DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1923 SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1923 THE MIC1I4GAN DAILY TONE PAINTING Among the Magazines (Continued from Page Three) nection with the trip Tscbaikowsky By N, B. took though Germany in 1888. Con- "Be cruel to poets and don't let them iducting a concert of his own- works at think the famous concert hall in Hamburg, You like their preposterous patterns 1.he remarks in his nieoirs that among in ink; !the various works which appealed to For poets write better when not over- ;or were dislued by the Hamburg pub- fed, Ilic was-the finale to his Third Suite. The time to praise poets is after j Too noisy and restless in its orches- they're dead., tral effects" wrote he, "this movement rMorley) puzzled the audience of the Hamburg (CrsohrI Philharmnonic USociety who are not Po ~yaleteecitnlensac- Probably all oc the excetonalerses tormed to ie modern synphcnic in the Whimsies' contest were care- style." Now this last strikes us as fully laid aside; or maybe no excep- Cuite strange when we take into tional verses were received: only the consideration the fact that Germany editors know the truth. Put at any w s directly undar the infiufnce of her rate, the poetry all belongs to one reat musical son, Wagner, with his Mlass: good, and no bettor. There is modern tendencies, at that time. But hardly a wild-flower in the bouquet; ,it might be explained by the fact that they are all hot-house blossoms: pret- Wagner's field was confined almost ty but tame. There is scarcely a poem solely to opera, while Tschaikowsky there that would bear publishing in a Icomposed in all fields, particularly volume by itself-and that is the real symphonies, as indicated in the quo- test of a fine poem. If this Whimsies tation. Moreover, the Germans are represents the Campus, then the Cam- an extremely conservative people, pus is asleep and dreaming; not and Tschaikowsky was informed when awake and imagining. To be very he visited Hamburg that the musical truthful, Whimsies is bad. , publicdof that vicinity were very c-au- The Campus creators are eitherI tious anid Gf all living composers only maintaining an awful silence for recognized Johannes Brahms. Now to briefly discuss the .Oriental, some reason or other; or else they or -we might even- say, Byzantine, in- have an affliction of vapidity-call it fluences, that arose about 1850, and snring-fever if you like. As a group did, I think, -considerably affect music. they have words and rhymes and This must needs have come up through songs, but they lack vitality. They the Balkans, and more especially Bo- are all ladies and gentlemen; but they hemia, on the b'road shoulders of men have mistaken lack of energy for de- like Smetana, Jindrich, Neruda, Nes- corousness and refinement. Somebody Ivadba and Dvorak, not to mention ought to read Ezra Pound to them- countless others. Their exotic and especially his "Sestina: Altpforte", fanciful rhythms and imelodic turns which -begins: -are things that the musical mind has "Damn it all! all this our South a hard, time ridding-itself of, once they stinks peace." make an impression. And thus it was Also some of Matthew Prior's liter- cthatthepiy emusical products that ature might -serve ;to jar -their sensi-'Came from a Bohemia in this artistic tive natures; or even poems from -ascendancy cast such an influence over Nietzsche's "Ecce Homo" would be "European" Erope -that the latter Nitces "rEccerHom"nwosld e can hardly go back to the more dull antidotes for their tameness. Yes,! gray diet -of its Beethovens, .Raffs, Whimsies is ;oppressively .dull! - (Ooitinued on Page Seven) But one must .praise their effor r -. L .,.._ ~,~ppearanee may sell a SA butwear is the ilnat test of' its wortk i~is new tow shoe pos esses batt.atiea.. itins-~--and merits our unreserved .re eoinei And he lifted a skinny signal finger. I And he had nothing to say, nothing easy- He mentioned ten million men, men- tioned them as having gone west, mentioned them as shoving up the daisies. We could write it all on a postage stamp, what he said. He said it and quit and faded away, A gunnysack shirt on his bones. And as this orator disappears, those, who are looking see Skeleton men and boys riding skele- ton horses,+ the rib bones shine, the rib bones: curve, shine with savage, elegant curves- a jawbone runs a long white slant, A skull dome runs a long white; arch,. bone triangles click and rattle, Elbows ankles white lii * * * * And the hoofs of the sk all drum on the asphal so soft is the drumming roll call - of the grinning sergeant roll call-- * * * * Skeleton men and boys ton horses. Again, of course, we ar a thought that is not prett burg does not worship what he is after is the trt the truth. He believes ti pous burial of the "buck a bitter farce, and he E believes it. He believes cowards, bunk-shooters, and he calls us cowards, (Continued on Page I I g2 oio e es Gross &Dietzel 17 E. Washington L f t " { X h m -I they expect it o; you Well, Edward :Van Horn in "The Dive" talks clearly and concisely but -.his product is a working drawing, not a picture. -He portrays a mechanical doll. Or per- haps he got the idea from watchin a Pathe slow motion movie. Miss Duff's verses display . only. or- dinary -sentiment. :In "Protocol" all' issuperfluousAexeept the last sentence. Ray Alexander in "Mowing" pants: along as though he were half out of: breath. He is by no means the samel Mr. Alexander who wrote the artis- tic "Pole-Vaulter" for the March Whimsies. There are two thousandi poems as pretty as Anton Rewlande's ":Plum Blossoms". V. Carelton Hav-t ens has the right ideas but he talks too much. I John M. DeHaan's "Sunset" is bright colored but obscure. Mary E. Cooley, and Donald E. L. Snyder are both ; sweet and simple. ILenvy the author j of "They Tell .Me" -but not for his; poetry. And as for Lisle Rose, heaven knows he tried hard enough, but by the time he whipped hils ideas into % shape, the poor things were weak. -o wonder his "little verses died". Fnally we come to the three poems which deserve favorable comment.' John Thornton's "North Country" is? bold and stugng and possesses much: of the force of Markham's "The Man With The Hoe". The comparison of the form i the two is striking. Mar- cia Kelly, author in "The Bogs" is1 original and that is the best that can, be said of any :poet. If "The Bogs" is not-simply an accident, than Marcia Kelly is worth watching. She is in-' dividual Ike Elinor Wylie and T. H. Wade-Grey. Iflit weren't for the slip she made in witing : "Tis as . cold and as wan As a mummlfleds, man" I ; Gould :certainly place her at he front of the Whimsies' successes. As it is, the blue ribbon goes to Marguerite Jenkins-whose -poem "Seen in a Copper Bowl" is the best thing, in the volume. The poem is beautiful in conception; its rhythm is exquisite; and its rhyming is quite satisfying. . fi k . , . : F, j4 _ ,' i . Edited by Scogin GOLD "And since the news of the marriage (Annie's) lie found that his worship for her had by no means vanished; rather in his heart was the eternal treasure of a happy love; untarnished and spotless; it would be like a mirror of gold without alloy, bright and lustrous forever. For Lucian it was no defect in the woman than she was. desirous and faithless.; he had not conceived an affection for certain moral or intellectual accidents, but for the very woman ...., He thought, sighing and with compas- sion, of the manner in which men are continually led astray *by the cheat of their senses. in order that the unborn might still be added to the born, nature had inspired men with the old delusion that the bodily -companionship of the lover and the' beloved was desirable above all things, and so, by the false show of pleasure the human race -was chained to vanity and doomed to a continual thirst for the non-existent . . . Again and, again he gave thanks for his own escape; he had been set free from a life of -vice and sin -and folly, from a-ll the dangers- and illusions that are most dreaded by the wise . . .For what would be cominonly the real woman he now cared nothing; . . . . he did not think of the-frost-bitten leaves in the winter as- the real rose . . . . But he preserved.. the pre- cious flower in all its glory, not suffering'it to wither in the hard light, but keeping it in a secret -place where it could never be destroyed. Truly. now and for the first time, he poasesse-d Annie, as a man possesses gold which he has dug. from the rock and purged-of its baseness."--From "The Hill of Dreams;" by Arthur Machen. ~ CREATION' "Man makes his God and places Him, with nothing to rest on, in a Chaos, and imposes on -Him the, task -of introducing life and' order, everything indeed, out of His own Divine Brains. To the savage theologian and his more civilized successors that seems an intelligent theory of the Universe. ~They fail to see that they have merely -removed the inevitable difficulty 'a stage further back. (And we can understand the reply of the irritable old-world theo- logian to one who asked what God was doing before the-creation: 'He was making rods for the backs of fools.') For the Evolution of a creator is no easier a problem than the Evolution of a Cosmos."-Havelock Ellis. ILLUSION "But the -end of the rainbow is a bottomless gulf down which you can fall forever without-arriving,- and the 'blue distance is a void pit which can swallow you and all your efforts into its empti- ness, and still be no less empty. You and all your efforts. So the illusion of attainable happiness."-From "The Fox," by D. H. Lawrence. DOGMA "Man, as described by Quatreages, is -a religious animal. The early naturalists said the same thing -of the elephant; but while. this statement, which contains all the elements of a libel, has fallen into disrepute, the former, little by little, has assumed- the purple among accepted facts."--Edgar Saltus. THOUGHT - "But with the invention of printing, thoughts spread so- expeditiously that it became possible to acquire quite serviceable ideas without the trouble of thinking; and very few of us since have cared to risk impairment of our minds by using them."- ' ~-,ames Branch Cabell. SpringMea bight Lunic Tuttles Lunch Roor 338 Maynard 'St. South of a " I Your bk -should be sound, accurate and eZcient. But that is not enough. Ba"king srcerv to be, of theemost use -to yon should be also intelgent and interested. Dainty salads Cooling dri s- - Pleasant ,rou dings hat is -what , bank tries to lbe. FARMER & MECHANICS BAN tul-105 So. MAN 330 So. STATE U I t Nothing-- Jnthe'line ieatables is quite, as if orsat ing-as on-eof our Ie~ii GRILLED Sports dresses in Fan-ta-si ss with collars and cuffs of Fru-fru in green and white, blue:nd white, and tan and white stripes. Coat, comfortable .and hest i"f altubable. Sports skirts in all the prevailing styles in fan-ta-si -silk, white, tan, grey 0 N } . : -fr: BANG I "There is nothing by which men display their Wiich as in what they consider rediculous."-Goethe. DINNER character so ~: EAKDINNERS Bring your~guaests 'down and give ' a special treat. "After all, the Muses are women, ad, you must be them-properly." a man to possess some of.t h righterJiades with sleeveless jakets to m h- for sport.wear to suit every taste.} Everything =Z 77'r, - CARL SANDBURGQ (Continued from Page One) And then, when the big fight ,was over, and the war-inflamed enthusiasm1 of -the nation was beginning to fail; there was a great ceremony. It was a ceremony designed to. recognize and to flatter the common people-to bol- ster up their somewhat frayed patriot-. ism, and remind them of losses inflict-f - --ed by enemies, and deeds .of heroislfr performed by their own brothers and pals. The body of an unidentiled buck private- was brought to this Aubrey Beardsley at the table. country and buried with a nation- wide funeral service. There was a grand parade, there were huge crowds -gathered, -and - there were polished speeches of condolence, praise, and mourning, by prospiroi raofrt Sandburg listened to the oratory of, these worthies, but he listened still more closely to the words of another speaker-one who did not appear on the oificial programs: He -had a gunny-sack shirt over his bones, And he lifted an elbow socket over his head, - Coe down Often -yourslf. Besirer's W. Huron St. across from Interurban Static . _ .. ,_,