabulated, due''to the Ferry field and a student entertain- secrecy of court proceedings relating ment at Hill auditorium in the even- to family affairs. ing. However, the general causes are in- The annual alumni meeting at which fidelity, desertion, and the slow break- president Burton will deliver an ad- ing up of the family tie during the 1dress will be held. the next morning' war, with the greater freedom that In Hill auditorium, followed by ax Extraordinary Values in Women s, Misses' and Children's Hats on Sale. Satur-day morning 333 SOd. MAIN aling8 1 I -E f j ff 1 i tj{j{ R' I Y t# t t , E4 iS i PERFECT for these reasois . EVERY DRIVER A ESCORT Safety in Transit. PromptSevaice. Cornfort. Reliable Cars. Swift and Low Rae PT are ant "investment in good appearance." 17They're the bes~t Afer Yuut Clothes will be an important question 'wvithi you f rm nowv on. Wherever you gos, your personal appearan:e \willsmake alat ing impression. Successful men dress wecll. ,Kuppn'k~eimU GOOD -CLOTHES _I I expression of your character and your personality. We have an unconmonly fIcelt of K u--ppenheimer suiits on exhibit now. Styles especially desligned lfor yoimgn en, $40 -45 Ali ens FeatureVau-$-$O$3 i'. A, wLN --the house of Kuppenheimer good clothes 211 SOUTH MAIN'ST. "J S ".. " jf i ~ ., " Plain toe Oxfords in black or brown calf with low flat heel ... Em"'m NO RAVI NG Co"URTHE O VISITIM ,G ' PLATE AND 10 CARDS $3.50 AND UP. has come to women wlicr began to, alumniT luncheon in Barbour gy. tar'n their living during. the war. mm. The ,afternioon will -be oc- Both sexes, it is said, have lost in' l ass :meeting and "stunr. some measure.- their sense of moral hill auditorium grid- the second responsibility. Another cause given ball game - with the L ivcers is nervousness growing out oftheWshnto.A, Senate recep-tia war, mndg' bath sexes less able to } be hield in the evening. - ' bear the restraints~ and trials of mnar- 11111- auditorium will again s l Tied life.' Yet another cause is the enter of attraction Sunday -m tolerance- of the courts and the ease for the Baccalaureate. Conin with which divorces mnay be obtained, meat IAlonday morning is expec one factor of which is the cheapness causee many of the visit ors to of the decree, obtained through law- long their , stayt in order tosEs yers, whop, in recent' years, 'have be- classes of '23 join the ranks guin to advertise: "Divorce in three alumni. months, on credit, and no payment________ unless decree obtained." Chiewical Engineers Elect Officers- - Offcers for next year were electedt th me in of he s ul t h t r of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers held W ednesday In- the Un-- ion. Charles E. Mueller, '23E, was elected president; Alfred M. White, - '2:1s, vice-president, anld F. IT. .An-" drews. '25E, secretary-treasurer. Prof. A .*.White and Prof, E.1H. Leslie both- of the chemical- eng-ineering de- partment, gave short talks, principal- ly on the value of graduate worI~k.- 100 CARDS FROM YOU JR PLATE, $1,75 universit oBoakstor WA'Hfl'S IE T A WORLD CONVENTION 0N BUSINESS PROMOTION DOWNTOWN 108 S. MAIN f One Idea that Brought $20,0 -44 W U1, atches for, l" in Sales A western merchant attended a great advertising convention, and heard a speaker tell how his firm had. increased sales through the establishment of a mail sales department, to serve those who read his newspaper advertisements, but lived at a distance. The merchant asked the speaker some -questions, returned home and persuaded -his partners to let him establish such a department, The sales of this depart- ment now exceed $200,000 a year. Whether you are a member of the Associated Advertising SClubs or not, you may attend the NINETEENTH ANNUAL CONVENTION ASSOCIATED ADVER'TISING CLUBS of theWtORLD Atlantic City, June 3 to 7, 1923 Gradualtion -4 I JAZZ OR CLASSIC? WhateveiW your I . taste .in music Nothing could', be more fitting for a Grad- uation Present than a beautiful Watch. 4 m'atch is a constant reminder of the giver. ArthurHC.Anl The 5000 business men aind wo- men attending this meeting will exchange experiences and ideas. There will be grist for your mill there. Information and inspiration upon which a bigger, more prosper- ous business can be established await you. If you have a dollar and I have a dollar and we trade, we have one dollar cash. But if you have an idea and I have an idea, and we trade, we are both en- In addition to the sessions of the convention, loaded full of business- building ideas, there will be a great educational exhibit of advertising. Share with us the joy of June in Atlantic City. What a delightful place it is in that delicious monthl Ample hotel accommodations at reasonable, guaranteed rates, ad- mirable transportation facilities, special railroad rates-a great busi- ness opportunity and a chance to 4 if 1 a a t rn P Y Share with us the joy of 7 _ _- A.r.._....., (r.... can be satisfied if you own one of our radioph~one outfits.. The music comres through the air i