Jr it i!3a tl Exti I ANN ARBOR .MICHIGAN, S$ATURDIAY, Mt'AY 12, 1923 PRICE F T c 0 E T 0 L E!R 1UIIDHI.A WlAIMi k GAME FROM BY SCOFI[ .s~. .SCORE 12 E3 45 68 N SLOW FIELD MICHIGAN 0 0 00 0 0 2 3 Iu~ # 10 11 12i R H E' I NXXN6 8 I . ILLINOIS, 000 I 0 I I OO NXXK 3 8a4 I\ )RD WIn annmiTICNH Visiting, Fathers To Attend Banquet3 And Mimes Entertainment Tonightl I II IIS FllMO I Poitive indications of the success! witnessed the tug-of-war between thei El M Itl0 NU UIL or Father's Day are now apparent. sophomores and f'reshmlen and from Studlents in the University have had all outward appeara'nces they enjoyed! the pleasure' this week-end of enter- i AG R G TOj- eventful occasions of the year. "f envy these young fellows. It's a (SPORT,,NOT iIAZEIIS"-YOST1 ( "Michigan stands for good (sportsma.nship." said Coach Yost (last night at the pep meeting- in. Hill auditorium. "Do you think then that six or eight men (should waylay another whom they probably do not even know jand haze him?~ I do not call fthat good sportsmanship." This was the message of the Coach to those who are reported to be taking part in interclass (razzing during the spring games. ("I am and always havie been a ffirm believe~r in fighting. This means fair fighting and not the (kind where several men jump Ianiother by reason of inpre num- bers. In boxing they do not put (two men on one. It is the same }way here. We want good sports- mianship and fair play at the (University~ and we are going to have it." ' ' , t ,E iI I' IN ISOP wil CLASS T B: ! a M Mw r..+ I , ..yR.w YEARLINGS T] ROPE TYIN Final Score of h~ 3 to 2; .1frnty t i. IJAGGL'lIT HURT 'IN 11RA(""ICl BY VA I BOVEN With a special space. reserved for them, the pa rents yesterday afternoon Plays first .Base .In'.Illinois +Game Steve Farrell Veteran Wolverine trac 'whose cohorts captur~ed first the Conference Indoor ineet promise to repeait when thk meet takes place in June, regarded -toether -with Key patrick of Princeton a,-; the track coach in Anmerica. 1Hall (I) second, Hlattendorf Time: 1:57: 1-10. Discus throw: Schildauer Brooker Michigan second, Hi .third. Distance: 130 feet, 6 1Javelin tlIrohw: Angler (h) i I dowski (1-I) second' Schild] :k coach tplace at and, who e outdoor RUN IN FOURTH GIVES INDIANS EARLY LEAD IWNSj IN SEVENT'IH WITH'I HIOMERI SCORING lP-II i real life, boys. Enjoy it'." -Atten ! Tracek Rally Last nighit they heard thousandq ofI the student body prepare for the meet ftoday and they heard the loyal alumni, coaches and faculty men imbue theirf huge audience with more of the real Michigan spirit. For the old grads returning to visit their sons, it is doubly enjoyable. These two Michigan supporters cheer- edl the team on this afternoon with; but one single purpose-that of vic- tory and more laurels for the maizer andt blue. !But, their entertainment is not yet' over. The greatest lies in store for them. At 5:30 o'clock this afternoon th~ey are going to attend one of the largest banquets ever given in the Un- ion,' and it is in" their honor. More th~an 650 guests are expected at the dinner. Not onily is the assembly hall !t be filled butthie main dining room fdownstairs will be crowded. I i' Tlurn i t Mfemberse of the sophc feated the freshmln th the annmal S-pring ga: Field by a score of 31 1 1 and year mnen of '26 in the Cap Illini Steve is ' uy WilA-Jce F., lliott ene Fitz-. Stay;~ Correspondent grneatest, Chamj aigr~e, Ill., May 12--NWih ies over Cloude~d and threateninrg rain ind w th the standls filled to capacity '(M) third. Miciigan faced Illinois on the base- ball field at two thirty ocelock torday. (I) first,' Michigan's' chances for victory were einter (ti) greatly weakened at the outset when inches. George H-aggerty, star second base-. first, Lan- mann, was forced from the game by a. hauer (I) shoulder injury sustained in practice i ehes hadYesterda.y. Coach Fisher sent in Leon- n dVan l-ioven to the 'e~o c 'w. he~ javelin f Howard Liverance 'was sen o 'hIe best heave mound for Mfichigan and Jackson for Ded third Illinois. fiv fet With the sund breaking through the rine" heavy banks of clouds just before the first Hin-' game began the fifteen thousand per- Mrd. Dis- sc~ns crowding the field made an in- spiring spectacle. - The Illinois band rendered the Vic- T tors and the Yellow and Blure and fol- III lowed with Illinois Loyalty. Illinois took: the field, Jackson as- 0 I1Ift f cended the mound, and the game he- year ii mores suprem Asse Auditoc mo10reS z I east Univ Hill to S -dilrectly t( cated oni So The lar 11I.1111 KNOCKS 01 JOHNSON IN 11TH nuu'u~ g an. itiunary' :r ein er ad iNew York, May 12-(Special to the rse of' otofDaly)-'Jess Willard, 'former world's heavyweight boxing champion made tatlon,j a successful comeback by knocking st timec' out Floyd Johnson, miuc~h touted as- of. the, pirant for the heavyweight crown, in in the the 11th round of a scheduled 12 round Lp was bout in the Yankee stadium here. Luis -li took f irpo knocked out Jack McAtilliffe in MllIthe third ,round of the semi-windup e same bowz.. in -the' Michigan engaged in her first dia- ilty in mond tilt with the University of Illi- i heave nois in 1892, when the Illini wero throw swamped, 18-0. to get The Wolverines playedl Illinois nino Schild-' games, winning eight- and tieing one, -before they dropped a contest to the while Urbana students, '3-0 in 1897. IN cop-.l First inning,--Mlichigan. Ite-ritz w Nalked. Kipkce sacrificed hiim to soc- ond. Ash un, fanned. Siaclef'ord up, fanned1. A unsno lMO.". no er- Illinois. lloett get' flied out to Van IBoven. Dougherty uip, singled infield. Hellstrom up, singled thr ough Uteritz. Vogel up), flied out to Ash,' Kuehl upn, out-Liverance to Shacklefor1. No JobinShackle! Michigan right field(: Knode's place at first 'b game, returning to the ho held on the Varsity t MI1CIGAN . Kipkre, ef Shackleford, lb ;Vt'n fnv en, 26 Bay City,- and President Mrion TL.' -Bur'ton will be the speakers at the dinner., tonght:~ Mr. Duffy is a mem-~ her of the 'State Board of Law Exam-; ' iners, which is appointed by the Su-j preme Court bench of the State. He; is also a member of the Board In Con-! trol of Athletics. At the present time he is practicing law in Bay City. Mr. Kelley was in the U. S. House~ o f -Relirasentatives for five years and seratd underetenatgovernor oWar- lord!Stae udaetenlatGovernor Warth er whofilled ' ner. lie is now one of the prominent ease in today's Lansing attorneys. Both of these mhen same position have sons in the University at the wo years ago. present time whose guests they are1 -~ this week-end. ILLINOIS During the entire banqu~et the Sax- Roet~er i ophone sextette will play. Directly Dough-ery c alter the dinner the fathers will bej Dougert, cgiven, an entertainment at the Mimes 1lellstrom, 2b theater. Vogel, lf' ___ Kuehl. ri - the sc winnir inwh demnou the s war staged rcalled off of -of rules, tl Council con would be or tying Conte! St )first, IEvanlsI atird. Time': e run: 'Wells 1 secondi, Linde lutes 29 '6-10! Evans (I) Burke (XI) nds. .ubbard (M) Aubrey 01) n (iv1) first, Cougihliu (1)j 6 1-S inches. I) first, Car- d for second.i VI) and Pro- lllns (I) and ird. Heig-ht : Ferry Field rlns, two hits, no0 errors. vl.-"%1,;.. ,,con ing Second Inning -Michigan. VaTao KleihrfStatapt.n, 1) rtl' 'StOtSi {usandltonpe ven, out to Jackson unassisted. Klein AMEpeC. -EAtoEav oudtanp out to Stewart to Happenny, Paper pet, 3cSewatpCpt.z, AMRCNL GE safe on Stewart's- overthrow,; Rlott out Lvencp-JcsopPhldlIi n this ev Schlappuzzi to -lappenny. -Ao rtuns,Botn0f-thIlnis- hersmn ~o htone error. Illinois- 1app .en_ Illinois-Hellstrom singled to cen-....ic g.. . ... ..... .. . ......2Papta SSw et tack tedfruphan nly flied out to Uteritz, Stewcart up>- ter. Vogel safe on bunt when Liver- Bostn,. .. ..............emadstrqatrmlro ohmrs out, Van Boven to Shackleford, ancoe4slippedouand.fell.. Kuhl s..cri...ced, aggregation. Sweet has been the sophoxo Schlapprizzi up, safe on Paper's error.Livranedt ack flef od.happnn Wahigto............'fa capped during the past season withla hard in this Jackson up-fanned. No keird Hppnni15, nogo ,..... Rinsrant lgtedothe conteste one error~. 'n htflied out to Kipke. Hellstrom scored Cleveland ............Rain srie e edn Liveriince, ,lckon, Hol and Vogel took third. Stewart popped* Third Inning-Michigan.. Liverance, out to Uteritz. One ruan, 'two hitis , IO Ne wYork................ art to Hiappernn y. iplie fouled 'out T E P Seventh Inning--Michigan. Klein#1 to Dougherty. No runs, no hits, no0 out, JIackson to Happenny,. Paper sin- NATIONAL LEAGUE rT11, eros lni-otgrsf naniled1to eter. B1tt knocked a Lea- S.Luis....... ......Rain SELTN OMflNfS IU1 bunt, Liverance to Shackleford. Hell- fanned. Uteritz flied out to Vogel. 'icao - 1 (yAP)I a cino strom out, Paper g t.o -Shackleford. Two runs, twoilts, no errorS. ICincinnati...........2 Ciao a 1-~ ..-na cino Duhrytkn thr.Vogelofmot, l inois-eh~laip t-lzzi songled to Philadelphia.............. ...3 effort to identify positively the skele- the rusliing Doaperttohakeord No rusns, o11l center. Jackson safe on fielder's choice> I ton found under an Evanston pier 12 was postpone Paper tocipcklneocorn lilt,, no e1rr kSchlapprizzi safe at second, Roettger Chicago... ................ 81dycigpalhaifLegtonou esterayma Fourth Inning-Michigan.,Ash out, flied out to Kipke, the runners ad-i'Brooklyn.................... 11Notwsen niriysudtwh dcddnt Schlapprizzi to Happetnny, Shackle-vacg"DuhryfidotWKpeitenms ford fouled out to H sappetnny. Van Bo-, Schlapprizzi scoring. Hellstromn flied Pittsburgh...........R i apae nSpebr 91 fe ye w.fed.N ..i, u , o .-ou.t.. Rain Nw or sut~edt co ven wTifriped t 11S o cen- ourro . un 11, One lt-It singled...... to......Rain a class fight, was being made tonTight -umte 3ror. Ilinis-ueh trple tocen rrors.by members of a party of doctors and- The name: it# scorig. -Ash sngled to left. crnr t er. b allgr und e r el the beh- leg hth Ining-Michigf. an. cike- Shackleford fanned. TIwo hiits, one crners who went-to Evanston today dents who v ersbu goud uls el te ater- aled Ah inle t lft Sacle 'to examine, the skeleton.' tion with thi to three bases. Hlappeftny out to Uter- ford safe on,- Ilappenny's error but run, one error. -Terpr fteseills fe-ls ob itz to Shackleford. Stewart flied to Kipke went out, caught off third, on Illinois, - O'Connor batting for Terpr fteseills fe-ls ob A1sh, Kuehl scoring on the.. throw in. the play. Runners, moved up ;on ShapIziO~!no uLvr perts will be submitted to the grand names which , clpeiz 'onrotLvrjr.Schlapprizzi out. teritz to Shackle- Dougherty's passed ball;. Van Ba- 1ance toSakeodIjury Dr. Joseph Springer, declared coekmttee ac to Sacklfor. Bissell batting identification was positive in his mind. 'ek~when [ord. One run, once hit, no errors. vcon safe on fielder's choice. "Ash safe for; Jackson.I. Bissell out, Paper; to rt rD .M~os~illti oesuet&u Fifth Inning-Miichigan, Kllein Shackatftheplate. Shackleforduonto gled to left. Klein tooks second when' Klein up-strike, one, fouil*ball, ball hclfr otgr~e mtt tissue,, expressed the opinion that be available, Jackson balked. Paper safe on Hlal- ; one, Klein fanned. Paper. singled to Ken 3cigimwn,6 o:.quiklime or some other chemical had' h on penny's er'ror.2 Klein going to third. left, Shackleford and Van Boven scor- been used to hasten decompiosition. Student cowz Bl1ott up, ball 1, ball 2, strike 1, foul! ing. Motf up-Ball one, foul; ball,! Boston Has Youngest OrIls Dr. William J. Hickson, an -authority' gations yest ball, ball 3, strike 3 out. L'iveraInce- strike two. Paper caught off .first. Boston, May I1 (By A. P.)-Tlie Ro- on skull structure said there was no known to be tip, foul ball,; ball, foul ball, strikec 3. 1 Three r uin, two kits, one error. man Catholic,.church. here claims the evidence of a surgical operation' on and collectin T EE f NJ O'N the mien of theat ed by ther imittee at fternoon. to take a until a f )y the co: ncil. !s of the w'ere arme e affair it acted on h, will be 1 idiourned 1 46 to 26. girl (I) first,' I Uteritz, ball J, tUter Stew art. One bit, no Illinois-.Thckson 0 it', lined o11t to IllIinois--Vokel singled'to left.Knel run,111,0o14e elrror. ftai.nedl, Ilappennay out, Paper. to' Norbert Rouse, aged 10. He has been 'was performed when he was a chlildl. ut. Liveraince to I 51 ackleford. Hull batting for 'Stow- I studying the organ only three 'years. I__________ 1 oungest organist in the ord He's the head which Mount's parents said i eve'ry effort is h