TEt1 ,: ~ ._... . ; IWO A fu al ., ,. ,. y . . + + r...r.~. .... . .. . ,., .. . ... . , EIIS AIDED R WEATHER0 'Wolverine Athlete Of Years Ago Still Stars As Time Creeps On I I,NTERSOHOLASTICS ION SLATE TODAY 5. AIi t kLSiAIM ONME FRGSR MIAMOND ME ....r... ,.. Trhrongs. of, college athletes have roce Mean Sboliong Trprovemnti As Ohio :Meet Ap- proachies LE DIF fCITY EXPEiCTED} ITIF BURVE CINDERt MEN ir weather stimrulated the work- of Steve Warrell's Varsity track' yesterday, when every athlete Ad but with the intention of inak-I Lip for the time lost during thel days of rain, the forepart of the rinters came in for the largest( of the veteran mentor's atten- the dash practices lasting for than an hour. The, two milers, 3and ; Krzymins~i, showing up l )ecially favorably. With chances place somebody besides Isbell in long distance, no effort "is being .sted to give the men every aid. The io State meet a. week from tomor-# ,v at Columbus will be thfe last dual yet before the Coifferenc6 gatheringI d the only chance Steve will have making a final test. While the Ohio te fracas is not expected to be par- ularly. difficult to take,t the Wolver- 'are 'niot i4 looming too 'high hopes enter"" ito 'their rplans. Vorkouts from now on will bef oted to extensive an~d thorough inig, atl~nodtails will. be pass up in old&r that Michigan's run- s may stand Jighest .in bidding for 'Ten honors on June 1 and 2. With heart-breaking Illinois meet. a ng of the past, the only thing theI ni will receive from Steve is strict - ining. A possible 2r points is what dopesters have for, a basis in the ference meet. These points come rg five first places and are purely1 oblematical. It m~ust be remember- I that five places will count, first ce five points, secon~d place three' nits, third place two-,&ints,. fourth' ce 'one point, and fifth place one- f point. It is the small point that1 1be the deciding' element, and it Z take possibly more than 40 its to cinch first place. That Ohio State may have in the!1 of strong conten'ders is still a bful question. Bpni Petcoff, cap, i-elect f the 0. S. U. 1923 foot- l team, is one of the best j'avelin l :in the Western Conference,.lHe several, times hurled the pilum bet- than 185 feet, and some pick himC: equal or at the least closely ap- ach' the~ marks of Angier.1 11l Min Appear Good Against Ohio ,y defeating~ the strong Buckeye n Wednesday, 'the Michigan -golf n proved that the Maize and Blue be in the runniug~. for 1rst honorst he Coniference meet which takes e Ju~ne 18 at Chicago. ,The miucht ,ed team from Columbus seemed to' ea- lot .,of difficulty in coping with cncentrated attack of the Wolver- I } shone in, the halls of stardom for a t single hfght biut its seems that com- Iparatively few of. these' dazzling per- formers fail to tire of the grind aft-l er emerging from the actual glory of 1 compretition and remain in the fightl after leaving college.' But this can Entbe said of Trafford N. Jayrle,.'89L, former' Varsity thlete. His case is nothing short of marvellous, accord- ing to physicians, as he' cani boast' of being in better physical condition I than nine out of ten men his juniors , by 25 --ears. 'This defies the theory of most ddct- ors who claim that a man's vitality. and energy begin to go down, hill aft- cr the' age of 38 or 40 is reached. While attending the University. of Michigan Jayne established a wonder-I ful career as a baseball player , and was swarmed continually with. scouts and ;others who offered inducementtto secure his talents for~ professional 1teams. "Traff" played centerfield, f first base, and,, caught for the Wozl- 1 verines. It is claimed by many Who. have doped 'the records out to date t that Jayne 'established a batting rec- ord that never 'has been equalled byv any orner Michigan p layer when 'he batted 52 during the, season of '1881 1 while folding" down first, base frc.. the Maize:'and Blue. "Traff" also won aile +ntercollegiate tennis champion-}. f ;ip of Michigan and Ohio in 19883,' After completing his law course at1 tbo University, the versatile athlete contlniie(U to play tennis =ind amateutr baseball' 'Playing' with' Ray' Cook,c LJayne won the Northwestern doubles championship in .1893.. and 1".5 and repeated in 1898 with George K.' Beld- on as a partner. reamel with John I Wheeler, Jayne won the state tennis doubles championship :in 1903, 19051 and 1910. In '1913', jurst 24 years' after1 winning the singles chamupioniship' in the first 'Northwestern tournament,T Jayne, teamed with Seiforde Stetlwag-} en, won the doubles tltif ;in. the -Northi-f western 'event. They won the doubles championship of the Rled River Valley tennis tournaments in..'U2, 1913 anidl 1914, also winning, the state cham- pionship i 1914. In 1916., this samo pair won the doubles ehampionship of the Northwestern Lawn 'Tennis associ- ation. He repeated 'with Phil Brain ia 1929. Jayn~e and Brain .proved thatf they, were. still; in the fray. when they wort th'e Western GCanariatitle in 1922. 'Jayne' also- boasti of a tvonderfuils 1and no, lee's spectacular handball Bar- eer." During his 26 years of competi- 'tion "Traff"' has bowed to defeat on on only five occasions. He hell the city orf Minneapolis chamnpionship oiin- tit 1919 when he w0i3 forced to concede defeat to' Percy Wllo;dy "I owe mny long athletlc career anrd present physical fitnes~ to the fact that I never used alcohol or tobicco in any form," says Mr. Jayne. "Also I; have never overtaxed, myself. I always have been a firm believer that one should quit exercise before he- coming fatigued. .Many athletes make the m~istako of grinding away until they are exhausted. That sort ofT ex- ercise does more harm than good." Specs ,No Handicap To© Ed---And More' lPI rEY'TY Ever so often some college pro- duces a bespectacled athlete. Last 'winter, fans saw a basketball player wearing glasses in action, and last, fall a football player .Wore his glasses under a wire 'irame and was not 'hindered in the least. This. year Michigan; posses'~es one -of those rare individuals, a "four-eyed" athlete, in Eddie Gibson, diminutive pitcher who has twice this season ,held the pow- erful Iowans at bay, with his south- paw, delivery. Even in' the major, leagues there is' seldom an athlete 'wearing glasses during a game. At the present time, among all the regulars of the 16 big league baseball teams, but two men wear the. crystals. One is Lee "Specs" Meadows, regular hurler for the Phil- aledphla. Nationals, and the other is "Toppy" .Torporcer, premier second baseman of the St. Louis team of the same circuit. Meadows has never4 ad- mitted being burdened' unduly by his his rimny, anda Torporcer's batting and fielding record for the time ' he has been in the big show, proves that the p~feppery keystone guardian has~ not been slowed up. On the contrary,, "Toppy's" good luck is, so he claims, due. entirely to hi's' extra pair of eyes. Eddie Gibson hias not yet; shown anything that would lead one to think he is stopped by his defect.. His friends say that he can not tell when a ball Is, on its wav towards him until r it is. within a. distance of 10 feet. Con- 'siderIng the.'fact that ,Eddie, has been wearing glasses for at least: 10 years, and t hat he. pitched for his -high school team° in Sarnia, Ont., for, the. entire four years, it is' likely that, he has become fully accustomed to his handicap., Eddie,' at present,' is tle' one and only, baseball player, in the BPig T64~ wh6 trots onto the field' with the advantage of two more eyes. He is slated to do the. mound work In' the Minnesota game on Saturday. Dance at Jim $urke's~ Whitmore Lake Dancing-Pavilion 'every Fri'day' and Saturday evening.--Adv. Lose'. something? A .. eassafled in classified ad will sell fIt for you'-_.Adv. (Continued Lrm Page One) sistent performer ,in both, hurdles events while his teamm'Ate is creditM~ Swith good marks in the high jum~p, broad jump, and the pole vault. In' spite of the great ' number : of athletes 'entered in this. year's meets the 1'reaking of reco'rds' in the various events ought to 'prove exceedingly difficult 'u'nl'ess 'some on'e pel oiris phenomenally. The present records 1i practically every event on the pro- gain have stood' for. years. and, hav~e been made by meni who later became stars of national repute. The ,100 yard dash has been run three times in 10 flat, the lash~ time in 1913. The fast times of 1a a4 in the, high hurdles and' 24:4 seconds in the low hurdles are two other records that are likely to stand, while a mark of 21 2-5 sec- onds in the 220' yard dash has re- mained Intact since the spring of 1914. ;The' shot lput' record of 50 feet, 4 in- ches, established in 19a7 by Homner of Grand Rapids who later came to ,Michigan' anA established. a world's record, is considered unbeatable by l any high school weight man of the. present dtay.° Frank Foss's vault of 12 feet, 5-8 inches and Pattersbn's high' jump of 6 feet 1 1-4 inches are two oather marks hard to equal. Hohler's hamm'er .throw of 170 feet 3~ inches 'and' Cook's' broad jump of 23 feet 5 inches add another groan to the list of records that Is bound to exasper- ate any prospective title holder Ini the present meet. Other lote times which have been made, in the past ' and which are likely to hold good for some time to come are 1:56 flat in the' half mile and 4:33 1-5 In the mile run. The order of events beginning a.t 2:00 o'clock this afternoon is as fol- lows: 100 yard: dash trial heats, 120 yard hurdles trial 'heats, 440,,yard ,run, trial heats, 220. yard dash trial heats, 220 yard hurdles 'trial. heats, half mile run trial: heats, 220 yard dash second trial heats,, 220 yard hurdles second trial ,heats, shot' put, trials, pole vault trials, running hligli juini trials, hammer' throw trials,'. running broad jump trials, javelin' throw trials, and, discus ,throw , trials. MITRE t Coach Mat~ier made another cut from 1tis Froshi squad yesterday af- teroo About fifteen yearlings felt' th~e axe, follow~in'g a stiff workout Tuesday. Mather has his hands full in trying to get the squad. into Fshape, and to weed out the poorest of the candidates from the good material, He has only five weeks altogether to 'whip the men into some semblance of a' team, and a great deal of this' time has already been taken up in select-I ing. the best material, and the inter-I ference. of rain anid varsity :gamnes have also-,cut down. on the time. There is some good-looking mtr mae-ial on' this year's squ~ad, but there, is probably more that canl be 'develop- ed in th future. At'the present there are a }number who seem. to have,,.ar- sity possibilities. White, shortstop,. Covers a. great: deal of groufid" and, is. fast on the paths,- but is' not much of a hitter, Gerringer, thirdbase, covers his territory: well, is' fairly, fast, and is a nice hitter; Cherry, catcher, can hit, play his 'position ticc6tably, and is very fast for a4,atcher. Willson, -a lanky first sacker, looks good at his position; and takes a nice cut at the -balI. Hart, at first, Park- em on second, and Van Buren at short have good possibilities, but there seems to be a, scarcity of good out- fieldig' mater"ial. Gillingham appears to. be the pick of the hurlers, while 'Walters and Hinckley, have shown good stuffs Some good men have probably been cut, and some poorer men retained, Get 8111 ~ TA N Without ' , " SORENESS or Bitr Bitr'D'' Nature Crea S3nm3ILiquid Rinbbed is -BEFOREHAND fta sktio it ant io~lthouti and sore or ~1rm16.36esnot )*8yeslin greasy. ools 6315 ohle piOjle16. All' fleatdidi dt:. storevs 5c: double size6c;o or Dameafore~w Ca. Addiress 937 Welbaton Street, Chiao.' O'F ,GOOD MATERIAL R1AW DFOR ON New York ............... St.! Louis .. ....... Bush, Jones and Schang; Pruett, B~ayne and Severeid. Rt H E 9 16 0 2 G0,0 Shocker, but on the wvhole Coajch Mather has picked out those who look: the best, and can hardly be blamed for -cut- ting men who, while they may be de- veloped, do not showI as much as oth- ers, while' on the field. Amin ie'nLapue Washington........3 10 12 Chicago...... ..... ..... .2 12 1 CWarmoth, , Johnson and ""harrity; Thurston anid Schalk. Hoyt Announced As HIahn's Successor MTaries Bi. Hoyt, now coach at the Sioux City High School, Slo'd± City, Iowa, has been engaged by. the. Athi- letic Association of the University of Michigan as varsity trainer and' fresh- mlen track coach to fill the vacancy made by the signing of Archie M'ahn by Princeton university. Hoyt graduatedl from. Crinnell Col- tlege, Grinnell, Iowa, and ,was an all- around athlete. in. his undergraduate days,. He 'had a record ,of 21:1 in the 220 yard dashl and 9:4. in the 100-yr dashl- during his competition, and .lie comies to Michigan highly-recommend- ed as an athlete anid coach and as a rin1e typ~e of college man. Mr. HIoyt, who is married, will move to Ann Arbor . this spring and will take the Summer School courses for Athletic Coaching and Administra- tion in order to fanmiliarize hims'elf with the Michigan system and staff. The signing of Mr. Hoyt increases t Michigan staff of coaches to '7 year Philadelphia Cleveland. Ieirach anid Neil. ..4 10 0 .... ...2 4 1 Perk~ins Mie and 0'-j Get ,good values cheap, thru' the Boston Detroit Murry, 'lette and Odoul and Devoriner; .Pil- assler.T NatORAlTLeaue .. . . .. . .3 9 3r andl A in ili; rinmes and, St. Louis Brooklyn Haines Snyder. Rt H'IE :41 'a WHUg O 0 a An hour a day of Pocetf 10 C2nroin or. Three-Cusbion ,r 0 Villuhiards is fine. for mindW ® and body of every 311cIhk. *i gaii man. PIP'ES -LUECHE10 O iA9 '~ r~k dry'. rz diti"r 0 A VINamIN 4 ,1F 9 S 6, B 1% 11 ii V'.7. . . .. . tll , Philadelphia........4 [1 Alexander, Kauffman and O'Farrel; Aicadows, Behan and IHen in e. R'II T Cincinnati ..,... ...... 12 2 New York .........13 14 1 Donohue, Keck and Hari rave; J. Barnes and Deberry. . ........... Bostonw Coor and Schimidt; Rt H E ..0 9 3 ..:.. 7 2 Rudolph and Iusual offering. 'But this is not suar- prising considering that Crosby, .Pot- ter and :Hastings are .all new men and experience always plays a most im- portant part in a golf tournament. The loss of Wint'irs, who is one of the hest college players in the West,: is b'eing severely felt and the. coaches are having 'a hard time fi'nding a man of sufficient caliber to fill the veter- an's place. The team journeys to Jackson Sat- urday to meect the Meadow's Heights Country club team. Little is known of Ithe strength of this te'am. Six men will make the trip. a - t t} ',! J .. Itl vESTLING NOTICE ':.I All. men in the 'University in- terested in' the organization of wrestling as a Yapsity, sport ,fdr 1 1923-24, are requested t'o meet j at 8 o~clock Tuesday evening in, the tap- rom of the Union: Since 1 the selection of Richard Barker, f graduate of Iowa State, 'as wrestl- ing coach for nexit year, interestI in: the' sport Yak greatly increas- 1 ei, and any opinlons in. regard to the' institution; . ofthe 'activityI :will be gratefullyrFceived at the 'I meetinjg'. 3. 'CLIORD, ! .Manager.I i.:- n , . ~ . .. " .. ra t. . : 1"I r I: # ' 11 I I I, Cake Eater I wps toe onI Mich up oexpelutations A m~eet, the 'other pin in scores far1 pha ye ay Fes t ival GoortS' Tickets for Single Concerts may' be. secured at the 'university School of Music, s; $1.50 each.' A few Course Tickets remain at $5.00 each. SIX' B-10'PROGRAMS TS To I Ii:, oA "I LI? i' -BY- i ORDER, Lit and tailored to your in- ;vidual measure and accord- SOPRANOS r, CONTRALT'O'S' TENORS TWELVE STAR S OLOIST --modlof1900 H~e was ;called" dude and dandy then, but yo "u recognize the type. He majored. in haber~dashery and took his degree with honors in soxology. As if that were not enough, he evolved some variations on the cake 'walk which made themr stare. He even found time to develop a remarkable 'proficiency on the tandem bicycle,; and on Saturday nights he was good enough to bring pleasure into Another's life by wheeling away to the'"e-TetThr. To crowd all this into four short years would seem enough for any mortal., Yet in spite of his attain-' nents there are times, in after life, when our hero wonders. The. glory of his waistcoats has long since faded, while his books are still fresh and clean. Did he perchance put too 'much thought into the selec- tion of his hats and too little in what went under them? I I :5.. ;." to your own ideas. BARITONES - "50 - °55 THREE VIOLINIST PIANIST s >,y, .s a Trousers at $8.00 to RENOWNED k" $10.00 Extra. ORGANIZATIONS ORGANIST It's Time to Order Your :ommencement Suit--Now! THE UNIVERSITY CHiORAL UNION THECfHILIYREN'S FESTIVAL CHORUS THE CHICAGO* SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA GUSTAV H OLST Distinguished Guest Conductor ti'cal,,bevelopment by an Institutio*40ht will be helpd jo tk't ever helps the' Fitting for Every Suit. Wordf