THE MICHIGAN DAIL\ ____ I OFFICIAL BULLETIN r Dunetmu toconstruotive notice to all members d g7 received until, I20 o, m. (11: 39 . a. nA 7~u.) SATURDAY, MA11A1, ]1:;3 Iiuiner 16S l Hull, C, 1D. Hollday, It. A. .MHoot, R. ,A. 1Hulscher, H. T. H-unter, C. W. K~ao, C. Y. Klase,"C.' W. 1LamsIK. 1. ~andre, .J. H-. Lovell,, L. C. Maeler, L. A. . I ;; ; : S~huffmiaw H. Shaw, H-. T.t Sipe, R. J. Spence, H. A. Taylor, F .'C. Ure, C. VanVilet, R. "Weil, H. L. Weiss,. S. A. Wightmnan, E. R. Woltzen, L. J; LOUIS A. HOPKINS, Secretary. GARRICK 1i.1Annual Seasoni THE BONSTELLE COU. lit GladysIi'. gei's Satirica1l Cofiedy "THE GOLDFISH", ,, j Suggestions for Commencement Gifts Day Proclamaton; By the Governor: surrender to Grant at Appomattox marked the close of the Civil h had cost this country millions of treasure and many, many of precious lives. Three years later Memorial Day v~as insti- onor the memory of the brave men who hud give-n their lives ion cause. / oration passed and America again found herself in arm~s, not to rebellion but to establish the liberties and maintain th1eights of ,inter republic. han a score of years saw the outbreak of the great conflict anld, irst it seemed that we mighit be able to keep out of it, as the essed it became more and more evident that the fruits of liberty, the heart of every American, were seriously menaced and that our naiioual independence we must take our place by the side w-ho were battling for the freedom of the world. We all know We know how splendidly on land' and sea our gallant soldiers, (1 marines upheld the honor of the American name. rial Day 'is for the men who took part in these wars, but our first ill be for the grey-haired veterans, that fast thinning blue line p 'is growing feebler year, by year; and in this thoughtfulness for idlier none winl join more heartily than the younger veterans.a ant wars, fare;~ in order that we may pay a tribute of respect and affection viving veterans of the Civil War, tihe Spanish American War and World War, andi do honor to the memory of their fallen comrades, sincerely urge that Wednesday, May thirtieth, 1923, be fittingly a Memorial Day; and I earnestly appeal to the people 'of Mic~hi- arty co-operation in plans for tl** observanw g~t ax.. communities. emnorial Day flags should be displayed at half-staff until noon and .ed to the top of the staff. under m~y hand and the Great Seal of tiie State this fourteenth day the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-thretes j ommonwealth the eighty-seventh. ALEX J. GROSBECK, Governor. CH{ARL.ES . D4~ LAND, Secretary of state. ind Certficale Fees: three. more days remtain, including today, for te actual paymtent asurer of the University of the fee payable by any person receiv- loina or certificate at Comnmencemnent, 1923. The Treasurer 's losed this (Saturday) afternoon, Such payments cannot be 'ac- ,r 4:00, 'Tuesday, May 22. SHIRLEY W. SMITH, Secretary. ianiber of the University staff supposedly receiving The Michigan ,er the contract between the Regents and The Daily is requested any failures of The Michigani Daily's Circulation Department to iveries. These reports should be sent pI om'ptly to the office of Lairy of~ the University: Only by receiving notice of failures to n thie University business office or The . Michigan Daily itself .k oa actual performance of contract. SHIRLEYJ W. SMITH, Secretary. Lnnounoenent. copy: from last year's Announcem~ent have been sent by the messenger ids of' departments in the Literary College asking for complete the Announcement for 1923-1924 to 'be handed in before June 3. compliance is requested. ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar. memb~ers of the Faculty wtiho teach Engineering student-s: Colulodate the large number of students who will attend the gur- mpl this summer, it is necessary' to conduct two camps. The wlho have. been chosen for the first camp will leave the University Try Ohur Business Men's Lunch 11:30--:00 65C- JOE PARKER'S SPECIAL S1UNDAY )I-NNER Jiennedy's Orchestra 11:30 - 4:00 Corinwell Coal Bldg. "1The ,Truth;: The public performance of Clyde Fitch's "The Truth" schteduled for May 10, Iin the series of Play Production plays, will be given on Monday, May 28. R .' 1). T. HOLLISTER. E Field frip Glacial Gelogy 123, Saturday,,May 1 : A special car has been engaged for this trip toi Detroit and Wyandotte, which will leave, State and Packard at 8 a. in. regaratess of weather, and ~return to Agin Arbor by 2 p., ni. It is expected that every student who has elected this Course 23'will be Oresent. Any student not present will' be, required to pay, his share of the expense for the car, about $1.170 each, for ! the round' trip. It is important to'carry the Detroit Folio,i and the' Surface Geology map of the Ann'Arbor Folio. Would advise carrying lunch. FRANK LEVERETT. Follow That -Hunch tthe BLU - GOLD LUNCH 605 Church i '. I . I i ,, - . . i S . 4-8 -Nickel's Arcade I ... . WHAT'S GOING ON I Z TICE-Copy for this column .should be submitted by +a:30 o'clock of the. day before publication. SATURDAY 91 :9-General assembly of high school editors in reading room of the Un- ion.' f9:00--Univrslty Y. IT. C. A. breakfast in Barbour gymnasium.' 9 :30-)GL,1 P. A. confer~ence discus- Sion. 10:00-Buslitess meeting of the MIN It. I'. A. 11:00-Talk to J. 1. P. A. by 1'. H. Tapping. 11 :30--Farewell address to 13f. 1. P. A. by M. B. Stahl.. 12:30!Aiuni of School ofk Music luncheon in room 318 of the Union 2:8O-laseball game, 3tinesota vs. Michigan, Ferry field. i 2:30-Fifth May festival concert In -I kilauditorium.1 3:30-Lawn fete at Helen Nenberrr .residence. 600--Slgnut Delta Kappa- dinner In r'oom '318 of the Union. 6:15---A. S. If. E. dinner in room :118 of the Union. I $:30-Banquet for AL . 1' . A. in as- senmbly hail of' the Union. 7;00-Upper Rtoim IBible class meets in Lane hall. [',7 :30(-Craftsmen club metln3g in the Masonic temple. I7.30-Chinese Students' club social meeting in 'Wesley ball. 8:00-Sith May Festival concert In Hill auditorium. 8 :00-Dance at Helen New berry resi- dance.- S SUNi1AY 9 J:30--Univeait3ilte's ible class meets in Upper Room -of Lane hall. j 0:30- 1ible school, Church of Christ, Lana hall. 9aO-Student Bible class meeting In Congregational church. 10:30-Rtegular morning servtices ,in Ann Arbor churches. 1':00-Studenlts' Bible class and Men's Service club, Church of Christ, Lane I all. I12:00-Op en forum.. Prof. I. 1,. Sharf- man will speak on the "Religion inE the Synagogue.'. 1 2:00--Student Bible classes. meet in Nk esley hall. 2:-45--College students and young peo- ple meet at Congregational church before going to sing at University, hospital. 4:00-Young lColl' ,hour ati Congre- gational church. Miss Ruby Carl- ton will tell of her experiences. 0 :30-'tudents' ifike to F. E. Royce's farm on Geddes avenue. 'Picnic sup- per furnished by committee. Open air service on "The God of Nature." If rainy weather, meet at church at 6:30 o'clock. 5 :30-Opent house at Wesley ball,; S:130-Preesbyterianm social hoar 'and discussion for students, led by John Schepers, '24. 6 :30-Christian Endeavor, Church; of Christ'. Lane hall. 1'6-, Wesleyan. guild meets ut 3I011- Iodist church. ' It's true efficiency Class ief eds-,Adv. to use Daily Read The Daily "Cla, Keep up appea: U-WOTICE S Literary, freshmen are reuested to pay their dues at once. The class has several assessments to mleet immed- iately and sufficient funds are lack- ing. Send $1 to K. Morgaride,, 431 Thompson street.- International water color exhibit. un- dier auspices of Ann Arbor Art as- sociation in wfest gallery of. Alumni Memorial, hall,- until tomorrow. Ad- mission 25 cents to all non-members Iof'the association.. Seniosiumust pay their diplomafie at' the office. of the treasurer^ of the University at any time= until 4 o'- clock Tuesday afternoon, May 22. All fraterntities and Ikouse clubs -who will 'volunteer to entertain small groups oif visiting high school edit- ors today are requested to call John Bacon, between 1 and 5 o'clock this afternoon, at the Chimes-office in the Union. Today is the last dlay to get ?li1101g:11- ensians. All persons who have sign- ed up for copies are urged to get their books as soon as' possible. Stuadents of, the literary college plant- ning to transfer next September to one of the professional schools orI Icolleges, not on the combined curri- h~ula, should make' application to the iRegistrar o-f the University; before IJune'1.l' RussIans Display Patriotism Moscow, May 18.-(By A.P.)- The Soviet press exploits the theory that war may come out of the dispute with E England; hundreds of provincial Russ-4 'ians have volunteered; this is ,hailed I by the papers as. a "remarkable display of pjatriotism ." -_ \ ,r I'.IPj , ' i, F I After the rains suits cleaned ' a Whaetemscleaning and pressinj in Ann Aj .'. PHONE W ITE WAe Corner DETRVOIT and CAI 165 F'., sible to conduct regular examinationa in all Intruetors are authorized either to give grade- u's43 a special examination period durintg the ay, Wednesday, Thursday, May 28, 29, 34, 3_1. io desire to conduct eantinations at that tine ecretary Hopkins prior to Monday night, May 21. t session are as follows: Mathews, L. R. Merriam, It. D. Minard, R. J. Moody, E. E.t Mooney, J. E. - , ortenson, P. Nagel, W. B. --Nelson, J. . Orr, .1. M. Parsons, M. B., Perez, S. V. Piggott, Al. M. Polhamus, J. It. ' Preston, R. W. Bader, L. F. Rtobertsotn,'K. B. Rtockwood, B. 3. Rtosatti, R. F. Rose, H. F. Saunders, Wmn. K. Schetnerhorn, E. W. I, 'G J. . CORNELL CO AL ~Kntucky Egg and Lump West Va. Egg and Lump -1 I - Pocahontas and Coke ' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 'ICOMMON AND FACE BRICK I -.4':GORNWELL COAL. Office - Cornwell Block. ' MR. STEWARD-Do You Want the Best? 'The best; ingredients often make a difference in, the quality :and taste of food. By buying in medium large quantities you will find the best to be the cheapest. We especially recommend, for" general, all round purposes- - V. PAINT-It's Like Bread; ti as much in. the making from what. it is made L . Tba btiteamzlinc Elgin, cased in yellow. whte or grten gold -y r gold-fled--plain or engraved,$0 $2flf,$0,$3, - according to quality of case When You Give a Graduation Watch. -Give It for a Lifetime Almost everywhere you go you hear- people apologizing for the "shortcomings" of their 'wa tches.. Poor tinme is a bad national habit due -very largely to original selections of cheap wi Iatches, bought merely as jewelry rather than for their timekeeping accuracy. In considering your graduation gift watch, Coe in and let us sliow you our display of Elgia gift watches. ; .. Take two women-=your wife and your neighbor's, f pile. They both use the same flour, and yeast. Both bc- ithe same kind of oven for the same length of time. iYour wi fe's bread invariably turns out best. ithe making-her way of making it. V f-' . . ; s. It's exactly, the same with paint. The list of mat( - thich it is made is only ,half the story-hardly that. Roller-Kin Painters and home owners have learned that the difference in 'its mak- ing is one of the big things that makes Lowe Brothers High Standard tie idependable paint it is. &IBaQ' hap 'much to 'do with its lastingness. It is one reasons for its splend( qualities-for its econon ing properties. We recommend this g you because we know it satisfactory service, Or the most suitable flour for Pastry Baking- Mimico Pastry Ohitrl n You Will Find 'That Our All Purpose Flours r- OSWALD HE. I