I' 'iz Drawings club and dormitory -which is to be bul oon. It is a pencil sketchl of -n__Exhi2bit on an English cottage and excellentlye- the drawing of Lionel 11. Pries, o;: Sani Prize warning drawings in the 1922 Francisco, whlo took ashi subJect a< Birch Burdette Long sketch competi-J street scene in Venice. J. E'. .Ja i-':o" tioni have been placed on exhibit ii: of Abington, Pa.,,wonthirdi prize wi th the case in the architectural corridor. ia Sketch Of a tenemnent cdistrict. second floor of the engineering buid ing. This contest was conducted by Pencil Points magazine, an arch itec-I tural putblication.{ The winning sketch was the work yraftsmen to Confer ? egree Twenty-six members of thbe Crafts- men club, campus ?Masonic rnk- tion, leave tomorrow ;afternoon for of Louis C. 'Rosenbarg, an emp'loyeet Highland Park, where they will he the of York and Sawyer, New York archi- guests of a 'local lodge C'c1fering a tees~ who have designed the new law third degree. 3 . a 1ADVERT! SING A ~ Canadian Militia C hie f Returns Fromt Long Trip .j r l oniir dwr'Km New York on his way home after a, two j months' 'trip abroad.. REED TO ADDRESS RE~PIBLICA\N CLUB Professor Thomas E. Reed, of the political science department, will ad- dress the Republican. Club at 7:30 o'- clock tonight in room 304 of the, Un- ion. P'rofessor Roed has had ,irde ex- perience ,in politics having been cam-1 N OTICE FOR SALE ',. '' r The following 3oX ,Replies are at the FOR. SALE- One May Festival tick- Daily Office: Jake,: JSC, BC, 12, MCG, et for Wed. and Thurs. niight. Three DW, 18.}tickets for Friday afternoon, Sat- ..MIHIGN DILY LASIFID.. urday afternoon and Saturday night. R MCIIA AILTES SflT. First 'balcony. Phone 136-J. 165 Classified Rates. Two cents 'a'word FOR SALE--A sixteen r00om house on 'a day, paid in advance. Minimum State St. suitable for a fraternity} charge for first 'day, 25c. Minimum or, sorority. Inquire at 604 E. Jef-Y thereafter, 26c. Three cents per word ferson, or call 349-W. 165 nnr- f ifn hn -A AMfn d, n B C IDEN TAKEN TO19 MI T - 1 USE OBILIT KYS1 Measures were taken by the Un- TiktfomaL. I L T Sol versity Senate at its fourth meeting SigeCnet;euxua u nvry rIUSC of te curen yea, Mndayevetin .$1.50 each, A few Course Tickets remain at $5.00 each. to restrict the use of keys to Univer- . sitysity ouildings. Damage to loch~s_ and the promrscuous use of (luphic.)te2 ke s w i h b:t e n r p r e 't .teSenate for action, led to the passage B Y - of a ruling whereby the use oif keys a: will henceforth be liited to deans S P RANOS of col g s wt o t departments, Lo1 heads of de-part.mer,1 in the literary CONTRALTOS N _ and engineering colleges and to mu -3'1,TLE ._,to the University of several huxnd red TENORS T dollars was incurred last year be- .° J cause of the damaging of locks, ac- BASXK11I j N F . SOLO"ISTS cording to reports tendered the Sen- ate. THRE VIOLINIST . Following acceptance of the annual , report of the B ard in Control of Ptu- dent Publications which was deliver-= RElNOW NED PIANIST ed by Prof. F. N. Scott of the rhe- tndeatetPrfJ.W.Ba-I. N Z TIshawe of the mathematics departmentOR A I TON ORGANIST was re-elected secretary of the Sen- *ate for the year 1923-1J2-1. The Sen*- L ate dliscipline committee approved =T 1 TTMTJL 7ITVj("JJC (- TT' TTC® meeting with the new committee of '-H E 1 i2 XO,1 V.Ii~j1XZL4UININ the Student council, consisting of the council president and two members THE CHILDREN'S FESnT'IVA~L CHORUS appointed by him as associates, when- ever the occasion requires it. THEL CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA "Rolling stones gather no moss," but unused furlaiture gathers dust.; Call 960. -Adv. G ST V HO S TODAY IS "Mi" DAY. - Distinguished Guest Conductor ( ~~~~MOORDE, 1BOW ENST OCK-C 'ONDUtJCTJO RS w TICKETS AT -COMING UNVRSTCHO F MUSIC Joseph Ifierg eshiehners Colo rfui IRoinane of Cuban Nighits .11111111,1Ill111'1111111W1lliflhIIIIIQIIfhlh'I1nn.nunnii II.1111I1111IIIIIHIiflh10111iIWIIfhIIIIllImlllIIlIjill IlhIill per aay it. viiargeu. whiteL space charged for. at rate of five cents per agate line. 'Classilfeds, charged An~~ to those having phones. 'hone 960. FOR SALE-Oakland six touring come-t pletely overhauled. Cool tires. Bar-' gain. Phone 295 1-W. 164,-3 Three May Festival course tickets to- gether--Main floor." Call -1016 at noon or. after 5:30 p3. m, 165p-2r BRING THIS AD WITH YOU for a 10 percent discount on all pur- chases of dress linen, toweling, hand- 'kerchief and art linen, Canton linen centerpieces and lunch cloths. Wo- man's, Exchang, 10 'Nickels Arcade. 104c-2 Be sure and hear "BY THE SH3AL- MER" and 1"FOOLIN' 'ROUND" played by Isham Jones' Orchestra on Bruns~ick record No. 2420. Stoff- let Phono Shop, 110 E. Washington St. 1 65c DON'T; FORGET Bnmith tire Repair, to buy tires: idelly t ned mot elal- places TEWOMEN'S LEAGUE receives a percentage on all' cash purchaseE made at the store of 0 .D). Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. 157c-10 EXCIANGED-iChubb's Sunday mor- lng tan whipocord top coat. Call I1037-R. 165p IMPORTED ORIENTAL PERFUMES -Ottar .,,olRoses, ..Jasmine, .etc. samples $1.00 each.. Only few left. yBox 100.,~ 16p FO'R ROCK IiOTTOM PRICES on gro- cerlest see T'irce's ad in,,the 'Wed- ~s day 18-sa.0 of The Daily. 125-tf FoR engraved calling card or steel die embossig see . D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's Arcade. 157c10 REAL ESTATE NE AR MICHIG A UNION 4Splndid ten room house, well'built ;and modern, solid ak floors and fin- is6h downstairs; airy, cheery, well- lighted and home-like. Only $11000 if sold this week. .Owner is .anxious to sell today, thus the low price. Terms..r ° is . ROY HOLMES 113 S. Main t 164c-3 WANTED-St&-,nt to wash dishes, noon and eening. Job good for summer. Arcade Cafeteria. Nick- els Arcade. 163-3 WANTED-Two May Festvl Tickets together Wedneday or Thursday night or; both ' :'xgts. Call, 237-M. Mrs. Whitney. 164p-2 WANTED-'Student to work 9 to 12 evenings, job' good during summer. M-Lunch. 163-3 WANTED-Light, housekeeping suite Ifor fall. Wite box L-1.; 16p . BUSINESS OPPORTUMNTt' ARE YOU GOM- kING BACK NEXT 4 ~ FALL WITH $150 - or $700? Come up ail look over my records ofMi- (Mc-igan Jme forty last summer and, see ;what they made. I also have a list of men from here that averaged over fifty dollars comnnmission for spring vacltion. If at al interested ~nvesti- gate our proposition at once before asll available territory Is taken. H. J. Leader Tel. 3221-J 622 E. Liberty Across from Speddings. 165-7, Would you like to sell NORTH RIDGE BRUSHES In virgin territory and have expert help you while sell- ing?. If so, call at 613 Packard any afternoon. M. R. NORCOP Delta Block-Near Calkins' Pack-' ard Drug Store. 163c-2 WANTED TO RENTi' Instrutor wishes to ret three or four FOR SALE-Two Feastival tickets. cony. 7 S7each. very good Third rowv Call 2744-1Z. FOR SALE-Two May Fe:stival ticketsj pa gn manager for H1iram Johnsonf for any concerts?.IV4ain- floor, during a gubernatorial campaign in Phone 2114-J.16r California and also campaign manag- I f e'r for Herbert Hoover in his presdn FOR SALE-Festival course ticket. tial campaign.esd- First balcony. Reduced price. Ton It is expected that Regent J. E. as 3092-M. 165 Blea, will also speak. This will be the --- ^ 'club's first open. meeting and all! }'O RNT; those interested are requested to at- FOR RENT-Unfurnished hecated fir _____________ rooms iand private bath near V. the if4 lt a~r l '}leA td~ University. $60 monthly. Icre3yPiri doirli rz wre Sept. 1. Might arrange for Harold It Dowers, '26P, is the win-1 slin after Junie 1. ' for of th~e $10 prize given by the Rho F. 'Roy Iholines Chuli eodiety, honorary pharmic fra- 113 S.: ixaiii ternity, to the freshman in the Col- 163c-i' jloge of Pharmacy who has the highest average in his first semester woz k and FOR RENT--4 and 5 room apartment, ia a special competitive examination.' modern, furnishedl. Reduced i'orit !B.owers was one of two students whose until September. J. Carl Malcohn, f rst sems'ester averages were sufficient- 692 E. Liberty St. Phone 1713-MV or ly high to -warrant their taking the 1661-J. 1134-3 exmiaton r aIiiain -TAUJOREWT ASH IOY FOIL ENT-Durin- summer. Far- nished apartment of fou1r roOMS with bath, -liglit, gas, water. Call, 1920-M. 1641'3 Will rent equipped canoe to reasonable party for entire summer. $15. :Kel- logg, 215-M.1.651 LOST-Black( pocketbook at Ferry Field Saturday. Contains athletic pass book ,and change. Archie l-).; "Waring. Phone 981-3. 164p-2j LOST-'Gold wrist watch Wed. a Clemens recital or between High School" and 206 S. Thayer. Reward. Phone 988-Tt. 165p LOST-Pair shell-rimmed glasses in brown leather case. Call 1288-J. Reward. 165p-2. LOST-Alpha Omicron Pi, pledge pin. Call Bonine 2482-M. 1651 TYPEWRITING TYPEWRITING and Mimeographfig promptly and neatly done. Anything from a postcard to a volume of hun- dreds of pages. Vi.I). 1110RlII1 17 Nickel's Arcade Phone 1718 157c-10 YOU GET' PROM14PT AND ACCURATF service when your MANUSCRIPTS are tYPEII by EiXPERTS at BID- DLES8 BOOK STORE. 11 Nickels Arcade. lllc-tt TYPEWRITING, copying of notes, theses, Etc. Mrs. Wisbin. V~hone 686. 165p-21 IOUSFICLEANtING- WE make your house clean without paint. We do both interior and ex- terior washing., City House Clean- Ing Cc#. Phone 1995-J. 152c0 EXPERTS on Washing windows at reasonable prices. City Window Cleaning Co. Phone 1995-J. 153c0 RUGS SHAMPOOED or Dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50. 135c-ti USED CARS 919 FORD TOURING-Overhauled, re- painted, large body, wire wheels,x new license. Cheap for cash. May trade with motor cycle. Box 100, 1651:. LOCKSMITHS All kinds of trunk and door keys. Lawnmowers sharpened. 1136 W. Huron St. Keeler. 2498, I - 162p-21 TYPE WRITER~S Lose Bulnething? A classifies! In clatswiled act Will. sell. it for you-Adv. TOD)AY I4 "Ni" DAY. -,111U- - - g pj 111 4, . . r,,, , . b / - S.t c - . . 5. _ '' i _ L 1.: (I r t1 -} JJ y' f, : ' I' w .. _1 z ., t 4i . :_ Y L w -S.. I r ,i T 1 } I, !Y' 1 V1 M. E '. ~ c r . vch K t .taI SPOTLESS! L i I She Had Her Clothes Cleaned With A IL T ENER..GlINAu real sports model The Qnly REAL C leanser Beautifully styled :with a fullness allowing the freedom of motion so desirable in Sport clothes. Tie quality of materials and workmanship in this Bi-Swing model are the same high standards responsible for the popularity of all. NO ODOR NO SPOTS POPULAR PRICED. Imparts New Life to Garments BESIDES ENERGINE CLEANED Garments Stay Clean. Longer Jrm Phone 6 ' lm ; South F dASHIOAN PARK CLOTHIERS INext to Wuerth~ Theatre m I