ATHERj ) COLDERj 1t A6F AWfl atl PLAN TO ATTEND CAP NIGH __ _ __ __ !_ No. 165: EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR 'MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MtIAY 16, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE ... t _.__ . ~N BREAK BY IDING, TIME REOPEN 1NEGO1' A. If KRASSUN, SOIET ENVY ORIGE LIKE M'ENT DECISION President Hit By Student's StoryE In Hazing Probe S125 Engineers I l[CN u0~E Parched Tongues Will Scrub Way ! IELII V LIIJUII L I i'Vainly Beg Mercy Into Triangles FA ITV PrA In fiery Ordeal - I THITET NN.UAL MAY FESTIVAL TO OPEN WITH INITIAL CONCERT TONIG6HT IN HILL AUDITORII Must Comply Demanids Future Writh English TIn London, May 15 (By A. P.)--The tc.orne of the eagerly awaited Rus- an debate in the House of Commons as decided with the announcement at there would be no immediate eak between England and Russia, ct that negotiations would be started ith Leonid Krassin, who was in the Ileries listening to the debate. Ready For Discussion Ronald McNeill, under secretary for eign affairs, announced in the be- If of the government that foreign cretary Curzon was prepared to en- rinto discussion with M. Krassin d that, in order to enable the latter communicate with his government Moscow, the time limit mentioned the British ultimatum to the Soviet uld be reasonble extended~. But, dded, this should not be taken to an that the British would be satiq- di with anything less than compli- ce with their dlemands. Pormer Premier Lloyd George °ex- essed satisfaction with the an-, uincement and said he thought the. vernmeht bad taken a wise deci- / R J. Allan IMills The testimony before authoritiesc 3. Allan Mills, former student of Nort western university, regarding the al leged hazing stunts at the school an the disappearance of young Leighto iMount, hias furnished the biggest sen sations connected with the investig; tion of Mount's death in 1921. Mil has told officials that President Walte Dill Scott of the university ordered. student probe search for Mount dis continued three days after it began.. FOSOCK TO TALK 9A COM'EE iBowed low before the mighty id eals i UUSoLwi~LI ly, painfully and with falter- of the ancients, kneeling to thie won- rnf P fl IIP T ing footsteps the little caravan of drers of the universe, the trembling ; satl-ld 'U-eilu otl neophytes of Tiangles will scrub g tOi' struggles01n.-A nd wle ~ t su their way into the ranks of that an-! blazed down on the firmament, add- cient' order at 3:30 o'clock this after- ! READ O EXTENSION EPRTC-'ing to 'their almost unbearable agony, noon. Yielding blrushes with al of the I [lII'' WILL FOLLOW 31C A their parched and swollen tongues puny strength that they hace t their LAND, '23 ON PROGRAM vainly try to beg for pity, for a res- command, the humbled members of 1____ pite fron this terrible ordeal. But next year's~ junior engineering cass R~HtA that swollen now and strngely sil- Iwill thus have impressed upon themn' I COIAL a 4MTTEE ent organ they once called a tongue the true virtue of mental accomplish. MAKES ARRANGL MENTS has ceased to function, and no sounds went and of physical prowess. For; - issue fron those bloodless lips save I only "when the dread portals of th' Yost to present "H" IBlnkets to Tar- an occasional moan. physical tortures that surround them E c ityDli WholHav Eared But in such a crucible are souls have been passed will they be con- c'olttr reborn. If any there be who shallf isdrdas members of the sacred or. ___ survive this ordeal, they shall be e- der. [ ~warded a hundredfold. For at the IBut eventhnwiltesertb- Po.WlimD f end of the journey stands that mute withheld, for mightier portals mustf of the University extension division,I and matchless monarch of the ages, be openedj before them and greater I will be the faculty speaker foeCl(apr the Sphinx, and her age-old secrets physical torture successfully sustain- I will have been imparted to 10 young ed before they will be admitted. And Nihi(a none atngtb neophytes ere today's sun sings to only when the setting sun has at: the Student council.lie will be 411e slumber. last been buried in the west will the second' speaker on the programn fol- (((neohyts aiseas reaer enand lo wng Rtoss A. McFarland, '23, who as members of the anient order of! has been chosen to speak as the str Triangles. dent relyresentative for the occasion15 M 'XMcalnisnebroftevriy of! debating team and of ;lie Oratorical TELLS assNohtciation.htti ana MAC' K'lIE to Present IBanes 2 IIITIN M Y 2 n "j~~'~j fl DERII SM ed This speaker is usually sone promdCSfRtrn is I Idress O F the evening. Vernon F. H l- a Sctch i''ofssr Dvies EnlisleIlh y 2L president of the Stdent rwtNTY-Twvo ELECTED) TO a Scot cli J~"ofessorcluncil, will be chairman of the affair ~I OIT hooTlts Ty and will introduce t1e speakers in the ____ - I chols rgulr orer.The University of Michigan in 193" "PRIL(rISIPHERS AR ~is INCoc elngHYstdicorfI will be the subject of the address byf ARE l'I.SI' . intercollegiate athletics, will presentiteeiigcatrpeiet rf f CONCEPTION OF SUBSTANCE" the "M" blankets at this year's Cap .Faki hlo h olg e NightFrcelebration,,Thesehblanketsyare Nih eerto.Teebakt r atet tteana ntainProfessor John Stuart Mackenzie, of given every year. at this occasion to prmn.a h nuliiito ban- the nivrsiy o Waesrefrre senorswhohav wo thir M" et-quet of Sigmia Xi, national honorary the nivrsiy o Waes, eferedsenorswhohavewonther ~ le- !sentific research society, Friday ev- mainly to the philosophy of E'ngland lters in- one sport for two years It Iening May 25, in the Union. in his spew,,h yesterday afternoon in ha ecm taiioAoawrnhee uail Election Scheduled IRoom B, L aw Building on "Our Con- tohe tti iet h e At this time the newly elected me- temporary Outlook in Philosophy." who have qualified for them. hers will be iitiated after wih the Using many illustrations Professor MIaril According to fank annual election of officers will tae Mackezie as ale tobrin out All of the classes in the University( place.: In all 22 were elected to full Macknziewas ble o brng otwill joi inthemarch to Sleepy Ho-mebr clearl the iffernce btweenthe embersip, 19 to associatemebr tw clar fphlyoopffre c thbe twnth low preliminary to the ceremony tere ship, and one to alumni membership. two scehoarsiof philosophicad thoughtsin England. h ariybndwlIla h po I The graduate students elected are:I P hil s op y A nis a t S y uth csiS sio n h ea d ed by th e sen io rs in cap s an d II . R e m ajI- .LVr l n d .gw r 0 s L .l , o m J 1 1 , M A 'p e e t h e p a n d h r s 1° a o n _ J O ~ } a'a 'growing tendency toward realism ini line aecring to rank;, juniors. hof, W. H. Griffith and Ray Nelson. a- - especially in the younger generation, soplhomoes and freshimen. ' Those advaned from associate mlen-} as opposed to the idealism whichi The rest of thle program for the Cap ibrhpt ulmmesi r:H hgexisted about a century ago ant] which! Night ceremony will be annouued M bsD .M~uhiM I lie may, still be found among the oldeir later as soon as the plans are com- Sol, D. V. Baxter L, E. Waymeyer, ; philosophers. The realists approach i pletedl which the Student council com . C. Anderson, C. W. Clark, W. L. the sudy o a sbjectwith in ittee is now working on. The. tra- FinkGC.Frse,.L. arnj ie thne eiestd of aisett pcbS it i nlsog"hr O'hr ~ ~ T~ deaistapp'oaes ~ ong"\V~i' Ot Whre re . . .Wlsn L. A. Philip, H. Upde- ,using mental instead of physical the Verdant Freshmen" will be suig gaff means to solve the problenm. in the customxary way by the classes. Graduate Students Choset L3 Philospy on the whole aims at Fi-ehsian Committee Appinte4J (raduate e students elected associatesi an sytesskhyialsinctn At the conclusion of the ceremony are: P. W. Erlanson, J. C. Pennert,I ais, he believes. This was the miu the freshmen will form in a. snake H. L. Klein, E. F. Smellie, M. N.I 03(cause of difference between the 'Iil dance winding past the fire. They willj Woodell, F. "E. Eggleton. he°rophers and scientists. This differ- 1 throw their pots andi toques into the The undergraduate elected asoci-j Ih ence has been eradicated to a cer tan blaze and then break from the line to ates were all senior engineers. They is extent by the placing of less .enphxa- be recognized, in accordance with theI are: W. E. Bachman L. Ii. Moer, 0S sis on the conception of substance tradition, as sophlomxores.i Jr., W. A. Cotton, H. F IKingdon, in as a material thing which cannot be I The following members of the fresh-A.LvW.JPir,.J.Snof u-further divided. The philosopher-, men c sses have been chosen as a 1 E.R. Wolfert, B.' A. Butcher, J. A. oawere the first to abandon this con- coimmittee to make arrangements for' Packard, P. B. Pew, D. C. Sitz. # eeption anld scientists have since fo- the Cap ight celebration: They will Prof. C. J. Lyons, of the dental ielowed them. meet at 5 o'clock this afternoon in the? school, and I1. G. Waler, of the d- Smoker Given Union. Lits; Royal F. Cherry, De- partmcnlt of internal medicine, wer cS. The two main. schools in Engliand neth E. Morgaridge, Earl C. Geverm also elected to membership. Dr. Fr- are represented on one side by Bet Lowell M. Palmer, William H. Mc- ris N. Smith, 110M, of Grand Rapids, Ierand Russell who is Intensely realis-l'vMlilan, Robert B. Bennett, Rtaymnond I was elected to aluni membership., s tic and Doctor Alexander who though 1 F.I'*utzel, Glenworth A. Young. En __________ .o Ma k n i en e ]is s e c w th1 P Vo e A . I . H w l, a d E w l , f1iH 1 a plea for m ore of the idealistic kind 1C. Gam ble. Robert A. Humim er, '25, of philosophy. will have charge of this commxittee. i~ smoker giiven by members of the phil W R- IIMSSO osopshy department at the hrome or GLOVER $PEAKS AT Dean Alfred H. Lloyd. P I RM CB N U T iI O1'POTUiNlT err lL 1W IVEN°. SENIORS TO WEAR (CAPS ANDONPt;Uf\S 'TWIC E A WEEK Seniors will wear caps and gowns on Tuesdays and Fridays from now until Commencement This is in' accordlance wvith ar, established tradition which says Thiat every year the seniors will wear their Commencement robes of dignity front Swing-out until the time of graduation on, two days of each week. The Cap and Gown days se- lected by the -commtittee for this year are believed. to be suoh that every senior will be able to ob- serve the custom in all of his classes. I MICHIGAN DEFEATS KALAMAZOO, 12-~ 1i Chicago Symphony Orchmestram Apiw. I Again as Feature o Program Ann. Arbor's thirtieth annual A' IIFestival wvill open at 8 o'clock toniz in Hill aaditoriumz whent Beniam Gigli, the brilliant Italian tenor Ithe Metropolitan Opera company,v appear as soloist wvith the Chica ISymphony orchestra under Freder IStock.. Mr. Stock, who has appeal I tevery Festival since 1905, wvill c( -duct the entire program, except the Gustav Hoist work whichv be conducted by the composer.Z University Choral Union of 350 voi will sing two numbers with the p C oetrnsidered Premier Singer - Mr. Gigli, though a recent addit toMr. Gatti-Cazazza's company,] diefinitely established himself as Dffbest operatic tenor now singing this country. His appearances at IMetropolitan during the season cently enided have invariably been signal for sold out houses and cc G petent critics have joined the ope going public in pronouncing him vocalist of the first rank, a wor lsuccessor to the great line of Ital Ltenors who have preceded him.1 tenor voice is described as one t great power and beauty, having ke 1 remarkable freshness attributable 2 ' his, youth:; for he is just past thi GUSTrAV IIOLST, E:NGLISII POSER, WILL COND)UCT O11 WORK GIGLI, ITALIAN TENOF :' ' l ' I V e% r% r h r Blott and Paper Contribute Half, ]4 Wolverine Hits, Latter Haing Perfect Day 4' ,N\OOH AN A.NT) STRYKER TAKE {Fj CARE; OF VTARRY PITCJIN Special' to -Tce lDally Kalamazoo, Mich., MAay 15.-CGoacl Fisher's Varsity baseball crew wa not hindered by a muddy field and we ball when they romped away. with. th, KalaTmazooNor~tmal nine to a. 12 to ale Tittenttons Donald, leader of ;d the debate with n the government attributed all the eland and Russia 6oghlze the Soviet Wsill D~el iver Final Address Graduating Classes June 18 I Mr. McNil, in replying, strongly j rebudiated the suggestion of hostile intentions toward Russia. Hie de- clared that the governin-ent might have mare a causus belli of its griev- ances, but that such an idea had never for a moment been entertained. The governmenft did not desire to de- ,,troy the trading agreement between the two countries, but chiefly to in- sure its proper observance. Asqiuiti Conforms With Lloyd George Mr. Lloyd George provolced hearty' laughter by. declaring that M. Tchit- cherin, the Soviet foreign minister, was not a revolutionary in the com- monly accepted' views of the term, but was really "as great an aristo- crat as Curzon." The former premier maintained that Bolshevism was a passing thing, .and that the government ought to realize it was something much more than Bolshevism they wkere up against. They should, therefore, take advantage of the present opportunity for con- versatiomi. Former Premier~ Asquithc expressed a desire. to associate himself With everything 'Mr. Lloyd #Goorge had said. Many-Hued Gowns Feature Exhibit Fifty to sixty costunics"ranging all the way front what is worn for sports to low cut dancing frocks will be exhtibited at a style show' given, by the J. L. Hudson company. of Detroit under the auspices of Betsy Barbour house from 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock this afternoon in the assembly hall, of the Union. A local orchestra will play whila professional manikins arranged in four groups will show the clothes. Mens' sport, morning, and formal suits will be shown, as well as woniens' togs. Inmnediately after the show, bats will be sold. General admission tick-- ets are , 5 cents and are being sold by residents of Betsy Barbour liouse. The proceeds will go to time Univer-. sity of Michigan League building fund. OIZAT.OR 1HOLDIS IIEOLOGY Rev. Harry Emterson. Fosdick. h been selected to deliver. the coim mencemnen t ad(Wress before the gradn ating classes of the Ujniversity o June 18 at Hill atuditorium, accordinr to announcemenit yesterday front ti President's office. Reverend Fosdick is at presemnt prc fessor of practical. theology at th Union Theological seminary of: Nei York City. He received his educatio at Colgate, Columbia, New York, ram: Brown universities and at the Unioc Theological seminar~y. He was or dained! in the Baptist ministry in 190 and wvas given the pastorate of th First Chuh of Montclair, N. 'J. wbic hie held until; 1915 wheni he wac given'his present chair. Between 190 and 1915, in addition to his work ii the pulpit, Rev. Fosdick was an in structor' in homiletics at the U~nix Theological seminary. Besides being an orator of sain note, Reverend Fosdick is the autho of "a number of theological workf among which are, "Thme Second Mile. "The Assurance of, imitortality," "TI Challenge of the" Present Crisis (written in .1917), and "The Meanimn of Service" his 10 test book. Reverend Fosdick's subject for rti address" has not been announceda Eyet. BARRISTERS TAKE 12 JUNIOR LAW. I' ;, 1 1 , t . ;c f {t 1 1 . EC r t i Y J . 3{! i i r f7 ; i, i fit t I i i i, Il}j 1 i 1 I I I ,I P measure in a seven inning game here years of age. Mr. Gigli arrives ir today., Ann Arbor this morning and will re Ptper Mikes Four lilts, hearse with the orchestra in the after- Jack Bilott and Mike Paper contin- noon. ued their hitting ranmpage which ac- Tonighmt's Program coipanied them to Illinois amid Iowa I The complete program is as foI on the present trip, and B'lott connect- lows: ed for a homte run in addition to a 1 March fronm "The Queen"- of' $hcb.a double andl single. Mike had a perfect ......... .. ""....... ".... Goldnmarl day wiitht the wvillow, garnering lour Choral Union and Orchestra lifts in as many tintes at bat, two of Aria, "Cielo e mar" from "La G-ic thle swats being goodi for two b)ases. conda"........Ponchiell Many, of thme 12 runs were dume to the Mr. Gigli effective hitting of-thme pair. Syliihoity in D minor Cesar Francy Michigan's lineup received a shial- Lento-allegro non' troppo wng up because of injuries to B~agger- Allegretto ty and Shiwkleford, but the offensive Allegro con brio strength' did not seem weakened. Intrr iuuisiont Noonan amid Stryker held the Celery Aria., "Vainment, ma Bien ailnee" fron City team, to two hits, broth of these "Le Roi d'Ys" TLalc conming in the' first inning and re- Mr. Gigli sulted it the only two runs which the Oriental Suite, "Blenmi Mora," Op. 29 Nornialites scored The Wolverines' No. 1' Hls had their lion's share of the swatting "Die Melistersinger- Wagnei in the fourth when nine hits and twol (a) Walther's Preslied walks culminated in yiie countersl Mr. Gigli Blott walloped out his circuit clout in (b) Chorale, "Awake" and fChora, this rame . .finale tiafraeodsIjr o eiu Choral Union and Orchestra Thme ganme was tstarted in a rainm storm and it becamle impossible to ,P o S t e" r Tryo ut s runit the infield which became a, sea of foud. Shacklieford's injury, To M eet Tomorroz which lie received in the Illinils game ______ last Saturday, is not expected to keel) All th~ose who wish to compete it hint out of the two Minnesota games teOeapse ots o etya this coaintg we-n I will umeet with L. Mortimer Shuter Box Score:. director of the O.-era, at .4 o'clock to MICHIIGAN 'AB D' 1-1PO A EmrrwatnonithMneshe UL'teritz, ss. ....... 1 1 1 0 ter. At that time Shuter will to~ Kiipk e, cf....... 1 1 1 0 0 the, contestants the rules of the con Ash, If. ......3 2 1 2 0 0 test, and the nanme and author of ne: BiLott, c.......5 1 3 3 2 1 Year's production. Vanfloven, 2b... ,...t5 1 0 4 1 0 The prizes in this year's contost Khlnrf.. ....3 2 1 1 0 0 which is being held in the spring in Papler, 3...... stead of' the fall in order 'that the Swanson, lb. .....2 1 1 1 ()0 plates may be made during the. sum .Noonan ,p)...:.. ....3' 1 2 1 3 .1 litr, w ill be the sanme as in previot Stryker, p......1 0 .0 0 o04 years: first prize, $10, second prize - _two tickets to the opera, and thin Totals...... 12 14 21 S prize one ticket to the opera. All posters must be in by noono KALAAZOO AD UH P0A ESaturday, May 26 so that Shuter wil Fieds ~.....' 1 0 2 30o nave an opportunity to look at thos, Field, ss.u 1 !submitted bef-ere he leaves Ann Arbo (Gill,, 2b........... 2 1 '0 1 0°1l S'" rday afternoon. !Gundersoni, rf... .20 0'20 0 Miller, 2b. .....1 0 0 7 0 0Adlh3et'101-t N. Johnson, If....3 01 3 00 AdelphiHus e o et reTonigtatv Masher, 3U. ,.....3 0 1 0 3 '0 dlh oueo ereettv yan~nget, c....3 00 22 0will hold) its weekly nmeeting at Eanhingn, c. ..... 0 0 3 20 0 0 clock tonight in the society roon Ellisonc. :. ,. 1 b 30 0on the fourth floor of University hal Potter, c. .....0 0 0 2 0 The meeting was postponed 'front hai W. Johnson, p....1 0 0 0 0 1 eeig messenger, p....... 0 0 0 0 1 eenng .20 22221 8 i 'Totls . 20 2 I. , - - 'Barristers, honorary, senior law so- ULfIURL lnlihl iety, held their annual initiationi anid sBVU-01 WBE IN HISUU banquet at 0:30 o'clock last night, in I the Union.' During, the afternoon, the O DDPI~eii~ 1initiates picketed the Law build- NOT PPPf(.I HOf L.~ T 'I~I ng,. wearimng the traditional card- pl board stocks. '"Science is mnot appreciated by the s Herbert E. Filson, '23L;, acter as average person," said Prof. C. 13 toastmaster, and Laylinx; K. James, :MVcClun g, of the University of Pern- E o '23L, gave the' address of ' welcomte.I sylvania iast night in the ?natural " hi Dean H1. 'W Bates, Prof. Joseph'Drake, Science auditorium. I1Scientist s asipl and Prof. Evans Hlolbrook, all of the a rule become so absorbed in their ce Law' school, were the other speakers.' I work that they pay no attention to ;ai The 12 menmbers of the class of the practical side amid application that 1i '24L, who were brought. into the or-I would, make scrne impression on the rcc ganiztion are: 'Henry H. Akers, Seth average person. Science and society' R . Bidwell, George Damnmann, Del- should be miore closely allied; science Imar W. Doddridge, Horace M. Mech- should be an integral part of life." em, George D. Miller, Francisco Pen- Prof. McClung went don to ex plaint berthy, Ronald M. Ryan, Wilbur M, the general misunderstanding of evo- fSeelye, Carl H. Smith,, Charles K.! lution. I'Most people have confused 4 Van Duren, and Karl H. Velde. the principles involved and nmistake'I the theory of evolution. Evolution is' Goodyear Compalny Wfiants Seniorsj no wild ideca but is based on law, In the near future a representative order and continuity and it all tends of time Goodyear Tire amid Rubber com- to unity. In every, form of life there f pany, Inc., of Akron,. Ohio, will be ini is much diversity but when the thery the city to interview students who will of evolution is applied the 'diversity graduate this year in regard to per- is at once, unified." manent positions with his comtpany. Prof. McClung lectured here under The annual spring banquet of the aollege dof Pharmacy was held lasi might in the Union. More than 40 pea" pie, including members of the faculty were present. Following the dinner members of the faculty and student, poke or gave nmusical selections. Prof. Clifford C. Glover,, .secretarl of the College of' Pharmacy, said, Ir As speech, that the modern; stuidy af pharmacy must be divided into clini- al work, tmanufacturing piharmacy nd other classes just as engineering !s subdivided into chemical, mnechani- -0, and other branches. TODAY IS ".1"7 DAY. BAN) TO ENTERTAIN AT SENIOR SING TONIGHT CATE OPINIONS t I Brlin, May 15-4 B(y AP.)-_Thie 1r(- - plies to the reparations offer of A,2 Ihave engentdered in official and Reic'h- ( stag circles a belief that the only pathi s! now open to Germany may well be the dispatch of a brief formal iote yto the Creditor Powers. suggesting that in - inasntuch as the Reich is apparently it unable to make concrete and precise - proposals, shte unreservedly consents r,;to permit a conmmission 'of interna- _jtional econoimists to determine her - !obligations. Such a solution of the diplomatic decadlock, it is argued, would afford 'Western European statesmen an op- *portunity tod indicate their approval of -' or opposition to a plan ainming at ani ultimate settlement of the reparations, jquestion based on economic princi- plies and on Germtany's capacity to , pay. Germany, it is contended, should 1be represented on such a commission.; I Buried iii the Note 1'Though this suggestion was incar- ' porated in the Reich's recent offer Iit was buried in the body of time note . in a nmanner which subordinated it to Ithe various "elastic" proposals. O0IIS INEEDED FOR All fraternities and house ,ubs who will volunteer to en- rtaiu smalhl Prnns of thei visit- Following custom immemorial. the senior class of all colleges on the canmpus will hold their first sing on a platform in front of the west entrance of the Medi- cal school at 7 o'clock tonight, weather permitting. There will he only u'two rmore sinzs and a1 ll Score by Innings: 'Michigan ...0 2 U0 9 Kalamazoo .. , 2 0 0 0 Summar'y: Two base Nodonan, Blott, home mur on balls, off 'Noonanl 2, Johnson 3, Messenger A.I .E hw 1 0 0--12 14,3, 0 0 0-- 2 23 hits, Paper 2.1 is, Blott; ease Stryker 2, w. .1 innings, 7. s Filin A Fightin Chance Such chances as these are 'eliminated by the use of Michi- gan Daily Want-ads. Every day there are new opportunities for everyone. (yet the habit of read- ing the colunin in eoch issue so I