THE MICHI AN DAILY _ ... ..... .brother Dry AetCaure I -"Fountains'of Mountain Dew"' ereionies for the new Women's league will Ly, May 26, instead of, as was announced in ay. 11 eve'nts which hav,) r Atte benefit of tb& Uchigan League build- beturned in by Juneo ewell at her office in siuml, s. that the comn- -,iay 'be compiled. ),tiade payable to the: m ca1Dp~igpfn jwd. at the' dances this week lws: Union, tonight, Armory, tonight, Mrs. . // Y.Wt TO HOLD ANNUAL DI6REAKFIST TOOAYI Ilandlpainted programs, specinimu- siadspring; decorations will comn bieto mak~e t0',aannual May break- 1astobe gi ven fhi.s miorning at Bacr- you-inasium by the Untversity Y.' W. C. A. a novel affair. A breakfast of this kind is giv f each year duwring the Ma~y Festiv~al week, for tile.pur- pose of the entertainment of festival guests. Breakfast will' be served at two different hours, 8:30 and '9:30 o'- clock. .Avon Rich, '23, Hope Haliaday, '24, and Josephine Connable, '23, will fur- nish a continuous program of special music., maize and blue have been used as the color scheme for decora- tions, and spring flowers will add to the attractiveness. Groups which have resetved special tables will fur- nish other decorations. WOMAN ANAGE S IOHIO NEWSPAPER At OAt +ad At Packard and' and State street Inc whose. specialty ist cos and periodicals that means what tl in some day. ~Cigars _ Ma~ Tobacco -S 1=E a- it I- r p icka t at State, where interurban fet, there is a cigar store the best of cigars, tobac- Is, coupled with a service the word implies. Stop Ci are required to have un inations by 4 o- fternoon, Mray 23, in [m those -who have may make appoint- ice -of the gymnas- Tiwo stiis captnred In Tennessee neunatins nar ('lCat tauooga Izzy Einstein and Moe Smith may be the prizc hooch hunters of Nw Ycrk but they have nothing on the Williams brothers, Victor and Eli, whose' pet objectives are the "Mountain Dew' Fountains" of the Tennessee hill's. They recently seized two giant' stills ini the mountains near Chattanooga, long t.onicshiners' stronghold. Because of the activities of Vic and Eli 'mountain dew," is flowing less swif l. Ali } ry .y J m,. { A j i ly; i { 4 ' 4 t yF :i t r r s s' £ +" ti } ' 1 3 ' w " ' ' f" ~azine+S Soft L en who a ld like to shoot on at the outdoor ranger reet 'are asked to call Eer- y' at 1602-W before tomnor- .. 4 t 1 I jf C BEWARE OF LET1'ING YOUR DOQt RUN ON FERRY FIELD) Dogs may be dogs and they have male use of the campus as a playing ground, but no longer will they .be allowed to run loose on Ferry field. No longer will the crowded grandstands have the opportunity of whistling at sonie poor dog until the unfortunate cannine is at a loss as to his real friends. In the future any dogs found, running loose on any ~tion hold a meeting for mooicrs at 4 o'clock, Delta Delta Delta R road. eetii of A asqu6p w~ill he held clock Tu-Csday in, the parlors of it gyiimnasiumi.. E: lection of of- for next y'ear, will be held at, no. The board of directors of ib will hold a ineeting at t r'uesda}". airy group for the Senior Girls', 11 meet at 5 o'clock Monday aft-4 in Barbour -gymnasium. V tickets are still available for y breakfast which Ais to be y the Y. W. C: A.. this morning hour gymnasium, and may be at tlhe door:' 'as ls' 'for, the Senior Gir~s'' Iplay are as follows:f Acts 5, 1, 2 at 7 o'clock Monday in Sarah Casweli I Angell hall; courtiers, retainers, and 'men-at-arms 'at 4 o'clock Tuesday; fairies at 5 o'clock Tuesday; acts 2 and 3 at 4 o'clock Wednesday ,in the parlors of Barbour gymnasium; acts 4 and 5 at 4 o'clock Thursday in Sar- ah, Caswell Ange11 hall. All the tenn s matche.s in the sec- ondl round are required to be playedl off by Wednoaday,' May 23. The netsI ' will be upl all today for as many, i Matches to be played off as possible.a Sigma Delta Pi will m1eet, at 10':30k o'clock this morning at M~rthza C o bauilding.'. tion of University women are planning J pai tion of Ferry field will be cor- to~~~~~~~~~ hoda(nulmeigadpci ailed, penned and disposed of by the .Athletic association. These Saturday, May 26, at Ypsilanti. Elec- measures ma y appear somewhat tion of offiers for the conifg year!j harsh, but su says the "Grand' will take place and reports will be sI Old Man," *so it must be true. given concerning the work that hlas'I Call off your dog or lie may no been accomplished by the organ0a- f longer be yours. t ion. Children from the training_________________ __ school will he present at an out-door i eatto entertain the guests. i~e-! Patronize The Daily advertisers. Si, c cuicerning the time of the meet- ii. _ vll 1). announced later.; ASSOCIATION IWILL ELEFCT OFFICERS AT YPSILA -NTI Members of the American Associa- Wrs. ZeR.1Hark 1Demnig M'rs. Zell Hark Doming, publisher of the Warren, Ohio, Tribune, is the first woman to be elected an officer of llthe, Associated Press. She, has ' been made a meniber of the central advis- }ory board of the Associated Press. Mrs. Deming has been running her p aper for 20 years during which time she has not had a strike in' her plant. I 1Runmniiaik Faselst! Threaten Jews Bukarest, May 18.-(By A.F.)--Ru- y manian Fascisti threaten to kill Jewsc continuing Wd attend the University of. lRukarest' as professors or students. Professor 4einer was told by phone he wouldl be slain if lie tried to resume Ihis lectures. The way to. rent a room is with a '"Daily Classified".-Ady. rr-on" . D Sto Freshman of esterda- Last night you advanced a step forwvard in your College career. W1 T~UTUUATE &ers-T ay SIi !' f; PORTIA SOCIETY FLECTS; Por tia Iterary society held its semi- 4 unual elections Thitrsday evening in room 302 Mason hall The follo - ' ini officers were chosen: president, Charlotte Blagdon, '25;, vice-president, Elizabeth YantValkenburgh, '26; sec- 1 rotary, Elizabeth Lieber manh, '25; treasurer, Vera Kenaga, '24; Oratori- cal board delegate, Charlotte Blagdon, j '25. The ,final meeting of the year will be the annual picnic which will be held Thursday evening, May 24, at the fireplace. SUMMER MONEY 'We teach you' everything, direct yoti in your work and can assure you of substatial ear niigs as a salesman in, Our, big selling campaign which starts June 15 at Flint, Michigan. See Mr.,' Roab at M1ichigan Union Upper Rheading Room 7:30 Wednesday eve- ning, May .23.-Adv. GIRLS-If you are interested in sellding this suinmer, call 3221-J. any afternoon for appointment.-Adv. I Snmith &' Wesson .38 ICaibre Revolver for sale cheap. Mountjoy, 549 S*. Division, tel. 2649-J.-Adv. Lovely Pattern Hlats, Pattern rVeils, Veiling, F lowers for -Hatsor. Dresses Gage, Fiske and Hart Sports Hats Your portrait taken at° this time. H'ave it made now! In f atryears yToul will value 11 r ( Arcide- Alice 'Brady. in "The ('Snowyride''; ;Charlie ,Chaplin ( 'in "The Pilgrinm," ~Mfjeatk .Shirley Mason in ("Xove Bound?.;: com'edy, "The ( our F'uhei" Tanger's Col- ( loe . Girl band, in new pro- Igram.' 'Orplieum' - Charles Jones in TieBsofCm4"Rgh j .t4d .Pehmy~Aip "Th~e New Leath- er Pushers." ( Wuerth-Soli% 1 Marimbo .band int new bill; John Glbert in George ' Barr McCitcheof's "Truxum ( King; the Doo-Dads in "Don't ( If'lirt." PUYEAR & HI*, 1NT Z 3 28 S. MAIN ji Would ou Like to Make $500 During Summer Vacation? Knife& Scissors An unusual opportunity is offered to college men and 'women to earn ei-ough money during the coming summer vanation topaynextycar'is tuition and expenses. 0 i ,~State Street {11I'i1U11tiia-iil~ ~tti~tti'1l1Ii Call F'ors I I RSte-Tisls Week Garrick (Detroit) - lonstehle company' in "Thie Goldfinch." it 100 eunaved c-allIng cards fronm your plate $1.75 up:'Yronm new plate 00u. .1)Morl,74Nc s A c d . AvGILBERT'S ChocolateCs fresh every Trl av £ktnuJ'. a* 11 Eas LJ..LUv TREATD YOUR, GUESTS TO AN ARBOR'S BES'T MEALS CrZFAVIi OF' CHICKEN SOUP' ROAST CHICKEN, CR \NPF'RZTIY SAUCE CREAMED2I CARROTS AND PEAS9 ST,1V3IR PIE TEA t COFFER MILK( Write Today for Particulars It will. surprise you to learn how easily a substantial sum of money, can be earned by selling the Premier Knife and Scissors Sharpener right in your own home town or city. Every housewife wants one the minute she sees it.-because it is such an im- provement over the old-fashioned whetstone. Just a stroke-or two of the Premier Sharpener on any knife or scissors blade produces a keencutting edge instantly. Written guarantee makes it easy to sell. Write at once for complete information or send 50c for sam nple, stating what territory you wish us to reserve for you. Preumer Mfg. Co., °806 U East Grand Boulevard, etroit,,Mich. r rluay. . ice s, i La . DZ i*OIT P ,ricc 0 toll 4 70 C~'ENTS - Just Try and 'Beat It! CHICAGOUTOPIAN CAFE I01TUITSIIRIT -V*0 IR --S 2 . . .. W e h a e a o m p l t e y s r m n t o a d a t a l t m s - n l d beas'he r aio ae WHITNEY THEATRE, MONDAY, MAY 21 "&he ~e1l4a h' esent Tre wofld fo1IImOS± Slella! faVo1'te oP com~ed J and. Sont Chauuc IO Careful Fiishing that .Protects2our Negative We feel a. real 'responsibility for film left with us for development. Negatives cannot be replaced, and there are often several exposures in each roll that are invaluable to the owner. Careful methods, and scieo- tific formulae' bring results that justify your entrusting your films to our finishing department. Of ,course we are equipped for enlarging-let us show you some samples of our work. Correctly Designo - Sturdy Built su zr ' 'CriS o10 ETS {5u M)~.zmAi i