THE MICHIGAN DAILY , , . 1 1 ". I I.. . I - I ' . , " ,- S PEAKS ON~epTheir Eyes 19 P0GRSS, Victims" Of _. 4 __ _.... .. .. . . _ ,..:, on American Chinese Bandits Safe now in the Senior class. IV Where, 0 where are seniors? Where, 0 where are seniors? Where, 0' where are seniors? the grave, the 'grave, thle grave+ Y Where, 0 wbere are the giddy, faculty? old jwhere, 0 where are the giddy, faculty'? old, Where, 0' where are. the giddy, faculty? Ole Safe now in their trundle beds. 1}' fi 1' x Kauizcas JcAi4 ee Deles n~tid Itayr of Normniany Are Near JURIST BELIEVES SCIEvr1FIC tI FACTS SHOULD DICTATE LAWS' Law is the butlwark 6of progress,r decla~red Judge Rousseau A IBurch,. ... 18511, justice of the supxreme court of \.''.{r. hanss in the annual public address' under the auspices of the order of}..1;r{r the Coif, honorary law society, yester-},:..r clay afternoon in room C of the Law ~ building. Judlge Burch spoke on Lawf and Progress and showed the 'influ- ' ,t. once of heredity on progress. He is ' a jurist of note and has recently pub- lished a series of articles on the sub- Ject of his lecture. w .,. *~ Judge Burch declared that scientific ' "'' facts were superior to the principles rr induced by modern philosophers as !!. r N r basis for Iaws. The facts collected t- by the scientist should dictate the law, Brig.-G~ei. '11 lh:,un 'll.Connuer, C01ts- hie said. The judge believes the moral D Ir. Jaco~b .. Sebuitwnin, IU. S. Iiin Iian( tig'AiiieriC~iii troops atlIeTit- earthquake due to the war is subsid- ister to China sin, ing and that the dlays of normalacy, arm near.. Historical progress is not individual .Freshn 'en, Learn This.' but social, and since selection occurs through the struggle for existence, struggle is an inevitable result of "Whecre Oh Whiere" the famous Capj They've gone out from Freddie's Eco- progress, Judge Burchi stated. "Or- Night song will be sung tonight ati nomics, ganisins of life die or live as- they the conclusion of the' Sleepy Hollow1 Safe now in the Junior class.! benefit life and, the business of liv-j exercises.' the verses will be sung# luig maskes law.: Law must adapt it- in order, each class singing its own II self to life In order to exist." lie respective verse which it is expected? Whero, 0 where are thy; jolly, jolly said.II to know. The song is as followsjuilors'? Judge Furch pointed out that idleal Wlieir, 0 where are the jolly, jolly government was, a delusion of the pes- I uniors?. sinmist, that sympathy, justice and- X Where, 0 where are the verdant fresh-! Where, 0 where are the jolly, jolly kindness, as 'advocated by dreamers I nv:ri? I Juniors? warps the soul, that conflict is in- Where, 0 where are the verdant fresh- jSafe now in the Senior class. dispensable to progress and Ithat. ,MI/n? hy'egneotfrmWelysjhl growth and development are the na- W~here, 0 where are the verdantf reshl Te'egneotfo ene' hl tnra~l result of the law of striving. f nirn? OOh~ "All sciene, art, institutions, all in-! aenoTnth ohooeclmeiy'vo gonxe out from Wtenley's Phil- ventidns are man's work. Man has os~pliy, never, been per'manently defeated in! They've 'goneotfmfrhanzit-::,re gone out from Wiien icy's Phil- his battle for higher t.n s."or' - "l__________________ The Judge was guest of hon~or andThyegoeutrmfehanic- principal speaker at the~ annual initi- 'one ation banquet of the Order of the rc Colf held at 6:15 o'clock yesterday. in They've gone out from freshman Rhet- t1e Union. Dean 'Henry M. Bates of oric, the Law school acted as toastmaster.' Safe now in tooe Sophmxor eclam."' George ,L. Canfield. of the Detroit Bar Association spelt together with I:I.I-C M N K .Jamnes, 'M3, and Clyde Morris, '23L' IWhere, 0 where are the gay young T10's Yer's ost Elaborate- of the 'student'body. I sophxniores? the gaytyoungERentAR tII~E. Where, 0 where are th gyDAugRTCHARME: CIII\ESERUG.DISPLAY __ sophmores? T U ES Students Discuiss Sum-mer campj colgregationallsts to 1Hike giddy Students who are planning to take Congregational Student's1 the summier field courses in geology -will meet at 5:30 o'clock Sui giddy; and geography met yesterday after-! at the church, to hike to F. noon in room G 321 of the Natural farm on GedIdes Ave. Ap giddy, Scienceo building. Instructions in re-' per will he furnished by 12 g rd to equipment to be taken, and tee in charge, of which Cynt someC remarks on the general trend of '26, is chairman. Afters thie camp life wecre made at this time. open air service will be hell d the l The party will meet pit Somierset, Ken- overlooking the river. The t1 Mucky, on June 17, andl will move from ' discussion will be "The G rd the there- to the central camp at Mill ture". Springs.- id the I Girs--If you are Interest 100 engraved calling cards from' ing this summer. Call 3221 your plate $1.75 uip. Froin new plate -- $3.00 up. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' Look over the values in r. Arcade.-Adv. 'fleds.--Adv. Safe now in the wide, wide world. They've gone out from their Alma Ma- terI They've gone out from their Alma MVa- ter, They've gone out from 'their Alma MNa- ter,I Safe now in the wid%, wide world. I rtey'v~e gone ort E Orient, They've gone out Orient, They've gone out Orient, Safe now in their from Joe's an :from Joe's an from Joe's an trundle beds. IPatronize The Daily advertise' ~i n1t111tIu :tllltlttzIII i tiI l i ll R11 i f iIn VII Ji tl I l IIll i i l ii! 1111 i1111 liii11 ltlil ill l i ii 11111111 iUltl II l IiiiL All IIIIII i 11 111 11 liii iii 11Ill IlIIIl i lti 1111111 11111 11111Iliiiiiiiiii ii lfl11 111111.1 lili11111 111111111111[ i611111111 GE , I... I Your Choice OF THESE USED' CAR EJOUGB 3ROTH ERS OF ANY BARGAINS USED CAIRS Fords, Dodges, Chevrolets, Buicks, Nash and Reo -PRICES RANGE -F-ROM $'25UIP,4 1919 DODGE BROTHERS TOURING All Dodge brothers used cars are put in first- class condition In our shops before sold. Remember: A, usea car is only y good as the firm with which yu cdeal. "' Ann Arbor Buick Sales Co., 120 W. HITROv A 1 iU .w '......... ' ~, i.- .. . Po'wer! Ann 'Arbor Garage 206 W. Huron St. Pick-up! r P ep! i 1 i I Three qualities Min which GASOLI NE specializes. you will be satisfied. W HITE STAR GiveJ it a trial -- Mrs. "I'errick is displaying somet Where, 0 where are the gay I wonderful hand-nmade. Chines^ rugs! sohmiores?. this week at the H'-andicraft Furniture, Safe' now in the Junior class. Co. on Liberty St. While living in' > China Mrs. AMerrick , iade a- special The'vegone out front Freddie jstudy of rug maktingandkI)roUght-home j.. 11 .s,5'~~ I some beatithl'sainples of 'this.'Cin- ; They've gone oiat from Freddie ese art.-, Adv. ..... , ' nomics;' ryoung ;t Eo I MIUFIIGAMME OIL COMPANY 0'S Eco- IJ i i Ad ,ph Hergesheimer'g Colo1rful, Roanee of Cuban Nights .a .......... Cot. !. Utliersity and 112th Cor. I urfin and Ashley Cor.' 4th and(1Catherine, ' 101,' Adamhs St.,, pslanti Accc.ssorie .. Your Car ShuldH can h _ *Durable Whicht can he fitted to both openi and closed cars. It is madet cnb hl o~hr'Inrac blu or green, and is absoutely gu To Relieve-That BakSri y. f a PU What's Beiong Worn Now +rirr r l iM r" .lr rfmY.rr rri rW!l rirriYrri {. ... +niwrlrl if " .,y ._ . . . . ,. (.'. 4 R The 'Norfiolk is o eof the most popular sits for goring mizzenthis spring. Itere's one of a righ gray mixtgire. $10. r311 I The comifortable sack coldtjuake4 this stit a favorite. Made of su- pcrbi wool with sma zrt overlid pattper i;. $ Caps correct that are s Guaranteed i PL A IDS,, checks, light colors ! That's{. the order in. caps riglht I now. They're correct with almost any suit you care to wear Informal looking and comfortable.. $2.50. New color~s Golf Hose ~'VEN if you don't E play golf you can wear golf hose, for the're used. this season for hiking and, other activities that demand knickers. Plain and fancy weaves, inl all colors. $2.50 to $3.50. (t 41i : . r ,ra " 1. # iw . after a long drive at INNER TUBES AND SHOES the wheel. For all sizes of autos here. All of standard make.,All 'guar- anteed by the manufacturers. All with splendid records of mileage service, Tried and true tires are the only kind we handle and the only kind you canaf fod to'-use on yoair car. IRWIN M. CLEMEN'TS 117 W. WASHINGTON ST. IC4A '4 AUTO ACCE^O'SSORIES HURON and FOURTH OPEN JEVENS AND SUNDAY NOIORNIMA This driver's Cush- ion is specially de-, signed to eliminate Made of a high ity leather, str teXture, yet y3 enough to giv( and comfort. colors, to matc upholstery. Ithe backache tha t miost People acquire" 0 N'' thing. about Hart, ichaffner& Marx clothes that can't fail to impress everyj maniis. that, th y'r.6sold with a guarantee =.t'o satisfy. Mo iey back if they don't! U. S. L. STORAGE BATTERIES arc the best for your radio outf it When you buy an 'automobile tire, why not buy everything? Therc several tires of standard makes which will deliver honest service if you with them. But if .you want the utmost in quality and wearability, plus the absolute ance of skid-free driving, you can get it ini only one tire, Rentals 25c a day $35 -*5O 6 a. m. to midnight service -OLDSMOBILE CARS TIDE"S AM) AUTO ACCES- SORIES OF ALL KINDS P(nosyl'ana"Vacuu m Cups The famous Vacuum Cup Tread gives this assurance and yet the yare not higher priced. We guarantee these tires first in quality and workmanship. Vacturu Cup ires and Ton Tested Tubes Otlher makes as lovy as $25 Reule Conlin ECONOMY GARAGE M. M. M. M. Vacuum Standard F ul l Tubes cup Vacuum Oversized Cup 'Vaculum Fabric Cords Fabric Cord Cuip Cord 3013Y2 .............. . ,,.....$.9.55 $10.90 $13.60 $14.:>0 $16.95 $'2.'>0 30x4+. .. .............. . ... 11.90' 12.75 17.15 18.95 30.15. 3.25 33x4.... . ........... 16.25 17.90 25.25. 26.50 34.20 3.50 Atker Standard First -Qualty-Foil. Ouaranttecdl t""hi . I ASHLEY AND HURON Ili