- - - - - - 'THE MICHIIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL -N819APER OF TUIE UNIVERSITY 01F JUCII1Wi Published every morning except Ivlonday ring the' University year by the Board in ntrol of Student Publications Memibers of Western Conferenice Editorial sociat ion. The Asscciated P~reys is exclusively en- led to the use for republication of all news spatches credited to it or not otherwise edited in this paper and the local news pub- sed therein. Enitered at the postoffice at 'Ann Arbor, ichigan, as second class matter. Su~bscription by carrier or mail, $3.5o. j Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-. rd Street. Phones: Editorial, 2414 and r76-M; JBusi. 1s, 96o. Commrunications not to exceed 300 words signed, the sinnkaturr not necessarily to spear in print, but as as evidence of faith, id notices of events will be published in ,c Daily at the discretion of the 1?ditor, If ft at or maild to The D~aily office. 1.n- ned coin ninications will receive nio con- eration. No manuscript will be returned less the witer encloses postage. The Daily yes not necessarily entdorse the sentiments pressed in the communications. EIPORTAL STAFF terly afraid of violating the disciplin-G I n + Iyc d f c a s o m c n u t t a a~rycodeof lassroo conuct hat131 t 3 he :anade a formal apology for* every O S E one of the few humorous" remarks / i//l, ". wiceh penetrated the asbestos cover- i ing of the timid gentleman's sweet; _ 1 tEol face. Never, says Smythe has evenj iti face. Never, says Smythe has even the: I)er Tagl, most ,puritanical .of Puritans been soTDY~tedywe h erig self-conscious of every remark which ITlD~iswthaway'the pts.yarig partakes, of wit that he has had to beg JtOMRRW the ill juts sot forgivenness for its very utterance. Smythe does not ask that his pro- asiihyhdbenspooe fessors be .the jovial, youthful, s3Oyasanneasadiers-n pathetic men he would really likej TOMORROW also the sophomores will to see occupy the chairs of honor be just her, fr e ralzestha txe ~atri 1AS sophisticated as if they had been heefojhuralieotarthscnti butions of cold, and unfappoachable ;uir individuals are often more worthy FOR oh ever so long and also tomor- than those of his companionable TIrow, teachers. .Still he would like to see l THE juniors will be just as simxple as -1- - - - IF they had been seniors for just r 1 IEDITORIAL C OMMENT -I Mumma= v#. .. .. E . .'l ;i 4 i I E t !' 1 men1 w no supposely emiuilt the prfnciples 'of sterling 'manhood culti- vate the courage to crack a Joke without apologizing for so doing. WORLD P ACE AGES.' TJoucinlg Tragedy TI-ERE1, is a man named Mr. Frank B3. Jones, who lives at No. 2416 Front' Street, Oswego, Ohio. Thie pol icy o Lihe Harding autins- His claim to lasting fae is thatI1 " eehns21 n 6I tration toward United States 'partici- he has served for yars, never miss-rI MANAGING EDITOR patibn in the League of Nations was~ ing a dlay, as the model name and ad- ' MARION ,B. STAHL deso h oe neoeo h still further strengthened by the re-deso thmdlenloente Fews F Mitor...........'auil Wazel cent statements of Secretary of State1 stamp books of the government oft City Editor .......James R. oung Hughes who condemned in uniis-I these United States. Long my he Assistant City Editor...... A. 'Bacon tkbetrstemcieyo h wave-but- Editorial Board Chairman . ...,..X R. Meiss tkbetrstemcieyo h NihtEdtos-League. That world peace as under- There is a deeper, darker side toE 'Ralph B3yers harry Ho7 taken by the League is a dismal fail-thsafi.Ith upelftan 1, IIe . dnaher 1. C. AMtak uIre is a self evident fact; the smll corner of this model envelope is in-{ ,irrtsEdior......Va~~e F.l~l~t petty wars thatn have prevailed scie th naeo oe on . Women's Editor.......... Aarion Ko' throughout the Old World still con-Smto14SaeSreWae- Sunday Magazine Editor ..I1. 'A. Donahue; tinue with unabated fury. The un- I ville, N. Y. This gentleman is evi- Music~r Editor....... ..... . Aides ,dnl h a h lasmie h lame11r Eitor ........3 hkcy C, Rbbins alterable fault of the League machin- dnl h a h a aldti llK Editrial Board cyrssi h fc htpaeismodej envelope to heis frien, Frank . Paul Eiinstein ."1, Eugene Carmichael dependant upon the unified action 'of jB. Jones. Assistants" the great powers to quell disturb-! It has now .been in transit for up- Siney '1i.Armtrog FanWinna). Hebur bard among the weaker governments, wards of fifty years. What worries us; R . 1A. ]lieilling on dward J". -iggns adsnetegetpwr r fe is, the thought of the poor dear Mr.r [[elen Brown J' naeth C.r Kellar unable to agree themselves the Sit, waiting, waiting, wating, for I3," C. Clark E'lizabeth Liebermnann: nase fvnI~,Jns atn A. . Connable ' Jobn 'McGinnis i chances, for world peace are. pract- a nwrfo r.Jns atn Bernadette Cote sarnuel ;Moore ally nil under',the System. -ohitistoou'ucli!£ Evelyn I. Coughlin M. 11. Pryor Polaur h aeetrandSORRIOWUL. oseph Epstein W. 13. Rafferty Po-egurswo,*aeenerane' F. 3 ik obr .Rma great hopes that the United States John Garlinghosp t rG"41W. "R irhl-Da Walter S. Goodspeed? " Sol J. Schutz would enter the League as con sti-' er5 Poltia Goulder Philip M. Wagne tuted at the present time received' We hate to be brutal, but it seems Roal Iagrrn________-_serious set back from the remarks to us thtt o are the sort that find1 BEIESSAFof the Secretary of State., Force can sermons in. stones and chunk s ofs never be used as a means of restor- wo n pt fgayo h et Telephone 960 ing peace and good will among all My how you would weep for instance rpeoples, on the earth because he ques-e if you could see this typewriter. ,r. "(-A 2J. 'ANAGt".R tion mtust arise of Who will supply, IT - 'who will coftrol and who wil direct vetsn.......on .TaelJrthe force. OUR esteemed ,contemporary, the Advertisin '.... .Wltr K. Scherrt American aloofness has been the= Times News, ran a banner in their AdvrtiIng.........awrence I. Favrot pprrcnl sflos Publication . " Edward . Conlin ;byword" in official circles;' a policy papeReeNt LyOs OloWEKH: O' Copywriting.......David J. M. 'Parks which has caused wide spread h dig- FR N LO RC AO Circulation "... ownsend 11. WolfejINAK SS Accounts .......L. Beaumont Parks' nation in the ranks of the pacifists, INAKNA 'Assistants but this has succeeded In keeping the W nesadthttehvcI P~jrry M, Hiaysden Win. I. Good ; United States ouit of ifiany situations q (ustion was irreparably dem'ised. Lugene t' Dunnue Clyde ,. Hagerman* * * ohn C.' liaskin Henry "Freudi which might have proved 'embarrass- Putman 1 IThis 1S .a KockoutI C . uta Clayton P~y 'ing in the light of the averred hatred' B). Armantrout . B. Sanzzenbacher 1"I) tm 416 n it rn4 ' Wiliam U, lid' JY' Ciffor4 Mittu. sof. America frforeign entanglemets. S\Vi.on brs n,.pit e.an~ Win.rt . Rdesser 'LlouM. ex~tr~vceri World peace at thle present time is re- d avent the slgtest -idea of theiri Allan S. MQrtan C. Wpls Christie; garded by many as the ideaisti vis- i name- Irbgt W:' Droer ''djr .Rede ion "of statesmen devoid of a practi- Nif hycudfy -[IerlkowldretfWte wCoopera- jBu1t their eyes were as blue as a clkoldeothwasomn- china cup.t kind itis nt, owevr, v~i dram And their feathers were pink, and ru-} that pictures the people of the earth;l. Iing together in_ one great brother- An fled u - FRIDAY. MAY 18. 1923 hood at some time in the future. This An they made me sigh. _____-is an eventuality from' which society 141* * l' 1 Night Editor--RAY 'BILLIIN'GTON cannot shrink, but world peace will Sea Stud come, not as the result of the force- hci td ( AI NIGHIT ful application of ;military power, but Memorable' for many years as' the rather as the logical outcome of a1 Linge when the freshmen throw tbeW common understanding between the lo~ts into the fire aind thne senior class & peoples of the various nations. % takes secn stietwrIfnl That such a feeling may exist be-: leprtue fomtheporal ofMici-tween the people of two nations is' 'ishee o~c ' illustrated by the friendly relations- Oan, Cap Night ishr oc ore:. Phis traditional celebraionison' hih have existed between .thThe h ,i s , ~~y es f =the dramiatic, momients -in tie lfe ('nted States and Canada for many 'Iith sall iliile ear"'.1 Af everya student, the 6oi e tiiie"±r years. The unguarded boundary on,1i1 'el~oghtw tes iith which the entire, University bpcdy as-outrnorth was made possible because! TheC poor thing hears. ebles in the observance of ~a sacred th iuait ncsossec n Clarissa. .i tom. modes of thought fostered such an Ths occasion, which drawsfiends 4iud.S=c"avrbe odiin A VULGARE fellow wer Okiow prople-I nd, alumni from all parts of the donteit"ewe thrntosled within our hecaring the other dlay' puritry V :Se~ olw stems the development of a friendly atti- { tude and the destruction of the many that 15,000,000 lives would be lost E I . tresive affair of the University; when the frsh threxv their pots in;I ua ''to all conc'erned. Bringing theaeolprjdcsndhtdswl the "fire tonight. Disgusting, wes 'reshman from the year of trial as b h oko er fcntn f thought ntested eartings to' a footing as frt on the part of those who hnave*** 'll fledged men 'of Michigan, It adds asue h epniiiyo in . Today's dioril I rue moregeeain tthswo this world an enduring peace. There SORT :Thsnirtmutb ave entered the gates of knowledge. will be manry wars, large and small, amtedntcrytercnsvr i ~akig te dgniied enirs urter'before this Uptopian dream is realized, amtedntcrytercnsvr but no thinking person should ever saky lo6ng their: path of departure, -it adids PHILOPOLEMS: No. mother gefration to those who have loeapotniyt hl n ai SOCRATES: They act as if theyt tssed 91 and taken their places In pathy toward all wars among the were all sophomores who didn't reallyS L.,. ~~ - races of mankind. ', ~- E. I. . A. (The Princetonian) The representatives, of seven teen college newspapers assembled at H'arvard last week to dscuss the problems which confront them'. On paper there was little action .taken which alight impress the disiter-z ested observer, although more was, accomplished at this year's con fer-; once than has ever been the case. inl the past. Whatever action the East- ern Intercollegiate Newspaper Asso- ciation may take as a group is com- mendable, if, of course, it serves thei interest of the group,. but behind! every action there must be a con-! cordance of spirit. Therein lies the. value of all conferences. College men are the same through- out the country and throughout the world, for that matter; they have the same interests and the same prob- lems, and they realize the responsi- bility which they 'will have to carry in the near future. Whatever can be done to further impress. upon thoem their essential unanimity should never be discouraged. Plans for greater co-operation and exchange of ideas were formulatedI and opinions were freely expressed. I Not least important among the re-1 sults o the Confereuce was the whole-hearted agreement with the idea that college newspapers should stimulate thought on questions of na- tional1 and international momecnt. It was universally felt that college men; should not follow blindly the pre-a cepts of others but should pass judg- menit themselves on all questions. In our columns the stimulation of thought in worth-whle chanbels has always been our purpose. We will continue that policy andl express opin- ions on 'all subjects, local or-world-' wide, which wve consider of interests and importance, confident in the' knowledge that our purpose is identi- cal with that of the principal college newspapers of this section of the country. Knowledge With a Rick IN IT (The Harvard Crimson) Thee lengths to. which three New York chorus girls have gone in seek- ing knowledge should caiuse the aver- age student to hide his, face in shame. Not content to trust one University or to consult one authority,' these ambitious ladies sent a letter begin- ning "How can I help myself to a better and more cultured mind?" to the heads of ed ~mia~- Brown, Prince-' toh; ''Drtmoth, ew ~York IUiver- sity, and H'arvard, The response teyi got must have staggered them. They Were encouraged, first, to take a few courses at Columbia; since they{ were so- fortunate as to live in New York; then, to subscribe to a corre-I spondene course; next to buy Dr.g Eliot's ,"FiveFoot Shelf." Since they ' asked for advice about books, Dart- mouth sent a' list of 155, "dating from WFalter Scott to -Booth Tarkington-- recommending Barrie and Shaw'espe-' 'cially.; President Hibben suggested,' among others, "Introduction to Poli-; tical Science" by Pettell "The Life of Abraham Lincoln" by Lord Chan-; wood, and "Literary Taste and Ho'I~ to Form It," by Arnold' Bmett.. Everyone can profit by President H'opkins's -"movie", prescriptions. Ap- parentlly, there are nothing but comec- dies; Harold Lloyd for "high" comn- edy-Ben, Turpin for "low" comedy, and Charlie Chaplin for general "bril- Hiance." One can ,_sae'that nothing! was omitted which could help pro- (uce "miore cultured"l inds." FIromi Dr. Nicholas Murray! Butler,- the shameless man, came an invitation to call anal talk the matter over in per- son. Chancellor' Brown of New Yo-ik University offered the assistance of ani English instructor; as yet, nothing has been beard from President Low-E e'l. It seems strange that in spite, of the recent _intellectual upheaval at Yale, President Angell was not' con- sulted. However, Yale has her loyal followers; only recently a gentleman who found time hanging heavy on his hands in a Florida p~enitentiary, wrote to New Haven for comfort and advice, and an. adequate library was, subscribed, which did: not, presunn- ; ably, include ,the Hlarvard Classics. The thirsting for knowledge is cer- tainly becoming more and more perva- lent and it is only just thatthe foun- tain-heads of, learning should be called upon for help. At the sane time, Dr. Butler cannot possibly con- tinue to have conferences with every- one wh'6 wants' "culture"; nor ca-n Dr. H-ibben compile a new set of books for every applicant. There are enough' dependable sources of advice without memorializing the college presidents. M-ost of them have their hands fairly full. at Graham 's 7iotn Ends of the Diagonal Walk If that check didn't come, let "Jim-T mie' sell something for you to tide you ove'r.-Adtv. TOLEDO-ANN ARBOR BUS (ars leave for Toledo 7:10 A. 31., 2 P. MW. and P. lt. Except Sun. D 1OROTHY B. M4 -CIRQPRAE -I" 0 10 Nt'l an G IF Ts for, GRADUATION D~ETROIT UNITED LINE$ Anni Arbor and' JacksA" TIME TABLE (Eastern Standard Taie)- Detroit Limited and Express Cars- 6.oo' a m., :oo a-In., 8:00 a.n:., 9:.05 fa.m. and hourly to 9:05 p.m. Jackson Express Crsu(local stops weac of Aun Aibor)-9 :.41 a .m., and every two hours to 9'47 T In. l~ocal Cars Eas, Hound--7:oo, a,'fl aaw every two hours to 9 :oo p. in., r r :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-ris :40 To, Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Hound--7 :50 a.mn., L.2:!U pr,.. To" Jackson' anti kalmnaoo-Lirr- ited cars 3:47, 10:47 a.mn., J:47, 2:47, 4:47 p.mn. To Jackson anid Lansing-Limited at 8:4ZP.. 8A.0. UU I"OUU AIVilit h~ours, 1.6 p. ___~11IIIIIIIIHI111111 ''.flhItlhIIIlflll f ll t11 .DO IT NW SWhile the impulse is strong call up Phone 87 and arraul I engagement. You'll be amply repaid by the real fun t from ti i1s whmolesomie sport. .And' our cash coupon' plat Ssurprisingly reason'able luxury. THE MULLISON STAB. PHONE 87- I I'llIII ItIIl1IIiIIIIIIhIIII I hhII1191111111 i ll l lllIII1IIllll WHITNEY THEATRE, MO ' L -~NY ohie 1'4'Theet A0.6.A, II .ge for a riding that 'you derive o nmakes this a )LES 326 E.. 1923 MAY 1923 2 3 4 , 1 27 14 21 VV 29 1(i 23 3J. 10 17 24 31 11 12 19 19 25 26 f~Y~i~STRAW FACTORYl and 'WEAK PAMNMA C1,EA NED AND REBLOCKED (No aCI ske)I Straws, Pananias,' Leghorns, lBankoks and all kinds of la.s Cleaned and Reblocked at lour prices for- HIGH CLASS WORK. Let a "Boot-black" shine your shoes,. but have your hat, Clean- ed'and Reblocked by a Practical Hatter. j'1 FACTO0RY HAT STORF 617 Packard Street Phone 1792 Where D. U. 1R. Stops at State Adrian-Anni Aibor Bus Schedule in Ef.fect May 1it, i9-'3 ("entral' Time ('Slow Time) C(JLJ RTESY ' SAFE-TV SER1VICE I) 1 ~'x. P'.M. A .M. A.M.. Lv._ Adri~n......3:45 1:1.-43 0 :o A.A. P.M. P.M. Lv. Ann _ -bor......0:43 _ t :43 4~:45i N-Daily ecchlt Sundays and holidays. Ilolirlys to -b New fears, Decor'ation )ay, ;July Fourit h, TFhanksgiving and cbhristmas.{ Mfeet ). U. IR.tca:s at Saline both ways for councer ions for Ypsilaanti, Wayne and Detroit. la w a oie o .30'5te &coinedqj3ad 'Ch m'O T AP~ r P~LH 'Q AA-2'T' C' O, 06L.Z2T. VQZCGO2'Y DRIVES, $1. 10. $1.65, $2.20 MAIL NOW -' ,' 4~', V-D )s SEAT SALE ,. h -. I A Comy-plete L ne of" Drugs and DrugSundries Toilet Articles-Perfumes Connor 's Ie Cream Gil bert.'sChocolates' Prescriptions Carefully Compounded MANN'S' DR UG STORE 213 S-OUT.H, MAIN. STREET V C 1I' al 'pt p-< " i a; =G r ...- r.. ucworia or ma:~ny intmerests. To the alunmus who returns to live over again the dearest mnoments of his college days, this one ceremony remains as the unmodified traitlon o~f former years. Sleepy Hollow re- mains the same year after year with cachi'succeeding class depositing. in its' recesses the little grey " caps whlich mark the future men of Michi-' ga.As the" oldest campus struc- ture-s are replatced' by new ones, as the first traditions as modified from yeaur to year, little remains, for the graduate of a decade or so except the one ceremony, Cap Night, and that one sacred spot, Sleepy Hollow. S3lIYTRE-PEEVED AMAIN There is nothing in which Smythe so greatly delights as finding a pro- fessor who is thoughtful of his stu- dents. Still when he stumbles blindly into a course given by some timid have a rigl. to carry hmr'u. PHILOPOLEMUS : You are right. ATIIF4TE AN EDIORSSOC : They carry them furtively. Approximately 500 high school, stu- PHILO: They do ' indeed. dents, some of whom are. track ath- S00: And awkwardly. ietes, and -others) the managers and PT{ILO:3 That is true., editors of high school publications,1 SOC:! Carrying a cane is an art are guests of the University today and I le a nifty suit. tomorrow. In bringing, together these , PHILO : Precisely. school leaders, the University does SOC: And while the seniors have much to increase the rivalry? between been wearing nifty silts for'"our the preparatory institutions of the years, they have been carrying 'canes; state, not only in athletics, but also for only two weeks.' in the production of better magazines PHILO: Exactly. and newspapers. Such an increase, SOC. So of course they carry themr in interest is eminently worth while. 'ill,- At the same time, the visit to Ann' PHILO: Of course. Arbor which they are~afforded stimul- SOC: It is too bad, but it cannot be lates the interest of the men, nail y of ! helped. whom will some day become Michi-, PHILO: Yes. No. gan students, in the institution which '.plto they hope to attend, and to wxhich** i { ' {{ I i t ' i a May Festival visitors express surprise when they learn the low p ri-ces .c'onnec ted with good the uncommonly I foods served here a "V we hope to welcome them. Trlie lplowmafl hoineward plods his Michigan's hospitality is needed to-E weary way. ?: Wfith two interscholastic gatherings,