OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Vublished every morning except Monday during the University year -by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other- wise credited in this paper and the local news. published therein. En ered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Sbscription by carrier or mail, $3.50. Offices : Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 24r4 and 176-M; Busi- ness, oho. Communications not to exceed 300 words if signed, the signature not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, and jiotices of events will be published in The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office. Un- signed communications will receive no con- sideration. No manuscript will be returned unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily does not necessarily endorse the, sentiments expressed in the communications. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones, ,2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR MARION B. STAHL City Editor...............James B. Young Assistant City Editor..........Marion Kerr Editorial Board Chairman .....E. R. Meiss Night Editors-' Ralph Byers ' Harry Hoey J. P. Dawson, Jr. J. E. Mack L. . lershdorfr R. C. Moriarty H. A. Donahue Sports Editor ... .. .F. H. McPaie Sunday Magazine Editor.......Delbert Clark Wome4's Editor............Marion Koch 1-unior Editor...... Donald Coney' Cnference Editor...... ..H. B. Grundy Pictorial Editor . ......Robert "Tarr Music Editor.....................H. Ailes Assistants M. II. Pryor john Carlinahouse Dourothy benietts Isabel Fishes Maurice Be man Winona A. Hibbard R. A. Billington Samuel Moore W. B. Butler '. G. McShane 11I. C. -Clark W. B. Rafferty A. B. Connable W. H. Stoneman Evelyn J. Coughlin Virginia Tryon Eugene Carmichael P. M. Wagner iscrnadette Cote A. P. "Webbink 11'a!'ice F. Ellintt Iranklin -Dicknan T. l;. iske Joseph Epstein Maxwell Fera J. W. Ruwitch BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESSolMANAGER ALBERT J. PARKER Advertising ..........'..John J: Hamel, Jr. Advertising ...............Ldward F. Conlin Advertising...............Walter K. Scherer Accunts..............Laurence H. Favrot Circulation- .........David J. M. Park Publication.............L. Beaumont Parks Assistants HAND IN hAND In accepting the Albert M. Todd gift, the University of Michigan is taking another step toward complet- ing her collection of rare specimens of art. The gift is composed of a group of paintings by modern Eng- lish, French, and American artists, and of a collection of books on the arts, natural science, and some excel- lent examples of early printing. One of the outstanding volumes of the latter group is a Koran, dating from the early years of the sixteenth cen- tury. A committee of five men is to have charge of the gift, and in order to receive it, Alumni Memorial hall is to be redecorated. It seems as if, after much effort, the University of Michigan will become the recognized cultural center of the western colleges Our art collections are second to none, and these, added to the stimulus which an architec- turally beautiful campus might af- ford would be a source of moral up- lift to the student, an aesthetic joy to all who have the opportunity of spend- ing four years on this campus With the new buildings still to come, one cannot help feeling a little uncertainty as to the effect of the new surroundings on the student "body If the collections do not meas- ure up to the excellence of the struct- ures, the effect will be quite discom- forting. If the design of the build- ings is not artistically equal to the treasures they contain, then Michigan h sjot lived up to that which is ex- pected of her Beautiful art collec- tions, artistic buildings can have but one effect on the student, and that elevting. CROSS-COUNTRY t Now that the call has been issued for cross-country, and the coaches are prepared to begin a season of inten- sive training, Michigan students are confronted with certain facts which must be quickly and decisively re- viewed and accepted. First, "Steve" Farrell is determined to make this the biggest year in cross-country that' Michigan has ever boasted, and if for no other reason than to show appre- clation to the veteran track coach for his many creditable -accomplish- ments 'the campus should respond to his appeal. Again, Michigan, priding herself on being considered one of the big Amer- ican universities, cannot afford to take a back seat to any other institution in this sport. Cornell each year gets. a turnout -of 300 for its cross-coun- try team-Michigan, with a larger en- rollment and good track facilities, should easily come up to that num- ber. The coaches surely are not overtaxing the student body when they ask for a response of three per cent. To men who know they can run, either because of previous experience or natural capacity, there is but one message: it is their duty to report to "Steve." As for men who are doubtful as to their fitness, but still have sufficient desire to try out, a sufficient staff of coaches is provided to bring out whatever running ability they may 'possess. Whether born runner or both: answer the coach's appeal. Make it 400 strong before the end of this week, and leave the rest to "Steve" and his assistants arrrrrrrrr irririi r3 OASTED ROL EVERY DAY I WILL GROW WET- ' TER AND WETTER HOW ABOUT A SHAVE S r!. 6 "I n answer t o Caligula the Ar- cade Barber Shop wishcs to announce that hereafter all co-eds will get dou- ble chances w i t h their haircuts.'' - a d v e rtisement in Our Own Daily. Will this result in more bobbed hair? Or will all the co- 4 eds at the OSU game be shorn of tresses? How often can one get one's hair bob- bed if one is a girl, of course? Or will the men be crowded out? Do you suppose if we said something about the grabeterias they would an- nounce two hot-dogs to the bun? Or what have you? * * * . "TREES IN CHINA" The wind blew rough against us on the hill. It was a boisterous day-all green and gold. Back of the last ridge of purple wood, Where sky drew down to meet a fad- .n earth, r Anether shadow gathered. Farther, dimmer trees, just faintly blue; Or clouds so far and faint, we could- 't tell. We called them trees in China On the chance they might be that And turned our talk To the strange ironies of a fancied fate - A thing that youth delights in - Leaving all untouched the faery gold We'd barely sensed In "trees in China." Arnould Duke of Winterbottom. FIN-ANCE "Where didja git th' money for tha' new soot?" "Mother's two #Asters sent it tu muh." "Har, fine aunts!" (All those not getting the point may do so by communicating with' Caligula.) Urbana Has Nothing on Our Room, RentsI Townsend H. Wolfe Kenneth Seick GeorgeRockwood Terry M. Hayden Eugene L. Dunne. Win. Graulich, Jr. John C. Haskin C. l. 1Putnaun . P. Arinantrout I-. W. Cooper Wallace lovEr IlI arc ld .I,. IlaJil Alfred M. White Wan. D, Roesser Allan S, Morton James A. Dryer Wm. I-. Good Clyde L. Hagerman A. H~artwell, Jr. ?, Blumenthal Ioward Ilayden %V. K. Kidder h-enry Freud I [erhert P. Bostwick L,. Pierce "W:1ijted-Junior engineer room-mate. RENT $1125._709 St Urbana" -Daily wants W High Illini WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1922 Night Editor-ROBT. C. MORIARTY UNITY .FOR T1lE LEAGUE Considerable progress was made inj last year's efforts to raise funds forj the Women's League building. A praiseworthy willingness to work and to sacrifice in the cause of the new structure was evidenced in individ- uals and groups. But there is one thing which has continually been lacking among the women of }the University which, despite individual and group loyalty; prevents their ob- taining -the greatest returns from their efforts. That thing is co-operation. Women students seem to fail to real- ize the importance of the whole mass working together, when a common end is in view. The Women's League building is. to be for all the women of Michigan, and unitedly and co-op- eratively, not singly and independent- ly, the women m st strive towards its realization. Perhaps the individualistic attitude which exists is not altogether the fault of the women, but rather of the nature of the league itself. If the extent to which the average woman student is to participate in the league is gauged by the weekly re- ceptions and the annual meetings to elect officers, her, interest in the or- ganization cannot become a deep one. On the other hand executive ques- tion; can hardly be placed success- fully at the discretion of so large a body. Obviously, only one way presents itself for uniting the women in the in- terest of the league and the Univer- sity as. a whole, rather than in indi- vidual competition. Somneday, per- haps not far distant, the women's building will serve to provide an ad- equate place for the students 'tohcome into daily contact, with each other, to, express themselves, and interchange opinions Until that time, the league should attempt to establish some tem- porary headquarters, - corresponding to the old Union of the men before the new one was erected, some center of their activities where the women of the University will meet from day to day. The achievement of such a tempor- arv League building will more than PERSONALITY PLUS At Northwestern university they are instituting a course in the improve- ment of personality, which every stu- dent will be encouraged to take. As to whether personality is a thing which 'can be dealt with srfccess- fully in the, classroom, much differ- ence of opinion exists. The authori- ties at Northwestern are apparently certain that the course will be of great benefit to students. Personality is more or less an ab- stract thing, which can quickly be discerned in persons who possess it, but which ins more or less difficult to analyze. Many people believe that this personal quality is born into an individual and rarely acquired through instrugtion. Few would deny, however, that personality can be developed immeasurably through proper association with persons of natural magnetic qualities. The claim is advanced that the course should show many students how to improve their personal ap- pearance, their dress, and their man- ner;3. If it does this, no doubt a real end will be served A considerable number of students have slovenly hab- its and mannersawhich could betcor- rected to advantage. Often their friends notice these deficiencies, but dare not mentionthem, fearing that they might be misunderstood. If an expert along these lines were to in- form them of these deficiencies they would probably not be offended, and might correct habits which if allowed to continue would be a serious detri- ment to them in later life. There are certain elements in an individual's personality which could not profitably be tampered with. But nevertheless, an idea such as this A FEW LEFT AURICLE MURMURS: HEARTS -and flowers -failure Bill- Broken- -are trumps -Schaffner & Marx LONG BOY. UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES The Health Service Well, now dat dis here Health Soiv- is is got new head fractions, which I ges dey is called quarters, all de students which dey had dere dad's checks accepted by de treshurer kin now have all de colds and flues and grippes and nose bleeds which dey want. Datt3 de one good thing about de Health Soivis, cause all you have to do to not wantago to a class is to be sick, and de Soivis fixes you up. If ya got a head ache, ya gets white pills-a toothache, blue pills-an ear- eache, green pills, and a corn ache- well, dey used to send ya to de Hom- eop hosspitil, but since it aint no more, so ya just gotta let yer corns ach. Dats soivis. I bin away from dis colum for a coupla weeks counta cold but some wise guys slips me thedope to go over to the soivis and I sells dem me cold for a package of red white and blue pills which is patriotik to say nothing of being in the Art Istik class Everytime I swallowe a pill I gotta sing de Star Spangled Banner and clip a Liberty Bond coupon Not so bad huh. DE JOISEY BOID. * * * HURRAY FOR US! y We claim And asseverate To be the only humor colyuth In these parts to break into Church. The poem that Headed the rolls Sunday was read from the pulpit Of one of Annarbor's leading Churches. My What a lot of good we can Do with the colyum! -The Women's section makes the' rolls today. All entering upperclassmen are in- vited to a party to be given from 4 Try our Special Lunches 35 & 40c At least, an average student would not deem it wibe, though I doubt if harm would befall him. Words of praise fall upon dull ears, rest there briefly, and die. Words of blame are shunted off with practiced ease. There are several departments who will be made :decidedly uncomforta- ble and quite unhappy if this commu- nication be published. There are others who will smile and turn a page, knowing, with truth, that this particularly shaped stone cannot harm their glass house, for not all de-j partments are so conducted. But, may I suggest that these last few are in the minority? Tf this comment he en- PECIAL Chicken, Steak or Frog Leg Dinners$100 2 Meals per day per week . . S . . . 10% Discount on $10 a la Carte Ticket $6.50 $7.50 OPEN FROM 7 A. M. TO 11 P.M. ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAY: FRIDA Y: SUNDA Y ~-.-. -- - I I EI I rIM T1TW U 1 Z ! T -1 Nr-" uI "1 T"1 A f .a 0 A I r%-"1 do% It ' e"