.:1rIQAN DA0 L.. Warren. They will confer with tw O F CL a the Bult~n isconstru~ctive notice to afllmembers, of y'. Copy received until 3:30 D. ma. (11:30 a. ml. Sahurdsy.) FRIDAY, MAY'18i, 193:3 Nuher 1$7 ,rtif~cate Fees: pre days remain, including today, for the actual' paymen~t rof the University of the fee payable by any person re-celv- r ~certificate at Commencement, 1923. Such pay netts can- after 4:00 p. mn., Tuesday, M.1y,22. SHIRIL14Y W. SMITH, Secretary. Governor Names r Predecessor To o U1.= S. Senate Seat I cula, should make alpplication to the E oy o'Stud Registrar of the University before J !! t June 1. Mxc nEeto All towns~peo~ple mid neat-frtren it e ianE e to men who wish to take care of high se.hlool athletc for tonsight are a.,k - ed to call. the Athi ot!(c offie at? t M-exican commissioners. Intramural Items ~_ a Iuwet vilI ble a&cc clock lom.3orrow fnot behe ld M ay 26. 11trMtsIldhv alle Ve events, 2an it- they will have prove attrctive to wyin their numerals. l~LEAES IN DEMAND FOR FRFSH 91,1 CAMP All matches schieduled forthe fir A and second round o)f thle 'l-~m tennis tournament, sint es .and dul es, and the third round of the rten ity tennis tournamient will bedrci ped from the list of contenders ifthe results of the gatines are not reportedl to the Intramurial office by 5 o'clock, tonight. In case it is impo:ssible to play today, report the difficu lty to thlt Intramural office, 2268, or I.t, uwih 2980-M. ice of the Deans held May 16, 1923, the ng that under no circumstances eshould their courses take part in the exercises Deans passed studsnts who of Commence- ROBB3INS. oliege of Lterature, Science and the Arts: ?t meeting of the. Faculty of the College of Literature,. Science ts, will be held Monday, May 21st at 4:10 p. in. in Newberry Hall It is expected that the Committee on Honor Sections, andl ttee on a possible ~revision of the system of recording absences Ldy to report at this meeting. JOHN R. EF'FINGEIL. s cholarship s cem~ber 8, 1923, the State Committee for Michigan -will appoint 3scholar from the nominees of the university and of the colleges ,The scholar, appointed will enter Oxford' in October, 1924. Thle of Michigan may nominate five and' selection probably of not four wi be made in June and possibly, if candidates appear, mo~re next October. Students now. wishing to+ be Considered e thir applcations with all supporting credentials in my hands 4a Saturday noon, June 2. Some time 'betvween' June 2 and pplica0*nts will be given the opportunity of meeting °the local Deaie information, conference and application blan ksa*t f the Gradluate School. ALFRPD H. LIJOYPI, Chairman, University Rhodes Scholarship Coiimittee, is offered to American Students for Study Abroad : -itry of lEducation of Checosiovakia announces that five schol. the value of 15,000 Checoslovak crowns eachi ($5410) are offered t th~e Charles University in Praguo,' to citizens of the UInited possible of Checoslovak parentage). Courses "can be taken "In k',aa~e, literature, history, and arts; or in any scientific line rhs scoarships are open for the year. 1923-24; October 1 to The traveling expenses fronm the United States to Prague, k anid return -would have to be defrayed, by, those receiving the s. Flor fulIl information address: Dr. Stephen P. Duggan, Direc- stitute of International Education, 419 West 117th Street, New F. E. ROBBINS.' 'henileal ociety, U. of MX Section: xt mee~ting of the local Section will be held' on Thursday, Mlay 15 .p. in. in room 303 of the Chemistry buiilditug. Mr. G. (l. -speak~ on "The Chemstry of an Automobile Engine." ersted are invited to 'attend. C. C. MELOCHI , Secretary. rlcl6 e bh ~logy, 2, Satarday, May D ~i al car~as been engaged for this trip to Detroit uad Wyandotte, eave, tat and Packard ata. m~.i. regardless of, weather, and nn horb.2 p). i. it is expected that every student who has Course 23 will be .present. Any student not present will be, pay hi4, sltae of the 'expensei for the car, about $1.70 each, for rp.It is important to carry the Detroit rVolio, and the Surface p of the Ann Arbot Fo io. Wo'uld advise carrying lulich. FRANK TLERtETT. ng of Enlish: cussion ection scheduled to m~eet Friday at 3 p.m': yill meet ql, a1 t 3:00 p. m. C. C FRIES. )f~~lclt~ti s d May 1I8th,46 :45 p. i. Formation at. .Lane Hall: for "Cap Night." WILFREiD WiL SON, Director. Blusiess Admininstrationu: re openings for seniors with 'the 'Western Electric compi ny. ested 0~hould leave their name~s at Room 107, Econormie Build- *E. E. flAY. Lewis C. Reiniann, '16, director of .'. the third annual Fresh Air Camp stat-; ed yesterday that studlent leaders will be in great demand at the camp next summer. Students interested in serv- ing in this capacity should report toc Mr. Reimlann at Lane hall.. Paul Rehmus, '23, will be in charge of the camp program. Other leaders!t already selected, are Arnold IQ. Stoll, 24E, who will be in charge of truck- ing and transportation, and will serve'4 as camp mechanician; Sydney Simp- son, '24, in charge of scout instruc- ; .__ tion; Samuel Pasko, 'ex-'22, in charge of athletics and assistant in scout- ,John Batrtoui Payne ing; Arthur Stevens, '26, and Clarence Poss~ible outcomes of the coning Beckwith, '25,general assistants; and peieta lcini Mxc ilb M. E. ";)ad" Lockwood of Tecumseh. pr dnilelci iIexc ilb 't inh whn iip in r ,.~'rz f n- Iweighted carefully by the United Unless more entries are made ,oim" t it i o'clock tonight. Third mediately for the fraterntity track1,sche dules for the fraternity, Ad meet, the _Intramural departmen'Tt will' puls sin2gles and doubles w ill 17e forced ,toi drop the meet from its nounced in tomorrow's Dail spring program. Such a]n eent «ill third round deadline has heel: have a costly' effect upon. the fins,1 5 oc'clock tomorrow night. 'standings of many of the fraternities' in the race for the, athletic cup. En- There is a buyer for any anrt tries, will be accepted until 12 o'clock may wish to sell. Let "Jimn tomorrow noon. him for you. Mhe balance of the matches aecondgound of the All-campus shoetcuuamntsingles, are los:ln,,inger 2276-AV vs. Il )9t)"'.- ,Coe3010-J vs. Eis 959, rowsn 7 76-MI vs. Gree 7hWWilson 3015,.Rice 371, ai Allister 131, drew byes for this rnetime for the completion secpond round has been contini 0 Governor Louis L. Collinis Former Governor ..A. 0. Preus, of MNinnesota, has been-named to fill the 'unexpired terran of, the late Senator Knute Nelsou. Preus. resigned the governorship to accept the appoint- mnent from Governor Louis 14. Collins who succeeded himt. 8~tt :0-l~ane a ,t 1Helen Newberry resi3- dence. U-11 TICESI Teri kitsch .lIographic posters' hatve' been placed on display in the lower corridor of the L ibrary where. they will remain for the remainder of the week. Literary fre'3hjnen are requaegted to payI their dues'at nnce. _Thea class has several- assessm'ents to meet immed- iately and' pufficiernt funds are lack- i ng Send. $1 to, K. 'Morkaride, 4311 Thompaon street. An exh.Ibltilu on Vie Birch. Burdette Lonug compietition, sketches, loanedI to the architectural college by ".Pen- cil' Points," is now being shown in the g~lazfd case in ;the architectural corridor, main Floor, °E4'gineering building. International vrater color exhibit n- der auices of Ahn Arbor Art as- sociation in west, gallery of Alumni JM4emorial hall untilMay 20. Admis- J ion 15cents to all non-members of (the association. '$enIar imust pay their diploma fees at the of ce of the treasuirer of tli6 EUniversity at' ar, time -until 4 o'- Sclock Tuesday afternoion, May 22. 1 :all fraternities and ltouwe clubs iwh;) E will volunteer to entertain small groups o"' the -visiting hig h school editors today and tomorrow a.re requested to call John Dac on, between 1 and 5 o'clock this afternoon, at the Crimes office in thae Union.. Today is th last day to get lficligan. enelans. All pers9,n'swhoa have sign- ed up for copies are urged to get their hooks as soon as possible Students of the 'literary college plali. ring to transfer next September to one of the professionia~l schools or colleges, niot on the combined curri- i I. xiVicn., wno inU ue A in ~c uuALL v, nu- "i' ture study groups. Rev. Lloyd i'.1 Wallick, business secretary 'of the Student Christian association, will be at the camp, part time and will act as! chaplain., Dr. Warren E. Forsythe director of the Health service, will provide for medical examination and medical care of boys at the camp. The first group of the more than 400 who will spend part of the sum- mner at the camp, will arrive June 26. and after .a ten-day stay, will be fol- lowed' by three other groups. The, Camp will close Aug., 8. HAMLTON AS' LEADER 1Washington, May 17 (By A. 1P.)- Alexander Hamilton's services to th'e American republic were eulogized by President Harding and -other speakers C at the unveiling here today of a statue commemorating his achievement as one of the nation's founders and as the first secretary of the treasury. The l resident in his address de- scribed Hamilton as' "the master ' builder" of the republic, and invoked his" conception of financial integrity and a sanctity of obligations as a remedy for present world ills. GILBERT'S. Chocolates fresh every Friday. Tice's, 113 East Liberty., It's true efliciency to use, Daily Cl asslefieds--Adv. IPatronize The Daily advertisers. VICTOR ALLMENDINGER PIN P110TUNING! I School of Music rIuer IPHIONE 8062 Office at Res., 418 N. Division St. * ISPECIAL I Salts with extra 'Trousers *$35-438-0$0 =.I XIORACE CLAVEAU I: No. So. State Sit. States commission named to study the iexican situation with a view towrdj re.ognition of that country by- the Umlitd States.' Conmmissioners .arel I.ohn 'BParton Pzayno and Charles 1B. -COMING-. Picture E1 i-en RICH-ARb' AR~hLIMES wit Gish-0 5 UNITED CGAR STORE5 SPECIAL $1.00 B akelite Cigatrette Holers .. ................P 75e Bakelite Cigarette Hiod ors .................... roe Bakelite Cigarette liohlers.. ..........................' c $5.00) Gillette Rla ors, (101d Plaated.. ......................... 410 $1.00 fGillette Blla-de~s(Once Do;:a ) ........................... 499 Auto StopoRazomrs, ColdPlaited. . .......................... .$lOs $1.00 Auto StroinBlade.. .. . . ...............................90C $1.50 iura bit Italia Root ((u arauitepd) ....................... $1.(0 ,With every 'A0O Pipe ogle iw, in '$umtiig 'ioblnwe $1.00 -other, Frenich c r om, lbt. box Candyj..................... Sac The Best in Town~x, Guaranteed Fr~eshu - TUE RIGHT 'STORE ANI) T;lE R"16lMT PRICES JETTER& De FRIES 111811AST11IHJRO 'TRl1tt Joseph 1efeiir Colorful I. Romance of Cuban Nighjts 4U1 TORE '] - By DR. J. E. KIRKPATRICK. A hbrief study of 'the consi~tiutional development of the Ame'icuan collegc and - nlote of the British character of dte organization provided for the twvo oldes t collegE lam 'nd Mary, their' corporations being controlled by resident officers and teacher, ' p~rinciple and practice of a non-resident lay gov ern ment lhas de!velopefi the Anierit ti al office. Published by 'George Wahr- Pa pe., 40c. Cloth , 5c . :11i 66i 1 l 1 r iIIirI 0iilIIIIll iai 61IIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIt 6 I 1 I~I#i1,1 i~tii 111111111 11 II 11111111itl 34 ¢ sr r:ent ' t i c i y f . It not es a "lS( tent governineit, to showe also hov% c-air college pros; ": FOR YOUNG ME~d MA1DE BY EDERHEIMER STEIN COMPANY C. on rifle rag this aftternoon wild be at 200 audk. M'yard-s, rapid , yard s slai fire. Trucks -will leave RI. 0. T, C. offie at '1,0,0 P. m. GIFT FOR GRADUATION DAY!I I ; y ..: .. 4,.: . x .t ... . ... . r A 14Z C(rnNiC IJ 10 :00-sonl or ball Ii Waterziiltn Batrbour 'gyminasiumns. h 11J I11 V V1i' I 'SATURDAY r 9:4-Getreratl as enubly of high school CE-oyfrt~l ounsol editors iin reading room of the Un- )J~-ppyf~r~I~s coumushol~I ion: dayipbefore b t ocloc I 9:00- VniverOIt . V. W.CtA. breakfpxt day befr~ ~nbU~P1li in a rbour gymn asiuml. FRIDAY 19 :0 1',I.P.A. conference dism.s -General assembly of high school ors n redin roo, Unon, 10;:00-Business mxeetng~ of the M.1.1, :W0---ond table discussion1 ips of Al I. P. A. Advisers mneet ~ 11:00-Talk to 31. 1.' P. A. by T. MI. oom '302 of the Union. Tapping. -Rlsory~epr~ientlunh f1. :30---FaorewcU aldress to M. I. P. 1319 of the Union. A. by MT. B. Stahl. Infomalgett~gthe of 1.1 ':K1--Alumnni of School of Msi~c Iu~rnuI ~t.1ogelie ofN. Iluncheon in room 318 of the Union ~., previous to continuation of l1?:30-Baseball game, I nnesota rs. ussiaifl. Michigan, Ferry field. $tarseball gaine, lMxnnesota VYs. ' 2:30--Fifth Ny Fekly~al concert In iigan, Ferry fld. Hill auditorium. :00-Continuationl of 31.LI P.' A.1':30-Lawn fetej at Helen Ne.W .erry ussicrus. : ' +residence. Mtl*O 303y Festival, cone-ert in 61:00-Sigina Do'ttaKappa 'diner In audlitorium, ' room 318 of the~,Union.. .Meeting, of, theo deans' advisory :-A..N.I dinner in room 31i8 mitteIn the office of Dean Ef- j'of'the Unidfl/ e.. ;~6 :,W--Banqueot for 11. I. -P. A. In vas- -Cali Night at Sleepy H~ollow. i Sembly ball of the un ion.' FourthMay restival concert In 800--'SI tli -,Mai. Festital concert ;In aiuditorium~. mill aud'itoriu~m. NTELLIGENT AND 'INTERESTED PYRALIN IVORY TOILET ARTICLES COPLETE SETS or SINGLE ]PIECES the Eberbach & Son 2Q0- 234 EAST L iBERTY STREET Co. The reasons you shoud buy your clothes from Corbett are too numerous to enumerate-' Everyone has different reasons but they all agree on two : _ __ ..---- -A. . ---... _: B r' 1 . . , , r .r + , j -, ;,7 Y t . G' 1 1= r ' ' 'y r. M. ®. w . ati / 1 f , . t 1 +.r i1 ® f I £-~-I. I1 P' COSIf COI'nP ~Pa b . m ~okg 0Ups'*wwp"% andWiches ala dr- ~mqf Thu 1. 2. High Quality., Low ;Prices. t Ila But these are only reasons of economy -, you will find other things 'that. will attract you when you make your first purchse. 1~t~ I (LI i Your bank. should be, sound, accurate and THE PLACE [! efficient. But that is 'not enough. Banking 11 Join .1111M I TO ENTERTAIN YOUR FRIENDS service to he of the most use to you~ should t-4 1-% 0 T T '%,r of-, Tt A v r-%n r iA T) T '7 r-n f "N Ar-*.,U V 11'rik 4--U-4- -0- _ ,. .* t _ _ , COIL. U-UTA Y ti I