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October 10, 1922 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-10

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.r L L L" Ik L...'A AAJd ..


ege football games Saturdy rail
y true to form with butt few
in the experts' forecasts rec-
The games the country over
d that the big teams have as
scoring aggregations as they
: last year at this time although
few cases the so-called small{
held their more renowned op-
s to narrow victories.
he Conference there were a few
surprises although no com-
reversals of form were shown.
Mtates score against Ohio .Wes-
5 to 0, is generally considered
g more than a repitition of the
ope which emanated from Col--
last year after the Buckeyes
uccumbed to Oberlin in one of
opening games. The Ohioans
red a heavy forward wall and
set of backs, who, however,
evidence of performing under

figuring to alter the forecasts which
up, to now have failed to consider the
Northinen. The Gophers displayed a
strong off tackle and end running of-
fense, similar to that employed by so
many other of the big teams Satur-
day, and did not attempt the for-
ward pass game at all. -The general
concensus of opinion on the Minnesota
campus is that a real leader has been
Pessimists who have stated that
Iowa was due for a terrific slump this
fall with the great Devine and Slat-
er absent from the battle front are
drawing little comfort from the show-
ing made by .the. Hawkeyes Saturday
when they rode rough shod over,
Knox, 61 to 0. Jones' men had Every-'
thing to offer in the way of a varied
attack but didn't show much out-
side the realm pf straight football.,
The matinee proved to be a romp for
the backs who scored at will. The
game was a poor preparation for the
big game on the Iowa schedule, that
with Yale at New Haven this week-
North Beats S mth
In the intersectional contests Chi-
-cago proved the superiority of the
Big Ten brand of football as com-
pared to that of!,the South by roundly
trouncing the championship Univer-
sity of Georgia eleven, 10 to 0. Stagg
relied mainly on the off tackle thrust
and the' sweeping end run and an
analysis of the Maroon offensive,
would reveal a striking similarity to
that employed by the Varsity against
Kansas Wins Honor

they meet on Stagg field the following
LaFayette furnished one of the up-
se'ts ie the dope- by walloping Pitt
7 t6 0 in one of the greatest battles
ever played between these two teams.
The Easton aggregation is not gen-
erally regarded as one of the big east-
ern elevens although last year's team
was a stumbling block for all of the
big fellows.
Cornell maintained the reputation
established last year, of possessing a
wvonderful scoring machine, Dobie's
mpien running up a 66 to 0 sleore on
Niagara. The Ithacans, wth the groat
Kaw in the bacfield, will .have to be
considered in the quest for the nation-
al title this fall. A much more ex-
a'cting -schedule than last year's has
been arranged which will give the Bigj
Ieda more satisfying claim than she
had. Ipt year
U. of D. Wins ,
rer home the University of De-
ta.itroundly defeated Dusquesne
Jfiversity of Pittsburg, 34 to,0. Harry'
Vreeland, member of the all-fresh
1 re last fall, was a heavy ground
gainer ,for 'the Detroiters, runningi
from a Jhalfback position. :'The re-a
built Notre Dame team, with not a
ei ber of last year's first string in
t-heline -rip, gained a 26 to 0 verdict
over St. Lbuis university. Probably
the most important feature of the
zaime. was the uncovering of another
brilliant Notre Dame backfield per-
ri'erin the persori o 'Don Miller,t
a sophomore playing his first game.
He scored one touchdown by running
the ball back from kick off and tore
cuff -sveral .50 yard jaunts during the
atte non. Last week Rockne trot-I
ted it a wonder in Paul Castner, who
td' lflickoffs the legth of- the field
twice against Western State Normal.
Columbia, another eleven usually
little considered in the ranking of the
larga eastern school stearned a place
ini the sun by ro.undly trouncing a re-
puted strong team from Amherst 43 to
6, and Dartmouth, a-team that is grad-
tually looming into a menace for Hai-
vard, when it meets the Crimson on
Oct. 28, justified the fears of the Cam-

b1--dge coaches by trampling on Maine,
19 to 0.
Centre Starts Again
Down in the Southland Centre col-
lege, minus the wonderful "Bo" Mc'
Millan, has started again on its ac-
customed rampage, literally slaughter-
ing the University of Mississippi, 55
to 0. Centre led the way from the
very start and toyed with its oppon-
ents, loafing through the latterpor-
tions of the game. There, too, the
Harvard cohorts will look with inter-
Of great local interest is the re-
markable triumph of Michigan's next
opponent, Vanderbilt university. The
(Commodores galloped through what
litt'le defense the Henderson-Brown
defense could offer, spreading the op-
position to the four corners of the field
and the four winds of Heaven, and
winning, 33 to 0.
Tulane, victims of Michigan in
1921, downed Mississippi A. and M.,
30 to 0, and in the fourth intersection-
al game played Saturday, West Vir-
ginia found it an easy matter to dis-
pose of Marietta; Ohio college, 55 to'
0 Georgia Tech defeated Davison,
19 to 0, a score which does not indi-
cate a strong team for the Engineers
from the'south.
In answer to Caligula the Arcade
Barber Shop wishes to announce that
hereafter all co-eds will get double.
chances with their haircuts .--Adv.

An athletic program to be published
at every athletic contest staged in
Ann Arbor indoors or out is the re-
sult, of a conference held yesterday.
between Prof. E. R. Sunderland chair-
man of the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications; Prof. R W Aigler,
chairman of the Board in Control of
Athletics; Coach Fielding .1. Yost;
and Elmer E. Hartweg, '23, man-
aging editor of the Athletic Pro-
Under the new arrangement of af-
fairs, the Board in Control of Ath-
letics will assume financial respon-
sibility at the end of each year of
existence of the program in case of a
deficit. They will have ,supervision
of all material that i published and
will have the power to withhold ma-
terial or insert it as they see fie.
These arrangements will hold good
in all the programs throughout the
year with, the sole exception of the
souvenir number of the football pr6-
gram published at the last big home
game of the team. In'this issue the
editor of the program will have com-
plete charge of the material publish-

ed and will be able to realize any
profit that is possible through sale
and advertising. The Board in Con-
trol is to provide all copy needed by
th editor.
Extreme satisfaction in these new
arrangements is expressed bytthose
in charge of the matter. "Not only
will the new manner in which the
program is to be put out make it pos-
sible for an issue to be publised for
every athletic eynt of the y1 ar,"
stated Hartwig, "but the programs
will be better and more numerous
through the financial recompensation
that the Board assures."

Tryouts for track manager
are requested to report at Wa-
terman Gym between (ne and
five o'clock tn any aftel noon.
Sazen Beats Hagen, I and 3
Rye, N. Y., Oct. 7.-Gene Sarazen,
national open golf champion, defeat-
ed Walter Ilagen, British open cham-
pion, four up and three to play in the
special match today.p

special match today.

712 Arbor Street
Near State and Packard Streets

For Expert
Pen Repairing
308 So. State St.

Nortlhwestern Surprises
orthwestern gave the Evanston
ers the most encouraging'inaugur-
hey have seen in several years by
ning the heavy Beloit eleven 17 to
It was Beloit that placed the skids
er the Purple warriors in the open-
game last year and it was a blow
at which the Northwestern cohorts
ed to recover during the balance
he season. This year Tlewaite's
1 gave evidence of reap driving
er on the offense and a stubborn
nse that is bcund to cause trouble
Chicago when the two eleven:.
t on the Midway next Saturday.
Albion Holds' M. A. C. I
robably the biggest surprise -to
ball fans locally was the feat of
on in holding M. A. C. td a 7 to 7
However when it is recalled thdt
upstate collegians handed the
ners a decisive defeat last year
games does not seem so much
of the way.- There is io'question
that there is real power and plenty
t in the East Lansing camp but
Aggies will not show everything
have until Nov. 4 when they come
Ferry field for the annual battle
i Michigan.
diana was held to a scorless tie
Depauw and the anvil clorus set
an immediate clamor for Coach
ron's scalp, according to reports.
i BloomingtUn. The forhner Fitt
has not had sufficient oportunity
ven judge the caliber of Vis mate-
at the Hoosier camp let done giv-
them any extensive tutoring, but
rding to word which has been sent
ladison by Wisconsin aluAi'T i'rh*.
the Indiana team in action Satur-
the Badgers will run tip against
;hting aggregation when the twq
.s meet Oct. 21.g
Minnesota to the ()re
ach Bill Spaulding led his Min-1
ta charges to an impressive 22 to
etory over the strong North Da-e
eleven and as a result the dop-t
have begun to do some hurried


Ut I

I, °- --



$7.50 up

Kansas covered herself with glory
in holding the Army to a 13 to 0 count
taking into consideration that the
'material with which Head Coach Potsy
Clark begun work this fall was med-
iocre. The Westerners fought stub-
bornly for every inch of ground and
it was simply a case of being out
classed but not outplayed nor out-
The other western representative
that travelled east to mix things with
the other arm' of the service didn't
fare so well, Western. Reserve taking
a 71 to 0 spanking from the Navy.
There is little to be said for a game
of this kind, the middies probably
gaining no more value from the work
out than they would from engaging
a neighboring high school eleven.
Big Three Weak
None of the Big Three gained any
special prestige from their perform-
ances of Saturday, Yale getting an
18 - to 0 decision over North Carolina,
Harvard collecting three touchdowns
against Holy Cross for a 20 to 0 win,
and Princeton barely nosing out Vir-
ginia by 5 to 0, One thing is cer-
tain, it will take a much superior
brand ",of play to have the Bulldogs
returned winner when they try con-
clusions with Iowa in the Bowl Sat-
urday, and Prnceton to reverse last
year's decision over. Chicago when
IEEEhIIEfEEIUuEElEIummnuuumuunumEE i




gg S
td Y
t k
I-P INCILS. P "+ ~


HE foreost
,J ication of
good taste in dress

~7x~IERcOMPA 1 x
jfr en 9 2Szlnce 1&4&;


FC1 t .lie student or Prof,
he superb VENUS ouit- rH
riva4s .il for perfect pencil
work. 17 bla degrces and
3 copying.
American Lead
Yencil Co.
*FifthAve. r ," : /'
~n /
-r. , hry ne-,
ini ni

tauvyRc.- b.of ; M b.1 C Y .Dk 4+Fe vOnt
crl r yo l- .1& h n y ~ s or - A
1L~USEN. H kn~jw~ ?hrc , n~
L -r r, -p- r =v -.r r~i 4KY' r ".v .". ,, t 4. . t...

wSsSizS '1






PHONE 214-Fl F.111

&w.the new method of
keeping the hair in
place, combed any
style you want it.
Shows only in a neatly combed
effect-leaves the hair soft and
glossy. A splendid tonic for both
flhair and scalp.
Restores the natural oils after the
shampoo-so you can comb it as
neatly as before. Stacomb.
For sale by

{ l3,~lY~i /V f r T~lA Y7'f ,".I


rft~/ f
f jar; ' , f; t
, , ' 1 ,c




Classified Rates. Two Cents per word a day, paid in advance. Min-
imum charge for first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three
cents per word per day if charged. White spuce charged for at rate
,of 5c per agate line. Classified, charged only to those having phones.
Liner Rates: Twelve cents per line, without contract, paid in Idvance.

215 E. HURON



will be longer
and more fre-.
quent, if you
write them on



FOR RENT-Newly furnished room.
3047-M. 428 S. First St. 14-2
FOR RENT-Various makes of type..
writers. Reasonable lates. S. A.
Moran, 711 N. Univ- Rooms 2nd
floor. 14-3
FOR RENT-Attractively furnished or
unfurnished new home to family,
married counle or teachers. , 438
Maynard, . 14-1


Jere's a4 sport suit that wins the
popularity vote hands down. The
Brickley has an irresistible style ap-
It's strapped and belted for smart-
ness and pleated for ease.- Every
young man watfts a Brickley in his

LOST-Saturday afternoon between
corner of S. University and Wash-
tenaw-, a bunch of keys with chain
and belt hopk attached. Finder
please call 2282-M. 14-2
LOST-My pen 'troubles at IWider's
Shop of course. 14-121
LOST-1925 Web and Flange Pin. Call
Howell-5M. 13-2

* 4-
.; ',

FOR SALE-Buick 1921. roadster
cheap. Newly painted, six wire
wheels. Perfect running order. Call
Joe H. Mehta, 932 Greenwood Ave.
1369. 14-2
FOR SALE-New and second-hand
typewriters. Standard and port-
able machines. S. A. Moran, 711
N. University, Room 2, 2nd floor.
FOR SALE-Airedale puppies with
the combined blood-lines of two of
the' world's greatest dogs. 711
Fountain St. 12-3
FOR SALE-Presentation pens and
sets. A beautiful selection, Rider's
Pen Shop. 308 S. State St. 14-121
FOR SALE-Ford Speedster. Fine
shape, good tires. $95.00. Daniels
1808-M. 14-3
FOR SAL--Sweet Cider. Bring your
jug. Chas. Klager, 617 S. Main St.
FOR SALE-Rudd Automatic Heater.
$t0.00; Phone Booth 2666. 6-21
FURNITURE--Double .study table,
chiffonier, sanitary cot and mat-
tress, single white iron bed and
mattress, three straight chairs, hall
matting, clothes bars, winged chair,
deed rocker, gate legged table, bed-
ding chest, white enameled single
wooden bed, white wash stand, etc.
Elsifor's Storage Co. 117 No. First
St. 12-3
XISC.,Men to see Ohio game. Labor
45c per hour, building concrete side-
walk. See Mr. Day, Washington
Heights of Mrs. Stewart at enploy-
ment Bureau. - 14-2
MISC.-Dental student 'with exper-
ience in Lab. work setrs nart tim-

This is thk student's ever-ready friend, helper
and time-saver--for his letters, themes, papers-'
for all his writing.
The complete Portable-has Standard Keyboard
and other "big machine" features.-.The
compact Portable-fits in a case only
four inches high. Price, complete with
case, $6.



Exclusively a Kuppenheimer de-
sign, tailored with the masterly
finish of this famous make.

WANTED-To insure your pen
against logs Your name embossed
gold leaf, 25c ten letters. Rider's
Pen Shop, 308 S. State St. 14-121
WANTED -Upper classmen desires
roommate. Steam heat, Plenty of
hot water. Phone 1194-M, 422 E.
Washington. 14-1
WANTED-Roommate, freshman Med-
ic preferable. Call 408 S. Fifth Ave.,
Phone 2816-M. 14-2
WANTED-Responsible young woman
for part time nurse for two chil-
dren. 1256-R, 707 Church. 14-1
WANTED-Girl to give light services
in exchange for room and board.
Phone 20094. 14-1


"The Quarry"
Drug and Prescription Store-

U '

OTHERS $25-$30-$35-$40

STACY R. RLACK. [ocal Avint







®14 ' !

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