TI I E, M.rIC:I IGAN J2ATLY - - ~ - - - -n _ ._ ,. ... - -r------ CI ~W o Am DV E R T.rs i ria a 5 * TH_ IS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P. M.. r)n Classified Rates. Two Cents per word a day, paid in advance. Min- imum charge for first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 24c. Th'rue cents per word per day if charged. White space charged for at rate of 5c per agate line. Classified, charged only to those having phones. Pbone 96O FOR RENT The followin~g Box Replies are at the Daily Qfllce: JSC1, MC, 12,, BC, 18, CNC, Jake, DM. ENGINEERS ATTENTION! Have a Hamnman~d typewriter with a mathematical keyboardl nearly new, bargain,. Call up 'for Sund strand 101 key Adding Machine demonstration. OLIVE~R TYPEWRITER AGENCYI Ann,;Arbor Typewriter Exchange 7-Saivings Bank Bld4g., Phone ,S66 1 69c DON'T FORGET Smithu Tire Repair Oldest and most reliable place to~ buy tires. Kelly Springfield Diamiond Tires 128c-tf FOR RENT-Very desirable six-11oomi house, two. blocks from C-ump.us, for Summer school or to Sept. 21. $10,) a month. Phone 1297R1 or B~ox 11. 168-3 FOR RENT-Furnished house from J n 15 t Se t 1.. L r e hayard. Inquire 1001 Forrest. Phone 721.,16743 FOR RENT-A well furnished six room house near Campus for sum- mer months. 205 N. Ingalls. 169 FOR RENT-Five furnish~ed, rooms and bath, on first floor, until Se pt. 15. 429 S. Division. 167p-3 FORA' RENT-Furniished house for summer, near Campus. Pholl e 2636-W7. 169p BUSINESS ()PI'ORIT IIT TYPE WRITERS I TYPEiWRTERS bought, sold, ex- changed, cleaned, repaired. O. 1). IMORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone 1718. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters 4 l1U~c-8 E1XPERT Typewriter Repairing, all makes. Ann Arbor Typ~ewriter Ex- change.- Phone.866. 9 Savings Bank Block. 123c-tf BAGG~AGE P10'IOE 2700, PACKAGE AND BAG-1 GAGE EXPRESS. 100c-21 RODARJFINISING A jj i ni i ii i iii I w.III...,n w111I611iIlii~ ~giillreiI9ii 13iit99!wlill:l- tiliili COME 5OUT IN 1US All the officers and students of the University from its founding in 1837I thru 1921 will be included in the Alum- ni catalogue which Till be issued ____________ Ifor' the puliication is now in the hands of the printers, Wynkoop, Hallenbeck. _V7 and Crawford company of La~nsing. ,A A. L .. .(L The price of the, boob can not be- definitely announced as yret, while =_ the nuimbers of copies to be printed = A has not yet been decided. The book, ais planned," will, closely follow the p present "edition, which is complete up} -. to 1911.: The principal change from the told . ON SALEL AT ^tyle- will be in the list of the faculty. - This list will no longer be in the or-- drof original appointment and, rank ~- but will be arranged in alphabetical order. The completed book will coin.- tami over 60,000, names.'K The three major divisions of th e ,~ book will include the names of all ' -,i "' officers of the University from the or- ganization of the first board of Rie- T T T gents in 1837 to 1921, the names of.. 719, IV. r Uliversily all graduates 'of the University down = to the same date, and a list of non- The Guests Friends of Medical will be interested examining items played in our Burg cases. MVany suggested gr uiiting presents will discovered at FILMS-LVeveloped anid prii: our own photographers. filmns at any of our stores get prints tomorrow night. ins Fletcher, :Drug Co, Cited by. Leave itoday, Ee sure and get THAT RED HEADj GIRLh and SWEET ONE played by Isham Jones' Orchestra on Bruns- wiyck record, N,, o.2412. On sale at Stofflet P'hono Shops. 169c F OR ROCK BOTTOM PRICES on gro- ceries, see Pierce's ;ad in the Wed- nesday issue of The Daily. 125c-tf I+r eshmazi who left watch with Jun- ior at' tug-of-ar leave phone no. at 530 'S. Division. 169-p2 REAL ESTATE x2,000 .will handle a splendid 6 room house. Location four blocks east. of Camfpus. Fireplace, har~dwood floors, excellent 'condition, 2-car garage. Price $9,000. $1,500 down for a five room house, State Street, oak floors and finish, Ifireplace, laundry, good lot. Price $7,300. $10,0()0-a six~ room home, 'fireplace, laundry, gar'age,' near Eberbach School Terms. $10,000-an eight room,' near E. Uni-vriy o d c n ii n . T r s $13,00-8 rooms, near' Church, oak r up aend down, sleeping porch, gar- age; extremely large living room We havye an excellent fraternity; pro- perty just listed. Very large lot, adequiate housing facilities. Excellent six rtoom house very con; ~veniep~t t campus. All oak down- stairs.' Large spacious hall witl- Frnchdoors.,, Bautiful fireplace and elecijtc ff-tures. The three sleeping roons are all large.._ Well ventilated attic. Laundry in basement. Must be sold> this week. Look it over and make Calk-- 109C-21. .l AT TILE TIhEATEI:S 'ested in better homes, we haveE IHarry 0. Potters Company Realtors 6i01-4 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.~ Tel. 2072. 16&c-2 BRICK COLONIAL $1500~ DOW1N A House that requires very little upkeep and is always cool in summer. Ltocated on; a large lot 'with plenty of trees, in the southeast section. Oa first floor is a large living room with fireplace, center hall, dining room and kitchen. On second floor are three sleeping rooms, study and bath. Full ~attic, with stairway. The grounds are especially attractive with single gar- age. We have an excellent listing on this proerty with very easy tearins. $12,500 Mr. Konold with C. Louis Andrews Realtor 512 First National Bank Bldg. Tel. 3064 Evenings 3090-M N-'ear the Campus A modern 6-room house with lot 40x132. For one week this can be bought for only $1000 down. Floors and' finish downstairs are bak. The condition is excellent. There is a 4- car garage. Possession can be .had at once. Call Mrs. Gustine Realtor 83