_______THE MICHIGAN DATLY .... r t t1 all high schools are similar in that th ~e paths of their students must in -w--time converge at ne 'central point, VE the 'Uilveiy. M1'nday 4N VNiMIHNkI1ON 'After comple1ting their' tur tf ba're ditorial thirty" Ameilcan colleges, the Euro- I ean stuidents, some of. whom visitod eyn-jhere several month!4 ago, have made III ews some interesting observations on our ws pub-I academlic life. -Perhaps the most 'ignificant 6i Arbor, these was nmade by the Eniglish rep- IT ERI~V IEDTTRIALCOMME T I sentivnen LInLTeS Tne . ivi. ;cmuluated" hon- e$ of his col The~ sheep skin shade to con- re~lly'pr'ompted man to dteud at 41. Thee hie w~ho ' hs re- oneQ of the fa- e$ f1AtDICATEI) tO THi~E C .DR 'S HUH ! L l THE ilM. i. P. A. ( The' Dartmkouth)1 T'he preliminiary skirmishes of the : We Instruct the Young freshman-sophomiore picture 'war are, 7'YITRI7AY a: mf. we told the anythinig but enicourging to those young journalists a lot about: optimisictksouls who would see sinter- (a,) How to make up a paper, In-' ity in the dual purpose of the lower cluding' front and rear pages, classes to preserve the 'institution for I S(b) l~ow to write headlines the future and to establish for them-l -(e) Howe to write 'featu're stories, selves a' reptation ofgoo6dsense and (d) iHow' to run' a humiior column, moderation. The~ persistent vioation~s 'W~e nee~d hardly say that we know ' of the # [plicit' rules laid down by ; j 6'sautelyK jiothing about any of these~ Palaeopitus give' at least a' suggestion subI~jects. Vou tell 'em. that the sii 0omore class is not axi.i " ous to go th'rough with .the 'fight; an~d Ode the f'reshm~an bye an amazing' display TIo a' Sorority Hu~ise Luncheon of poor judgrment vitiate the' moral Bya Pea'"ivher advantage that was theis 'throug~h; ft llol! Broth for' dainty taste! stricter adher~eice to th~e rule~s. The, I 'itethought that I would stoop whole procedure, childish in the ex- To strain mTy 1palate,' ever chaste, tee ed de oo oa m With th~ey weak juice, thou ghost of jpression steadily becoming current soup.that the fight is a nuisance anyway, soup.and 'had best be abolished. 'The fresh- Asrii remd nt-s. Tian and sophoniores' have donee more To think that I, a man of mind, in the past two days to strengthen Should like' the lowly cow~ eat grass this impression than could be accom- Aid five ther'eon=-0 Iate unin~d! ' plished in a'year by'bored' upper-class. skeptics. o TPea, insipid . liquid, thou Whatever the outcome today, a ,dis- Wert nmade for other things than tinuct shaudow hias been cast over the ordrinkme.'Tsoynw whole affair that cannot help having heartya serious effect on the futur~e of the, Toquaffr pure "~water~ free from stinik.= custom. To those who have lonug Envoi argued against the pictur'e this 'will 'be 'Each man adapts himself to things the"-crowning tou~ch, anud they can be Aon'him, evolution shows,, expected 'now to press more aggres- Perhbaps er~elong as (tme swit wihgs, ! iv'ely for its abolition. Breaking fur- I'll use rice powder on my nose! niture after getting in dormitory Zeke. rooms byr forcing the locks, spiritig « * 'handcuffed freshimen out of town, 1 I ~'ejstbe 'it"t ~oi mkinug a w~lesale ro~und'-up of all cigarette and hunt 'for inispiratiobn,' high boots and cameras, and finally and 'wve itd 'this on our hook. sending mien out into the coutnry to ( eaes rch-j cut telephone wires, this, and all theti I hard 'your talk this miorning' at mainy hours before the 'fight is sehe- the M~'. J. P. A.' conferenc~e. It was ! du'led to start, miay be child's play; wodi'erful. You 'seemed so well able if 'it is, it is' timne the' chidrenwere t'o fund 'any little thing 'out of which growinig up. tao 'write a feature story. I wonder ifyou could' find a little like meh. ' OLD AGE P ' 46N8. 'The Girl from i~i ghlandPaf I1 Philadelphia Public )ledger) P.S. Urch dear, 'dear Urch, you# Beginning in'Ia modedst way, Penin- Fare so handsome. Sylvania is to hav~e an old age' pensilou This~ quite bowls a~s over,'sstem, thle thir~d State "in the Unio~n We are breathless. to' adapt this.; kindly, form of legWt- they are. We do think highly of 1 lItiltltttlttitltiii iIiiitI~uiitIll : getting a settlement on money which DOROTHY B. LOWRY other nations borrowed from us. _ CHIROPRA TOR 'If the American government will 606 t Natl Bank 'Bldg. not relinquish its claim for Rhine ex- I= Hour, 1. pn. Phone 401-3 penses it at least can assert its free-.: I1tllllllllltl1l1111ti1 'domn to deal with Germany without the intervention of any other country and without passing the 'payments through the reparations commission.. If this is our affair with Germany it is ours alone. If we intend to in- sist upon this debt, and only this one,!lti g he F nc d b , t e I ai n debt, 'etc., go slide, then let's have the; Gdebtor ' in without asking the consen1 of other governments and without ty- !rig' ourselves up in any of their en- tetprises. }Patronize The Daily advertisers. I DTRIT UNtITED I4NE$ Ann Arbor. and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Dioit Limited and Express Car- 6'oa.m., 7:oo a.mp., 8:oo a.m., 9:05 aan'd hourliy to 9:05 p.m. Jackson Express' Cars (local stop: went of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.mf., and every two hours to 9:47 P.. Local Cars East S~ound--7 :oo a.mn. ,and every two hours to 9;:.o p. Mn., ix ;eo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-u r:4o P.M., x :is a.m. To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West B~oun--7 :so a.m., T Jackson and -Kalamazoo-Liix' ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m.,12,J:47.,a3:47, T'o Jackson and Lansing-' Lim fed at means GOOD di TOLEDO-ANN. Cars leave for To] j2. P. M. adaY Sday. Sundays at Ann Arbor Produce' I .-.. 2276rR 707 PACKARD I f '' cur to of a .e in- how- U ,i i I r fte and de- eaccus~ed of, hint, a ' dis- The Typewriter and Stationery Store 0- D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade -If . you write, we ha-ve" it- ASK FOR TIlE OIAFE D DAIRYt UHI here Is ,ion of xfti 'MAN 1923 of is in ,ection or ais be en~ ,ther than value of 1' 2 3 4 ti 6' 7 8 9 10 11 12, 20 ~ 21 22, 23 24 45 226 27 2S 29 30 31 watOo tArS STRAW PAN4AMA HATS CL~EWED ANiD 1EBL4OCIED (No acids'used) Straws, P'anamas, Leghorns, Bankoks and all _kinds of hats Cleaned and Reblocked at low prices for HIGHI CLA S WORK. Let a "B'oot-black" shin'e your shoeq, but have your hat Clean- le dand Reblocked by a Practical flatter. fACTORY NAT STORE 617 Packaird Street ,Phone 1792 Where D. U1. R. Sops at State MANUFACTURED ANDN) 11 THE ANNPIARBORJHDAIRY PHONE 424 fir.I any to any ot. hier Thewy sent 1;7 delegates .! . When GovTr'nor Pichot signebd the 'W~e hope slie- was , the girl' 'wth! bill creating the Pension 'Commison the lazy Smile.- a motion picture'Vas complete'd'Wichi " + *shows' every stag'e'of il~?e raw through reyj - Our Hero the Legislature, It wi11 be used for national pt~opagaiida ' purposs, a Rise r ai _tbWhich the m~otion p~icture is 'beiung lie put with Icreasing frequency an~d leffectiveess. Te'old age pension,, as it will be 3uC xemplified 'here, 'is njot a schieme for4 R the 'pauperization of the poor. Rather, et,-1 i isin ine'with 'th~e.excellent 'Mvoth-I ers' Assistance Fund, whilch helps ht~hkeep famizlies together. The aged pen- alit {slojers will 'receive not more than a i~lr dolara day; less than this if they' a~ttI jhave any in'comfe 'of their own. It is put the purposes'off the la~w to make itj 4.el: I " ssible for old pmen and women past lA ' ( evenity years of ago ad incapable of s'upportilng tffemsie1veao livee in $_ modest sufficienicy.at' home, inste~aof e - in institutions as wards of the State.1 !It is always a melancholy sight to,; lsl , a4 sean aged husband and wife,. who a s This ferociou~s b'east is 'a bear. He I gether, sundered 'by poverty. in' the huni-gfo. huk-last- years cot their lives, 'as they1 has just been out hnigfr"uk must be if they go to ."the poorhouise." an ebieis, 'which he 'thinks are the! By and large, couples who have reach- 'jo berties. O his way bch e leht '-a 'ed the age of seventy :years together ,.n gi4ate, 0k'hose nose: can be glim'ps'ed j deserve the brief bounty of the State ai- in ' te background) and hie said Ito 'for the days that are left to them. If~ her the'girait°e "Where are your rub- ',nly to save the 'tea~rs of ~parting sh~ed y~r; en?"by these dim ild