LA- hChaliapin, the 0, 'will make his ce on the Choral es some time in ording to an an- aursday by' Charles of the School of ie time, Mr. Sink has, succeeded in 'formnance of Moz- ra company which t season in "Tbe aliapin's engagemnent is the se- to a long se'ries of n'egotiations h Mr. Sink has been coniductin~g n~ effort' to bring the great Pus- singer to Ann Arbor,, d prom- cne of the most noteworthy conf- ;in the history of local music. apin has had an extraordinary er-od-avr book-binder, no- in~ a monastery, lofgshorema'n, on' 1olga, machinrist, stage mana'ger=~ now at the age of 50, acclaimed ne of the great vocal artists of ,!ne. Chaliapin's appearance at Me~ltropolitan, Op~eila during the season havet been sensational, his concert tour established him. great public 'favorite.' wcbeth, Danise P roave Success. ' Washdngtorn, May 18-(By A.ti --Thee statcs (lportenC gate to. day receivedJ official word' th~ai _ =bvob had exploded at 2:10 o"- 1 :,Ook this mornng in, the buiilid. ing 'ait lexico City occupied by the American consular general. Thre' nARgn. r:. which' cam~e from Consul General DJam ::o, saying there had been no dnotice. able" daimage to 'his own qua~rter~s, although a room on the lower l flor of th buI14i, ocupied bJy a. Meic.n lawyer,' had 4been wrecked Hle sal4dtheewere ino Sca'sualitles. Arrives in Paris Paris, May 18.-Andrew Bow r'Lav,' the British prime minister, w'ho has been taking a sea voyage for .'his, health, has arrived here. The for- eign offic~e was not informed of is' presence. 'Chei~k~sts to' Vlit Detroit Twenty; studen~ts in inorganic techi nology leave on the Michigan Cen-1 tral for Detrolt at, 8 o'clock this morn- ing to niake a trip to several Detroit chemical plants. The men, accompan-1 ied 'by Prof. 11. L. Badger and Prof. "E., M. Baker; b'oth of the chemicall engineering' department, will go through the -plant of the" Solvay Pro-! cess comnpanly, that' of the Inland Del- ray Salt company, and the Detroit Chemical works. Trw@ABilon Slaires In- Abyssnia . Geneva, May 18.-(By A.P.)- The League of Nations is informe~d that there are 2,000,000O slaves; women and~ men, in Abyssinia; this will keep that country out of the league till the bond; arcs freed. 'If that cekdidn't corns, let "Jim- mie" sell aolnethpi ' for you to tide' you over.-Adv.r THE MTCHTGAN DAILY "Te Heart of Paddy .Whiack" is a New York success, ".Mary the Third", " 7'heaters tpclOcotofrnsn ueu tpclOotofeigas regards ro- D.K. niance, clean hmr n ueu Clhauncey lcott. as thi- ator, and; songs. The love of a man for a maid, LRachl Crothers as the author, is t_;e complications galore, frustrated vil-' delightful combination whlich comes lainy,plnyo lagmkgic-FO the'WiteyThate o Mndy ent, ~et~oflauhmkig ci IREAL. SALESMEN WANTEDFO IftoteWinyTetro Modydns an a happy ending are the in- night, May 21. The vehicle in which! gredients that make up the recipe for summer, vacation. If you the' star will be seen is a romantic which never fails to satisfy the amuse- are a live wire you can clear I CO1 'comedy, "The Heart of Paddy Whack".I ment appetite of his admirers. In $ 1500 this summer. If you are iArs. Oleott. has ,been unsurpassed on, this Crot'ners play =1r. Olcott will sing' not a live wire do not reply. the American .stage as an exploiter of', those popular ballads,; "Irish Eyes of This is not a peddling or can- jIrish romance, while his voice has Blue", "Laddie Buck 0' Mine'," and vassing proposition, but is a he- see enasuc fgenuine pleas-' "A Broth of a Boy",I man's Sob with he-man's pay. ur t lvrkof7; t o.nA Write Box 20. Michigan Daily., _____ 500 Ej SONE SUMMER'S WORK WIT: FULLER BRUSH CO. 4E TO THE SIGMA DELTA KAPPA TODAY AND GET THE FACTS MR. BURBY 1325 WA$HTENAW UNTIL 2:00 P. (Continued from Pago One)r Five o f Brahms' Hungarian Dances imbued with 'freshness and life were delightfully pla~yed, while Elgar's "Pomnp and Circumstance" was bril- liant. Eric DeLamarter was at the organ.I Such a voice as Florence Macbeth's will ever be a wonder of the world. It is a coloratura 'of the highest type.~ clear, true and unaffected and. pos' essing a flute-like quality. Miss M~ac- I beth sings with ease and poise; and w~received: with enthusiastic ap- plause, and her. program was made ap "of well kniown and well liked' ,hings. Her aria, "The Charmng- j Bird" called forth two encores,' the' econd o which was' an exquisite melody. by an American Composer,l The H~ermit Thrush." Delibes' fa-' nous "Bell Son'g" was sung. with phure" nd lovely tones, from the low mel- idy to the tinkling bell refrain. Miss' Macbeth again_ responded with two ncores, "Lo! here the genitle lark," .nd "Annie Larie." The latter was niost exquisitely done. Guiseppe Danise sings with a rich, ,ibrant voice of extensive range and lraniatic control. He is at best in ongs of a serious type, yet. compost- ions of a, lighter vein exhibit the ex- xessive flexibility "of his 'voice. "His ;election was encored with .Maseet's. Vision. Fugitive" from HIberodiade, ed after, thea Romanza from- ,Willia~m feli he"gavethe Prologue from ~'Pagli- .cci with an enlivening' vivacity. % The dIuet for Miss Macbeth~ and Mr. I anise was heartily applauded.' Their erformance was dramatic and' rhyth-. Mecal, and their voices blended pleas- Carnarvon Lea'ves Fortune London, May 18.-(By AP.)- Thex arl of Carnarvon left about $1,500,000, Lostly' to his wife; his Egyptian col,.-, ,ction is to be offered~ the B~ritsh useum for $2O,OO02, with New Yok's e relpolitan Muiseun) having second noico as to buying it. Sw4edishi Women Receive Rights Stockholm,. May 18.- (By A.Y.)--The ' iksdag has approved a bill admitting omxen on same footing as men to pub- *services, except military, niaval, erical and_'3ndical ' 'I i '! .. 1, ! . M. Stanford University Californiai Sunmfter Qnarter, 19:3 Tuesday, 19 June, toL Saturday, 1 'Septembl~er Second half begins 26, July Opportun~ities - to .work for highe~r degrees and' the A. B. de ree inj the ocea'nic climate' 0f the Sa~n inico penins'ula. Courses in the regular aca- dlemic and s'cientific' 'byarc'he's, and ilaw. Information from Office 7 STA'MiOID 1UNVERSITY- Callf o rjia Is~~du. £4wii ~ruuersis ue utnr 0 Iwith telephone number and 1 Ssales experience. ....I ATTRACT SPECJAL $TAGEATTRACTION LASTTIMES TODAY- - THE DAINTY, iBA __APPEALING w;hD STAR = -ASO + "THE FOUR FLUSHER"- KINORAMSORCHESTR'A I - 3yDR.' ". 'E. ,KIRKPATRICK.- 5 irinl development 'of fie American college ancl university. It tales ,.,,": / he ogiatnprvddfrtetoodscllgsIlvrdndW-being controlled by resident officers and teachers. It notes 41lso te =-. - ccuity rule, g ave.Yale fronm the first a ncon-resident governor,~i an' rory of the academe constitution. It undertakes to show also bo the :I reidn GeyrgearnmetP asere4opedCth, Amercancllgepr'Ie t ," - r- key teO~e Wae Paer; 0c. loth-65c 1l~tlN lltlllilli1B;irill11lllilll11J111EI61~~l~ilU f1 11#Itlw l A [ION E.XTRAORDINARY/ STARTING SUNDAYI :IGH ARD 7 ELvE S s ... ; ,, (' Eew ,d The Daily "Classified" Columi -----._. i .iw . !rlF - 7 ~ A First t f Picture From the l- 1'l - rated, novel b, i Adapted by Ed- V1% . mund 'Goulding.. g Enacted in j I i Cuba. Eclipsing every p "evious- achievement of' the many fapious artists who created it. t " L^y i '- I rr. + Toryism In A ,bief . tudy of the con stitil note of the Britishi characer of tl liam and Mary, their corporations forces which finallIy' overthrew fai changed 'entirely the forthi and th principle aid practice of a non-] tial office.. , ,. ,T Publishewd b LAST TIME~S TIMES, I At.~~dr'a*-4OnA borf .. Adrian..... 3:4S D A.M.: 6:45 Bus, a x A? N1. A-M. 1 c:45 b:oo x x P.Mt. P.M. 12:45 4:45 11 TODAY TODAY .Arbor . Da'luy. '-Daily" except Sundays and liolidays. iolid'ays to he'-New Years, Decoration. Day, July Fourth, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I J(-et D. U. R. cars ,t. aline both ways for connections for Ypsilanti, Waynie and Detroit. STRICTLY ROME COOKING fHEPLER'S STUDENT=I LUNCH= ADMISSION C KIDDIES,"O Scarlet, Silken Threads that Whirl: to Wonderment -the flaming fringe of the Bright Si~awl flung in iny' tery about La Clavel, vivid Andalusian dancer. -weaving, through strange, adventure, deceit, delight in. Cuba's purple nights. -Binding the heart of an American boy until he fought for her, iost her when, she smiled' in' sacrifice-a new hue in' the Bright Shawl-dark crimson wlhere' it, hidy her heart. IN STILL ANOTHER- GREAT. PROGRAM .. r y 1 r i t 409J EAST JEFFERSON ST. I.1 DRIN1K -ON THE SCREEN- STAR OF "MONTE CRISTO" Come, behind the scenes to learn the truth of film'land NEARLY twenty years ago the first screen drama was pro- duced, "The Great Train Robbery." Rem emb'er it? 'it made the world gasp then; today it might make'the world laugh, we've gone so far ahead. nevertheless, th'at was the beginning. . Men 'were 'inspired to tell their stories on -the screen. They planned bigger things-each year somhething more .masterly ~ Gradually little actors became famnous stars; real +authors sought the screen; directors grew in dramatic' art; and each year saw some one pro- duction. worthy of the title "Masterpiece." .. .'Now skip a span to nearer 'memories. Index these; truly great: 1920-"Humoresque";' 1921-'-Tol'able David"; 1922- "Smilin' Through." And 1923-the achievement Screen Art strove for twenty years to win, the first perfect fusion of all the arts-"The Bright Shawl." eW're Proud its a Motion Picture. 1' i1 SATISF ItIO I --IN-- . A -BY--9 SC 4