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May 20, 1923 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-20

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AY, MAY 20,

slowwwow X ,





Detroit, May 19, (By A. P.)-"Break
up the city st reet gangs."
This was the slogan of several hun-
dred delegates from Michigan urban
centers who gathered here today for
a two-day congress of the Young
People's Division of the Salvation
During the congress, which is to be
featured by public mass meetings to-
night and tomorrow night, plans will
be mapped for a concerted drive on
the part of the Salvation Army in all
cities of the lower peninsula to im-
p.rc .be condition of "under privil-
eged" boys and girls.
A definite plans was -ready for
study as the delegates went into their
first business session today. This
called for the formation of Salvation
Army athletic clubs and the opening
of community houses for boys and
girls in all cities. By giving theI
youths places where enjoyable and
wholesome entertainment may be pro-
vided, it is believed they willingly will
forsake the streets.
The plan already is being worked
out in several cities of the state, but
so far it has been undertaken on a
small scale. This year's congress of
the Young People's organization plans,
to augment the effort until it will
be one of the most important func-
tions of the Army in Michigan.
Speakers for the public meetings,
to be held in the Elks temple, and
for the business session, largely have
been drawn from Salxtition Army
ranks. Among these are Commission-
er William Pert, commahdant of the
central states territory of the Salva,
tion Army, and Brigadier G. W. Pea-
cock, territorial Young People's see-
retary, each of whom has headquart-
ers in Chicago.
War Vets Promised
Many High Honors
The Extinguished Order of The
Double Cross, Tau Beta Coif, Phi Beta
Vulcan, Web and Sphinx, will be
among the medals to be conferred by
the RIchard N. Hall post, Veterans of
Foreign Wars at their farewell smok-

Will Sec4 Galdan T practice in an old Irish town. Den-
W ilGo nTheatersnis O'Malley is quite contented until
Fie of Q stada his pretty ward, Mona Cairn, comea W
(Coninud fom Pge ine) home from a Dublin school to take
arem featured Alice N Four charge of his household. She callsPL uha t
fmRamotiTr fn SPRING IJ1outIIhim .
Horsemen famerRamon Novarro, who him "Paddy Whack," rules his home,
made a great hit in "The Prisoner of and later his heart. Miss Crothers'
.::.Zenda,"' and Edward Connelly. coeyi.ati hmi SECRETARY OF D1ETlROIT BOARD)
:,,r :>romantic cWILLis aEt PRaIhimIPAL
On Friday and aturda a ei cal vein, and is embellished with al ER
tin. "Mad Love" i bete ain aa quartette of those ever-popular Irish
>.., < "::tion. "Mad Love" is entirely a play Ballads, "Irish Eyes of Blue," "Laddie
nof today with the hectic spirit of mod- dBuck ' Mine," "Who Knows," and "A Harvey Campbell, secretary of the
ernlriving and loving among the fast Brok of a B o The pa "A Detroit Board of Commerce, will be
upper classes as a background to the Broth of ta Boy."sToge play is peo-
, rt pled with the quaint types of gentry ofthe baque of the a ps Cai
a :;> ~~~~~vivid, carefree life of a bewitching 1bte ftecnlsCam
flirt. Pola Negri has been called the and peasantry, picturing faithfully iof Commerce pampfs May
<:.greatest emotional actress of our those who formed the character o 31. f Commerce planned for May
time, and "Mad Love" is said to be the rural Ireland a century ago. th economics ep ment an t
4 great sensation of her entire screen or representatives of thgt depart-
, ? :. career. - Miss Negri is supported by Garrick, (Detroit) ment.
} <an admirable group of players. "Little Old New York," the Rita Inta recent election of officers of
~Johnson Young play of Manhattan in the club,. Louis Buck, Grad, was elect
Wnerth its early days, will be the offering ed chairman; F. C. Reinke, '24, presl
m Th 1922 .version of "Tess of the of the Bonstelle Company at the Gar- dent; Westley Murray, '24, first vice-
Storm Country" with Mary Pickford rick next week.
a the lovable Tess, makes its first In keeping with the time, is the prsid e an i ofre oymet
g wth he une isthework. The man in charge of re-
showing in Ann Arbor on Sunday at;interesting group of characters wh.l search and the second vice-president
the Wuerth, where it is booked for a form the central part of this romantic is D. J. Sewell, '25, while Clark Stev--
for-day run. Mary PickfordTefirst narative, Cornelius Vanderbilt, John ens, '24, was chosen third vice-presi-
Iportrayed the role of Tess eight yearsi Jacob Astor, Peter. Delmonica, Ws-dn n ilbei hreo-eua
"__ ago, and in the resurrection of this Ington Irving, and Larry Lelevan all tional work. Millard Pryor, '25, is
""k """n """tr "' I story from the present showing, all form a part of the New York that fourth vice-president and director of
Dukoof anchester- the advantage of the progress of the was old.,m publicity.
'Within a few weeks the Dukie of film-makingonndustryohascbeen used.
Manchester will be~ digging forgodi Miss Pickford has excellent support Tepa otisrmne oc eea ertr 5Lde~ai
a eor ld in r sof mystery, and a tale of rare delight !bach '24; assistant general secretary,
Canada. He has.formed. afamily syn- is ncure ih cleverly unwound by Miss Young. Robert Straub, '25; financial sedre-
dicate to s'eaerh for ore. in a 6,000- plays the part of Fred Graves, the I tary, E C. Prophet, '24:John Hu -
rihmnssn n lraHpwo{The play abounds in characterizationstaPrhe,'4 JonHs-
ea'sonkeellman, '24, wasoelected tresurer.
acrd tract bnake Demptigny, not rich man's and Gloria Hope, w o which call for the entire strength of. sellman, '24, was elected trea er
far from the liattze and llinger gives a sympathetic portrayal of the Bonstelle Company. : r The directors for the coming year
mines. Teola Graves. are: S. R. Black, '24, R. B. Anderson
On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, , The usual Tuesday. Thursday, and '25, L. D. Batdorf, '24, B. H. Natchez,
House Peters Will be featured in "The Saturday matinees will be given, and '25, and Harold Hathway, '24.
House eter s Ri r." f t u i n hum - e each new play begin on M onday and.
rN M Ii's~ a fromsr Lost,, River."a It is a hm-_____
II II Iberjack's story, with a magnificent close on Sunday night..i St. (air ogt Sek Read Marks
forest background in the Sierra red- Port Tu'ron. May 19--(By A.P.)-
'Many cases of conjunctivitis, some-. wood district. House Peters is sup- Grand Rapids Commission Buys Park The county road engineer 4is now
Alimes known as "pink-eye" have ieen ported by Fritsie Brunette, Allan For- brand Rapids, May 18-(by A.P.)- working on the erection of new dire-c-
reported among students," Dr. Emory rest, and James Gordon. The city commission has purchased a tion signs at the intersection of all
1W. Sink, Health Service refractionist ~ i 5.4 acre hillside at Valley avenue and state trunk line highways in St. Clair
said yesterday "We encounter. thI I ryeril l Fourth street for park purposes. County.
ald y, aninilration. of the lids' ' Alexander Dumas' famous "Three?
and lining of th eye, earlD' hevei Musk eteers" with Douglas Fairbanks IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
spring and' autumn, as many as from is hooked at the Orpheum for a three-
'four to five cases being reported ini-J ~ I''' N ' A
day run beginning Sunday. On Wed- o
one d. should be refui~i, for the sdayand- Thursday William Rus- *
Suetshudbereufrtesell. in "Goodbye Girls!" wl be -e-=
disease is contagioswIt is caused by G a - While the impilse strong call up Phone 87 and arranne for a riding
irritation by dust and wind,.and thongh tured, -and.onFd n tr engagement. You'll be amply repaid by the real fun that you derive
it is not permanently injurious to the :the attraction announced isPrn 2 fromn this wholesome sport. And our cash coupon pk~tri ]makes thin a2
eyes, it impairs the ision and the eyes Mayo in "The Altar Stairs," also . sr il easonallury ""
tire quickly during the three"to four Reginald Denny in "The New Leather-
days of its duration. pushers." THE MULLISON STABLES
"Red and biod-shot eyes are usu-
ally an indication of the presence of PHONE 87 326 E. ANN
conjunctivitis," PIr. Sink said. S
Cavalry Reunion to Come Soon. j Whitney__
Grand s May 18-"(by A.P.)- -That stage favorite whose popular-
Grn Ch'ids, Olctt


PHONES 174-175-M

Wdhose Cupboard is Full of PYREX for
every Meal-Every Day
The millions of women who are filling their cupboards with PYREX
-the Quality-Economy Ware--are justly proud of it. They constantly
use PYREX for many breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper bishes.
PYREX improves the food and serves it more attractively on the table,
hot and iunmuated. PYREX saves the drudgery of extra pan scouring
and always looks as new as the day it was bought. Oven heat will not
break PYREX! y
PYREX-Transparent Ovenware


with Kodak
f.7.7 lens

er, to the outgoing seniors next Wed-'The twenty-second annual reunion of ,ity Wiii neverwr, 'u' m',
nesday evening at the Michigan Union. the Custer cavalry brigade of Michi is announced for the Witney theater,
Over twenty men of the class of Igan will be held here June 5 and 6. for Monday night in a comedy of
'93 after having finally completed 'State representative William O. Lee Irish romance, "The Heart of Paddy
their college enlistments, will be of Port Huron is president of the or- Whack," by Rachel Crothers. Play-,
mustered out from active service and ganization. goers will see Mr. Olcott in the role
into the Reserve Corps of loyal Michi- of an Irish bachelor who has a head
gan Alumni. The medals to be con- Patronize The Daily adyertisers. full of romance, and a small legal
ferred are for bravery on the field of ------- - -

Especially with summer gar-
ments is Benzol economy no-
ticeable, for Benzol helps
them stay clean much longer

knowledge, with special citations for fIii i111111 lllllllllifI1 II
deeds of valor at the Battle of The Li-
brary, the engagement at Betsy Bar-''
hour, and the famous disaster at (Vyn
Helen Newberry. .' <. ...J
The evening will be featured b y
short speeches from the seniors. ~ - y
Three honorary members, Dr. Louis P.1 - -
Hall, Prof. William H. Hobbs, Prof
Charles B. Vibbert, as well as .Past ' yTHOMAS HALL SHASTiD, M. D., Sc. D., Etc.j
Commander Carl Smith will be on the'
program. Commander B. F. Haus- ofThe-Story a Mans (anda.Nation's) Soul. The most
SUBSCRIPTION TO NEWSAPER forcefu'l religious novel since "Ben Hur." A story of absorb-
ENRICHES GERMAN PUBLISHiER n interest, not at ll to be confounded with the usual romance.
Julius Burkbart of LaCrosse, Wis., Something to be read over and over and destined to irradiate
recently subscribed to a daily paper
published in Germany which had been
suspended during the war. The sub- -
scription rate was 12 marks before the
most did for the editor. He wrote Mr. i $3.00'
most ddi for the editor. He wrote Mr.. *
Burkhart that he had kept $1, bought'
a year's supply of paper with an-
other, and given the third one as an G
endowment for an old folks hbore. IGRGE WA HR, ublsher
Btisiness Men 'Visit Hillsdale II I II r i ti }111# t till tl11NI II litlIII11111111111111
llillsdale, May 18-(by A.P.)-Busi-
ness mpen of Fort Wayne, Ind., will be I
here ove* night Tuesday, June 5, as a
part of the three-day annual trade
promotion tour staged by the whole-
salers of that city.
Boat to Make Initial- Trip STAEBLER
Sault Ste. Marie, May 18-(by A.
P.)-The initial trip of the Steamer
Missouri from Chicago to this port G A S OI
will be made June 30. The veskel will
bring Chicago members of the Knights
of Columbus.



FOR all-round, day-in-and-day-out picture
making, the 2C has always particularly appealed
to us-we think it will particularly appeal to
you. It's corpact arid convenient to carry,
for exampIc, and yct the pict:rc it mak-es i3
just short of post card size- 23 x 4 inches.
And then its lens equipment. The Kodak Anastig-
mat is designed by Kodak experts and manufactured
in Kodak factories for the particular Kodak on which
it is to be -fitted As a result lens and shutter and aux-
iliary equipment are in perfect harmony-and better
pictures follow as a matter of course.
See it here. We are featuring the "20 Junior"
in our Kodak department
Other Kodaks-all autographic-from $8.00 up
Brownies from $2.00 up
Calkins-Fletcher Drug Stores
1103 state Street
3 4 So. State Street
State and Packard

We call for and dellyer

Unlucky for Spots


Read The Daily Classified" Columns




Thy Time - 'he

Pi I he Goods

Episcopallans Will Hold Conference
Port Huron, May 18-(by A.P.)-
Two hundred laymen of the Detroit
Area of the Methodist Episcopal
Church will meet at Gratiot Inn, June
22 to 24, for a conference with BishopI
Monroe Enjoys -Community Concert
Monroe, May 19--(By.A.P.)-A com-
munity concert was presented to the
public here June 18, by the Communi-I
ty Choras. I

Gives your motor
new life!


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explodes with a pro-
onged-impulse that
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New speed. More snap.
But less vibration!

THE TIME is now here to select your Wall Papers for Spring work, while the pat-
terns and colorings are complete and the most choice selections are still in
THE PLACE is 203 S. Washington St., where we have in stock as nice a new line
"of Wall Paper as we've ever shown in our city. We are always glad to show
you and prove our statement.
THE GOODS we carry in stock will supply your needs in everything known to
the painters' or decorators' trade. Our prices on all goods will interest


F - I

We have in our employ only competent workmen as we have had in the
past, who are ready to serve you in any way.
Our aim and purpose is to please you.

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