THE MICHIGAIN DAILY ST:-A Y. =-IAA'O0,1523 0RESIO E at once be the clown of the orehestrai 'h~~innrtin-s 'tat take the best 1Sbl~"L,3klLY [L " V LZ U L W L UL 10 U %3 +L 1 eet.i }i ebk ,. I:.'f.$1 4awaa w e,+.Y" u~u t ,+ gu y.s (Continuxed from Page Seven) and, istante, the saddest of instru- c edit to :them whtee: The oojec- while with the specialist it is the t taking ukp the idea. ;Soon:tae story ments. It is largely :q matter of regis-,.tin is reely raised due tothenris-' simplest thinags he tres: of the quick- otf a young violinist who won undying ter, very droll if kept in the lower noers attached to thepecs.=Lovely est. Thus it is that among some of fame after a most humble start from scale, -mst appealing, almost lead-fin their own way, they r oe m u eadng eformers in the east thre iawery of New York City, waspyar 2ei-:or' g benfahdo h ivrsre lit ng, if high. Thewe possibiities but} pr-iiltu than anything else and mght I Dvork's "Humoresue" is simply h ii flshe onthesiler cren al gknown as "Tat Hman Pest" over the country. It ever the -Ameri-j enace the present, w rk _but evenC well; have brn _desriptive titles to". lchw=einerei" " supplants the title can" masses became acquainted with here contradiction Is in evidence, carryQut an. imaginative program. } "Traumere" in that charming little bit goy one musical compogsition,;it" was rollicking theme is first presented, te-Ath-humoesquaeispart ad- par by Schumann wile any request for dur10igthat time and the piece was solo instrument fairly 'bundling along ccel of all our lves,so-must w-exp t -the "Irritation" (' edatation") from Dvorak's " Humoresque." -in 'a minor ,key-at once a strange; to- find the representative. phenomenon "Thais" does very well in stirring the ,:Now the idea that any consideration comination -,o elements. With the Pn such an ihnire work as the svm- ieo h mr eprmna.ui embodying such a wide-spadappeal, arrival o the middle section, called phn.Ta hc crepn3t-he , is excllent, must b dispeled atoncey.tip inatheischpler forms, the mo d t cracias. The people who repeatedly call iseclenms b ipllda signi ers nArsmlr omtemo humoresque- -1inthese compositins is for the performance of these'hack- is musical work is not at all sgii er with th mounting of the bassoon the scherzo movuement, usually placed ed nm rsrmid eofae- c:ant. Popular impressions are funnytoige registers. A pleading theme+thr, sometimes second in the ore anyr. numbeRchremind.Aenfdicnr things and often misleading. Were is voiced in the major which is follow- Paed eehvnwsmstsces e frtmsclIseswanme tou to ask the men on the street which ed in turn by a descent. Once more ful in bringing out the humor in hisI of eminent musicians in close conver-. was. the nearest star ;he would either the bassoon rollicks - along, mourn- sympihonic scherzos. Schumann in- Jstos oigsm aho h crthhshaan cofsigr-fully, yet in a funny way and the c-iopr ogra ishg- ppo ach the groupisha n cnesiar.Peentr ns4 rdcdth dao terpaedti rgrmse.aprahdth .ru anrce'or he might reply, Vent s or Mars. peeetr nsi a loud short chord ,wth ruethieaoterpeatedces.-Rsathmr io fowithceta Ihv bsre asking in a loud voice "Is this 'Batch' Now be would not only be wrong i ehinforwthe orchestra.sIahaveyobservel greatssuccess. Ruscan humor i either choice, but the error would numerous people after a hearing ofsoeithngellnownagerteusalls tilcmoig"etwihoeo furthermore be a double one.- In theI this miniature. The first impression thigroendecyatoeageraetie.andise them angrily raised his head and ans- first place neither of these heavenlyI is a distinct desire to laugh. The piece( wered in just as loud an intonation, bodes re tar, bt rthe plnet. apeas a acaricature. But as one seemingly eliminates them as the "et- "No, no, decomposing!" Alpha Centaurus is the nearest .star starts a little catch of the breath holds trcmoeso h ypoi u to urunvesebengfor ad ne jhim back. Caricature, indeed! We mcresciue. Tschaikowsky wrote a to or uivese, ein for an on- Imasterpiece for his second symphonyI THE PLDITEE MEMORANDMf third light years removed froml us. set to identify in this little work a bu ntefutte hroi uh(otne rmPg ie Then too, the asteroid Ceres, by vir- j related psychological e : o fria. tsml, rncnd eodso h ebtsi teSnt tue of an irregular orbit makes the have felt this before." The piece is I accl.I tnltased eod f h eae nteSnt nearest approach to the earth of~ eal superb, it i ulmacee symphonic dignity. during this period well testifies.The heavenly body let alone the mocon, bit of "writing charged with double! While many of these little pieces are failure to report on the Breckenridge Imeaning. Therein lies the secret pow- well liked and are most popular with Bill for the government of Louisiana ua osemrvrnberily w ouble as- er and true feeling of the genius, the public at large, among the mus- was "deplored by Henry Adams as a ralobnsempigasrverbgul y f dorle ' Edward Grieg, the Scandinavian Icans who :have to play them day inI serious gap in the parliamentary his- fancifulfot effort. atmtn In the rst place as master wrote hunmoresques which are' and day out the works get to be venit- tory of the Union," but it is in this fan muiafpooi ionistterlceto not humoresques at all. The works able bug-a-bears. It is almost, always document that--4he report is found. be discounted and secondly, as a hu- .1i I lllf11i1l~liiillillilldH~l~lbflil#tIIl111tflllil~.dll11ll.lil[klh1t1lfll3s Moresque it is not even funny. Pos- sessed of aii appealing melody- and an- good contrast afforded by the middle= section, this wrk finds parallels-in the = lighter operas of Verdi and Gounod i its unbounded popularity. -Agood mu- I..H I II cat, ratio might be :drawn ;-which' ,,I= M = would compare the "lIumoresque" ofI-E- works by Moussorgsky as Gounod com- I- pares with Franck in French music. For Indoor Sports andr " A short excursion into French mu-t _. sieal history might well bear out this Ou, ereisApp re point. Was it not the then celebrated Ou ,H r S-A p r lo' composer of "Faust," "TheQueof-' T m Sheba," and "Romeo and ,uiiet," ho'sio A l attending a rehearsal of 'the "Caesar.." Frank Symphony in DS minor, con- For golf tee or four o'clock tea. For- demned it utterly? Gounod's opinion tonnis court or club veranda. For/I so sought after by,the critics, camemutincib rsahoejun.. as a 'staggering blow to- Francs.11Ills - Sport clothes. The very Spirit of - - tender spirit and sensitive nrature, yuh much warn by the fatigue of inspired {3= i creation, could not bear up under the I Alive in spirited designing. ,Delight- shock. Before the work could be m ful in tint and combination. " Acentu- i:~ btought out "+by,Darcin lie de ar ating the Summer Mode in all her ver- - never knew the success which attend satie nmoods and yet modest in price.- ed the opening and subseguet pefor-? -g mances. Today, Gounod, ,popular as, es ' he no doubt is with the average opera H- a devotee, is ranked on a plane well be - h ' m = y=' The FROCK low that of Franck-a musician for il musiians. =G Th4uorsus fGy and Bold Hues -'Te umoesuesofMoussorgly n are no doubt the most perfect of their- kind ever written. As Max hEwiufs'w-- e Thewartness of -the simple linen -frocks in naively remarked after a: frst .hearing sleas t shades of green, blue, lavender, rose, --, i~- fonof the tiste: 3 umrt: - or col white gives them a prominent place in =-O " esque I have ever heard t~at3s really *.h :summer wardrobe. The.- vivid .hue .of the= ~Puny." Rusian crudity qnd love- fo '.~cekdadsrpdraie lcs-te gaggeration applies here with, iobl c- l iifg- te avo srite. -espaeste- , £cne and what results are truly 4lu~. uiorons pieces of incisive beat, Tpieees5 The emi-Sports costumes that -combine, the - - ----------=- abounding in a mirth provokling at- *wije -rpe de chine skirts in knife blade T " mnsphere, quite short and cotained'i .01? -an tle osuchasumrd mschalns o 'c i. i ;«.lk in bold, black and white or harmpn- w aesN tc d~- rhygthms and key, suddenly ltreouced. -en oospeettemevsfrwa ti Agreat many of these works tare _ - fternoon ocasin fteir ..-se n- S m er Fashion songs. ;Nina Koshetz has introduced: -<. - many to this country. thers- are n =a the: ,form of instrumental numbers Good sorts, .t deed, are- the elkit, blouse, sweater ombinton .cotus! In. odr- that hilicuewild Hoaks and Go- ='-the College ..nax, alok ,~epart whn r. eis egaging - the- aI sa rativ- , #ances. -In the field of piano literature X - wea ters ay ae les oa-hyrmyTh-sirstataempnhucvwatr T'sch aikowsky has left a humoresque = ot- cacsae h- il xt -btwl xbhy-ecosen from- te grup quite popular 'with the virtuosos. I tay ae-t hudhv adgaly o, pleated ones in the kife blade, effet. s.a brilliant, bit of writing full of pas checkedfront! .Ad her culor is ar- 'lain grey- or tan, perhaps, prited ~Ik ages requiring a coiglte palerY o , tm o~e brigt andjyu.Te ag rwieceed hn uhsit actaves. Whileot nearly aseffective ti o - - TW'r e.irwiee2e d"aiie -,uhsit as the barbarous efforts by Mousorgr ;in prce from '$&9+ p. ange npriefr $ _9 p_ skay, it is whimsical in its own ayandl itroduces just a bit of the sombre I AK-SBuCOND FLOO ) thus rendering it highly Interesting. -,- W e must expect this last for Tschai-. - kowsky had what amounts to-a iani for the minor modes.- 7..A grotesque bi tt of ttmusi~ansh i:I the Humpresque- by -einhold C ire _=~ , He, as a startling- figure in the Russ ="l~-- ian musical .world of todaiy, stnwrt-d hi _ career in distinctly orthodox fashioi 2,T'T This is an earlier work. A bassoon ---iIVSTE: solo with orchestr al- accorapa~nimer:. A offers unboundled possiili}ies fur -_- good humc- ue. Th eis11ue. TllheiIIIIIII11IIrlIt1nI1cIIfIi11lI1lIfIIfllllitlllllif1111ld1UI11lillIl'3ltl11uIiJllIIlIdP!!Ili1l 9 SUNDAY MAGAZIN:E ANN ARBOR, MICHIG.&IN, SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1923 An Au Rvoir to Robert Frost "S elected -Poem " and a Miscellany : Robert -Frost has zeveralr timesl been. accused by various loarned crit-' i-cs of hibernating -in a- fre!sh-waterj university where he had to talk .to stu- dents all day, and had no time forI wort;. In the "Critical Fable," by anI anonymous author, which. was pub;- lisheci. last year,. Mr. Frost. was criti- cuzed for. giving his time to a univer- sity at all. The author of the "Critical Fable" is tho-ught by Mr. Frost to be Amy Lowell. He visited her shortly after the little pamphlet was published, and by a series of craftily planned- ques- tions and remarks, he. satisfied him- self that, she -had -written it. He told her, for :instance,_ that he ..was,- going to tell his friends that Gamaliel Brad- ford was- the unknown author-but Amy Lowell immediately challenger,;- this; she didn't think Bradford was clever enough to have done it. Mr. Frost then misquoted a few lines in the middle of the; Fable, which is all. in verse, and she promptly corrected rim. Mr. Frost explains Amy Lowell's theory that he wasn't getting anything done out here, on. the basis, of her .ownt work-habits. She does all her work at night, starting at about eleven o'- Olock and working- till six in the morn- Mr. Frost assuredly has dlone a great deal besides write :poetry, if :he has written any. He has. been hest to all the literati who have come here dur- ing his. stay; he has been .a sort of guardian angel to "Whinisles"; he, has attended countless teas and sorority dinners; and he Jas :always been at :Dome to anyonq who cared to drop in for a talk. Amy Lowell had grounds enough for supposing that Mr. Frost JdASON COWLES - fro m ie "-f'?2/ Drawing by Jai es JHot-3e Jr. ROBERT FROST This is the sort of effect tha tried to produce e-ver sin formed a style-theory of i calls it "vocal imagination.. quality that makes Ruth Dr matic impersonations so eff ability to conceive not only. also the tones, and ,gestur( tions that should properly-. fthemr. The s-anme effect can° ed without the.-use of. coll Mr. Frost sometim~es seems in- to- recapture the, tones voice, just as in the POE where he tries. to recaptur the -farm hand. in "Mend for instance, one can alma; Frost's own deep, calm voi Something there -is thatd C wall, That. sends the frozen. gr under it.- And spills the upper boul sun; And makes -gaps even tw abreast. This quality of vocal to] makes Robert Frost's poet Nobody else has ever achhe it is doubtful -if anybody els+ tHe said in an interview la' the only Artists :worth patr( was talking about un-iversi age) we-re the "ones- who what they are doing, -who Swere paid for- it or. -not," ai compa red"- the government. sion system of European -c the new American plan of1 ists. to- live at universities. versi-ties have rec-ently coi ides, of patronizing the a: much to give the artist a yi a 7 couldn't get anything done.!"ndraute the benefit, h\tihtnig th Ciia a ougbe t was probably not intended As I sat mopping hayseed from my inegrdatsast Nowtsadn h Ciia a t yanything of the sort. necxh,l any, of his presence,ast ble," he seems to have gotten some-jI 'The boock also emphasizes the con- I And sort 'of waiting to he asked jworld that the universiti thing done anyhow. He has juist had ;vcrsational quality of style that .Mr.! about it,; country are consciouslyl a book published by Henry T: olt--an Frost has finally mastered. The only One of the boys sings out, 'Where'sI the arts." American edition of the English edi-' way to describe it at-all is not to de- thy, old man?'I Mr. Frost said that .he b tion of his selected poems. This is scribe it, but to quote it. Here is a I I left him in the barn under the duties. .He taught no clas, not an original work; its contents piece front "The Code": hay. j formal "afternoons at hom' -were chosen from Frost's other booksi I cleaned thei- rack and drove out to If ye want-him, ye can go and dig, lectures, no -public reading -"A Boy's Will," "Mountain Interval," ; cool of,'..- him out.' "1 has exerted a orofoundi a-nd "NO 'rth of Boston:''-But- it must! student life and thought-- have taken time to prepare for pubhli- by his mere presence. -4 4 %!ca-tion----what with selecting .-the po- - - 1fhwo hecm inc ems, reading the : proof, and the asual - ~ ing his stay here have bei delays, it must be counted in this an~aly- Vs mwa-I~ htcnat si fM.Fotstm.J l r o resq ije , thing can also be said ab' What .will probably impress -.kMny !fluence on the great mass LIowell mnore, thougli, is the new vet- ' etoy I aea -at j .ume Mr. Frost plans to publish in theCALsEH iNi-1 tdents oy.n-dhe eayutat- fall-'. New Hampshire," conta-inin-g;j -Frost-but-there is somethi muaterial .which has previously a-ppear !,One of the most. -interest-ing :=d thiis Bo-hemian mnaster shouldi be kept ing- a-friend -nudge y-ou--anm e.d inagazines,I and dsome -that has 'popular." torms- of mnusical expression ialive.-in- the minds -of the. people by fthat .guy? That's Robert P never been pri-nted.l. $o N-s time h-ere is the 'Humoresque. Its representa- li otctiia itecetrpr Ileaves am. impression, -irwz -Msnotben ttaly~nprduti-e lte ti-esstlk- te -ey ot ofsiplicity bhaps an ac-ci-dental -off-shoot, of his It is not as. the sti-mulus ,all. -!itself. At once delightful in this re-' "Selected Poems"' seems to conta~n spect and likely to be infused with- the f;ncyeYet-ssanhcis the ae oteignreo wat mayrhave' nmore initiated in terms-musical Dvorakreasacthtmy-aw all of the best and most appealing -of whimsical,- they: address -a. large fo- is revered for his remarkable works; his arrival-here- that I like. Mr. Frosts work. - He has. apparen ly lowing of,miusic lovers, the-serious and ; " e ied-o sy~oy pea n'ber Re~bertFrost. - I -.prefe tried to include- in -this- volume- enough rnore -pretentious -works -fail to reach. 'exatheed ..of er msic.Hooerad fhmaabgsanw o~f his poetry ;to give a fairly -accurate In a recent conversation with -a music!~r-ai- -Ae-cn otfinl adbu ysadade idea of his+ own range=-always with critic, he deplored the existence of soandopotueaifn akende v-o vce. - HOW f'ye .40? 3 a-n eye, of course, to the English taste much music utterly unworthwhile. His ; getpstrtued n i otn a frn na- or eiHaea- a*r for which it was originally prepared.'stanzdards :would only- allow- of ~the ' a col fms[Icopsto~ he'd -preside: unocially,.at t: The poems range -from the half hu- masterpieces of Wagner, Franck, ToadtiIn e nomdu htsues" receoptioas of visitor morons "A -Hundred Collars" to the.- Brahms, and- of the other- musical gi-ordolksnohbsiintme usichat dwieeeyoie-a' poignant "Death of- the Hired Man."; ants. Personally, I find such an atti- wa Au.yia t .kpe The irs setio in~'te bok on-tu~de-foolish as well as arrogntoTer f any country, must -needs be drawn [~~ ~ in 20:ip tain three hor poes-al raheris a tinme and place. for everything and I from the lore of our American-negroes Vk Iewinibicar tamsthre shrt raherand possibly the -Indians. In support ithroi.; .th~e 4'terair JD whimsical treatments of domestic life I shall continue to enjoy my Chopin. of his contention he composed his Fifth 1read some. oY the -stuff from on a farm. The first one is rather a E fiat Nocturne played in the quiet of[Snphn n iorddiae "olpage, and make disarming. -nice thing to start a book with="The the ,evening -foll-owing .upon~ a strenu- 'The New World," and his faosfmarsaboutt}e viiting cel( -Pasture." The first stanza follows: ous day, as I could never, appreciate I String Quartc'tte in F major known liHe was best of all at he I'm going out to -clean the pasturesypoi thunderings, marvelous no as "The Aeican," enploying these ! wzn house. There he is liki spring;.- -dut tta atclr ie s'd c --"-~tAnrith-isis the~ in his poem, "A Time to TI I'll only stop to rake the leaves away chamber music for the drawing room, Imaneo rie i Hnnr--we splydIWenafredialst sthsypoyfrOcesaHl!Idby(And wait to watch the water clear,,s hesmhoyfr rhesaHal ma hserittle h rue hinsoplay-1 he ra-rd clst I may : Otstaaing mnon thecountless 1)hlonogn-;ph a; - entertain thieirl And slows his horse to I shan't be gone long.-You come humoresques included in the realm ofI ncighhtic , ; he Smziiths, of a Sunday ~ walk toe. musical literature is the one so well!I afternonz.--- I don't stand still and lool It seems a sort of an invitation, to go known by Antonin Dvorak.- It appears( Originally - for the piano, this. work L- On all the hills I haven't on and nc-ad the rest of the book, al- paradoxical enough that the name -of - s t;< :. a on Page Five) (Continued on Page S