Section LL dfrr ttt Section Two Two I - I I W---j VOL. XXXIII. No. 169 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1923 PRICE FIVE w rr wri. .' Y Wr ww EXPECT BIG CROWD AT AUTO CLASSIC' More Foreign Entries Received Than at Any Time Since E1914, WOOD WRITES FOR SCIENCE MAGAZINE "Corrosion of Rustproofed Iron and Steel" is the title of an article by Prof. W. P. Wood, of the chemical engineer- ing department, that appeared In a re- cent issue of "Chemical and Metallur- gical Engineering." The article takes up technicalIy the results of experi- Design Students SCHOOL TOO TAME to Visit Chicago FOR "RED" LEADER1 .Students in the advanced classes l3rigade Commander Budenny, so- viet Russia's most famous cavalry of-z of landscape design will visit Chicago ficer and hero of 20 brilliant victories, and its suburbs in the course of a has been sent to school. Once a plain: trip which thc department or lands- sergeant in Czar Nicholas's army, Bu-: cape dhighahedearentodlan whi denny under Soviet regime became the cape dlesign has arranged, and which most prominenit cavalry commander! Will be taken the last of this week. No a r eni aryn in Nikolai Lenin's army. Greatest Circus Holds Promise of More Attractions "The Greatest Show on Earth" is still growing. The combined circuses of the Ringling brothers and of Bar- num and Bailey have grown to be a third ak lame as thev were last ear ANN ARBOR SPENDS MILLION AND HALF Expenditures amounting to $1,417,- 414.34 were dispersed from the office of the city treasurer during the fis- cal year ending May 1, 1923. Re- ceipts were somewhat less amounting to $1,413,791.05. The amount of money on hand April 30, 1923 was $41,048.99 Which i3 abOUt V$.000 lass than 6.t { NOW IN PROGR "Sherwood," ,Tale of Rubin Selected as Annual Ol ering ---- ments with several kinds of iron and VETERAN DRIVERS ON LIST steel when unprotected and when pro- OF ENTRANTS THIS "YEARtected by some common rustproofing FETA E processes. One result obtained that is of quite general interest is the fact Indianapolis, May 19-(By A.P.)- that galvanizing is the best protecion The greatest crowd that ever witness- against rusting when the metal' is im- ed a sporting event will attend the an- mersed in fresh water saturated with nual 500-mile automobile race here oxygen. May 30, in the opinion of officials of the Indianapolis Motor fSpeedway, hreth: event will b hed IUUL S fiE TAiN 135,000, will be topped by .15,000 this month-end, if the advance sale indi- cater anything, it was said. The sales to date were declared to be imany thousands ahead of the mark at this 3AJORlTY OF APPLICATIONS time last year. COWE FROMI OTHER INSTITUTIONS Many New Features There are three new elements which tend to make the coming event the Registrations for the summer bio- most ifiteresting in years. They are: logical station at Douglas lake, ex- More foreign entries since 1914; the, tending from July 2 through August initial trial of racing motors of not 24, now number 51, the largest en-I more than 122 cubic inches piston dis- rollment the station has ever known, placement-only about two-thIrds as it was announced recently by Profj large as the smallest motor in pleasure George R. LaRue, of the zoology de- cars in the United States-and the in- partment, director of the biological' troduction of rotary valve engines in station. the racing game. At the present time camp facilities! The speedway track, which has been are inadequate to properly provide for declared by many leading drivers to more than 30 students but it is ex- be the "sportiest" course in the coun- pemord tha0tentsrbuimex- try isova inshae. achlapIs ected that the necessary equipment t, is oval in shape. Each lap is;a ela aoaore n leig equivalent to 2 1-2 miles, requiring 200 as well asi laboratories, andsleeping laps for the 500 miles. The bed of the quarters will be in readiness to ac-, coure i brck.The traghta- ayscommorlate 60 studlents and the facul- course is brick. The straighit-a-ways ;ty staff before the opening of camp. are 3,301 feet long, there are 1,320 feet Testaborthoplicins ofcamv- of quarter circles at each of the four The majority of applicatlons receiv- bends, and 640 feet of short straight-a- ed so far have been from students of ways between the curves, institutions other than the University. Easy to handle Crowds Any. students who are planning to Erywd whicC ;sstudy at the biological-station this Handling the enormous crowd which summer are urged to hand In their annually throngs to Indianapolis every names either at the office of the di- year for the race is an easy matter rector, room 449 in the Natut'al Sci- now, due to the experience gained in ence building, or at the office of the the past. Months ahead of time pri- summer session. it , Uni rsity hall: vate homes are canvassed for spare There are only nine or ten applica- rooms and, with the hotels, these are tions open at the present time al-, listed for the benefit of visitors. The though it is expeted-that some of hotels usually are filled by reserva- those who have already applied will tions made _months before the race, withdray their registrations , beforet and this year is no exception. the opening date. r Several days will be spent i ing parks, playgrounds, nursur so forth in Chicago and itsv The party, conducted by Prof. Tealdi, head of the departm landscape design, will leave A bor on Friday, May 25, and turn on Thursday, May 31. After the students have visi places of interest in Chicago th go to Lisle, Ill., where the1 arboretum is located. From the party plans to go to the San state park, located between Ga Michigan City, Indiana. This visited on Wednesday and t1 day the party return to Ann A LECTURING PO-ITON PEEN FOR GRAD t I I i z }# t }} 3 XiX 3 t Co-operating with the city autbori- .,...... ties, the speedway management sees to it that every street and road lead- ing to the track is marked so that the visitors cannot get lost. From early -- morning until the crowd has reached the speedway, several of the main I day In 7 Announcements have been r at the University employment of an examination to fill the v in the position of associate 1 in the Milwaukee Public Muset to provide an eligible list fromn future vacancies may be fille The extension work of the IV kee Museum, the, third largest country, includes lectures for instruction to classes of scho dren, popular scientific field specimen and slide loans toc and like work. The duties of1 sociate lecturer will at first be ly concerned with scientific i tion of young people of gra high school age. This position which is open competitive basis to any gr commands a salary of $2,040 pi and exempts that person from t eral income tax. A definite ii in salary each year is also a People interested may obtain particulars from the employmi reau in room 2, University ha -churches---- in church will remain among t mories which are sweetest an peaceful. Sunday school will be held' o'clock at the Congregationalc followed by a sermon by Rev on "The Creed of Pohono Bob Puncher; A Study in Primiti ligion." This is the true stor California cow-boy with a w faith. Prof. I. Leo Sharfma speak on "Religion in the Syna at the 12 o'clock Open Forum lege students will meet at the at 2:45 o'clock, from where th go to the University Hospital sing. At 4 o'clock, Miss Rub: ton, a teacher of crippled cl will tell stories of her expe before the Young People of thei Students will meet at the 'chi hike to F. E. Royce's farm. o'clock. A picnic supper will nished by the committee, and a air service will be held on t overlooking the river. The tol be "The God of Nature,," weather is rainy, the meeting n visit- Budeuny is sore about ,thisschooyl" .y jIL *slL" Iis and Budenny is sore about this schoold boyhood days one's' imagination April 30, 1922. PLAY TO BE GIVEN OUT business. He dislikes being enrolled OF DOORS ON JUNE 14 vicinity. ; in the Moscow war academy. " I was always set to working overtime Aubrey would rather see some action-maybe with the arrival of even a small circusA "Sh o " ent of a little bloodshed-and ride a horse, Now with such a huge affair so close , Hood inthedlnkv e of Alfre n Ar than sit in a chair," said Budenny. nat hand even a college student's mind rnnafHU .HrnItIN INoys is now being rehearsed by sen- will re- The Moscow war academy is direct- ought to be doing fantastic antics. For ruitin'N ed by a group of old generals of Czar features of every description from UUfor women for presentation on the ted the Nicholas's army, assisted by a few animal to ma have been added to - night of June 14. Keeping the nature ey will "red professors of the new regime, the circus. It is clained that the JUBILEE EXPOSITION PROMISES setting that i so intimately bound up Mortoni SU show is 10 times larger than any other TREAT FOR SUMMER with the stories of the "lads who wear SDe i circus in existence Think of it It OUISSlle d Dune ~~~~~~~~will show in Detroit June l and 2.thLnclgrnhepywl b wy and Hi V.UUIW LUD Iwilso inDtitJe1 id2. -. given out-of-doos in a theatre to" be ynTwo companies of baby elephants 'Irom the United Students Corps of will be rET O H constructed on the campus. COMlN IePPIG have been added, which now makes Sweden it has been learnedthat ie nextU a herd of sixty elephants traveling Swedish students are greatly inter- obrtia oulder takes the parl of with the show. Performing horses Roi Hood, the outlawed Earlo RECC033ENDS RECONDITIONING to the number of 100 and Euro ested in attracting American students ingdon about whom the plot cen- OF GOVERNMENT OWNED greatest animal trainer, Ernest Schu- to Sweden during the coming vaca- ters. Playing with her as maid Mar- VESSELS mann are still other features. Wild tion months. The American Scan- ian is Ruth Werkheiser. The rest of animals have been added to both the dinavian Foundation promises to give the main cast is announced as fol- James A. Farrell, chairman of the menagerie and the troupe of trained its hearty co-operation to all Amer- lows: Little Johxl, Lucile Meyerlng; ATEiNa heriar TuckeCatnonSto alon, Will National Foreign Trade Council performers. There are in all thirty Friar Tuck, Celma Simnson, will r wild animal display which do their can student tours to Sweden this Scarlet, Josephine Barton; Much, Fan- eceived speaking before a recent acts incased by steel bars. Fully nsummer. io Ransom; Alan-A-Dale, Genevieve bureau!convention in New Orleans, presented 200 schooled horses add to the enjoy- Among the many attractions to be Peoples, Prince John, Helene Sooy; some facts that are of igeneral iter- ment of the spectators. Human per- found in Sweden and candinavia,;King.Richard, Grace Fry;Blndel, 'acancy est in view of the national concern formers numbering 700 people give the one which promises furnish Nan Gabler; Oberon, Deborah Jones; ecturer over the disposal of our $3,000,000.9VOc daily performances and for the kid- the most interest is the Gothenburg Titania, Frances Jackson; Puck, Marie im and m-erchant floet. Mr. Farrell said that dies 100 clowns appear at each per- Jubilee Exposition which opened May Heyer; Sheriff of Nottingham, Mary at least twvo-thirds of the government- formance. In the zoo of the company' 8th and continues until September Ellen Read; Fitzwalter, Gladys Hllin- owned 9eet can be reconditioned and are entire families of giraffes and 30th. Included in this exposition are mon; Shadow-of-a Leaf, Carribel put on the market at such a cost that hippopotami and one animal alone, some unusually good educational, his- Schmidt; Queen Elinor, Virginia Bro- dilwau- at least half of it could well be sold an armored rhinoceros, said to be torical, archaeological and fine and dl; Jenny, Veo Foster; 'Widow Scar- in the for less than it takes now to build the only one in existence, is valued at applied arts exhibits. let, Thekla Forsythe;Prioress of adults, simlar vessels. This statement L bas- $50,000. The educational exhibits' will illus- Lucile Welty; First 'man, Beatrice l clil- ed on the actual cost of reconditioning In purchasing the horse acts, the itrate in models, charts, photographs Campbell;y First man, onance trips w eo h oenet hp.;Cmbl;Frtwoman, i~ontance' ss tMr. Farrell Goemships. circus magnates went to Europe and and printed matter the Swedish edu- Baldwin; Second woman, Judith Jen- schools- Mr Fe ll sproposes, that, in face bought entire equine circuses for addi- cational system, including a section nison; Ser, Gertrude Stratbucker. the as-, of the universal shipping slump, the ;ii main- Shipping Board reverse its policy and tion to 'their own. The entire per- on the sloyd or manual training In addition to these speaking parts nstruc- sell its ships to foreigners as well as formance is given under one tent so system in the schools. This "sloyd" the play includes groups of'foresters, Ameruntrsuate- c mmn price per that if your eyes are good you can is of -great significance in the art fairies, and outlaws. d eadweight ton. This would enable see at least half of what is going handicraft and industrial art move- Marian Struebel of the 'School of theship owners to supplant their obsolete on at one time. The menagerie oc- ment which has taken such great Music is taking charge of the music or tor-expensive ships, many of which cupies a separate tent. strides in Sweden during the past for the play. Detailed plans for the aduate, are in sommission, with modern car- To transport this aggregation of decade. orchestra accompaniment and songs er year riers. Further, an attempt should be Ilman and animal, the company uses Probably the most striking exhibits are now being worked out." he fed- made to cut costs by co-operation 100 double length freight cars. In one will be those devoted to archaeology. The scenery that willflIt in as a part ncrease among ship owners and among thej string these cars would reach one and Three separate archaeological expedi- of the out-of-door setting is being ssured. shippers of various nations. a third miles. tions have been financed by the city constructed and painted by C0. O. Davis further American ship owners have about .- - -of Gothenburg to gather original ma- o Detroit. ent bu- i the same operating costs that others, i nrterial for this exhibit. Beginning in II. with the exception of the Germans, 111* DERIVEDV 1915, one expedition under Dr. Giorg IWONEN'S CLUBS SEEK AID have, except in the item of wages. This i UR l U IISarauw, director of the archaeological FOR CHINESE CHILI) LABOIB item, while important, is not suflicient section of the Gothenburg Museum to cut this country out of the ocean combaed the west coast of Sveden and Shanghai, China. By A.P-Various carrying trade. But the American ship jgathered more than 20,000 objects. foreign women's organizations of owner needs the backing of the Amer- Among these is a well preserved Shanghai, notably the American Wom- can shipper. Prof. J. A. C. I-Iildner, of the German skeleton judged to belong to the ees- an's Club and the British Women's department, compares the derivation slton er d to be o te neon association, lately addressed an ap- he me-i HOSPt fT L ETSo BO K~ and development of literature with the , y lthic period and to le not less than peal to the Municipal Council of th the m- , OSPIT L GE S BOO S ;5000 years old. Another is the grave d most development of art. Modern literature 1 '' International Settlement of Shanghai, is like modern art, and may be divided fo awomn testd 2,00 yeas ol, asking that body to do what it could at :30One haundred books have been par- I ito the sanme schools as miodern art, found at Ytter-Rostad and wahiil con- to improve (working, conditions fo' at 9:30. chased by the social welfare depart- according to Professor lslidner a tained many objects which the people children employed in mills and fac- church, ment of the University Hospital "Art is imitation," le says. "You go of that time were ,wont to bury with tories, and to seek to put an end tc SCow-p through the donatiop of the purchase out on the campus, and look at a tree, the deceased. These included an am- night labor for children under 1 price by the Kiwanis club of Ann 'and you get an impression from th ber necklace, clasps and buckles, years of age. ve Re- Ar'bor. Patients, wearied 'by the tedi- cntside. You put it on paper and it is parts of an ancient loom and other "In bringing these recommendations y of a ous hours of convalescence will find impressionism. But there is another articles. Other expeditions, under the to the notice' of the council," says the forking these books helpful in passing away reality besides that which is outside of leadership of Baron Carl af Uggla and communication sponsired by the or- n will their days of confinement, Miss Ket- you. It is that reality which is inside Dr. Sixten Strombom, have excavated - ganizations, "we should like, to poini gogue" chum of the Social Service depart- 'of you. The symbol of that reality is the cities of Old Lodose, a medieval out that the Chinese themselves ar . Col- ment declared. "Interesting reading expressionism. We are sick of the out' city near Gathenburg, and New Lo- showing an active interest in the prob- clhurch matter aids the convalescent by keep- er reality. Now we want something dose, its successor and the immediate lems presented by the development oJ ey will ing his mind off his illness," she said. of each other's reactions. We are predecessor of Gothenburg as Swed- industrial labor." I for a The books range in character from groping around for an expression of en's western seaport. Here have been y Carl~ Aesop's fables and the Arabian Nights ourselves, and are just coming into our unearthed several churches, a hospi- 'Russia and the east while in the finq hildrea, to works of Robert Louis Stevenson own." tal, tools, coins, weapons and many arts section students will have ar riences and John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Prog- "There are two divisions to 'natural- other things of interest to archaeolo- opportunity to study the -whole rang< church. ress. Including the donation there iani.' They are 'physiologicaical students. These various under- of Scandinavian art. Lr to' are now about 250 books in the Hospi- sonism and psychological impression takings throw considerable light on Students of Scandinavian life an at 5:30 tal's reading library, two book case ismn. Physiological impressionism Scandinavian history snd culture, es- culture will find this exposition ab be fur- sections, five feet in height by four deals with mute detail. It descib pecially in'the medieval period. sorbing and unique For those wos n open in width. the eyes, the ears, the collar, the polk- Other historical exhibits will trace tinerarny unique For s y wo _______________' a-dot tie the striped shirt, and so on. 9 te itrclehbt iltaeitic-r permits a longer stay ux 'he huih a dt _e _ _t I the influences which Sweden has had Sweden, the old University towns o p A H lut almostcala dea s eaves from other parts of Europe, notably Upsala and Lund will certainly be If thte A.T THE T EA TER S out almost all details. Thuseeptest England, France, Germany and even found worthy of a visit. will be;sonis' is a.further eveloonent0'f rch. ? psychological impressionism. We no GermanArcade longe: think with the mob. We think The film version of Joseph Herges- independentl, and in the future a re mor helner's romance of Cuba in the 'oing t think for ourselves "Varied Crowd Throngs Ann Arbor days before 'it overthrew the yoke of - - q ill comr Spanish tyranny, "The Bright Shawl," To Atend Many W eek- nd Events rp ora- is booked at the Arcade for a five-day PQFfl TTonydE 3,. ~<'3 '' t 1 roads are given over to one-way traf- Judging from the size of the audi- fic, permitting five and six machines ences in the churches last Sunday, to drive abreast. Traction and train there are many stude:"ts in Ann Ar- service operating from the center of bor wlmo 'do not attend 'hurch regu- the city every few minutes car for larly. Mothtrs Day services were the thousands who use that method of well attended lbecause absent mothers reaching the course. desired it so-but if all mothers Murphy Will Start wishes were regarded, every Sunday Once at the speedway, the people morning would find the churches fill- are turned over to an "army" of at-' ed to overflowing. Only two or threeI tendants. These men are experiene- Sundays remain before college is overI ed in handling the gigantic crowds , --but the memory of the time spent{ for most of them have been doing theI work for years. There is no con- ed at the track early this year to pre- fusion, entrance gates all around the pare his new single-seater for the plant enabling a suflicient division of Igruelling contest. Howdy Wilcox, n- the crowd. It is a rare occurrence for dianapolis pilot; Ralph DePalma, for one to be seated in the wrong place, years the most popular driver tO come so well trained are the attendants, here; Eddie Hearne, Cliff Durant, Joe who in addition to their several years Boyer and other veterans will com- of experience at the course, are given pete for the $50,000 in prizes. In ad- about two weeks of special instruc- dition, there will be drivers from tion each year just prior to the race I France, Argentina and Germany. Jimmy Murphy, international driv- Thecourse record, established last ing champion and declared to be the year by Murphy, is slightly better most consistent winner in all racing than~ an average of 94 miles an hour history, will be a starter. He arriv- for the 500 miles. f n held at 6:30 o'clock in the clvh A preparatory service in - 'E44~ will be given at 9 o'clock this Claimants Many, But Inventor I ing at tie St. Paul's Lutheran< Of Toasted Rolls Undiscovered in German . ; nxmence at 9:30 o'clock. Thelick1 tory service in English will Do You Know?-Who invented toast- But as the fates have decroed, no bak- IHlered at 11 o'clock. follo ed rolls? Well, neither does anybody eries bake on Sundays and as a re-- Holy conmunion in English else apparently. For years now cin- sult the. rolls are stale on Monday o'clock. The sermon subject namon rolls have been served {n the mornings. imThe Gift of the H1-oly Spirit." quick-lunch houses of Ann Arbor. Lo! Enter the ambitious, thoughtful Rev. A. W. Stalker will sr Likewise, sometime in the past decade, froshl. Said young man would never "The Mind of Christ" at th some very ingenious person started to eat the stale buns on Mondays, and so Methodist church this morning split and toast them. But who? onclasses will meet at Wesley ,kith aa ",9 onq day he hit upon the idea of split- 12 o'clock. Wesley hall will Bact k in the dark ages of 11and 12, ting and toasting them. The next week to the public between the i anofhetoorstP olace hichon Monday his roommate also .bit, 5:30 o'clock and 6:30 o'cloc was then run by "Pop" Bancroft, now ,and ever after the students of Michi- afternoon, followed by the W gone to other worlds, first started to gan have had their rolls toasted. Such Guild devotional meeting at toast thetrolls. Without' a doubt, nis the "true" account of how the idea Marguerite May will be the the minds of the claimants, "Pop" really started. '"T. B. of the Soul" will be t surely was the first man in Ann Arbor Alas! it all is false. Another shop ' ject of the evening sermon, to do the deed. relyddis'hycam hti o'clock. Special muisic for the e -~~~~~~~ really did it, so they claim. What is igsriewl e"lead It happened to happen because a now "Van's" was in the time of '16 and ing service il be "Allemande' group of students, names long since '17 run by another man, Eugene Chat- best"Edds) Mrs. "heL; forgotten, were seated in the store terton by name. One Sunday evening Ries isStrule; "'he one evening, and to them came the the proprietor's brother was the recip- His Holy Tempie (reeick idea out of a clear sky. And so the ient of a fortunate the chorus choir, "Benedictus' present-day student breakfast had its cided to try to toast cinnamon rolls. d the chorus choir; foundations laid.- (From the Beatitudes),(Fran Th iipao mo~pA. ~hit- arvl frnm ,thni be do- med by t 11: 30 will be teak on e First . Bible h-all at be open ours of ck this esleyan Which leader. he sub- at 7:30 e morn- '' (d'Al- "Adagio rd is in Stock), r"(Goui- sed Ye" ck) Mr. ;un beginning Sunday. Richard Bar-I thelniess has the leading role as the Young American, Charles Abbott, who fights for Cuba's cause, and Dorothy 1 Gish the part of the Spanish dancer, La Clavel, who is infatuated with the yomig patriot. The picture is as vivid; and highly romafitic as Mr. Herges- heimer's story.' A Mermaid Comedy, "Kick Out," will EIEE RL S ' UCUIET 11 E. A. Sperry, president of the Sper- ry Gyroscope company was the principal speaker at the joint meeting o.L the Detroit and University studentj branch of the American society of me- ' .; _ x t i also be shown. chanical engineers, last night at the On Firiday and Saturday a revival Union. of the old-time favorite, "The Trail of The Detroit section motored to the Lonesome Pine," with Mary Miles Ann Arbor early in the afternoon to Minter, will be the screen offering. atteid the Minnesota ball game. Im- Thi story deals with a family feud in mediately after the game the members 'te Kentucky mountains, and the love of both sections and their friends gath- of June, the mountain girl, and John i ered at the Union for the dinner Hale, a coal mining engineer and !vhich was set at 6:30 o'clock. chief of a law and order organization. [The joint meeting of the two secihans The story was written by the late John is an annual affair arranged each yearI Fox, Jr. Featured in support of the Ito stimulate the interest of the Detroit star are Antonio Moreno and Erenest members in the activities of the stu- Torrence. fdents The students at the sant etine I Ann Arbor was thronged with visit- of 27 different high schools-300 ors this week-end; visitors of varyi#g them-were in town for the into ages hailing from widely scattered scholastic. localities. Artists, athletes, scholars; The great influx necessitated ad tional facilities at local stores, roo one and all they gathered in Ann Ar- ing houses, and restaurants. Sti bor to further their respective activi- street was converted fromn the qu ties. l main street of a college town inte Heading the list of visitors were the busy thoroughfare swarming with famous musicians here for the thirti- Iterested visitors. Aid through it eth annual May Festival. Artists from the University life continued as usi distant. 'lands, famous Americans,- in' anticipation of the coming exam all were at the Festival. Included 'ation. among them were Ossip Gabrilowitsch, conductor of the Detroit Symphony ARTHUR AWAR DED orchestra, Gustav Holst, director of the Manley Musical college, London,! SERVYCE MEDA England, Clarence Whitehill andI I Jeanne Gordon, both of the Metro Major Robert Arthu-, d i I politan Opera company, New York, M u, hea o 1 I Ernest Schelling, eminent New York military science department, was d |pianist, and Clarence Marshall, lead- orated with the Disting,uished Scrx ing tenor of the Chicago Opera. medal recently by the comunmaudi Then came the high school editors. officer at Fort Wayne, Detroit. ' Representatives of 30 high schools medal was' awarded to %-Ininr 4tri IMajestic get the benefit of the contact with the professional men.