THiE MICHIGAN DAILY r yr rr £ .. "memo d,,3 or I)j / 4',,r 'a NILZ2.K1 'he SchultzGroceryI THE HOME 4F URE FOODS El THE HOME OF 318 SOUTH STATE STREL;T Mc'LEAN & NEELANDS QUALITY COURTESY SERVICE.1 Free Delivery to All Parts of City Last Delivery 5 P. M. PHON ES 326-327-328 114-116 E. WASHINGTON I ODFFICE OPEN TFILL 110 P ORDER$ M. FRIDAY FOfK Picnic Materials Headquarters for Imported and Domestic Foodstuffs "You can do Better at Lemble' s" Paper Plates, Cups, Napkins and S5poons, as well as Foods for Sandwiches, Fresh Vegetables, Salad Dressing, Pickles, Etc. -SPECIALS- 1923 Crop Brazil Nuts, 2 lbs. for ............35c Pecan Meats, Extra Special, per lb. . .........$1.0 For Your Chafing Dish--Blue Label Boned.Chicken, Small, 55c-Large... ..... .....$1.00 OUR1 BET GCMrwF f,, I }I P 5 ED j Richelieu Coffee Our Best Grade .. . C ** **SS . . ..45c Jupiter'. " " . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . 45c YOUR CHOICE.O ANY. KIND 'OF ANN ARBOR BREAD LARGE LOAVES... 0.0 t, r":-T .RYi TIHIS WEEK'S :SPECIALS' THMPICE u s- IS HERE TO STAY Fancy Home Killed Veal Shoulder, lb........ ... 2ki Fancy Fowl, lb............... ...38c-40c Broilers, lb... .... .. . .... ....60c Choice Pork Loin Roast, lb........... .......24c ALL KINDS HOME MADE SAUSAGE Short Ribs of -Beef, lb. .. .... 0................. 8c Choice Round Steak, lb. ................ ...............25c ,CALVES 'LIVER, SWEET BREADS, VEAL LOAF, Famous or Connor s Butter, lb -. . ..... . .. . . . .:...44c Pure L..ard or Conripound, 3 lbs. . . .. . ... ... . ... . ..49c Fancy Large Pineapple, each... .... .25c, 33c, 38c Get Prices 'by Do~zen Grape Fruit 23.fctr. ...... ... . ,. .... . . ..25c COFFEE 6 " P. 8'~~iSoap ........,tf .f o" s."s . " ..... a . o"".......".$ .25 t "YOUR TABLE DESERVES IT" Schultz Quality 'is Depen dable' 2 L~bs. Cocoa .. " ....". *"*.". ". .R " .." t """""si"f . .." Large Fancy utf-Kist Orang es . . "., .25 .60 I K. & W. Brand, per lb., 35c-3 for ,.... ...$1.00} Imperial, perl1b............. ..........40c Mocha and Java, perlb..... ..............45c Our 'Own Brand of Uncolored Japan Tea is Very Popular Package, 40c-2 packages .............75c Special Dernonst ration of College in Cooked Foods I Lag ancyD'. Phillips'. Grapefruit., ..,.......1.25 Large Fancy Pineapple". . .......25carnd30ceach ;I FOR' YOU.R WEEK END ENTERTAINING SEE US FORi.ALL SPLENDID FRESH VEGETABLES AND FINE FRESH S'TRAWBERRIE 10 lbs. Granulated Cane Sugar.:,......... $1u13 Mazola Oil,-Gal. $1.95; 2 Gal $1.00; quart....... 55c Shredded Wheat, 2 packages .............25c Fancy Oranges, dozen...... . ..40c, 50c, 60c, 70c, 80c FANCY STRAWBERRIES 'AND VEGETABLES, AT LOWEST PRICES 330 FOIWRST AVENUE OULTRY; FISH AND U EEIIi SEAS P1hO-NES 407, 399 AND 475-VI Tn'enty Different Varieties THE HOME OF PURE FOODS 3 Phones 20 - 21 - 2260 3 Phones ---s - - 5- . _. ,.... .o A HOME BAKING I ALWAYS BEST AT If you can't eat at home do the next best and get Spring Means Light I pour.. lunches here! Lunches ~enaniedrerC o. Sattrday Noon Lunch BAKED. HAM AND SWEET POTATOES LET US FIX YOUR PICNIC LUNCH THREE PHONES--1500--OE NUMBER H I Dainty salads Cooling drinks Pleasant surroundings I Individual Chicken Pies Saturday Evenings-15.:00 to 7:00 KAROLY N KITCHEN PEC lL FO T r '' EEK SPE CiAL -CGold Medal FlIour--24 1-2 lb. Sack for 98c- This Week Only Tattles Lunch Room 11 338 Maynard St. South of Majestic .. 119 East Liberty .., ,, . .. _, a PINEAPPLES I: YOUR MEAT BILL--mWATCH IT If it's too large let us he lp you cut it down! TIME TO CAN QUALITY OF THE ,BEST-PRICES ARE RIGHT Strawberry Headquarters Here-Fresh Every Morning . . =Day in and day out- Vegetables and Flowering Plants-Oir Stock is Fresh Every Day. the time to plant theme Now .is You'll find the best pzrces is that buying Meat at fair the most FISH - Fresh caught every day- in, the week- We have all kinds, cleaned and ready for the pan, I WATER GLASS-f'or packing eggs, per qt...........3& CANDY - Chocolate, Bitter- sweet, $1.00 'value for..49e $.:RDINPES - In Pure Olive Oil, Blue Devil, 2 cans for..35C EGGS - Country Run, fresh per dozen .. ...........27e CSH AND CARRY1 WEDNESDAY ONLY i Beef . Beef. Veal ECONOCMICAL THING TO DO Shoulder Rost... Rib Stew. ...... Breast, pertb. ... (FOR STUFFING) " C. ... " " 1 "ee. .12 1-2 . .. .ti c 0 0 *15c' ARM Van's nc A QIGF.ID IAGAT MARV9T- Lamb Stew ...... R8c -^ - f e e.g... e . _ _~1 I 3 73 ;., 111 : i t i 14, 2 1 TXTlv.7r7D crr /