TfH E MICHIGAN DiAILil________ of interest to the entire class member ship is to be presented by the and sinned. W. C. HOAD, i Class Menton. F FI CIA L BULLETIN Icr- tlletin is constructive notice to received until S-30 1. in. (11:30 TUESDAY, '1AY i, 9INI all members at nri ..r 16 4 'he P1resident and Mrs. Burton will be at home from 4 .to 6 o'clock hiursday, May 17, inst ad of Wednesday, May 16, as previously an- ,. r. and :Mrs. Gustav Hoist and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Stock ssist them in receiving. A new composition by Mr. Hodlst will, ho d by a. group of artists from the Chicago, Orcesitra. lease. note the change of date. s Iea ns : 'here will be a conxference of the Deans oli W~edn.sday, WA, 7s, at rr ltyT Led'ire s: r. J. S. Mpckenzie, Litt. D., LL.D., Professor of, Philasophy Ittf rity of Wales, formerly Fellow of the Universities of Glasgow anitvd ridge, will deliver a University, lecture today on the subject, "Our nt Outlook in Philosophy," at 2:4~0 p. in., in Room B, Law Building. ublic is cordially invited. F. k. ROBBIN . BT xLectures: 'he following lectures will be ,given by Professor C. E. McClung of 'niversity of Pennsylvania: / lay 15, 4:15 p. in., Room 214 N. S., "The Chromosomes in Relation iRace." ay 15, 8 :00 p. mn., N. S. Auditorium, "'The 'Unity' of Life."' say 16, 4:15 p. m-., Room 214 N. S., "The Chromosomies in Relation to idvdual." lie afternoon lectures are, semi-technical and will .be.o' seca st to the advanced students of 'biology, but-the evening lecture is popular nature and of interest to the public who are cordially d. A.FRANKLIN SWILL. Modes Scholarsbip : ni December 8, 1923, the State COmnittee for Michigan will %appoint bodes scholar from the nominees of the ?university a-nd of the colleges state. The scholar appointed will enter Oxford, in October, 1924. The raity of Michigan may nominate five 'and selection probably of ,not tlian fou~r will be made in June and possibly, if candidates appear, e or more next October. Stiuidents now wishing' to.-be 'ccnsideredl I have their applications with all supporting credentials in xity hands ter than Saturday noon, June 2. Some time between June 2 and 15 applicants will be given the opportunity of meetting the 'local ittee. Detailed information, conference and application~ blanks at 'lce of the Graduate School. ALFRED H1 LLOYD, Chairman, 'University Rhodes Scholarship Committee. A 'Seltool ,Administrative Board: here will be no meeting of the Board today. CARL W. EBE10AC1R. fers to Professional Schls:1 LI j,,terary students planning to transfer, next September to onhe of 'ofesslonal Schools or Colleges, not on the Combined Curricula, should application to the Registrar before June 1. ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar. si1lar ii, Labhor Problems: hie class in Labor Problems Wvill not' meet on Thursday afternoon, 7. ARTHUR E. WOOD. e Il echAmical Engineers: hie graduates of this year. who may be interested in applying for atments as Engineer Officers in the Coast: Guard Service, as, a.- d by Captain N,;winan recently, can obtain the necessary blanks. and ,ation fromt Professor Sadler, Room 326, West Engineering Building. H. C. SADLER." nee Club: egular monthly mleeting of the Romance Club, Wednesday, -AT 16, 5 o'clock. rogra.m : -r. N. S. Beinent. "The Transition Period in flaizte'd Work he Actual Bate or his Production." A. G. CAXNFTIELD1. ers Chemical Engineering Society: nportant business meeting and election of officer Wednesday 6"e- play 16, at 7:30 at the Union. All miembers are ur id to be prset tserved. A.¢ D. OETJEN. To ,alt'EngineersM Tb~rii tile courtesy of ':tone & Webster Construction Company a filin known as "Natures Frozen Credits" will be shown on Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 p. m. in the Natural Science Auditorium. The film is of the Caribou hydro-Elettlo Development, and some very pretty Western scenes are included. Professor A. H. Lovell will give a short introductory talk on the films,. RICHARD N. OLDS, Chairman, Student Branch A. 1. E. ED. AAhitgl Hounse of, epr 0WnAtive8s Tito Adelphli House of Representatives will hold tan open air meet- Ing tvolit. All Iiembers are expected to be at the Adeiphi room at 7 o'clock. Therea will be an interest ing program and refreshments. Faring acup.. BA L. ALEXANDER, Clerk. - i 20--. 1. C. E. iteeting lintrowit 316, S of the iJlioU. 7:30---Replu1i1i ca lub uwetingi roolil 304 of the Union. SWO---Audobon rseciely meelling in te ricading room or the Uinior, t °..0--Fir.stof Mays ftival e.ouitee'to illii i1l auditorium. U-I OTICE S Stuidents -ib li w:umt jjs th1zis slrimer Should i,)I)ay to the employmienit 'bureau in University hali. Stmi ior iouhIteudcll for their 'mill tick.' Laiterary freshumeni are requeslvfl to pay t heir dues at once. The class lug: s-evral assessmuents to 1ee00 Wined- iatcly and suficient filtlHIS:Ire w- ing. Senld $1 to fi. Aorylavide, 431. Thomnpson street. WyI~iIsies requtest s ms au msaripts for '1hlis exi ;;lI iC l :of thleA iss18ue be sent T i s ,soon as-___ possible, and niot later thian May 17. I':ris, May 12 (By A. P.)--Emiil An +exhIbition of thai i-cli 1iuirdi ,'Nt! Iocl Lein, -,niember of the German .-JCHSTAG MEMBER ON HUNGER STRIK' The degree team: of the 'Craftsmen will go to Highland Park on Thurs- day afernoon May 77. Arrangemnents, will be made to leave at 3:00 p. mn. via_ the D. U. R. J. W. IIOSTRtTP, President. ets now. Horace McKnight. 1617 Washltenaw has them. lHe has also a few untold tickets left.+ C. It. Lang, of the General Electric company, will be at room 405 of the Union today" to interview men who have, or who have not, made ar- rangements with him through R. F. Wienekce with regard to the comn- pany's business training course. 'fen French lilthogrp pil posters hav-e been placed on display inm the lower corridor of the Library where they will remain for the remainder 'of the Laong competition sketches, le,:,e(I to the architectural college by "Pen- cil Points," is being -shown ill tihe glazed case inl the archltctt~l' corridor, main floor, Engineetring building. Inteiallonal iN-,tvr color' exhibit (in-, der} auspices of Ann Arbor Art as- sociation in Nwest gallery o[ Alumni Memorial hall. until May 230. Adin is-! sion 25 cents to all non-nicnmbcr.;,or tho. association. An interwational exIb1ition of Nwater colors, inlcluding works of the lead- ing French, German, English, Nor- wegian, Russian, Japanese and Am,-! erican artists is open to the Festival visitors from 1:30 to 5 o'clock in west zallerv umn1,i~rii Memoia.l hall. REichstag ,for Thuringen, and Gabriel Paeri, secretary of the Association of. Com11munist Youth, lield for trial for ofiU,;ns ~against thne security of the" stat ,, have begun a hun er strike in Sante Prison, the Humanite an- nounces. The strike is. in protest against "the illegal and arbitrary se- nquestration" of the two men. Eleven of those awaiting trial, including Mar- cel Cachiu, iwe're released last week. Frosh Lit. Class Dues should be sent now to K. Morganridge, 431. IThoinhpson.-Adv. Just cal 960., whert you have a ura,L- -Adv. WhA'SGOING ON 'CO1Cy,46,opr this column should hsubtted by 4:M0o'clock of thme day before publicatian. TrESDAT 9:3--As elaion of Uniersity Wom- en- me~ets In room: 323 of the Union. l1 Q0--Important mceting of senior engineers in room 348 of the Engin- eering building. 12 :14-S--itgma Gainman Epsilon lunch- con In room 323 of the Union. 19 s 15--A ssociation of LUnlersity Wiom- en luncheon fn room 325 of the Un- ion. 33 s0--.L. tro 4y -,T. S. Mackenzie in room B of the Law building on "Our Present Outlook on Philosophy." 4180-A. E. E. lecture. In Natural ,Sci- emce auditorium. 4 :15-Ltefikre by. Prof. C. E. iltcClung in room 214 of the Natural Science building. a: 5:Guioo enginecers meet at egin- eering arch to start on annual Pow- Avow. 6:00-Annual pharmacey banquet to be j held at the Union.: 6:1,--l ectt club dinnor Ini room 319 Iof the 'Union. 0:14---A sectalion of Univerity Womi eta dinner 1b room 323 of the Union. K M----B _"lters' dinner lin room 31S Sof the Union. a 6:11--Teta DeltaClhi mneeting in roo f - 33 oP'the Union. 7:0-Mket meeting tn room 302 of the Union. 7 :0-Cass In the G6spel of §t. .Johnm meets Inl thme Upper Room of Lane hall. 7:30-Comedy club hmsinets meeting,* ~ ~ ~ *AS.~ *aA. S*. in Sarah Caswell Angell hail. 7 M -'-Executive stuff of the Uiversity { hospital meets in room 306 of tileI° - Union. ..,EoI i n A eia er iv.r -r: 7:14t-Adelplul netng in Adelpin! orisn ni-ian C 1en _v rnn_ I rooml of University hall, preparatory DR I to outdoor meeting. ByDR J. E. KIRKPATRICK. j7:30-Comedy club mwets in Sarah Caswiell Angell hall. A brief stuffy of the constitutional. development of the Amiiericanl college and ivez berry, hall. note of the British chlaracter of the organization provided for the two eldest colleges, I-a 7:30-Unitlversity Rifle club meeting In Famn and Mark, their corporations being controlled by resident officers and teachers. It room 304 of the Union. Election ofj forces which finally overthrew faculty rule, gave "Yale from the first a nion-resident g( Iofficers, changed entirely the form and thleory of the academe constitution. Tt undertakes to sho) 8:00-Acolytes meet in roorn 106, MAts. 1 principle and practice of a non-resident lay govern me ntlhas developed the American cc on hall..,. ial office. 81:00-Lecture by C. E. MfcClung Ini Na- " tual Siene auitorum.Published by George Wahr. Paper, 40c. Cloth, 65C'. 8:30Comedy club soctal ill Barb ourt gymnnasiuml parlors.A lit rsity. It takes rvard and Wil- :notes also tihe xvernme~it and ,w also how the ollege presiden,- I r' I4 k WE DNE SDAY; 10 :00-Conference of the deans. 1'2:05-Rotary club luncheon in Chm. ber of Commerce inn. 2 :00-~Audobon soelety meeting In reading room of the Union. 2 :304:30--Fasion display *III assem- bly hall of tile Union, for man and womenl.'' 4 :10-R,. 0. T. C. band practice inI Newberry hail. 4.0 :f)6 :{0-O0pen house In Harris hall, '4:15--Lecture by Prof. C. E. M~cClungI in room 214 of the Natural Science building. 6:1 i -Decemy'ramte dinner In room 319 ox the Union. 6:s30-Tria ngle dinner, in room 121 of 4the Union. 6 :30-.--Sphilnx dinner in room 302 of tihe Union. 7 -.00--Swaesnanship clumb meeting inE room 306 of the Union. 7 :15-Forestry club meeting in room 214 of Natural Science building. 7:15---(-hA- w'ber of Commerce meet- ing In room 302 of the Union. 7:111--esearch club meeting in iisto- logical laboratory of the Medical building;. AT D A Moo Appowgimp vi MEN AN'SD OTHIERS 0* +0 VI ow so Frosh 'Ut. Class Dues should sent now to K . Morganridge, Thompson.--Ad . bed 43;1 WaligOxfords A r isit to our store }will witli more pleasure antd convince you thtit4e have many articles, witl r11whCichyou Cansenioy your trigs comflort, also imany of mi ci you caim not do il w11itifmouit. Sonie of thien ire: will be' of classl held on Tuesday, May 15, at 11 o'clock. A. considtr- business is 'on the do cket, and ofle particular, matter The Daily "Classified" Columns, -i "I Plain toe Oxfords in black or brown calf with low. flat heel T0ro7 WYL" and DBRA IJLLY" KNIT COAT, SWEATERS and JACKETS ust ' i',at 3 7 4 OutIa New VictorX Records $7 5Q I I ^i E t IKnickers and Breeches, for all activities, in large assortment of materials for ladies and men. !Corduroy an .Whipcord Sport Suits, Ladies' Knickers, $'1.98 up. White Duck, Navy, Linen and Khaki Trousers, Coveralls, etc,,$ .5up.' 4,75'up WAHR'3 SHOE STORE DOWNTOWN 108 S. MAIN I f 1 i i rds HIKING SHOES,WOL SOCKS, OLF HSE, LEGGINGS, PUTTEES, OFFICERS' DRESS AND ARMY SHOES, TENNIS SHOES, WATERPROOF AND H I G-H- TOPS , MOCCASIN PACK SHU FOR LADIES AND MIEN. ARMY SHOES, $3.95 UP, 0. D. Wool, Khaki and fine Poplin Army Shirts, Pongee Dress andl-Sport ShitL, all Kinds of Underwear, Hosiery, Golf Hose, $1.50 up. White' Navy Hats,. 75 cents. S Two Splendid 'Vocal Recori (You're the Naz'est to My Heart)- Will Corne (Erom " ">.' - Victor Record 'No. 19041 ero the Blue Begins s Love Victor Record No. 19%53 Georgie Paice Georgia Price John; Steel Elliott Shaw Two New Dance- Records 3u Tell Her -I Stutter--Fox Trot Original 'Pennsylvania. wf -at Red Head GalFox Trotr Th. Collegians victor Record No..t19049 za---Fax Trot c 1-') Ze : Corafrey and His Orchestra wn among the Sleep Hifla of Ten-Ten-Tensesee--.F..ntTr e aos ~.Victo Record No. 19055."" WE, AR i'.E OFF ..ERINGU FOR IMMEDIATE SALE A SUPREME SHOWING OF SPECIAL SUITS t: - COAT. ! AND WIDE TROUSERS AT .A SPECIAL PRICE OF $'1 ='.00 room A0, Cravanettes, Whipcords, $15 and up, Rain Coats, $4.50, up, Slickers and Pronchos. 'd"C T TENTS All kinds and sizes. Mosquito, Shelter (or' Auto-Touro, Regulation Wall, Army Pyramid; "Pup") and Children's Play Tents, $2.75 up., Canoe Bla 'kets, Cn. sx.A to Robes, Army BIankets Knapsacks, Barracks Bags, Canteens, Mess Cans, Grills, Stoves, Serving Sets, "Gold Medal