L 5 kd . 6 ~IdaiI i .. o 168 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1923 .,I KESCLEAN SWEEP ME 6OPHER SERIES ING SECOND CONTEST Detroit Eastern High School Wins State Interscholastic Track C ha mp h SCORE 1I LRST TWO VARSITY IN .f Hi5s Secs"Prove MINNESOTA 0 0 No Handicap Toay MICHIGAN 2 2 'MICHIGAN PRESS ,; ) CONVENTION uNDS I .. 3, 6 8 0 1R aE'AUTO CITY SQUADS TAKE 00 0 0 oo xx 3 54a THREE PLACES IN ANN 10 0 3 3 0 X NX XIIIO 1 IOIITTE CIPIIIAI IA Yielder, nthi With Bits i I eDaily j seventht eon- -tory y de-. his afternooni vo da3-s. The place in the seven gamnes A sun follow, hat shadowed- ag, with the and dry and! ity, made to- * Coach Wat- mced that he tlAe mound in ie series with- Ray FisherI e wee, port-j Edward Gibson Michiigan pitcher whose effective hurling prevented Minnesota from en- dangering the Wolverines' early lead. schoice. The Mich Sixth inning:. Minnesota--Hartfleld ad gai th abenc jout, Haggerty to Shackleford. Grist- zthe receiving posi- 4ked in his stead. gau flied out to Shackleford. Rumbil romnptly at four d'-; out to Shackleford unassisted. No runs, no hits, no errors. J~vLL11~bJL4.U1~# Michigan-Paper flied out to Friedil.' Shackleford. My- 'Shackleford. Foote! Swanson singled to center. Gibson ckleford. No runs, singled to center. Uteritz walked. . filling the bases. Xlpke walked fore- tz (walked. KiCpke hag hn Swanson. Ash walked forcinig poor throw to first. Y inced to third and in Gibson. Shackleford flied out to Ay. Ash singled' Bros, Uteritz scoring on throw in, e line scoring Uter- Kipke taking third. Haggerty out, ,h out stealing sec- Muskovi~ch to Anderson. Three runs, out, Muskovitch to, aven walked. Kleinj to hits, no errors. ovitch. Two runs, Seventh inning: Minnesota-Myrum, Minnsot - Bos;flied out to Kipke. Foote doubled to to Shackleford.center. Bros hit by pitcher. Friedl hit Bovn t Shckl-'a home run to right field, scoring B opedtouthatkle Foote and Tiros ahead of him. Alusko- it nopdorus i vitch flied out to 1Haggerty. Three tuns, two hits, no errors. Michigan-Paper Michigan-.-McMurphy replaces Mus- igh fly to Mlyrui. kovitch at second. Kline walked. iinfield hit. Gibson Paper doubled to center, Kline going schoice. Swanson to third. Karnz replaces Blar 5eid on Dot. Uteritz singled mound for M2innesota. Swanson safe' eke singled to left. onl Foote's error, Kline scoring, Paper e on the throw in. taking third. Gibson out M'yrum to scored, Kipke tak- A4nderson, Paper scoring and Swanson nted out, HartfieldI taking third on the play. Uterit'z runs, two hits, and knocked a sacrifice fly to Friedl sr.r lug Swanson. Kipke out, Franz tol Minnesota-Ander- IAnldersonl. three runs, one hit, onte Lt center. Hartfield error.I made a beautifulf Eighth inning: Minnesota-KranzI 's long fly to leftI out, Uteritz to Shackleford. Cristgaut i'.took second on out Klein. Rumbil beat out an infield bai. Rumbil singled! hit. Myrum out, Uteritz to Shackle- ipke recovered the! ford. No runs, one hit, no errors. Paper to head An- Michigan-Ash flied out to Friedl. me. Paper thirew to Shackleford out, Myrunm to ,Anderson. it Rumbil when Ire Haggerty out to Anderson; unassisted. seconci. 'No runs, No runs, no hits, no errors. rs. Ninth inning:' Minnesota-Footej leford singled to flied ount to Kipke. Bros fanned. Friedl' A took second when out, Uteritz to Shackleford. No runs, I~HE DY MEET LEE A WHITE, '10, TALKS AT MID DAY BANQUET CUPS A NI)CERTIFICATES GIV1EN TO ]BEsT HUIGH 5(11001 11U L 1IAT1 ION lSk Tapping and( Stahl Address Editors; Next Year's Officers Elected Closing the second annual conven- tion of the Michigan Press associa- tion, more thian 250 highi school editors were given a banquet at 1 :30 o'clock. this afternoon at Lane Hall. The re- sults of the competitive contest aniong the high school publications were an- nounced at the affair. The Michigan Daily cup was award- ed Grand Rapids Union high s;cholol for the best monthly publication, the Anni Arbor Timges News cup to "The Port Huron Student" for tihe best an- nual, and the Detroit, News cup to De- troit Central high school for the best weekly. Certificates Awairded Certificates were awarded the high schiools having the best publications In classes according to enrollment. Mus"- kegon high school,'was presented a certificate for the best annual in class A and the Royal Oak high school for Tack taTOSS First: Detroit Elastern . . .25 1-2 Fecond : Detro it Northw~estern ,22 Ihrd: Detroit Northern .17 uI' FFourth: Lansing .......16 1-2 Sixth: Ann Arbor........... 10 1-2 {Seventh: Detroit Central .......9 1-2 Egt:Cleveland Glenville. ...- Ninth: Highland Park........7 1-2 TTVDENTS :ENTER HISTORICI Tenth:: Saginaw Eastern ..........7. 1!OJL,W 1WITH IBAN])' Eleventh: Jackgon.... ..... 1-2 AT 7:30 Twelfth: Muskegon........... .6 Th irteenth:t Battle creek .......4 BURN POTS ;TO TUNS Foaurteenth: Howardl City....2 1-2 OF WHERE OH WHERE" Fifteenth ,: Kalamazoo, Detroit WINNERS NOSE OUT NORT'IIWES1t'.l EILN, 25) 1 TO 22; LAN- ; ~ING FOURTh111 SA GINA W MAN BREAKS' IJAVELIN THROW MARK' Loete, Sa+ naw ,Arthur liI, anad Two Firsts Each I !Southastern, anid LaGrange,, Illiniois............... .......2 sixteenth; Adrian .... Seventeenth: Marine City ......... 1-2 OPRIO LS MUSIC- FESTIVAL Choral Union and Chaie*ugo Smphonyr I FUnder Stock, to Per. H1enderson, Yost. WhIite, 'NeFarland Sp'eak; Wilson Leads Band "Where, Oh *Where, Are The Verdant Frcshnmen-once more this song ,reverberated through the hills of Sldepy Hollow when for the eighteenth time freshmen last night .threw. their pots into the blaze which signifiedj their passing into ,the sophomore class. Thus was honored one of the most ancient and sacred of Michig;an traditions. Hollow Crowded Lon~g before the arrival orthe! classes the natural amphitheater was becoming filled with spectators who seated themselves on the edge of the hills overlooking the Huron valley. By . 1 illlamRU1itch sing) tied P'resenting a well-balanced and j 3 inches. smoothly working track team, Detroit Half mi Eastern high school' captured first first, Lans place in the twenty-third annual inter- Glenville t scholastic track and field meet this af- Time 1:34. I enon on Ferry Field with a total oef 25r 1-2 points. Closely following the winner was ,gargy Detroit Northwestern with 22 points. , These two schools were running closo 1TO . through the entire affair and both teams took cognizance of the fact that! B second, third, and fourth places are B extremely big elements in winning a Brilliant magnificen meet. Last year the twoscol were wok n tied for first place. Detroit -Northern DAILY a came third today with 17 points and goyle this Lansing High fourth with 16 1-2. De-j The gargo: troit Northern won a leg on the relay at the star cup by taking the hialf mile relay main- jesters see l v through the work of Hester, star dash mlan, who in addition took firstl were absol second fr in the, 100 and 220 yard dashes. The scn r !Captain half mile proved the feature of the 'the, news afternoon when Brown of Detroit till the beI !Eastern passed Hart of Saginaw Ar-j he gracefu thlur Hill on the homne stretch and former sta turned in tihe fast time of 2.03. Lo- aaer vette of Saginaw Arthur Hill broke ;atheglry. the only record to fall during the af- c lined the ternoon when he hurled the javelin a! Favrot, wh distance of 155 feet 4 inches. The for-1 Same brill mer record was 144 feet 8 inches. 'begun. Hot made last year by Barnum (Parkers- for the wa burg, W. Va.) ht ~cn (Detroit Gentr, jHeight 5 feet 1 IHamimer thro Eastern) first, C western) seco Northern) third tral) fourth. inchies. Pole' vault--C first, Thorce (11 Nielson (MuskG ncr (Marine Ci Ifor 1 lile Ire ising I third, 4G. rk LU VLIE IL, JIIDIIIBVV, ('AST INCLUDES NAMES OF )LVN' ' WELL KNOWN ARTISTS The thirtieth annual MN'ay Festival will be brought to a close by a con- (cert' performance .of Saint-Saens' bib- lical opera, "SamSon and Delilah" at 8' o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. A cast of distinguished artists will singa the solo roles, while. the Choral Un- ion and the Chicago Symphony orches-a tfa under Mr. Frederick A. Stock will] t:1 a i T" the hollow was the bonfire stackedj1 high with wood and the speakers' stand decked out in gala colors and equipped with anl electric loud speak-: ing amplifier. This device was somve- 1 thing new tried. out at this Cap Night I .lly a tar flii Leag Wa 10 finl [Rant muse, Ni ags, h'U LIeu~ i .iiLdbB I~furnish the choral and orchiestr'al por-i due to the inability of everyone to DAILYsat1 monthly publications Grand Rapids, (Dt100-yardrn Central received the certificate: class in ftesoe erlstya.ds-etr (eri and often. lbo CMseo.Hihs ntewel atAt 7:30. o'clock the procession of Northern) first, Otto (Jackson) secondlC ukgn Hihs i hewel at opening in the conpeitin or las AHihlad arkI amsn-haresMarhal.students .entered, the' hollowv. They Boyd (Detroit. Southeastern) third, way for Ty'vSe 1 cmptitonforclssA HghandPak Smsn-haresMarlhlLwere ushered in by the Varsity band, H enson (Lansing) fourth. Time 10.2. h eoda high choo recivedthe ertiicate I Dlila-Jeane Grdon the seniors, soon !to depart into the 120 yard high hurdles-Stargur AustnF clas BSagnawArtur ill Incoy 1-ighPrist-larnceWhiehil. Wide, wide world" leading in Caps (Cleveland Glenville) first, Schroeder less to hold the class C, Cassopolis. For the best cov- I Abimnelich-Henri Scott. and Gowns.'T,, rest of the classesI (Battle Creek) second, Prout (Detroit' erdesign for mfonthllies in class A An 'Old Hebrew-Henri Scott.; followed bhn nodilsl h etal hrMle Aral oi Iwildness of the ! aiscentral was declared the best, Hebrews, Philistines-The Choral fresh en, and itoo theirlactyt es n trl hrMle Ara)futh d by the factf Rapids ndtokthi pacs iTime 16.8. hit(sevenrtim class B, Saginaw Arthur Hill. In soy- J Union. teaea il u-hnegr AnAbr itchedenballs er design for monthlies in class A the M ~r. Marshall is one of tile prii- Vro . ilr, ;L reietoffrtP)esn (M op eod Incedlokin p GrnQaisCnrlwa logvn a emeso h hc perathis year's Student council, mounted Cuzmnings (LaGrange. Illinois) third tention cannot a certificate. Muskegon high school coml hany. Minei. Gordon, Mr.i White- the platforni and introduced Prof. Wil- Buch (Ka lamazoo) fourth. Time 4: 5 nreile.