~TH MICHIIGAN DAILY __ new will d of d in Ii uie build- by June office in the comn- compiled. le to the Dry Agehts ratre YW, TO HOLD ANNUAL ntains Of Mou"nIR Dew"? MYUEKFS hA : ~ "Hand painted programs, special mu- sic, and spring decorations will comn- * ~ ~$~*~*.bine to make the annual May break- ~ .;.~ ~fast to be given this morning at Bar-. ''. hour gymnasium bythe UivrstyY. y t .s; a IW. C. A. a novel affair. A breakfast Y s of this kind is, given each year during >. 3+; the MAay Festival week, for the putr- ;' .*' .~.. ~pose of the entertainmient of festival ... guests. Breakfast will 1)e° served at . ~ two different hours, 8:'30 and.9: 30 o'- % rs$ z?': :Clock. $ 2#r'f { Avon Rich,, '23, Hope Halliday, 124, and Josephine Connable, '23, will fur- nish a continuous program of special s: f " Imusic. Maize and blue have been ;,. f:: r $ I used as the color scheme for decora- tions, and spring flowers will add :::~ .::<>::.:.::.:::: ".; to the attractiveness. Groups which have reserved special tables will fur- .;;.'.. ...Wish other decorations. WOMAN MANAGES OHIO NWPPR s eek~ ornight, t, Mrs. to have 4 o'-f 23, in' APand _. ... .. i M - . AID IM AIM i y i = i. 11. i y i w rr I "Y F r ! i y rY # A rA 1f ', r ' Y i rt . i Sw M "11{ w r ' ,.. .. At Packard and State, where interurn'b and State street meet, there is a cigar store whose specialty is the best of cigars, tobac-. cos and periodicals, coupled with a service that means what the word implies. Stop in some day. Cigars Ma zines [nt- ,as-I Twio stills captured in Tennessee mountains neair Cha~ttanooga Izzy Einstein and Moe Smith may~ be the -pize' hooch hunters~ of Ne~w York but they have nothing on the Williams brothers, Victor. and Eli, :whose pet objectives are the "Mountain Dew Fountains"~ of .the Tennessee -hills. Th~ey recently seized 'two' giant stilly in the mountains near Chattanooga, long 'a mToonshiners' stronghold. Because of the activities of Vic and Eli" 'mountain dew" is flowing less swiftly. rfor . _ _, a play are as follows: Acts 5, 1, 2, at ,7 o'clock Monday in Sarah Caswel Atgel hall ; 'courtiers, "retainers, and amen-at-arms at 4 o'clock Tuesdaiy; fiisat 5 o'clock Tuesday; acts 2 ASSOCIATION TWILL FELEOT OFFICERS AT YPSILAINTI RE EWARE OF' LETT'ING YOUR DOG RUX ON FERRY FIELD f) l - I Dogs may be dogs andth tey 1 hav'e made use of the campus as a laying ground, but no longerj Iwill they b~e allowed to run loose S on Ferry field. No longer will the crowd~d grandstands have the opportunity of whi s t1'g t I 'poor dog until the unfortunate F cannine is at a loss as to his {{ .real friends.' In the future any4 dogs found ru~nning loose on anyC Iportion of PFerry field will be cor- ailed, penned and disposed of by f the Athletic association. These, jnmeasures may appear somewhat jharsh, but so say's the "Grand Old Alan,',, so it must be true.J ICall off your dog or he may no (longer be yours. Mfrs. Zell Hark Deming Mrs.' Zell Hark Deming, publisher j of the Warren, Ohio, Tribune, is the first woman to be elected an officer of teAssociated Press. She. has been made a ,member of the central advis- !ory board of the Associated Press. Mrs. Deming has been Irunning her piper for 20 years during which time she has not had a strike in'her plant. Tobacco Soft Blue Fron* at 4 o'clock Wedne~day in the of Harbour' gymnasium; acts 5 at 4 op'clock Thursday in Sar- well Angell halls.a ors of at 3 I , Senior Girls' I Monday aft-! All the tennis matches in the sec- ~ond_ roudare required to, be played off by Wednesday, May 23., The nets will be up all todlay for as many nmatches to be played off as possible., Sigma Delta Phi will meet "at 10:30" o'clock this morning at Martha Cook building.' fvr Members of the American Associa- tion of University women are planning Ito hold an annual .meeting and picnic Saturday,1 May 26, at Ypsilanti. Elec- tion of officers for the coming year will take place and reports will, be1 given concerning the work that has been accomplished by the organiza- tion. Children from the training1 school will be presenit at. an out-door pageant to entertain the guests. De-! tails concern~ing the time of the meet- ing will be announced later. SUMMER'MONEYt We teach you everything, direct you4 in your work and 'can a'ssure1 you of 'substantial earnings as a salesman in> our big selling campaign which starts June 15 at Flint, Michigan. See Mr. Roab at Michigan Union Upper' Reading Room 7:30 Wednesday eve- ning, May 23.-Adv. GIRLS-If you are inter'ested in, selling this summer,, call 3221-J. any afternoon' for appointme'nt.- Adv. Smith '& Wesson .38 ICalibre Revolver. for sale cheap. Mountjoy, 549? S. Divisiel , tel. 2649-J.-Adv. lulinian FaiscFati Thireaten Jews Bukarest, May 18.-(By' A.F.)'-Ru-'; mnanian Fascisti threaten to kill Jews continuing to attend the University of Bukarest as professors or students. Professor Rteiner was told 'by phone he 'would be slain if he tried to resume his lectures. The Way to rent a room is with a 1 freshman of yesterday Last night you advanced a step forward- in your College career. n i n n. i nrrrwrnrisi X"4rvuze me.uaiiy advertisers. "Daily Classified'*.-Adv. 1: "D44alya Crl1sdfi" dil r' _ t4 I Del 'K :1 PORTIA SOCIE'TY ELECTS Portia Literary society held its semi- 'annual elections Thursday evening in room 302 Mason hall. The follow- in~g officers were chosen: president, Charlotte Blagdon, '25; vice-president, Elizabeth Vani~alkenburgh, '26;. sec- retary, Elzabeth Liebermian, 125; treasurer, Vera Kenaga, '24; Orators- clboard del'egate, Charlotte Blagdon, '25. Th final meeting. of the year will be the annual plcnic which' will be held~ Thursday evening, May 24, at the fireplace. Lovely Pattern ats, TPattern-Veils, YYVeiling, Flowers for Ht-is or Dresses Gage, Fiske and Hart Sports.Hats In after years 'youi your portrait taken at this time. Hai t made now! will value 'PUYEAR F&HINT le II1 Z f 328 S. MAIN _ __( I'-__,.__ _ _ __ _ _ f i ' 1~ . Would You Like Duon hk Summer Vacation? - + in i - PHIOTOGAPHERu band in ,.. r t a r e, um~ *1 nitelle 1 J ;rds from iew plate 7Nickels State Street Gall SO3 For appointmnt ,. ;.; jai -I TREAT YOUR GUESTS.,.TO ANN ARBOR'S BEST MEALS TRY OUR SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER 11 1 CREAM OF CHICKEN SOUP ROAST CHICKEN, CRANBERtY. SAUCE CREAM ED CARROTS AND 'PEAS very SRWEI l.Y PIE TEA COFFE T'I4ILK 70 CENTS .- Just Try and Beat W,~ UTOPIAN CAFE 1219 SOUTH UNIVEkRSITY r aToday for Particulars It - ill surprise you :to learn how\ eas y a substantial sum of moneyw cat be earned by selling the Premier Knife and' Scissors sharpener right in your ownhiome town or city. Every housewife wants one the minute she' 442et it-bcause it is such an im provement over the'0ld-fashioned whetstone. just a stroke or two of the Premier Sharpener on any knife or scissors blade produces a keen-cutting edge instantly. Written guarantee makes it easy to sell. Write at once for complete information or send 50c for sample, stating what territory 'you wish us to reservo for you. Preml~r- Mfg6. Co,. 806 U East Grand 'Boulevard. Detroit, Mich. WHINYTETE ONDAY, AY21 f. , .6h. mhSAY Sho t &c e1~a&~D Clia yt~r I ,, I i ,' I VASSAR lV~'r DITS «. 4; ASSURE YOU OF UNDERWEAR COMFORT because they are Tailor ,Made! Carful inishing that ~rotects )iour ANeatives We feel a real responsibility for film left with us for developient. Negatives cannot be replaced, an~d there are~ often several exposures in each roll' that are invaluable to the owner. Caref~ul methods and scieni- tific formulae bring results, that. justify your entrusting your film~s to our finishing department. Of course we are equipped f~r enlarging-let us show'you son samnples of our work. w iia urs iiaa ass s "a iea rs' We have a complete assortment on,* hand at all times-includ- ing a Special Athletic Garment' at $1 .00-and the popular y= ART at, J .Kodak=Film in all sizes kul i nn G qlfv+o nnA