be conferred on any student at comn- mencemtent who, has not pa-yed his fee t by this time, according'to Shirley W.!I Smith, secretary of -the AUniversity. c Candidates for degre as or for any I certificate or diploma are requested, to fill out cards at once }which may bes1 had at the secretary's office of theirI college or school, pay the treasurer of the University, having card re- ceipted, and file the indicated sec~- 1 funded on surrender of receipt tioni of this car~d with the secretaryl payment. Thls' appfles lsvto ti of the college or school. er's certificate fees, business adn, In case the faculty does~ not recoin- I trtion certificate faes an~d nurse men~d. any piayor, the~ fee will be r~e- plonta fee. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Diploma fees must be paid at th'e tr~easurer's office b'1efoire 4 o'clock on Tuesday, May 22, which has bleen set, as the last, day on whichi seniors cani pay this fee. Ihn n case will a degree Office: Jake, 110 Replies are at the 'C, MC, 12, BC, X18, LSD' CLASSIFIED.. TES Two cents a word advanc~e. Minimum' iy, 25c. Minimum iree cents per word "gd. White space :e of five cents per fleds, charged only Tel. 32214J 622-E. Liberty Across from Speddings. 167c--10 The Feller Brush Co. is doing mzorei than $1,000,000 worth of business( every thirty, days. If you are goingI to sell this -summer be safe. Try Fuller. We have some: excellent territory left. See Burby today at. Sigma Delta Kappa house, 1325 Washteniaw. Phone 2619. 168c DO YOU NEED MONEY? You can have it, plenty of it, by acting .as bur Agents in Ann Arbor' during spare moments. Experience not necessary. Write us at once. THE B3URGESS COMPANY 32 So. Clark St., Chicago 168-2 TYPEWRITING and Mt-imeographing promptly and neatly done. Aniy- thing from a postcard to. a vohimne, of hundreds of pages. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade .Phone 1718 167tc-3 YOU (GIB: PROMPT AND ACCURATY service -wheni your, MANUSCRIPTSI are TYPED by EXPERTS at BID- DLES BOOK STORE. 11 I'4lckels Arcade.1ct TYPEWRITERS% Bought, sold; ex- changed, cleaned, repaired.. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone 1718. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters: s 1.66c-3 ... _ .. I r w i r IW r ws s r I W I W I r s r r r Canoe ,lunches containing. food delicate enough for the most fastidious girl, .in gUan- Oldest and most reliable place to buy tires. ly Spin'gfleld Diatnond Tires 128c.-tf 'I person who took hat and~ cap romW ;John. Kaupp's cafeteria 'on Villiams St. Thursday eve., please eturn them to the same place.. [D PAPA and APPLE SAUCE laved by BENNIE~ KRUGER'S or- iestra, now on sale at the Stoff- t ,Phono Shops..,6$ 1 RdO~CBOTTOM PRICE1S on-gro- res, see Pierces ad in the Wed-. esday isue of The Dlaily. 125c-tf Phanze in' reservadtions. - -" -wi w rirNrfw er ae IrI Ar n .. i RE~AL ESTATE handlle a splendid 6 roomn .oation four blocks east of Fireplace, hardwood floors, tcondition, 2-car garage. ,00o. n for a five room haw~se, ,reet, oak floors aind finish, laundry, good lot. Price i !c ! WANTED-Salesmen for selling new EXPE~RT Typewrilter .lRepaIiing, . all specialty article. Needed in everyj maker., Ann Arbor Typewriter Ex-. household., No competition. Won-; change. Phone S66. 9 Savings Bank; derful opportunity for advancermerut'..}lc 2-t to state manager. Reply at once toI INTERSTATE TAILOR Box RT, Daily. 167p-3 FIFTEEN STUDENTS -WILL -E UNRIVALLED CL THING VALUESl HIRD fr smmr wr.WBe IN TAILOR-MADE SUITS AND from 70 cents to $1.00 an hour. Call TCATS t $27..STAI TETH1 at 61' Packard St. Hours 1-6. Near ST E'AIOS RE TTH Ferry field. 1 c- AMERICAN HOTEL. PHONE-123i ~ 0c2 FOR APPOINTMENT. t 166c-3j SALESMEN WANTED-Good l ive )IISCELL VNEOUIS salesman-make, $12-=$18 per day. If interested write 3447 Hamilton Lawn Mowers sharpened. Money back! r' :, r . it We expect to impirove our service and increase our facilities. to make the Betsy Ross and Busy Bee shops as popular with every Michigan student- as. they now are 6, a large numiber, f Michigan men and womeni. Get: the habit of a daily visit to either shop. Blvd., Detroit, Michigan. Sales Co. Union 168p1 guarantee. Call Larned Hardwa'e, 310 S. State $t. Phone 1610 j home, freplace,j near, Eberbachb $10,00an eight room, near. E. Uni- verilty, good conditions. Terms. .sn't?00 -8 ;rooms, near Church, oak "up afidown, sleeping porh, gar-. age, extremely large living room We have -an excelent fraternity pro- pery jut ~listed, Very large lot, adequate housing facilities. Excellent six room house very con venient to campus. All oak- down- stairs. Large spacious hall Witt French doors. Beautiful fireplace and electric fxtures. The three sleeping rooms are all large. Wel ventilated attic. Laundry in basement. Muist, he sold this week. Look it over and make an offer. It~ interested in better- homes, we have them. Harry O:. Potters Company R~ealtors 601-4 Fir~st Nat'l Banik Bldg. Tel. .2072. 160,Q2 We. can offer ybir an eleven roomn ,housein. very -poliular 'roomiing dist- rict that Will give you an excellent home, and:turn you an income of from $10 t,220just for the school year. Second floor completely and beautiful- ly furnished.' Roomers wish to en- gage the rooms for -next year. Terms easy., Gorton Real: Estate Agency Roo 3 Wuertjl Arcad'e Phone-1798-W Evyenings 661-W - -167c ' F'URNISHED. HOUSES- We have for sale several rooming; houses that are completely furrnished. All located within 'two blocks from the campus. The owners wish to leave.s the city 'immediatey' after the closing. of the school year, and arle willing to sell these- places at the real value of the houises alone. You get the furn- iture free. Let us show them to you. Gorton Real Estate Agency FOR SALE; FOR SALE-Good building lots on Whitmoro Lake road, abutting the Barton Hills disctrict. Will sell in two acre lots. Inquire J. °W. Dwyer, 508 First ?National Bank Bldg.. 164-4I FOR SALE-Two tickets for both Fri- day and Saturday concerts. Call Gregory at 1268 or at Dental Clinic.,[ 167p-2 FOR SALE-An F flat Buescher saxo- phone. Call at 1301 Washtenaw orj phone 2952-R after _8:30 p. m.' 165c-t ". YUNOHES A l tXkSpecial Canoe Lunch will m.rake her went to go again. >Rei's 1 Club lunch. 154 c-tf i 'UINITY LUTHERtAN CHURCH- h ill~ Ave. and William St. RE"V. L. F. GUfNDERiMAN, Pastor 9:30 A. M.-Bible School. 10:30 A. M.-"The Power' of the spirit,"~ EVERYONE IS WELCOME !Bunbag Church ervtcs FOR SALE-Grand piano (B3eckstein) used short time onlp~ Owner' leav-. ing city. Price rig;ht. Inquire G, ing city. Price right. Inquire boxG0. I f. Room 3 one 1798-W 661-WI 168c FOR SALE-One concert ticket for Saturday night. Phone 746M. -. - - - 168p FOR SALE-Modern .2 family home. -Apply Zwerdling Fur, Shop. 4166-3 j FOR RENT FOR RENrT-Unfurnished heatedt four rooms and private bath near-the University. $60 monthly. ReadyI Sept. 1. AMight arranige for posses- sion after June 1. F. Roy Holmes 113 S. Main " C ; S Cg10G3c-G F1A6-rooms all modern and located on a good street. Hardwood floors, fire- place, garage. Can be bought for on"-- ly $1000 down. Call Mrs. Justine, 835F-1, 2738. 16231 FOR RENT-Very desirable six-roomI house, two blocks from Campus, for Summer school or to Sept. 20. $100 a month. Phon~e 1291tRcar Box 11. 168-3 FOR RENT-Furnished house from June 15 to Sept. 15. Large shady yard. Inquire 1001 Forrest. Phone FOR RENT-Five furnished rooms and bath, on first floor, until Sept.; 15. 429 S. Division. 161p-3 WANTED TO RENT Suite for next school year. Study, bed'roomn and p'rivate' porch avail- able Sept. 1. $8. Box CNC, Daily. 167p-3 Professional student wants pleasant *room in quiet house' near campus for next fall. Box 689. 16'7.3 WANTED-A garage in the vicinity of Williams and S. Division. Call 1443- ~R. Kenrick. 166p-3 LOST LOST-A stone martin fur neck- piece at Majestic Theatre last Tues- day evening.; Calli Irene Kauska at 2482M1. Reward. J68p-2I LOST Shaffer Pen. Wed. night. Be- tween Hil auditoriumn and Library. Reward. Call 3083-M. . ,_ L AL~I I , , . . . .,I i 1' State and Hluron Streets SIDNEY S, ROBINS, Minister Philip M.-O~rgan Service. E.La Rowe. Mr; 4, 10: 46A. M.-Momning Service, ser- mnhtopic: "What Uitarfians are fi account of modern views of re- ligious questions at a great con- feren cc. 4:30 P. M.-Outdoor Meeting. Fifth Ayve.,and .Washington St. V. C. STELLHORN, Pastor 10:30 A.' M.-This will be a confirm- ation service. Sermon, "Advanc- ing to Fuller Maturity in Christ Jesus." Col. 2,64-0. 5:30 P. M-Student Forum. Sub- ject, "How Can x:the Ltheran Chiure)i 'Hold its. Young .People~s" Robert. Lindquist,' leader. 7:30 P. M.-A. Pentecost' service. Sermon subject,'-"Our Mother Church.," Acts 2, 41-47. All services in English. Sunday School at 9:00 a. m. Church Service at 10:00 a. m. Eg lish. Church'Service 11:00 a. in. Geri Man. Students Cordially- Welcomed lO:30-M1orning Worship. Sermon "The Test of t idencey," Mr'. Sayles.t 7:30 -' Evening, service. Sermion, "Life, *hiCommerclal Tnis' Mrc Saiyles. G101ILDI3 OTICES 12: 00--Guild Class. I ',. 1 1 : r ANTED-Position for an~ American lady who desires to act as traveling companion, or one who nieeds per~- sonal attention. References ex- changed. Box 110 Daily. 166p-3 VANTEl~D-Young' lady stud'ent for' Summer School and next year to care for apartment for two' in re- turmn for room and board. Phone 2526. 167p-2 VANTED-Position by American lady as supervisor of household whiere good service is appreciate3d. Refer- ences. Box 110 D]aily. 166ip-3 ARBER WANTED for Saturday or a steady one. Good guarantee. Haw- kinsdouse Barbershop., Ypsilanti, Mich. 166 p-3 rjE make you~r house clean without paint. We db both'initeior and ex.- terior washing. City H1oue Clean- ing Ce. Phone 1995-J. 152c30 4 To- have_ courage: without pugnacity; to have conviction without bigotry-; to h' ve .(iaiywihu coildesenslo ; to have faith withoutl credulity; to have love of humanity without mere sentimentality; t(% have meekness with power and emotion with sanity-that is Christianity." - , -Charles Evans .Huges rST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH I (Missouri Synod) Corner Third and West Huron Sts, CARL A. BRAVER, Pastor 9:00-Preparatory service in Ger- man. Sulb'ject:ifrit~lr hr b imnii Sim-day Schoo~l, 11:45. meetig; 7:30. - .cade. Open. daily 12 to. 5 See " Upper R~ood Bbi andPrinted, Steedh Sunday Class f*tbM 'n i 6:00-Student Fritns'ip ITur'. 7:30-Devotional AMeeting. 1 1 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH-3 REV. A. IV. STALKER, D. D., Pastor 1MISS'ELLEN W. MOORE, Student Director; 10:30 A. M. MORNING WORSHIP.- Pastor's' Subject: "THE MIHND OF CHRIST." 12:00 Noon. BIBLE CLASSES in WESLEY HALL. 5 30-6:30 P. M. OPEN HOUSE at WESLEY HALL. 6:30 P. M. WVESLEYAN GUILD DEVOTIONAL MEETING. MISS MAR- GUERITE'MAY, Leader.- 7:30 P. M. EVENING WORSH-IP Pastor Subject: "T B OF THE SOUL"k SPECIALI MUSIC: "Allemande"'(d'Ablert-Eddy, Mrs. 'Rhead; "Adagio" - (Ries), Miss Struble; "Th~e Lord is In' i-Is Hply Temple" '(Fred- erick StockL, the chorus- choir; "Benedictus'" (Gounod), the chorus choir; "Blessed Ye" ,(From The Beatitudes) (Franck), Mr.,Dewey and the chorus: "The Prologue" (Fromt The Beatitudes) (Franck), Mr. Wheeler; "March Pontiflcale" (Lemmens), Mrs. Rhead; "Alle- grette" (Lully-Eddy), Mrs. Rhead; "Prayer" (Wolf-Ferrari), Miss. Strul,e "0. Saviour of the World" (Gos-s); Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, Miss Howe. and ,Mr., Dew'e~';. U, i 1 9:30-Holy Communion in man. Ger.- 11: 00-Preparatory service in Eng- fish. 11:30-Holy Communion in Eng- llshr Sermon Sithitt: "The Gift of. The Holy Slit." 111 " FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CMURC IJ.~DIVISION AND HURON - '' ; RE.L). RETD . A4LEWVIS U. DANN, get'y mi, t~ei Mornf orslhlp - "A IFT REMEMiBERED"- -- Young: IPeope's ,Hour - 6: i30 - Responsible tollk as52a~ 1het'te' Next Sunday~ has been designated as Senior~ Sunday. Seniors will church: in cap, and. gbwn' ......... I aten I - t" ic - -.:-- I Ik i ... . --- , . - .._.. . p n washing windows at- ble - prices.' City Wijndow Ia ' Co., Phone 1995-J. 153c30 ,A?:PQOED -or: Dust cleoaned. bor Carpet Cleaning Works. ~ft.130t LOST-On Church' Street-Glasses and black case. Please call Rlock-' wood 1554-M. 168p-:3 KODAK FINISHING "THE-STONE CHURCH' WITH THE WARM 'WELCOME" Hierbert A. Jump, E. KAO'x litchell, 31ary K. Millar, Staff. 9:30 A. X.-Sunday School w-ith Student Bible Class. 10:30 A. M.-Sermon 'by Mr Junip, "TUhe Creed of Pohiono Bali. Cow-11unch- orek; A Study, IA Primitive Religion." The trute stork' of a California Caw-boy with a working faith. '12:00-Open Forum. Prof. IL Leo Sharfman on "Religion in the Syna- F.' P. ARTHUR, Pastor 9:30 A. M.-Bible School.-Prof.I Barnhll, superintendent.I 12:00 M Student Classes in Lane Hall. Reading Rooms. S':00 A. M.-Holy Communion.- 10: 30 A.; M.--Holy :Communion and Sermon by the Rector, [5:00 P. M.--Evening Prayer. and Address by Mr. Webb.; I ., p1 A 11 ... ,