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May 20, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-20

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cation of this student contained is
iidirectly imperiling an insttuton of
the nation. A more perfect example
WSPAPER OF THE- of harm done and justified on the
'Y OF MICHIGAN grounds of free speech cannot be
morning except Monday found and the actions of the students
sity ye'ar by the Board in
t Publications who we.re responsible for the abduc-
titr Confercee Editorial tion of this young man who so gross-
ly misconstrues the fundamental prin-
Press is exclusively en- ciples of the nation certainly are not
r republication of all news deserving of condemnation. They
d ,to it or not otherwise
er and the local newsuh- showed more than a natural reaction'
of such a ridiculous notion.
postoffice at Ann Arbor,
nd class matter.. SPORTS'IN ITALY'
carrier or mail, $3.50o.SPRSIITL
rror Press Building, May- , The presence of American soldiers,
ial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi- in Italy during the Great War intro-
n excee 3 wordduced there, some of the more modernj
not to exceed 300 words
nature not necessarily to forms of athletic competition. At the
Ut as an evidence of faith, time it was, probably not the aim
ents will, be published in
liscretion of the Editor. Tf of the doughboys to do more than pro-
to ailyofece.eocn vide for their own amusement but
anuscript will be returned they nevertheless. succeeded in bene-?
ncloses postage. The Daily Toda
ily endorse the sentiments fiting the Italians as well.ay


~.-.'~Iplw,,,I~ IIJJJIJJIJ/fhi4L? II/.! .




. AD





.... ....







Dear Urch:
Do you suppose you could help

Would it not be advisable for the
President or secretary of state to take
some official notice of the repeated
utterances of the French premier and
other spokesmen for French policy on I
the subject of the American loan"
If it is proper for M. Poindare to
speak out on this subject, is it not
proper and even highly advisable for
Mr. Harding or Mr. Hughes to make,

Graham 's
Iloth Ends of they Diagonal Walk





the sin
print, bu
es of evi
at the d
nni cai
No m
writer en

comment? It is true M. Poi~icare's
statements are not directed formally
me to Washington, but they are official

provide him an education it presup-
poses that he is a decent .person.
A course in ordinary deportment
and elementary fair play might prove
a valuable addition to various college
curricula if the current crop of plain

in a very distracting affair? I need declarations nevertheless, and silence
advice and I dcat know where to on the part of our government is like-

turn for help.I
Tt .haened o5At Swingout. I was.


: the communications. there is manifest in the peninsula an pp
interest in boxing, baseball, and foot- standing on the si'ewalk near the Li-
EDITO'11IT L STAFF ball that was totally absent before
brary when HE swung past. I never
idhones 2414 and 176U ; the advent of the American troops. saw.him before but just think what
.-.Fencing, running, discuss throwing, I must have missed! I don't know
MANAGING EDITOR and other sports, still relics of old name but perhaps you do. He is
ihis nm u ehp o o ei
MARION B. STAHL Roman glory, were.up to 1913 the a medic with the most wonderful
... PaNI Watzel chief forms of Italian' sport. In tils black eye-lashes. I would know those
.r James B. Young year the first boxing match was held eye-lashes again anywhere, even if I
City ];ditor.....J. A. Bacon eelse gi nwee vni
oard Chairman ...... E . Meiss in Italy, when two prominent Ameri- saw them in the dark. I have tried
can boxers gave an exhibition. In to forget him since that time, but,
yers HarryHoey the same year the first real base- Urch, I just couldn't-
rshdorfer R. C. Moiarty ball and football games the Italians Now that is the whole story, Urch.
lonahue J. T. Mack
J had ever seen were played in the city Can you do anything about it? If he
thr........... Wallace h. I.lMott
Edito .............Marion Koch of; Rome. reads and answers this,'please give
agatinetEditor......B. . Aonue Boxing was at first greeted with him my ielephone number or any-
itor ..........eBuckley C. Robbins much disgust and aversion by the ma- thing else to help him out.
Editorial Board jority of the people, but after seeing Anxiously,.
err Maurice Bermlan
uene Carmihael the first few matches they began to Eingeline
Assistants take a most evident and active in-
Armstrong Franklin 1). 1-epburo terest in the popular American sport. HERE is a chance for a young
elfield Winona A. Hibbard Baseball and football had a much medic with black eye-lashes to make
glii-ton Edward J. 1IIiwins1
wn Xeomieth C. Kellar easier entre, and were greeted en- a killing. Allah is witness that black


ly to be interpreted by the public and
even by foreign governments as ac-
We assume there is no such acqui-
escence, but we have no confidence
that our ambassadors at Paris or at
Berlin are interpreting American pol-
icy as it should be. On the contrary,
we believe the former, surely, and
probably the latter also, are giving
an impression of sympathy and com-
plaisance toward French and Germa'n
hopes in a manner to encourage them
with an appearance of almost official




Elizabeth I ieb>ermann
le john McGinnis
te Samuel Moore
ghli'p M. H. Pryor
SW. >. Rafferty
Robert G, Ramsay (
;Ho se 1. . P,~ 01-11
>odspeed Soll J. Schnitz
r rilip M. Wagner


Telephlone 960
.John J. Ilamel, Jr.
Walter K. Scherer
......Lawrence 1-. Favrot
Edward F. Conlin
David J. M. Park
... ......TIownsend if. Wolfe
. L. Beaumont Parks
Assistant H
"Fayden Wmn. H. Good
Dunne Clyde r.Hagerman
askin Hfenry Freud
tman Clayton Purly
manatrut J. B.rSanzenbacher
I. Rei, JY. Clifford Mitts
Bale Thomaas Mcr aehren
Roesser Louis M. Dexter
Morton C. Wells Christie
Dryer Edward B. Reidle
W. Cooper
JNDAY, MAY 20, 1923

thusiastically by the people. eye-lashes are
Today Italy's part in the fistic world there can be no
is evidenced by such boxing cham- cos if the hook
pions of international fame as Spalla, row a. m.
Vitalle, and Fratini. There are also *
a nufiber of excellent gridiron com- THE E
binations playing professional' foot- FRANCINE ^
ball. Baseball, in its turn, also bids mates. One day
fair to become almost as much a na- fisti-cuffs, andv
tionally played game there as it is ceiving blows N
here in our own land; New sport Francine hads
papers are being founded in. the vari- ownest fur dolm
ous parts of the country and are do- had knocked ou
ing much to stimulate an interest in the 'little fox's
these sports that should mean a great- replaced them w
er immediate future for the Italians Elinor had disc
in the international sport realm. going into a mi]
had marched
CAMP LEDERSHIPI straight to Franc

common enough, soj
excuse for the medi-I
isn't jammed tomor-
* *
nd Elinor were room-
they were engaged at
were putting and re-
with great vigor, for
swiped Elinor's very
an the day before and
ut all the teeth from
head, and then had'
iith false ones. When;
overed the ruse, after
Id fit of hysterics, she
.straight, straight,
zclue, andl had prompt-

We think our suspicions are sup-
ported by these repeated pronounce-
ments, and it seems to us only mis-
chief is to be expected from our con-
tinued silence. If M. Poincare's asser- ,
tions mean anything they mean that
France does not intend to pay her
debt to us and is warning us that it
we expect to get anything at all w
must get it from Germany. We have
been repeatedly, though indirectly, in-
formed that any concessions on repar-
ations must be .set off against the
allied debts to us, and we are thus
offered the alternative of making the
sacrifice in order to relieve pressure
on Germany or of accepting respo'-j
sibility for its continuance. Inasmuch
as the economic revival of central
Europe is of considerably less mom
ment to us than to the allied peoples,
and as we have no moral respons.i-
bility for .,their policy, we are not
much moved by this attempt at forc-
ing our hand. But it should be offi-?
cially noted and our answer should
be made.
We can hardly doubt what that
answer will be if our policy is self-
respecting. The loans made by us
were made to allied powers respec-
tively and not to Germany. We are!
in no degree responsible for the Euro-

law-breaking gives any evidence of
being a permanent condition.
Get good values cheap, thru tli
Classified columns.-Adv.
t\,1Arbor and Jacks-r,~
( Vastern S'andard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars--.
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Local Cars East Bound-7:0 a.n.
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Local Cars West Bound-7:s0 a.m.,
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I traws Paa andLghrs
C ANE An ) Re k at OC
(Ni'sl;ix SufAed)
Straws, Panamas, Leghorns.
rankoks and all inds of hats
Cleaned and Tleblocked at low
prices for HIGH CLASS WORKI.
S Let a "Boot-black" shine your
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I hatter.
6 17 Packard Street Phone 1791
IIWhere D. U. 1'1.Stops at State

Silk Underwear,
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An A-1 Rooming House
ONLY $1,000 DOWN
It has 12 rooms, every one in fine condition. The upstairs w
is arranged in suites and the third floor can be used as a dor
mitory. The dining room and kitchen are large so boarders
could be accommodated.
Floor- -are all hardwood. There is a fireplace, soft water,
two lavatories, garage.
This is located on a paved street and is only a short 412
blocks from the campus.
You cannot find a more excellent buy in the-city. See it at .
Phone 835-F1-Evenings and Sunday, 835-F2, 2738, 486J
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In considering the fact that many
students of the University are anxi-
ously lookingfor some enjoyable way
in which to spend the summer .months,
it is hard to realize that the responses
to a call for volunteer leaders at the
annual summer camp conducted by
the Student Christian Association haver
been so few.
There are very few ways in which
one can spend both an inexpensive
and enjoyable, as well as an inter-
esting summer and directing a group
of deserving boys is one of these. In
performing such a task one not only,
derives a great deal of pleasure fromf

ly rapped Jhere smartly on the jaw.,
"What do you' mean, girl," she said,
"by appropriating my dolman, and
then putting false teeth in its head?"
"None of your business,' screamea

ien ~nwar or Iforthe 'rolaton .A

they flew

with torpor.
to the fray.

Thereupon France, England, or Italy with her
The blows or for the condition of Europe. If


fell thickly and somewhat
nally Francine got Elinora
sat on her, jumping up a
After a few minutes Elinor
* * *
. Ilappy ThoUlliglt
WHY not a contest among
erites on the campus, with

fn of T+'i_ t

Last. i~ we are sane we shall not permit our
down and claims to be complicated, entangled,
nd down. or shifted as proposed, and it is high
died, time our government disposed of the
CAC'I%0- apparent hopes abroad that we may
be induced to allow them to be.' We
think our government would do well
g the fliv- to put an end to misunderstandings
prizes for 'and false assumptions by directing
capacity, an official communication to our debt-1
Would sug- ors asking that negotiations be insti-
a plaster tuted at once, for the adjustment of,
nees and terms' of payment. If there is inter
the cat's tion to repudiate we should force its
disclosure and adjust ourselves to the
Slezi. facts.


ersity recently a the work but a genuine satisfaction !the most rattles, treatest

was abducted by fellow stu- that his summer has not been spent
and maltreated for upholding in purposeless dissipation and that


Sion of
~e m b
-ne abo,
'.T. C.
the or
I cOmmrn
2nd IJe
s' follo
ttIng f

the' right of free speech his efforts, while not, necessarily
of the press, The mci- bringing him remunerative gain, con-
ut as the result of jeers tributed a ,great deal towards pro-c
mus remarks directed at viding a good time for several hun-
drill by fellow students dred poor youngsters from the citys'
sity. Major Foote, the slums.
ganization at Columbia, The summer camp represents the
unication to the student only charitable undertaking of direct
ng the spirit of the re- concern to the University as a whole
ors and his communica- and cannot afford to suffer from lack
wed by one from a stu- of interest in furthering its aims.
orth his views on free The' Tag. Day which was held not

and the oldest veteran. WI
gest as prizes: for first,
of parish cast of the.bees
second victor record of

L erary Department
Dear Sir:
Can you please locate for me the
following line:
"The feather on your hat is kissing



Young Tn.


j the freedom of the press long ago failed to bring in the neces-
nts a' admirably brought sary financial return fir running the WE have consulted the Secretary
am br episode.Oneithe atti- camp a full season and another cam the Noember Sm art Set, th r
on-student members of the paign will have to be held during the idrent of the buildings and grounds
. toward the or~gafniz'ation summer session -for that reason, but-i clib, and three social workers, all ot
cond an interpretation of even with ample funds the success of whom confess their complete igno-
of free speech and free- the camp depends upon the number rance 'the liri'-. One said h :
and calibre of its leaders. THOUGHT it was from Homer; anu-
ere garSl of students for ituated on Patterson Lake in ot erSUPECTED atr allee
r organization is depreca- midst of wonderful wooded land, the agreed that it was a great line and
dq not seem to realize 'site is ideal for such an undertaking seemed to remember baving heard it
in the corps means sacri- and contemplation of a wonderful re. Sorry we have nothing more
umierable small but never- summer will not be in vain for those definite.
steful pleasures. The aca- who offer themselves in this capacity. - ;
West Point and Annapolis An invaluable service can be rendered An extra is being gotten out in, this
N to ri anllteA icersbythose men who have no definite office. The score at present is 11 to
' the military service of the'[ plans for the vacation period and are 3, in favor of the Maize- and Blue
the only ay in which an not obliged to do remunerative work hordes. We must have a wonderful
raining can be giveunenough a themselves ths aggregation. And the reason Mici-
broghth mdim f heopportunity and get in touch with the gan' turns out wonderful teams is'
0.o,, theC.Amecaiudiector ttohe.this: All her men are athletes. At
0. T. C. A college s-tu- camp director at. once.har.Tyaral grus ut
coleg stn -heart. They are all vigorous. out
d is far more adaptable to door.boys. They love to romp in the
that the R. 0. T. C. re- Gooodby friends and alumni! We
snow when the earth is in the stony
n its members than is that are mighty glad to have you with us she
enlisted man. 'If this were and hope that this first week pf spring grasp of King Winter, and they love
evens wichiconlude toay hs ,to roll in the grass in fragrant spring
f war, the attitude of those events which concludes today hastime
show disrespect for the or- shown you what the Michigan of '23 t
Would be competely re- really means. I Even the boobs on the publications
wouldbecopleteyre played .a game of ball this morning.
. T C. members would * *
doing their bit" for their The thirtieth annual Festival is over The extra staff is arranged along
id these mockers would .be and adds another wreath of glory to the road to the printing press.
> hold a tiny American flag the history of this event. From be- * * *
Nero, Hero." However, it is ginning to end ,it was a superb enter- Each man is watching the man be
time and so those that tainmentd
- : hind him. The last man has his ear

Let 'Em Study Deportment and Fair
(Detroit News)
Authorities at Northwestern Univer-
sity have offered a reward for infor-
mation which will clear up the death
of Leighton Mount, a student who dis-
appeared' in the course of a class rush
in 1921. Last month a man was
hanged at Columbia, Mo., in the pres-
ence, at least, of several hundred stu-
dents of the state university. Student
revellers at Philadelphia battled with
police Thursday L'ight and in the
course of a riot succeeded in damag,
ing private property, terrorizing thou-
sands of residents and tying up traf,
fic. The president- of the University
of Michigan has ordered a summary
suspension of student disturbances,
said in one instance to have inflicted
very evident damage to an Ann Ar-
bor theater.
There is an inexplicable tradition,
abroad to the effect that an offense
which would send an ordinary citizen
to the workhouse becomes a mere
ebullition of animal spirits wi'en con-
ducted in the name of college spirit.
The sort of assault which may send
someone in Evanston to the peniten-
tiary is frequently modified in the
public mind to a mysterious form of
mere misdemeanor. The good old
alma mater thing is periodically work-
ed ,to a frazzle to the detriment of
limbs and lives and property of stu-
dents, and citizens who happen In
their way during its various mani-
This appears to be a proper' time

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to May

Festival guests our Sunday's
"dinner menu will include
many specials of unusual
excellence, at low prices


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