THE I HIGAN DAILY -.. --. . MASQUES ANNOUNCES CAST 'FOR ANUA L PLAY RHARtALS START'1 TODAY FOR "THlE K2N1IIT OF TRlE BURN- ING PESTLE" Tryouts were completed yesterday for Masques annual play, "The Knight of the Burning Pestle" which is to be given in hill auditorium on Novem- ber 22. The cast is announced as fol-. lows: Stage attendants, Elizabeth Rig- by, '23, and Ruth Ross, '24; speaker of the prologue, Dorothy Jeffrey, '24; Grocer, Portia Goulder, '23; His wife' Katherine. Greenough, '23; Ralph, his apprentice, Velina Carter, a24; Vei turewell, Anne Mushkin, '23; Humph rey, Ruth Christianson, '24; Merry-' thought, Elizabeth Pike, '24; Jasper, Virginia Brodel, '23; Michael, Esther _ )Welty,. '23; Tim, Lorella Hollis, '24; George, Beatrice Champion, '23; Tap, ster, Dorothy Spenser, '25; Sergeant, Margaret Rancke, '23; William Ham-j merton, Frances Ames, '23; George Greengoose, Florence Nelson, 25; Luce, Shirley Salisbury, '24; Mistresq Merrythought, Helen Eliott, '23; Pom- piona, Hortense Miller, '24; Soldiers, Veo Foster, '23, and Isalbl Water- worth, '24; Boys, Constance\ Baldwin, '23, Mattie Proudfoot, '23, Dorothy Saunders, '24, Carribel Smith, '23; Dancing boys, Hortense Hoad, '24, and Carribel Schmidt; Leader of Southwark Waits, Ruth Werkheiser. The first meeting of the entire cast Wins Prize For Photo Play In College Contest Ar7, 0 9 , ,;u will be held in Newberry hall at 7 o'clock this evening. At this time Prof. J. R. Nelson will arrange a schedule of rehearsals. M1lomen All women entered in the tennis tournament are requested to play off their first match by Friday, Oct. 13. The list of games has been posted on the athletic bulletin board for several days. Swim ing lessons, open to all Uni- versity women, will stat t this evening at 8 oclock at the Y. M. C. A. .The lessons will be continued throughout the next four months at a cost of $4 per term. An important meeting of Wyvern society will be held at 7:30. o'clock to night at 836 Tappan road. Applications for membership in Masques should be left in the box for that purpose in the office of the is- sistant dean of women. All names must be in immediately in order that the tryouts may help, with the annual play. A meeting of the entire cast of "The Knight of the Burning Pestle" will be held tonight in Newberry hail at 7. o'clock. 411 senior and sophomore advisors are requested to bring their advisees to the tea given by the Intercollegi- ate, committee and Senior society from 4 until 6 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. All entering upperclass women are invited to at- ted I"MMN RIFLE SHOOTERS TO CHALENIGE COLLEGES Women rifle sho ters will hold con- tests with teams from Cornell Uni- versity, Northwestern, M.A.C., and other colleges, according to tho plans outlined by Major Willis Shipparn at a meeting of all women interested in rifle shooting held Monday after- noon in Barbour Gymnasium. Last year teams from these univ.ersities challenged the Michigan women to tournaments by telegraph but this year the Michigan women expect to be the challengers. First rifle practice for beginners will be held from 1 to 5 o'clock Thurs. clay aftertion at Palmer Field.-In- dividual pra ctice and instruction is expected to last for one hour. As in- struction will be given twice a week on Monday and Thursday afternoons. it is hoped that every woman interest- ed in rifle shooting will have an op- portunity to practice. "Regular attendance is necessary for progress," Major Shippam an- nounced. The Women's Athletic as-, sociation is considering the plan of giving honor points for perfect attend- ance at practice and will vote upon the plan at the next meeting of the Exec- utive Board, Engineer Announces Engagement Announcement has been made at the Pi Kappa A'pha ho se of the engage- ment of Charles A. Waltmire. Jr., '25E, to Miss Emily Russell, of Mt. Morris, Mich. Miss Russell is a mem- ber of the junior class at Michigan Agricultural college. Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50. 1)ELEGATES TO TAU BETA PT - CONVENTION ARRIVE TODAY Delegates for the annual national convention of Tau Beta Pi, national honorary engineering fraternity, will arrive in Ann Arbor today and tomor- row. More than 40 technical and en- gineering schools throughout the country will be represnted. There will be daily business ses- siens. and entertainment has been pro- vided for the remainder of the time. Reception of delegates will take place at the Union tomorrow morning. Michigan's representative will be Lee 0. Case, grad., who also represented the local chapter when the society convened in Pittsburg last year. Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50. GARRIC Nights Sc to $2.50 Wed.Sat. 650sc to 51.50 bu. ~Mat.. 50c tri$2.00 ARTHUR HOPKINS Presents 4 Eugene O'Neill's Great Success * THE ]AIRY APE " A Symbolic Comedy of Ancient and Modern Life with LOUIS WOLHEIM Next Week-".LUST MARRIED". Io" resentsins ViileuDrama of the Northwest '1TIG ER R OSEt" As played by LENORE ULRIC NRXT WBEIC-"HAPI*Y-cO--L-UCKY" I ALAR M CLOCK Guaranteed One Year AR C CO3iNG A D SUN I)AY E s $1.50 $2.00 ,* i law BQ }BEN _. r A~ L L Q\F American Sleep Meter BIG BEN BABY BENS ALSO Radium Dials 1 Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.60. Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50. FrChoskers . 3.50 to 75 Luxurious paelts that add distinction, com- fort and charm to au- tumn suits and frocks I 3 oody ear' s 124 SOUTH MAIN $3.50 $4175't Girl Reserve leaders meeting o'clock Thursday in Newberry This is the second meeting in the+ weeks' training course for club ers. Any girl interested in this should come out. at 7 hall. eight lead- work ' A JEWELER STATE ST. I- dk There will be a meeting . of the Girls' Mandolin chib at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Newbefry'hall. Mem- bers are requested to brring their in- struments. Important business will be transact9 ed at a meeting of the Ann Arbor Un- iversity women which will be held at 5 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour $ gymnasium. Rifle praet'ce for beginners will be held from 1 to 5 o'clock Thursday aft, ernoon 3t Palmer field, the weatheil permitting. Engagement of Students is Announced Announcement has been made t Adele Commanilni the Kappa Alpha Theta house of the Adele Commandini, New York girl, + engagement of Marion G. Kinston, won the first prize for the best pho- '24, to Floyd Straith, '23D. Miss King- toplay produced by students of New ston is a pledge of the Kappo Alpha York university in a recent contest. Theta sorority, while Mr. Straith is a Perhaps she'll get a chance to star in member of the Delta Sigma Delta fra- Iternity. TODAY CADAND THE CAMPUS THEATRE A UNQUESTIONABLY-TWS YEAR'S CINEMA MASTERPIEtE 9 - The Greatest Romance in All Fiction! ANTHONY HO'PE'S V " '" h? SUPREME ADVENTURE ROMANCE he ' .. ! 3 , .. p 1'i er Princess Flavia, whom Ru- dolf loved and-came dan- gerously nearmarrying. 0f Agak Admk Agalknda 10 JE$SE L..LASKY PYSE tS Cecil BDeMile's PROUUCTI0N Thomas Mei haw lcatricejoq Lois Wilso It's a tale of the madcap age --, ~ -x _. a Rupert of Hentzau, whose villainy was so perfect it 8vas .attractive. REX INGRAM, AS PRODUCED BY E-7.J M *1 CREATOR OF "THE FOUR HORSEMEN" A STORYs OF ROYAL ROMANCE, AND OF ADViN1TUR4 AS BREATHLESS AND FLASHING AS SWORD PLAY, AND IN WHICH A LOVE TALE RUNS HAND-IN- HAND WITH SWIFT ACTION WHICH DEFIES DESCRIPTION. "The Prisoner of Zenda" in Book Form and As a Stage Play Proved Itself the Most Popular Romance in History. As a Screen Play it Will Prove Even Greater Than All Its Past Triumphs! No Screen Production Can Excell V It in Any",Way Astartling portrayal of ti riotousliving by mod- ern madcap youth, with gorgeous settings - won- drous ..gowns-daring wo- men! What is it all com- J ing to? Are the .sons and daughters of the rich leading the life that made Rome fall? Mille shows it to you here! The greatest picture he has ever made with Leatrice Joy as the beautiful girl 'who goes ao the pace and Tom Meigh- an as the man who loves 9mmownd COMING FRIDAY ~ier~tflw j lt-~J Antoinette de Mauban, ad- venturers and'noblewoman, reckless bf all save Black Michael's favor. I w~ : Rassendyl, English ac i.nturer. who so loved life that he risked it daily. Read This Cast: * LEWIS STONE STUART HOLNES EDWARD CONNELLY * ROBERT EDESON *ALIGE TERRY BARBARA LA MARR LOIS LEE * RAMON NAVARRO MALCOLM MC GREOOR AND AN ARMY OF SUPERNUMERARIS WHOLE CITIES BUILT MONTHS IN THE MAKING' SPECIAL MUSICAL SCORE BY THE MAJESTIC CONCERT ORCHESTRA ROBERT DIETERLE, Baritone '4