~GAN DAILY -U 1 vg l~ g ay Traffic Ass ociatoni Elects iculty Nan for Fourth Time at Annual IMeting STRY INCLUDED EXPERTS [0-1 ALL T~ARTS OF~ COU TT Y Works of leading French, German. Norwegian, Russian, Japanese and American are hunng there and the gal- lery will be open every aftrnoon be - tween th~e honurs of 1.:30 and 5 o'-C clock. The exhibition is held under the auspices of the A~nn Arbor Art as- sociation. Elected Traffic President pfAonl News From- The Other Colleges Towa-During gym c^1^sses someone Y entered the locker reoom at Iowa* un-I iversity women's gymnasium and wentE throughr the clothing. lying about. A - number of smnall amounts of cash were i taken and a watch was apparently taken and then 'droppedl when the thief; was surprised into flight. The phy sic-; al ii irentr h aa a A vispr,-1 ~n to ,P+~ have initiated a new outdoor sport here. Visitors on the Campus are not a little surprised to see co-eds gaily roller-skating dawn the long camp:us i walbs "Don't Care;" by Crp ter which fob? -PHR ~MICCS TO 1TIOT i , . . lowed cuthem. ar i a t"Y well done, ~I Q1 were tihe DbL A dFo~an NNUAL BANQUET sogtIrn ile!y of the Urlfer- ~Prof. J. S. sit ~hh~o ciMuk al~npand. Phiarmacy students will hold their science depttr ,annual banquet at 6 o'clock tonight the QuadIrang :imlSipin ~ E~ii he i the Union. 't'alks will be given home (:f Pro Arrvin ~ac S~urh~y elvenboxs Iby Plrofessor C. C. Glover, of theCabigr I talk will be of , ichtiganncsia ns w.ere dis:tributed? pharmacy college, and miembers of lac Opliin i1 al ayystra i hebseet each of the clAasses. Vocal selections - the i) libray.G1e or sIpmeIrt of the books s silt oe ring'wil be given ]by H. E. Elsoffer, '2,P. ! Frosh Lit. to offih i,,hageof(di tr ibut'.ion,I Tickets may be obtained for $1.65 S ent now to and ll tosewho ave ubsrib~ fo from T. F. Thorsberg, '23P, Raymond I opsn- '1 ns ian sol ae r co?; byj Morris, '24P, E. T. Vennard, '251P andI Churaday, it is PatroC.zeWhite, ,23P. Ptr T~er _~ ;~=~e ,, ::EE B li6 ldOlOTIIY B. lQWRY~f0i3 ll :1 Ar'uthu~r I. fBlanchard, -head ~highway engineering depart- vas re-elected president of the -, Highway Traffic associa- the finual session of the annual ion held Thursday evening at tomobile club of America in! ork City. This is the fourth tive time that he has been nored by 'the association. His foffice is for a year. .s capacity as president of the! tAon, Professor Blanchard pre- £t the opening session Thurs- 9rnoon, and gave the annual ntial- address in the evening. which came before the asso-' consisted largely of reports of nation al committees on the re- fcomprehensive investigation way and traffic problems of l import. Traffic experts from Lons of the country were in- in the registry of more than vtter~ money audc valuables insido their bl'ck- .MU~iL SICI14AN S ers, and has instructed the matrons to{ b eep a close watch for the offender. I ~~Spontaneity and chaim caatr chrce-Kenyan-S~aturday night prohibition, ized the song recital given by Dawn agents raided a university dance .and I11-11 crt at Lane hall, undlay afte;r- placed seven students under arrest. ~~ ~~~ ~The presIcent o the university was1no.Asalbtetuisi ui also required to "come alongZ" because fenice -attended. Miss Hulbert, a pu- hie attempted to prevent the officers :pil of Iebr iteson gives from making the arrests. The stu- a~l ro hthsgetesa ~ *~* ets ereeachfind $00.virtuoso does not excel his teaching capabilities. Though' somiewhat ima-, 11iconsin- The annual W isconsin jture, her voice is a . high soprano of opera has been highly praised in the ;pow er and clarity w hich in the high-cii s a h sp ye so f r ' I wat r t n s d i ct em ds ne f E - Srcited atnhas playd s irc t wsrtoesdsoflyreidsonL. m prdcd ne tedreto o .my Destinn. Hler ennunciation is ex-j Mortim~r Shuter. The Chicago Daily c~ln.Ti etr aymr x I News said the enthusiasm was surpris- per _ ced singers are prone to neglect ing for any thing but a professionalse inl ogtigtathsngs production. Their only criticism was aseioglyogmusicg tadtes.gHes j !that "Rlus" Irish. football end, sang wvork- was infused with the novel, the thre oe oe n1i hi og.a anyone had expected."'Th singer preludcing each number with \1ilwaukee Sentinel spoke of the o interesting remark s. Only tm ardl!( th era, which. was entitled "Kinmki?" in lend this doub~le tax on her voice ap- Photo by Rentschler.,1even rei flattering terms than the 1 geared to be .her uindoing. But this, Prof. Arthr H.L lapchurd metropolitan paper: "Kimnki Girls .PutE did not diturb the gracious contiiii- The head of the department of high- Folli-s in Shade." -was the headlinel ity' of her work. wa egie~i~ ad igwa tan-of a long artic Ia '.i a recent issue. iTh e program was ?modern compris- port in the University w~as recently buissteworkud raiCahmso, Riger, D-1 elected for the fourth time to the pres- Wi1;eonitj--Roilie I'illianis and GusbusyForanChss, is- idency of the national Highway Traffic Tebell will be the honor guests at a Korsakcov. and of ,a number of Amer- association at the convention of the dinner to be given May 21 by the Wis- a can. musicians. Amuong the latter was organization held in New York City. Icconsin alumni cf Chicag o at the Uni- ? included two Songs by Mr-s. Hael Membership in the association, in-; versity club. A program has been ar-- Phane Sumers. Th=is composer is a clues anyof lt prminnt iguesranged in which Rollie and Gus wiE frielid of Milss Hulbert and a sister of in the field of highway transport andi address 20 high school students who %l vs. John .1. Efflnger. Her stzg enginering will attend the banquet that evening. "Thrush in the Moonlight" and "Itf enierig Yofl Come" are both quite re'meniscent~ hio State-Special classes for high ;and contrasted well with the lighter! All ff111marks students, are in prospect for Ohio !MOTSENIORS OINState The new courses would meet jFrosh Lit. Class Dues should be iiiiIshotndmaeilyin the number Thompson-Adv. i griiiriof months of their >durationi. The pre-j - sent grade approved by the faculty; More than . 00 members of the sen- j misstion to these courses would be a for classes have subscribed already to ! l average.DR K The lyichigan lunus andl joined the Alu~mni association, according to WTil- a W1I~ajeti- Besides legal assist-'r fredB. hawgenralsecrtar of nte the whole student body is aiding 'DOROHY B LOWR .i CHIROPRACTOR 606 1st Nat'l Bank Blg. _ Hours, 1-6 p.m. Phone 41.4 "IT C fixted , 600 men. Membership in the organization con- sists of traffic experts, chiefs of po- lice, state highway officials, and Lead- ing representatives of the miotor vehicle and highway translort busi- DIPLOMA FEES PgAABL Seniors must pay their diploma fees, at the office of the Treasurer of the University at any time until 4 o'- clock Tuesday afternoon, MI'ay 22. In no case will the University confer -a degree upon any student who has not payed his fee by this time, as announc- ed by Shirley W. Smith, secretar'y of. the University. Candidates for degrees or any cee- tificate or diploma should fill out they cards available at the office of the sec- rotary of their college or school pay the treasurer of the university a.nd leave the card receipted, having the in- -dicated section> of th~is card filed with the secretary of their college or school. onf. U. 3. Phillit wad. The subjecl "The Formation in International Class -Dues hi oK. ' -Morganridl !adv. The Daily ad'vorti PSIS NVO ."YORE F OR To college stud 'ents preparn ing for a business career, NORTH- WESTERN% ,UNtiVERSITY offers an unusual combhination of inten- sive bushiess training in Chicago and all the benefits of campus life in Evanstonr. f our es in Schooli of Co)^merce includecl field work, inse f ;(mtrips arnd special in- vc:,tigatiorns in co-operation with vairious r: : afrctusrrng, fr.nacia.! ra ,zerclsadis- i~ng .stue'is?1isJnnfs of C iC'AGO. Graduate iiSsio-To those having professional c:r bachelor's degree from in institution of approved standi ng, a year- of graduate :;or Is offered lead:iing to de- grce of Ma ster in Business Administration. Underpraduato Division-To those hav- ing tvwoyer of credit froni college of ay '-.roved standing, N. U. S'chool of Com-- mer ce offers a two-year course lecading to deree., Bachelor of science in Commerce. Art'cosnting Trn i~hieand T1'anttpertetioO Fa,: P. " and Flnas:" F:rnipinymr~ ;N ;igewtenit IHator>.-!nrtern ::c t antab or Acministration ?;uu,, l:.lAimnisittic-r;Pcylic and Soelit Service °;lslQ,azctt~ncnom.3t inmmertdai Toachingr A~vt-~ t~dn ~ Cbaunberoi Comrcre Ad.. c'rign Trae ministration 1ierc1handising Ellin it tcssion offers opportunity to ca:rry su1T er courses on the cool Shore of Lakichgn $S4FA IW18 REVJ VORK Telephone Mu.rray I-ill &Soo Clothing for the Tennis Player and the G-olfer Flannel Trousers, Knickers, Special Shirts, Hosiery, - Shoes, Hats, Cape Sh etland Sweaters, PersonaI Luggage Men's and Boys' Garments for ,---- Y v S MEIYILT SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM To studte-,ts having two years of col- legiate credit, a two-year course is offered tedn to B. S. in Journalism. To -olee ;,r:aduaqtrs, one-year course in Jov. nIsi is offeCred leading to -Every requirement of Dress or Sporting 'Wear Alurnii association. Committees are now Wori fg n the variops senior how Paintings At Alumni hell' Water colors, the work of kmerican and, foreign artists, ceon placed on exhibtion in the ,allery ofC Alumni M enmorial ,_i { i classes trying to sign up tide nmn 100 percent as alumni :before graduation. ; The aninual- due to the Alumni as- soclation i s $3.0, which includes a one year's suibscriptio~n to The Alum -: nus, the alumxni but nd lali rights of the asociaLrfu - A -special rate of $2.50 is- nawde for seniors, paying be- fore graduation. ,This may be paid atj the treasu~rer'$ igfffie along with -the diploma fee or muaied to Wilfred B.j Shaw ats the Alumini Memnorial hall. against a conviction for disorderly.1 conduct. The sophomnores were arrest- edl recently during a fight with sonic? freshmen.j .Amies-A handful of women students Tdry Our Business Menl's hunch JOE PARKE' SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER KEnned3,'s Orchestra 13:'3 --4:00 Cornwell ('ea l Iiigt. C AND BE-SATISFIEO 1<aNow R'eady aNcrrli ste wq Unive rsit n? n lZarri :Al4Evanston, II.' I bolet ~' e~"tn corer^s e nd U~'i~2.T alw,.AOl'TCommere r't.Ii Acdres -................. Ready made 'or to Measure Send f 'fin .jomparisons Our - Representative will U~e at the TODAY, MAY .15 both have West hall. BOSTO N U--Mo>NT-OR. I30YLSTOIA -HOTEL STATLER, DETROIT NfsEWPO0RT 220 OLrvuEs Av--DNU DEA7LER S7--fl+ ONE 114 I I . . .- -5..v.. .. k , u - ,WORM 11 .. ,..,, , ,. ......,,._.:. ..... ,......,.s..,...M.... .,. ....._.. _ 'V. .. J __ . :: r. All Uscrs of Razors- t i " , . .4 ' . "' c t ' " . _ , 4. "+" u , Jt : _ ", _ ar;,. .. . t ® ' j :, // ~ t f TH IMA I -n'S ~ tti a Any. Kind With the. present finish of the blades used and the kind of strops furnished- there is a reason why every one who uses A razor should have anld can have delightful service- ..' AS CLEOPATRA SAID: N to M~arkt An hny'when he got a I-tter from Mlrs. j/A Y,irk Anthony bidding him to come on home, "You rcan't fool your wife.'" :.. ut what of the modern husband whom mr -...mar- rage didn't blind to a prettry face? Is the wife of to~ay wiser or- just prettier? ?. What's the secret of hecping husbands home? ~S~'F RANK -- FEAR~LESS -- BOLD AN ETERTAINING With a Great Cas ded by 6ATRUICE JOY, NITA NALDI ' LE~WIS .STONE and PAU LINE GAIW®N A Use a Gold Plated $1.00 Auto Strop Razor. JN TIHE BEST CIRCLES ~E have already won an enviable reputation for s-w -. s as, sold'at Go ladeDrake's Drug; and Prescz'iptioni Store Cor. State anid N. University Cdeanir Pressing 1I -~~ EOGEMLFORD Whl Nd 't. HE i ~; arag fi o i o V e AND OUR RATES ARE THE Phone 308 LOWEST IN TH1 AE CITY "The (quarry" ,Caramounflld Oidoom 4f III I1 ADDlITION-- -- BMUSTEW KEATOM Ai Arbr'sMost Ponufiar Fuister errANam- - Am/r ar~ I I I I I atm ,~~.