Il MICHIGAN DAIL\ LY FFIIALBULLETIN' n I th Buletn s cnstuctvenotice to all mambo"i of 'aty. opyrecire unil 1.3 rt m.(11:30 a. m. Raturday.) SV1T1ilI)AY, MAY 19, 19213 Numbelr l1014 y Proclamiation; By the Governor: render to Grant at Apponmattox mark~ed the close of the CivUl tad cost. this country millions of treasure and many," many precious lives. Three years later Memorial Day was insti- or the memory of the bravre men who had given their liVes cause. tion' passed and America again found' her.elf In aimns, not to Hellion' but to establish the liberties and maintain the right's of r republic. a score of yetirs' saw the outbreak of the great conflict sand, tit .seemed that we might be able to keep out of it, as the ed it became more and more evident that the fruits of liberty, e heart of every American, were seriously menaced and that national independence we must take .our place by the side were battling for 'the freedom of the world. We all know Teknow how splendidly on land' and sea our gallant soldiers, larines upheld the honor of the American name. Day is for the men who took part in these wvars, but our finrt be for the grey-haired veterans, that fast thinning blue line growing feebler year, by year; and in this thoughtfulness for r ntone will 'join more heartily than the younger veterans of wars. . in order that we may pay a tribute of respect and affection ng veterans of the Civil War, the Spanish American War and rld War, and do honor to the memory, of their fallen comrades, erely urge that Wednesday, May thirtieth, 1923, be fittingly Memnorial, Day; and I earnestly appeal to the people of Miclil- y' co-operation in plans for toe observanC f,° O tIxax nmunities. Trial' Day, flags should be displayed at half-staff until moon and o the top of the staff. or' my'hand and the Great Seal of the State this fourteenth day year of our Lord one' thousanid nine ,hndred said twenty-three, mmionwealth the eighty-seventh. ALEX J. GROSBECK, Governor. CHARLES J. D1F LAND, Secretary of state. Certifleate Fees: e more days remain, including today, for the actual payment rer of the University of the fee payable, by any person receiv- a or certifcate, at Commencement, 1923.' The Treaurei-' d this (Saturday) afternoou. Such payments cannot be ac- : 00 p. mi., Tuesday, May 22. SIRPL4Y W. S1VIT11, Secretary. ber of the University staff supposedly receiving The Michigan hie contract between the Regents and '7hie Daily is -requested failures of The Michigan Daily's Circulation 'Department, t es, These reports should be sent -promptly to the office of of the University. Only by receiving 'notice of failures to he University business office or The Mvichigan Daily 'itself 4actual performance of contract.' SHIRLEYI W. SMITH, ;Secretary.. uncement Copy: n last year's Announcement have been sent bay the messenger o.departments in the Literary College asking for 'complete Anntouncement for 1923-1924 to be handed in before June 3. fpliance is requested.. ARTHUR G.' HALL, Regitrar. bees of the Faculty wrho teach Engineering students: nodate the large number of students who will attend the star- this summ~er, it is necessary to conduct two camnp. 'Tbe hiave been chosen for the first cam,, will leave the University 1Hull, C. B. Schuffnman, HI. lHolliday, R.A.' Shaw, H. T. Ihoot, R. A.' Sipe, R. J. IHulecher, H. T.' Spence, H. A. Hunter, C. W. Taylor, F. C. K~ao, C. Y,, Ure, C. Kiassen, C._ W. . Vanvlict, R. Lam, X. IH. '' Weil, H. L. Lrandre, J. H. Weiss, S. A. Laoel, L. C. Wightman, E.'R.. iMaeder, L. A. Woltzen, L. J. LOUIS A. °HOPKINS, Secrgtary. "The Truth": The public performnance of Clyde Fitch's "The Trutth" scheduled for May 10, in, the series of P'lafy Production' plays, will be given on ?Monday, IN U7 28. R. D. T.. HOLLISTER. IField trip Glaeial Leoogy 23, SatIrdby, Miy,%1J: IA special car has been engaged for this trip to Detroit and Wyandotte, which will leave, State and Packard at 8 a. in. regaiess of weather, and I return to Ann Arbor by G2,p.m-!. It is expected that every student who, has elected this Course 23 will be present. Any student not present will be required to pay his share of the expense for the car, about $1.70 each, for the round trip. It is important to carry the Detroit Folio, and the Surface Geology map of the Antn Arbor",Folio'. Would advise carrying lunch. FRANK LEVERETT. "THEGOLDFISH"' T-y Our Ensiness Mlen's Lunch 11:30-2:04 " . . . 650 JOE PARKER'S SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER K~ennedy's, Orchestra 11:30 -4:00 Cornwell Coal Bldg. - - - Suggestions for Comrnencement Gifts 4 dJ . I . , Follow That Hunc? to the BL U -GOLD LUNCH 605 Church l 4-8 Nickel's Areade Singi WHAT'S GOING ON. NiOVICE-Copy for this column should be Kubu..Ited by 4M3 o'clock' of; the day before pulication. SATURDAY, 9 :00l-Gvoeel awembly of 1ighi school "editors In reading roost of the Uni- ion. 9:a4--L nvers#y Y., W. C. A. bre akfust in Barbour gymuasiumn. 8:3i0 ---. I. P. A. cofnfene discus.i 10:00-Business mehang- of the M. L . 1b. A.I 11:04-Talk to X. L.PP. A. by T. 11. Tapping. U. 30--Farewell address to :M.L 1. P *A. by M. . Stahl. 12:g- Alumul of 'Schodol of Music }luncheon in room 3138 of ,the Union i :84--1asebai1 game, 3flnnesota -rs.i Michigan, Ferry field., 0 :30--Ffi fMai.Festival concert in Hill auditorium. 3 O-La'wii fete at lieen New berry reel'deiwe. 6:00-Stna Delta Kappa' dinner int mrom.1189 oftho Union.. 0:1-A.S. M.E. dinner lin room 318 k jof the- Union. #1 -Btinret f