ICCHIGAN PAILY -~-~ ~- - , ..,,. ....: Tmis COLUMN ICLOSES AT 3P.M. N h.7 NOTICE FOR SALE g Box Replies are at the FOR SALE-2 May Festival Patrons e: JSC, MC, 12, BC, 18, tickets on Main floor for this Fri- day and Saturday nights. Call 1519. 166 DAIUY-'dCASSIFIED.. N RATES Classified Rates. Two cents a word a day, paid in advance. Minimum charge for first day, 25c. Minimum therLfter,-20c,.Three cents per word per day if charged. White space charged, for atrate of five cents. per agate line. Classifieds, charged only to those having phones. Phone 960. DON'' FOR.GET Smith Tire Repair Oldest and most reliable place to buy tires. Kelly Springfield Diamond Tires 128c-tf SWEET LOVIN' Mamma, and Kiss Me by Arnold Johnson and his orches- tra now on sale at the Stofflet Phono Shops..166c VOR ROCK BOTTOM PRICES on gro- ceries, see Pierce's ad in the Wed- nesday issue of The Daily. 125c-tf REAL ESTATE. IMPORTED ORIENTAL PEIRFUMES- Atter of Roses. Jasmine, etc., samples $1 each. Only a few left. Box 100. 166p FOR SALE-Three May Festival tick- ets for Thursday night, one for Fri- day afternoon, main floor. Phone 2235-W. 166-2 FOR SALE-An E flat Buescher saxo- . phone. Call at 1301 Washtenaw or phone 1952-R after 8:30 p. m. 106-3 FOR SALE-Oakland six touring com- pletely overhauled. Good tires. Bar- gain. Phone 2951-W. 164-3 FOR SALE-Festival ticket, second balcony front. Call 2707-J. 16Gp-2' FOR ILENT FOR RENT-Unfurnished heated four rooms and private bath near the University. $GO monthly. Ready Sept. 1. Might arrange for posses- sion after June 1. Intramural Items The following deadlines have been set for the fraternity, All-campus horseshoe singles and doubles: sec- ond round-5 .o'clock tonight; third round-5 o'clock, Saturday night. Following is the schedule for ther second round of the All-campus horse- shoe doubles: Streite-Nichols, 753, Kennedy-Lyons, 236; Roritch-Nathan- son, 1525M, vs. Lang-Miller, 2138J; Wilson-Wilson, 3015, v.. McKechnie- Alton, 558; Granger-Hanna, 2925M, vs. Ulman-Landy, 751W; Eisenberg-Eis- enberg, 959, vs. Rayman-Ciralsky, 71- W; OSborn-Schmidt, 1920J, vs. Pattee- Ehresman, 19203; Davis-Willard, 1786- W; vs.c Barss-Clarke, 397. The schedule for the All-campus horseshoe singles is as follows: Cron- shon,-1328, vs. Granger, 2925M; Nich- ols, 753, vs Gordon, 1525M; Hanna, 2925M, vs. Pakkado, 24323; LockP, 2220, vs. Nathansdi, 1525M; Schmidt, 1920J, vs. McKechnie, 558;. Wolf, 41$- M, vs. Kennedy, 236; Ullman, 751W vs. Livingston, 1198J; Trackett, 3010J, vs. Crane 1328; Roritch, 1525M, vs. Dunakin, 63. The second schedule is incomplete. The balance of it will be published in tomorrow's Daily. All entrants in the All-campers singles horseshoe tournament whose names do not ap- pear above will be notified this morn- ing who they are scheduled to play. The following matches in the All- campus tennis singles must be played by 5 o'clock today: F. Deans, 481M, vs. Bob Seely, 984R; A. J. Baer, 2980- NI, vs. E. Ornstein, 2801W; R. Cr'ane, 143M, vs. R. Reason, 1484; A. Plut- ynski, 247GM, vs. Beck, 355; F. T. O'- Brien, 1683, vs. S. Taylor, 1666W; L. Brace, 231, vs. Paige, 2744R; Birks, 1166 vs. Passolt, 1719R. In the second round the following natches are sche- duled and must be played by Friday:' M. Reed, 566; vs. Hicks, 1324J; Brus- ke, 2106M, vs. Flint, 2106M; McKnight, 1597M, vs. Hartwell, 909; H. Zook, 1680R, vs. Lang, 2034R; Bromberg, 1167R, vs. Jerome, 2139M; Cash, 1330 M, vs. Shaefer; Goldsmith, 3124R, vs. Tarte, 2106M. London-Chicago ITRY OIYIL Air Line PlannedOC Portia Literary society will hold its semi-annual elections at 7 o'clock this evening in room 302 Mason hall. The officers to be elected are the pres- ident, secretary, treasurer, and a dele- gate to the Oratorical board. The pro- gram following will consist of talks on the Passion Play. . Plans will also be announced for the society's annual < ' plcani, A on every purchase i make from us! INAINPEN Tt M hen FOR MFG.O INK 1 -That Made the Fountaini Pen POSSIBLE'' NOT ONLY DO YOU RECEIVE THE Best Quality Meats at Fairest Pr But You Also Are Accorded Courteous Service You For theIBest Call13100 /!. R. GF°EL.L 223 N. Main St. NEAR MICHIGAN IUNION Splendid ten room house, well built and modern, solid oak floors and fin- ish '.dlownstairs;, airy, cheery',. well- lighted and .home-like. Only $11,000 if sold this week. Owner is anxious to sell today, thus the low ~price. Terms. . F. ROY HOLMES 113 S. Main 1C4c-3' ONLY $7000 8 ROOMS modern and in good con- dition. New roof and sidewalk. Lot 49 by 132. Located near the business district. Terms are reasonable.. Mrs. Gustine, phone 835-F-1 or 2738. loge FOR, SALE-Beautiful home near campus and all street car lines. Lot 100 by 132. Flowers, shrubbery, fruit. 1136 Prospect. Phone 1411-R. 166p-21 FOR SAFE-Modern 2 family home. Apply.,werdling Fur Shop. 16-3 F. Roy Holmes . . 413 S. i1in - _ 1t3c-G FOR RENT-4 ard 5rroom apartment, modern, furnished. Reduced rent .until September. J. Carl Malcolm, 692 E. Liberty St. Phone 1713-M 'or 1661-3. 164-3 FOR RENT-During summer. Fur- nished apartment of four rooms with bath, light, gas, water. Call 1920-M. 164p-3 LOST WILL THE PERSON who found a cap and a blue sweater durIng the Rope- Tying contest, Saturday call 723-t R and ask for Wykes? 166 LOST-Gold wrist watch Wed. at Clemens recital or between High School and 206 S. Thayer. Reward. Phone 988-R. 166p-2 LOST-At the corner of Ingalls and Washington streets, a, grey woolen sweater with Rider fountain pen in pocket. Finder pkase call O. R. Swank, Tel. 148. 1661p LOST-Geography outline, elementary French grammar, and French rea4- er. Reward. Jerome, 509 E. Liber- ty. Phone 80. 166 LOST-Pair shell-rimmed glasses in brown leather case. Call 1288-J. Reward. 165p-2 HOUSECLEANING WE make your house clean without paint. We do both interior and ex- terior 'washing. City House Clean- ing Co. Phone 1995-J. 152c301 1EPERTS on washing windows at reasonable prices. City Window Cleaning Co. Phone 1995-J. 153c30 Commander C. Dennis wthrney An airship plying between Chicago and London is being planned b)y Comn- mander C. Deinis 3urney, British air plane expert and inventor. He is said to have the backing of-the Vickers and Sheel groups of capitalists in Great Britain and a gove'rnmEnt subsidy. The time from, London to Chicago is expected to be forty hours and the fare about the same as the steamboat rates. The Conmonweallh EdIson Co. of Chicago IHas positions open for Srmmer work for University students. A WORLD CONVENTION ON BUSINESS PROMOTION lot W I.W=- Onie Idea I II that Brought $200,000 it, Sales WANTED-Position for an American lady who desires to act as traveling companion, or one who needs per- sonal attention. References ex- changed. Box 110 Daily . 166p WANTED-Two May Festivai Tickets together Wedesday or Thursday, night .or both nights. Call 2375-M, Mrs.:Whitn'ey. 164p-2 FOR SALE--3 tickets for Friday night concert, seat 18, roy C, second bal- cony. Call Hill, 2613-J after 6 p. m. 166p-2 WANTED-Position by American lady as supervisor of 'household where good service is appreciated. Refer- ences. Box 110 Daily. 166p-3 BEB WANTED for Saturday or a steady, one. Go*od. guarantee. Haw- kins House Barbershop. Ypsilanti, Mich,.166p-3 WANTED to borrow $4000. First Mortgage Security or excellent res- idence ~prperty ini Ann Arbor. Call 419-M at noon or after six. 166p WANTED-Two season tickets for May Festival. Phone 3046-J. 166' BU&LNBSOPPQRT(TNITY . ARE YOU COM- J ING BACK NEXT . FALL WITH $150 or $700? Come up and look over my records 'of Mich- igan men for last summer and see what they made. I also have a list of men from here that averaged over fifty dollars commission for spring vacation. If at al interested investi- gate our proposition at once before all available.tprritory is taken. H. J. Leader Tel. 3221-J 622 E. Liberty Across from Speddings. 165c-7 VACATION POSITION-College stu- dent or teacher capable of assuming responsibility. $273 for three months. Call 2053-W after 6 p. m. 166p-2 WANTED TO RENT Instructor wishes to rent three or four room furnished apartment for next September. Box LLW, Daily. 165V-3 WANTED-A garage in the vicinity of Williams and S. Division. Call 1443- R.. Kenrick. 166p-3 XISCELLANEOUS YOU NEED BRUSHES! The Fuller Kind-oldest and best! Call for our representative, and a free In the Inter-fraternity tennis the following games must be played by 5 o'clock Friday evening: Nu Sigma Nu vs. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Gamma Delta vs. Phi Kappa Tau; Delta Sig- ma Delta vs. Sigma Chi; Zeta Beta Tau vs. Psi Upsilon; Lambda Chi Al- pha vs. Phi Epsilon Pi; Delta Tau Delta vs. Delta Sigma Phi; Xi Psi Phi vs. Alpha Chi Rho; Allha Sigia Phi vs. Delta Theta Phi; Kappa Nu vs. Phi Sigma Kappa. SThe following matches in the .All- campus tennis doubles must be play- ed off not later than 5 o'clock Friday: Flint-Cash, 2106M, vs. Garber-Hicks, 1324J; H. Hammill-partner, 984R, vs. Stroud-Reed, 566; McKnght-partner, 1597M, vs. Bromberg-partner, 1167R; Watts-Slowinski,2866R, vs. Fox-Grein- er, 2824W; Crane-Heinz, 243M, vs. G. Jerome-Shaefer, 236; Lamaree-Beck, 355, vs. M. Stein-partner, 2444J; irks- Flowers, 1166, vs, Freedman-Van Ripps, 751W; L. Maeder-Nagle, 3104, vs. Barnes-Briggs, 2738. In case the courts are not in con-. dition to play tennis today, the dead- lineA scheduled jabovo will be ex- tended one day. It is positively imper- ative that all the above scheduled matches be played by this week-end in order that the tournamentsh ay be properly concluded. Without the cooperation of each. indiiulen- trant the Intramural department pos- itively cannot successfully complete its schedule. will interview students all day Thursday at Room 2, lni'ver- 2Mr. J. IW. Giibblus sity Hall. -r h .. U-I - COMING - This Year's Most Elaborate Pie- ture Event! SHAWL 0 NINETEENTH ANNUAL CONVENTION ASSOCIATED ADVERTISING CLUBS of theWORLD Atlantic City, June 3 to 7, 1923 A western merchant attended a great advertising convention, and heard a speaker tell how his firm had increased sales through the establishment of a mail sales dlepartment, to serve those who reld his newspaper advertiseMents, but lived at a distance. The merchant asked the speaker some questions, returned home and persuaded his partners to let him establish such a department. The sales of this depart. ment now exceed $200,000 a year. Whether you are a member of the Associated Advertising Clubs or not, you may attend the The 5000 business men and wo- men attending. this meeting will exchange experiences and ideas. There will be grist for your mill there. Information and inspiration upon which a bigger, more prosper- ous business can be established await you. If you have q dollar and I have a dollar and we trade, we have one dollar cash. But if you have an idea and I have an idea, and we trade, we are both en- riched. That's the spiritbof these great gatherings, which "attract the biggest and best sales promotion brains in the world. In addition to the sessions of the convention, loaded full of business- building ideas, there will be a great educational exhibit of advertising. Share with us the joy of June in Atlantic City. What a delightful place it is in that delicious month1 Ample hotel accommodations at reasonable, guaranteed rates, ad- mirable transportation facilities, special railroad rates-a great busi- ness opportunity and a chance to spend some most enjoyable days at a cost less than the usual ex- pense of going to this Queen of Resorts. r Shre with us the joy of June in Atlaintic City' 4i / : 1 4/ RUGS SHAMPOOED or Dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works, Phone 50. 135c-tf} USXD CARS 919 FORD TOURING-Overhauled, re- painted,large body, wire wheels, new license. Cheap for cash. May trade with motor cycle. Box 100. 165p 191b FORD TOURING-Overhauled, re- painted, large body, wire wheels, new license. Cheap for cash. May trade with motor cycle. Box 100. 166p FOR SALE-1920 Ford Touring, A-1 shape mechanically. Will take cheap- er car in trade. Phone 1758-R. 166c-2 TYPEWRITERS 'TYPEWRITERS.bought,.sold, ex- changed, cleaned, repaired. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 118. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters 166c-3 EXPERT Typewriter Repairing, all makes. Ann Arbor Typewriter Ex- change. Phone 866. 9 Savings Bank Block. 123c-tf INTERSTATE TAILORS UNRIVALLED CLOTHING VALUES. IN TAILOR-MADE SUITS AND TOPCOATS at $27.50. THE INTER- STATE TAILORS ARE AT THE AMERICAN HOTEL. PHONE 123 FOR APPOINTMENT. 166c-3 D FURNITURE DO YOU KNOW we have the most completely equipped plant in the country for the Repairing, Refinish- ing and Upholstering of furniture? PhoIe 381-W. P. B. HARDING. 88c-21 TYPEWRITING For full information as to special railroad rates, hotels, etc,, address ASSOCIATED ADVERTISING CLUBS 110 WEST 40TM STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. ... --M _ _ Remaining games for this week in the fraternity baseball league are- as I follows: 5 o'clock, today, diamond 1, Delta Alpha Epsilon vs. Sigma Phi Ep- silon; diamond 2, Phi Gamma Delta vs. Phi Chi; 5 o'clock, tomorrow, diamond 1, Xi Psi Phi vs. winner of Delta Al- pha Epsilon-Sigma Phi Epsilon game; diamond 2, Alpha Delta Phi vs. winner of Phi Gamma Delta-Phi Chi game. The above schedule will bring, the fraternity league teams to the fin- al round, which will be played Mon- day. In case of interruptions, due to bad Weather, all games above will be played from 1 to 2 o'clock, Satur- day. The results of the fraternity elimin- ation games have been posted in the Intramural department's office on the bulletin board. During a lengthy meeting of the In- tramural officials Tuesday it was de- cided to press all of the remaining In- tramural sports as fast as the weath- er permits as all schedules must be completed by May 26. In order to do this it will be ne-' cessary for all teams to play on the two remaining week ends of this and next week. Also, all participants must co-operate with the Intramural d partment to avoid unnecessary con- flicts. The schedules for the remain- ing matches in horseshoe and tennis have been posted on the bulletin board in thenIntramural office, and constant reference. to these by all participants will greatly aid the successful comple- tion of this year's program. All sports are closed and men should not come to the Intramural office and expect to be placed in a sport, for if men do not play they will be dropped and the next man entered will take ._ ... r ', ; ". . .y } . . . .ax. .._, _ , __ _ ._ S ^ \ r.. ': y l .y i ;< . - (If, , a .,:- F ._. . ; . ; q £. ___ - . ._ .. . , _.._ . ; ._.. _. __ - ,. -1 "11 11 The Wnl[C H'a aundry Our Number is z 65 You 'II novt be ashamed to take that coat off if you send your laundry to the WHITE SWAN Next time your shirts come back just notice how carefully they are laundered 'i TI e~r C-44,low I A+ A49A NA-p I