THE M1CHICIAN DAILY .,e.,. _., '5,A3IN3 Head. lcxt 1Fall; Accomuin,,Wate $90) PER Al) ItEIUCI)U Iall, the first men's dorm- campus, will be ready for y next. fall, according to the latest issue of the ninus. The new building;,; son Sybil street, just! ry ffield, has been named hie late Frank W. Fletch- pena, a former Regent of InIaIr!Iemy~ard low hurles, half mile relay tA S tF~ 5W SIDbndtlx Al emFinal sadnsill thbzfiatcerniv )r lilfll fl the new . All r: tasor men in the fraternity, '101";eslloo Iouirin ant will be postedl Sit IUIIIOlflL J foelleasth4 All-campi°us sing;lc: and doulbl :s horse-' 0,1u01 bulle tin b>oa.rd in the Inztramur-; en from U l o t o u r n a r u i n t s n h o « w e r e n o t c a l l e d a 1 1 cfoaol l.A l o n s o b w s o up iast night concerning the mnatches,' awarded will be placed Ofn the ailh- Returning franc its trip to Urbyana teshldhave played by last Sat - I tic chart b- the endl of this week.,n IotaCiy heUiesityof Jinw tlz. szoud ,theU~ive of JsnniFinal standings in frater~nity basebjall ?adIl iy' zr. ;; houldi come to the Intramural: Michigan baseball nine, aspirants for# morning h lave not been compiled. As soon as} tit he get offici toclaY and seu about their msatch- ..hey as e they will be0 run in The Daily. ithe ofrnetl,~ulso f t__ es i th fist oundwhih mst e -Kalamazoo for a game with the West- pltayed1 off by 5 o'clock this afternoon. - olJ ~ e taeNra greainti e Faailure to play mxeanss immediate drop-1. H i-en tteNrml greaio hiZ fpi1n ; from the list of contenders. All ; afternoon. Vt menu interested in horseshoes should ' OutDoor Ill oiee nl The Normal students boast of an '~~f beep. in touch with the Intramural ecptoalysrogcdamndtam Pfs to 'Items column each day as the rounds ! nbr fAeph os fBI this year and are couznting upon hsand- e sidecar- w. ill be pushed with greater speed from inuse olernefbatngonthirTRide whej now on owing to the fact that less than resciutatives and visitors will meeut at nthWovresabtigonhir fld, 1~ ~home lot. Kalamazoo has quite a f Parisdieal three weeks remain during which In- 7:15 o'clock tonight in the Adelph i mocorcyc traltirl'isnorts can be carried on. rooms, fourth floor University halliprIrepttofrtungotsngah-en-yous # iletic teams in the past, and this year1 wh~or All men who signed up for the s partr t ong,.heotofdo is no exception. Harley.] lit baseball team should report at 2metn"3#y{Srkror-oan wlteth ot'clockietomorracaie.nooyn o T hisA outside unectirg, whicha is to lmound for the Maize and Blue while j 'cok omrowafenon non suh nbe held on the bulevard, is to be an iBotwlwrkbhntepae. I Ferr fied fr prctic. Ay on ininnovation wvhich is being triad for thecBotwl 'ok eii h lt.I the sophomore literary class who is a:isntkonwo ilptcfrth goodbasballplaer ay rpor atfirst time this year. The purpose isisntkonwo ilptcfrth the above time and he will be given to give the msembers practice in speak- Noetrmlinge hut itis1poabledthat a chance to tryout for th e team also. ing In the open. Camnp are stories andthtwrigaeasensadfo .I other novelties will be included in the this game. prgrIn The last dead line for the first roundpora__________ Making Repairs In G~ymnasium of the All-campus tennis. singles and doubles, and the second round of the Frosh Lit. Class Dues should beG Repairs are being made in Water- 1 ,y fr aternity tennis tournament has been sent now to K. lMorganridge, 431 man gymnasium to tighten the coni- st ao'lc togh.AlThompson .--Adv. I zontal IM.:r.. The supports will be cn- matches that have not been played and- rough the floor down to the oom and there bolted.I ,r change will be ready for, freshmen gym classes neat ie wrestling mats will be talc- the basement to thte northi-' nr of the germ proper. __________ -4 le"- starts work early in the! for you and doesn't stop un- !t RESULTS. --Adv. Cerele Francals to Elect Officers Le CerceeF!rancais will mneet at 7:30 o'clock tonight in room 202 south wing of Vnii'ersity hall. Election of offi- cers will be held at this time. All m1embers; are urged to attend. Patronize ThieDaily advertisers.A RID L, Neatly Combed Hair Neatly combed in the morning- but what about three o'clock in the afternoon? For wiry, unruly hair-for soft, ~fluffy hair -- for any kind of hair that won't stay combed all day use Stacomb-then your hair will stay combed just as you want it. Ideal after washing your hair. Leaves the hair soft and luistrous. Ask your barber for a Stacomb Rub. . Rooms will be rented for $90 a se- 1 muestnr, exceptng a few corner rooms, for which a slightly higher chajrge will be made. Accommodations for 124 are certain in the first unit of the bid inil although 100 was the original limit. Considerable saving on the dormi-1 tory' has alive; fy been effected, ac- Cording to the corporation financing the building. The original cost of the land was $10,600, but the actual price, paid came only to $5,800, a saving of $4,200. By a rearrangement, accom-j nh lo ir~o 1,,.. ,..,, ,5F, . - ' I 3 R=G. U.S. PAT. QFFICZ At all druggists. - Mak~tses Hi tyC ue / -I iIWodaiioIns ave been raised from 100iepc) i py ThU i timeLiU will U0eLthrown to 124 for the same construction ap-1 out -of the tournament. This method! propriation of $115,000. Overhead costs; must be resorted to as the time for the will be practically eliminated, as the closing of Intramural sports is close, offitbers and directors are membe'rs of at hand.' Those men who have not the corporation serving withiout sal-! played their matches and do not know ary. A Detroit high school teacher their opponents should call the In- has beeni secured oto act as manager,4 tramural office sometime today and while his wife will act as matron. get the name of their opponent and -Estimates shoe that a surplus each play the match immediately.# Year should be $9,720, which will be! employed for the retirement of stock. Entries for the fraternity track meet The annual income will be $26,780, must be .made by 5 o'clock Saturday,I while the cost of operation, includ- May 19. Names of the men' and their ing all expenditures, will, be $17,000, events are necessary for entry. The,, leaving the surplus as stated above.I folowing events will be held: 100 yard The trustee committee, which will dash, 220 yard dash, 440 yard dash, 880 hold one half of the common stock, is yard run, mile run, broad jump), l 1 composed of H. A. "Williams, Arthur J. jump, shot put, 120 yard high hurdles. Tuttle, '954, and Paul Grey, '90. TheI°- board of directors is composed. of the! following alumni: Earl D. Babst, '93, Oscar Webber, '10, C. B. DuCharme, '06, H-on. Alex. J. Groesbeck, '93L, Wil- E '98, Arthur C. Bloomfield, 95, George 1_ C. Genebach, '941., and C. H. Mooney, ____ ____FOR RENT or SALE Summer Positions Offered Senio rs1 C. H-. Lang, '15, assistant publica- 1 tions manager of the General Mlec- tric comipany, will be in Ann Arbor a.) I ay tod1ay to interview seniors who4have ma~de arr'angements- to see' him in regard to~ business positions in! the c~ompany. Lan i -while at the Uni- I versity was active in student publi-{ catjons and, was baseball manager. Many students have made arrange- ments to -see him , for business open-, ings through Robert F. WienIke, '22. Any others who so desire should; call Wienke at 1460 -or inquire at room 405 of the union. The comprehensive business course which is being con- ducted by the General Electric comn- pany is open to collewge graduates. It is believed that through this school the men may be- better trained for administrative offices before actuallyl assuming these positions. Researchi Clab Meeting Postponed Due to a conflict in dates the reg- ular meeting of. the Research club for. Mlay has been postponed from Wednes- day, May 16, to Tuesday, May 23. Frosh Lit. Class Dues should be4 sent now to K. :Morganridge, 431' Thompson.--Adv. AllI Leading Makes Quality M'achiines HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE State & William Sts. VICTOR ALLMMDI GER PIANO TUNING Scolof Vusc Tuner PHION.E ZO82 Office at 'Res., 418 N. Dilvision St. z ,~ A, T(KNIGHT at 7:30 we will formally; open our ~'doors to the public and we cordially invite you to attend. We will endeavor to carry such a stock of Jewelry in our new State Street store as will enable us to cater especially to the siudetand campus trade. , You will always find a special assortment of "M" r Jewelry for your inspection. "N !&rthur 14# EtvnoIl b STATE STREET JEWELRY .r. 302 SOUTH STATE-STREET " ,If you fiud It impossible to attend our opening this evecuing, juake i 1 poit to drop ha at your earliest convenience and et ucquaiinte~. You Will alaraYs fnd us ready and wlling to seve you. " 0 '*1 _ ~1 r. .. GIFTS FOR GRADUA'TION DAY!I PYRALIN IVORY TOILET. ARTICLES COMPLETE' SETS pr SINGLE PIECES Trhe Eberbach & Son W0-204 EAST LIBERTY STREET Coo t .. , ,. ASK. FOR 40 THE, CHOCOLATED DAIRY DRINK 5c