'S'HE. MICHIGAN DAILY ' *; , w . >/''^" i . ,.. . MYN . t , ~ ^. U_111I1111{tlI1VII r +Mr.r..rw. .r .. a' AICHIGAN EAIL (Continued from Page One) ie game kept the outcome in the airy-- ntil the pill smashing started in the it frames. The Gopher infield work- s two double plays,: once in the sec- ,id and again in the fourth, to retire e Michigan batsmen while Rumbil, e centerfielder, snagged four long ives that "might easily have turned to runs, and Radtke caught Harry ipke napping offs the initial sack., wanson played a good game behind Le bat for the Varsity and made a sational catch of. a high foul with !s back against the grandstand. The second game of the series will played off at Ferry field this after- on in what promises to be a close 'air if the -:,Gophers are going as. ell as they Woere 'in the first few in- nigs of yesterday's game, or the Wol- rines are not quite, as handy'with . e stick as they turned out to be* in' e last two frames. "Eddie" Gibson ill probably be on the rubber against nnesota although the coach has not 20( Christgau, ;.....4" 0 2 *Hartfleld......... 1 0 1 Totss....34 3 Score by Innings: Minnesota.. .21 0 0 0 Michigan.. ....00 10 0 6 0'019L 24 14 0 0 0 0=3 0 7 1 x-9, fSummary--Three base hits, Paper; two b4se {hits, Uteritz; bases on balls, off Fried]l 2, iLiverance 1; struck 'out by Liverance 10, Friedl 2; passed balls,: Christgau; hits off :Friedl 14, Liver- ance.6; double plays, Friedl to Murphy. to Radtke, Foote to Myrum. Umpire, Greene. Intramural Itemrs Inasmuch as there were only a few courts available for tennis yesterday at" Ferry field, _ill matches in the first and second rounds of the All-campus doubles and singles, and all matches in the third round of the fraternity tennis tournament will be carried over until 5 o'clock this afternoon. Partic- ipants in these rounds should turn in1 their scores as soon as aossible be- their scores as soon as possible be- fore this tine to the Intramural office, 2268, or I. Hurwich,.2984-M. The semifinals iq~ the fraternity] baseball eliminations 'will be played at 5 o'clock Monday as follows: Dia- mond 1, Xi, Psi Phi vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon; diamond 2, Alpha Delta Phi; vs. Phi Gamma Delta. 1~~,' jj -'-.~'-~ TRACK PRELIMS (Continued from Page 'Cone') 440 yard dash-First heat wonm by - . Blanchard, Detroit 'Northwestern, sec- A~iurieu Lergicond, Peter, Saginaw Eastern, time 52 R H E:;scn etwnb Pauschert, De- \Vashingfoin.......8 75 troit Northern, second Longyear, Lans- 'Chicago.........141 1 lug high, time 53:7; third heat v on by Mo'r~~eRugel, rilhert ndKonupek;, Ann Arbor high, second, '4harr ity; Cvengoss, Biankenishipi and~ Reed, Detroit Central, time 54; Lake 'ScalkForest academy special run. won by Schalk. Schee, time .52:7.. 220 yard run-Semifinals, first heat! R R E won by Otto, Jackson high, second, New York.. .... ..... 12 ti McCall, Muskegon high, time 22: 9; St Louis............... .4 12 3 second heat won by Hester, "Detroit Shiawkey and Schang; Danforthi, Northern, second, Colton, Detroit East- Wright, Root, and Severeld; ern, time 23 :9; third heat won by Irfen- son,; Lansing, high, second, Gentch,' R H E Clteveland Glenville high, time 23:6; Philadelphia .. ........4 7 0 Lake Forest 'acadcmy special run won Clvln ........1 22'y ~he l" 2:.Harris and Perkins; Edwards, Mor- 220 yard low hurdles-Semifinals, ton and O'Neil lirst heat won by Belt, H-ighland Park high, second, Kelly, Cleveland Glen- R H f ville high, time 27:5; second heat won Boston .............6 13 1 by. Wilcox, Detroit Eastern, second, Dletroit ... ........2 8 ol Schaar, Lansing high, time '26 :8; Lake Ehmke and, Devorme'r; Daunss andJ Forest academy special °run wo6n by Bassler. Merigold,, timb 26:1. Half mile run-First heat Won by. ' National League Brown, Detroit Eastern, second Keyes,. R IH v Detroit Central., time 2:12:7, second' St. Louis.... . . ...3 71heat Won by Carson Ann Arbor high,, Brooklyn.........1 5 0 second Thurston, Kalamnazroo high, Sherdell And Ainsmith; Vance and time 2:06; third heat won by Hart, Snyder. Saginaw Arthur Hill, second, French, _____Saginaw Arthur Hill, time 2:10:;6; R H 4Lake Forest academy special run won~ Chicgo.............10 E 2won by Adams, tine 2:06:7. Chicgo ...., ..10 3 2 Shot put-Trials, Smith, Saginaw, Philadelphia.......... .... 7 10 3fIEastern; Lovette, Saginaw Arthur Aldridge and O'Farrel ; Head, Win- 'Hfill; Hamilton, Detroit Eastern; Oarl- teix Weinert, Hubbel and~ Henline. eon, Detroit Northwestern; distantce, ,44 feet, 4 5-8 inches. R' H Eu Pole vault-trials, E. Kirchner, Mar- Cincinnati ................. 7 10 1 ine City high; Prout, Detroit Central; New York .............0 5 1 Thorpe; I-ighland, Park high; Davis, I. Luque and Hargrave; Bentley, Jon- Lansing high; Nielson, Muskegon' nard and Deberry. hig'; height, 10 feet. Lake Forest academy special event won by Canon, R H E 11 feet. Pittsburgh ............... 4 'fO10'0 High. jump-Trials, Jagnow, Jack- Boston .,........... 3 90 2 son high; Lester, Detroit Central;, .Adams, Kunz and Schmidt; Fillin- Huntington, Detroit Eastern; Petit, gimo and O'Neil. Highland Park high; Huebler, Ann Arbor high; height, 5 feet 4 Inches.1 V .ake Forest academy special event won by 'Black, 5 feet 4 inches. Hammer throw-Trials, Gabel, De- tr'oit North~ern; Ca rlson, Detroit North- Iwestern; Lester,, Detroit Central; Hamilton, Detroit 'Eastern; Oade,, 'Lansing high; distance, 116 feet 2 lmches. I Broad jump-Trials, Zander, Sagin- aW Arthur Hill; And'zdge, Howard City high; Smith, Battle Creek high; Sternfleld, Kalamazoo high; Spargur,' Cleveland Glenville high; distance, 201 feet 11 inches. Javelin throw-Trials, Lovette, Sag-1 inaw Arthur Hill,; Stone,- Hamtramck [ high; Chatm an, Detroit Northwestern ; lWills, Detroit Eastern; Smith, Saginaw. j Eastern; distance, 153 feet 9 1-2 inch- es. IDiscus throw-Trials, Lovett'e, Sagi- naw Arthur Hill1; Carlson, Detroit Northwestern; Stine, Battle Creek high; Oade, Lansig high; Schultema,, Muskegon high'; distance, 115 feet 9' 1-2 inches. Fi'nals in all 'events, will be,run off' at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon at'.Fem'- ry field in time to allow spectators' to wwitnesa the Min-n~sta -Michigan base- ball game. .Exchange. Notes 'ineqot Fnoys, girls, anid people have been extended a special.> invitation this year to the short courseI for apiarists to be given by the beede partnde'- at the university farm this week.. Special emnphhsis wil be laid on the production of high garde bon- ~.The course has been divided Into. three main groups, and is expected: to help thle begin'ner, th amateur, and the experienced, beekeeper. 01110 WesleYaRt-- Si'x new records were established by the women of thel university in a co-ed track meet held Monday on Edward's field. The re- suits were telegraphed to a central of- flce, where the results of several oth- er girls' meets were reported and the. collegiate winner of the whole telex~ graphic contest will be announced at some later date. !Purdne--As a res:_it of the second heavy rain within a period of four days, the water;, of the Wabash river arme rising with prospects that a much higher st ^,exwill be reached. The river stage was 12 feet on tfie gauge at te -Brown street bridge early. ITuesday morning, and is expected to 'rise from four to six feet higher. I ilinos-Freshman cap burning was dlanced through the streets of Chamn- paigni,omadle it certain that the burn- ~inz of shots will be preserved for fu- ture freshman classes. "The men' of '26 were placed on' their honor to- night to carry cap burning over and !'save it fromn abolishment, 'andI they lived up to their word," R. C. Tolma~n, assistant dea-n of men, said last night rMartha Washington Candies fresh every Friday. Tice's Drug Store. 113 E. Liberty.-Adv. Find that lost pin throuigh the clas- sifiedi Ad" will find it for you.-Adv., 9G.-Adv. nitely decided who gnem'ent. will get the 0"VUU 11fU111