THE MICHIGAN DAIfY _: .u.,..,.,,.... , IND PROPER TY LOSS IMEN1 wlSE WHEN FLO OD ST.IKES HOT SPRING -PILLW ET jj~ INASTER FIGURES # [Edlialtl6t4IGEl!1{1111111! SIAUn SIN ECOR ~ a large cabinet in room 108, Ma- ;f ______ hail, there are some plaster-of-'E orontebtnclpai f igures of all sizes and shapes. S{i Wrontebtnclgarden and:"cSom e rcacne-shaped with little dents A 7! ' ldIi green house are now being built in ' F jth.em, others look like flattened -t S the spate~ a! land situated in the con-'1bascballs. In reality they are models Iy ter of the. Natural Science building cpri e eninz elge*fbraic equations such c T/ j I otli 111f has beens slow arnd the construction *as are studiedi~n analytic geometry. 'As~oiatH 19 now about, half, completed. Acr-.',ta rcsrfaces"mnyaecale. lug to Edward G.1 Pardon, supermnen- These small hats of plaster are at ~ deatment, hleu bui lding of the hosuse plicatrere Ltnuneta able leAbout i - and court will be completed as soon 8Poc . .limn head of the - as: the spring planting can be undo_ . i thlenmatics department at that time! taker: c' tined these nmodels from Germany.- The po which will keep "the: var; "They are constructed in th~e large uni- + polversity centers in what are called { }P t v ousq water plants fresh at all times 'ahmtca okhp. has already been cemented'. The roadn- _____=¢l__________i E3 ElEl¢¢9itl~l¢ lll!¢i¢a~ll Li Its W] lade [ol CALL AND SEE CIE oracc 802I. S. 1 a n ... l' " . . . n d=. r :: L r1 L < K t«^. i way's ground the court have also been laid dowvn. Grass and Creeping vianes Catlumnet W'it. Offer 1Fageaiit 'will be planted, the latter 'against the Calunmet, _May 18 (By A.-.P.)-,. ,t1x ttt~l~81 ' trti3E1 ~E1b3Fii S walls 6!of:the building. Ther spring pjmge !nt, "The Light of~ the World," 1 planting will be done in about two will be given here' the night of May I / wecks . Fo work has yet -been done". as at feature of the annual conven. on the" greenhouse which will contain tion of the Upper Peninsula Sunday, the exhibit. School association. The convention i Daiy dvetiers-Av~ opens here May 22 and continues Patronize Diyavries-d through. May 24. y Built Lik - 7 . A-Frtrss l ?VI,,r?.man's ' 7t reinforced "- - con struction in aa' t r u n k - oquipped with shoe box, a -~wt h )t01 ldravwer lockin bIair, .cushIon . innefai-oritesi 'for s 4 xtop and."bat drawver, is do- Soft collared Shirts are so popular all thei i explain that tihese are of lighter, cooler 1r aM i Jii; cided~ly the greaitest trnunk ums ofrsi o .ete.BaT Il ot o.f vai ot ;Bah r lu ,Tlue ever offered in the his - id Lavender- tory of this store' -30 FUL OFf"LSTGOODS £.W.V-iLJXI ANNARBOR'S ILEADING -\"exclusive-but not expE 'fielelIuc 21 32,11SOTITHvIWAN ,..O99 AI T P11 collar- tume that we haiten, o r~ eh ey' ei CLOT7H I ES )ensive" R esid F' Springs ;M' ging ou Birdseye view vof Hot Springs, Ark,, aind O vewf&Cc!tral nvelme,I,=e 'of (e iv, min o ~r'oughf "i s. ents and organizations of Hot biy the recent flqods and fire. heavy the city. Firoc followed the flooc aare m'anful'ly at wor~k "dig- rains falling on the town and sur-. wired out many buildings. pit" from the wreckage' caused, rounding mountains flooded parts of Ad and : b- s IS SEODBIHIHER 00A ON OLDARBATS Adeiphi, Will .Komninate Speaker Nom inaton of Speaker for the com j iug year will take place at the meet- ing: of the Adelphi House of Repre-E sentatives Tuesday night in the Adel. phi room, fourth floor Univers;ity Po rt lIr op a c Feaers to (Get Blh eF- jPort Huron, may' 19-(By A.P.)- The board of education has decided Ituat every pra l.Iilis school teachier shall be provided with a. Bible and that ev- ery school session shall be opened with appropriate religious exercises. . U-. Manila-(By A.F.) - The United' States' army made more than $22,0001 on the sale of four army vessels dur- ing the week by refusin~g first bids and ,advertising a second time. The old transport, Liscu-n, which was sold to a lumber company, brought $43.792, while tho, first bid was only $30,170. The tugs General Weeks and General Lawton and a quartermaster scow brou~ght a total oaf $28,000, as a result- of the second ad- vertisement for bids, which brought approximately $10,000 more than the first bids.. The sale of these vessela was a final cleanup of salvaged n:at&- rial in, the Philippines departinent. I SUNAY SERVICES IN h all. Preceding this business ther e:?W l i cg a o p a i g a t ~c> ! S l e e G a u t s 2 informal talks to which all men who H'aneock?, May 19-(By A.P.) -A are interested in public speaking are I class of 27 will be graduated from invited, to be present. Suomi College May 25. i I -.Id IYYI HEATING 1tNGINEERS PHONE 41 N,, '. , k119 E. WASHINGTON ST. PLUMBING CONTRACTORS . (Coi~nuedl front Page Nine), (Gilbert), Mr. Dewey; "March ' Ro- Maine" (Gouznodl), Mrs. hiheadl. A Confirmiation service will be, held at~ the Zion Lutheran church at 10 :30 o'clock this morning. The sermon subject is "Advancing to Puller Ma- turity in Christ. Jesus," taken from{ Col. 2, 6-10. Student Forum will meet at 5: 30 o'clock, having as its subject, "How Can the Lutheran Church Hold its Young P'eople'?" Robert Lindquist will be .the leader. A, Pentecost ser- vice will 'be held at 7:30. 'o'clock, with .the sermon subject of "Our Mother Church," froin Acts 2, 41-47, All ser- vices will be held in English., ~"The 'Power of the Spirit" will be f_ the subject of the morning "service at r= the Trinity Lutheran church; 1'to be ' delivered by Rev. .L, -F. Gunderman. ~Bible school will meet at 9:30 o'clock. Rev. Edward 'Sayler .will speak on %~ "The Test of Tend'ency" at the First 'Baptist chiurch this morning. The ; .Guild Class will mieet at 12 o'clock,f .and the Student Friendship. group at S'6-o'clock. A de-:otional meeting will , be helil at 7:30 o'clock, the 'subject, of which will be "Life in Commercial Terms." "'A Gift Rememnbered" will be 'the subject upon which 1Rev. L. A. Barrett!' will speak at 10:30 o'clock at the Pri - byteriam church. The Young people's hour will start at 5:30' o'clockz, fol-' lowed by .the Christian edao mieeting at :30, o'clock. "The Claim of the University Church on the Su dent; should hie be 'responsible to~ it as a~ member?' isthe subject chosen C for discussion.' Next Sunday has been designated as Senior Sunday, and sen- fors will attend chiurch in cap and gown. The sermons will be of special interest to senior"s. 'At' 3 o'clock this morning there will beHl omno t.teS.A)drew's churceh, and, at: 10 :30 o'clock, " New FeltlSprtHats% n coor - 'fl YJ, ~ I~i~~f.a 0.11 -- G- - 11'111- Il ' -II; flllAi(. 1 J L = 'a Engineering Levels Mountains The Pack Train has become a relic of the past, along with the Prairie Schooner. Modern methods of transportation have leveled mountains, brought San Francisco nearer to New York, ,and widened the mar- kets of all our great industries. And the engineering brains and energy, that have developed transportation to the prominence 'it holds in the business of the world today, are no longer employed in improving means of overland~ travel' alone. Street Railways, Elevator Systems, Inter- urban Linos and Improved Shipping Lines- these are some of the accomplishments of engineering in 'the, development of better transportation. Neither have "the builders of such 'systems been concerned only in the actual hauling of people and materials. A study of the methods of handling ,passengers and freight' at the large terminals has developed the Terminal Engineer, who has greatly imp roved existing methods, and has developed entirely' new ones, as well. Engineering, as it is applied to transporta- tion, has had to concern itself with many kinds of materials and many ways of handling thema under all manner of circumstances. For instance the problems surrounding the handling of iron ore, in fbulk, are vastly different from those encontered in moving any one of 'the. finished products maufac- tured from. iron~ ore, that 'must also be transported in large quantities. B~ut Engin- eering constantly meets each situation wih improved transportation facilities. Industry, as a whole, and the nations and" the. people 'of the world owe much to' the engineers, associated with such large manui- facturing industries as Westinghouse. They have not onl~y brought ;about vast improve. ments, but they have done so at a constantly decreasing cost' to. those ,:who derive .the' greatest benefit from' hem. is open iiitii F Sunda-y from 5 to ,10 p. rni. Come in before or after the Show fo6r (among other' things) R--7eal Chicken Salad' , . ,F Fudge Ice Crea that is Right Coffee and our Special Fruit Cake ME e ° house