THE MICHIGAN DAILY IE IS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P. M. DVERTI SING xReplies are at the C, 18, JSC, M-3, 25, H, RBT, MC. ILY CLASSI1FIED..I Classified Rates. Two cents a word a day, paid in advafrce. Mliimum 'charge for fist dy, 25c. Miimumn thereafter, Z20c. Thrxe cents per word1 per day if chiarged. White spaceI charged for at rate of five cent~s perI agate line. Classifieds, charged~ only l to those having phones. - Phone80. PRE-WAR PRICES ON I31PORTED LINEN Toweling, dress linens and art' cloth. IWOMAN'S EXCIIANG1E 10 Nickel's Arcade 162-2 DON'T FORGET Smith Tire Repair Oldest and most reliable place to buy tires. Kefl~ySpigteld Diamond Tirs 128c-tf FORL engraved calling cards or steel die ;embossing see O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's Arcade. 157c10 FOR ROCK BOTTOM PR~ICES on gro- ceries, see Pierce's ad in the Wed_. zresday issue of The Daily. 12 5c-tf. THE WOMEN'S LEAGUJE receives a per.entage on all cash purchases iiaeat the store of 0..D. Morrill; 117 Nickel's Arcade. 1.57c-10 MOTHER'S DAY is Sunday, May 13. Greeting cards for all occasions at 0.' D Morrill,.17 Nickel's Arcade. 157c-6 For Mother's day, select some Victor 1Iecprds of the Red Seal lkind. At Sciiaeberle and Son's. 110 S. Main St.? 162c LOSS' LOST-Taken from Chemistry Build- ing Thursday morning, Twted Tlop- coat' with pair gloves. $10 reward and' no questions asked if returned; to Mr. Dreyfuss, 210 N. State St. LOST-Taken from Chemistry Build- ing, Thursday morning a tweed top- 'coat. $5 reward and no questions asked, if returned to Mr. Dreyfuss at 210 N. State St., 751-W.j 161p-3 LOJTF-Gold wrist watch Wed. at Clemens recital or between High School and 206 S. Thayer." Reward. Phone 988-R. 16i2p-2 LOS$T OR EXCHIANGED-At Chi,'Psi Touse, Thursday, top-coat, gray brown tweed. Call Eddy 231. 162-3 LOST-Conklin Fountain Pen.. Return to 915 East Ann. Phone 1228J. 162-2 LOST,-Gold -watch. Mau~d Murdock en- graved on back. Call Burrows,. 496-F-2. 162p LOST-Friday noon, small brown pup; in vicinity of Fourth and Packard. Call Satterfield, 436-J. 162p FOR SAtLE 5 room bungalow, S.E. section, $1000 down. 11 room house, 1 block from Camn- pus, $1000 down. P hone 366 or 207. Elsner E. Brooks 7 Sanvings 13k. 1,ldg. FOR SALE-Underwood No. 5, Bac1K Spacer, two color ribbon. Ine? shape, price $35.00. 308 S. State St. 2nd floor. Phone 310-M. 162c-3 FOR SALE-Airdale puppies from registered parents. Phone 197-F-22, Saline. Fred Kleinsphmidt. 145p-33 FOR SALE-A sixteen room house on State St. Suitable for a fraternity or sorority. Inquire at 604'E. Jef- ferson, or call 349-W. 162p-3 CABLE NELSON piano. A-i, condi- tion, oak case, excellent tone, $150. 631 Oakland. 2808-W. 161p-4 FOR SALE-Onle May Festival Course Ticket, 8th row first: balcony. Kid- der, phone' 2738. 161p-3 FORL SALE--A Steamer trunk. 111 S. jIngalls. 162-2 F OR . SALE-700 loads of. black dirt. George Spathelf, phone 42. 111-2 FORZ SALE-A log-log slide rule. Price $10. Call 2949. 160-3 REAL ESTATE OWNER MUST SELL AT ONCE' So will sell this modern S-room house located just off the camnpus, at an exceptionally low price. 'Wil pro6- vide a hiome and income. Call us at once. Mrs. Gustine, Phone 835- F-1 or 2738. 10 10 r"oom house with large dormiitory sritable for small scrority or fra- ternit ,. barge lots. Price $15,000, with $1500 down and good termis. Mrs. Gustine. 716 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 835-F-i' or 2738. 1626 THIREEME E SO TAcev th tw awrsaetaer om MEM1311111111111111E111lRS OF 1illlltllltt1111111111111INK ceI11111 ttt(ive lthe iaward are thos TEAMt GET TARSITY "N" mended by Coach W. S terry Brown at; -- ,the concluson of the tank season. They;' (Continued from Page- Six) are requested to call at the offices of l . r e st ilV Uat AMIA# "AMA's" go to Eric Mildner, '24A, I the Athletic association to be measured yvR. John W. Kearns, '24M, Capt. FrancisĀ° for sweaters.M e oc vdt , ! L. Smith, '23E, john G. Searle, '23P, A captain of next y~r's swimming' :Norman R. Hanson, '23, and Alfred L. team will be elected within the next- Tickets for Single Concerts may be secured at the Univer~sity School of Music, Mieline, '2. Te nie mn tore-two eek. I$1.50 each. A few Course Tickets remain at $5.00 each. - >$TAWLISNEtDtit S X BIRORM .) SORANOS BY-- lm $rio~inD ii~o CONTRALTOS TWELVE MAIONkiwy O. ~Tnrx ~hiTSVTENORS STAR BARITNES _SOLO ISTS Teklephone Murray gHil BA ITONE TH J'-REE VIOLINIST ~4~i~g orm tnist-iy4rRENOWNED' PIANIST an h~~~frIORGANIZATIONS ORGANIST Flannel Trous~ers, Knickers, Special Shirts, Hosier'y, - Shoe, Hts, apsTHE UNIVERSITY CHORAL, UNION Shetland Sweaters, Personal Luggage J1 THE CHILDREN}S FESTIVAL CHORUJS Men's.and t3oys' garments for THE C_ -1l, SYMPHONY ORCHET5 RA Every requirement of Diens or Sporting WearW R eady made or to Measure GUSTAV H OLST1 Distinguished Guest Conductor, "end fur, { ompa?so'ns" Our R epresetative 'will be at the MOwIBO E ,S~ KC N U T R HOTEL STATLER, DETROIT TIGKETS AT MONDAY AND TUESDAY, MAY 14 AND 15 U I E ST C O L O U I 3O0ST I NEWPORT K IIIIIIIiIIIMIIiI~~li ilXMONT7OR. 0YL~roN220 BKLLEVUS Av4rNU~ Hrave You Read The "For Sae" Want Ads , . , . 5 FORIE UNT FOR 'RENT-4 Oand 5 room apart- a Ments, modern, furnished,. Reduc- ed ' rent until September. J. Carl Malcolm, 692 E. Liberty St._ Phone 1713-M or '1661-J. 161-3 FOR RENT-Furnished house from' June 15 to September 15. Large, shady yard. Inquire' 1001 Forrest.1 Phone 721, 162-3 FOR RENT-Sept. 1, house at 1102 Prospect. Modern, attractive. Call' at premises or phone Ward, 2196-1R. . 161-3 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Fifth Ave. -antd WillimSt. unba hureb ervxcces FIRST f HURCTI UP SCIENITIST 409 S. Divlsion ., ]REV. 9:30 L. F. GIJNERMIAN, Pakstor fEoothers' I Sunday Morning Service. 10:30' A. M.-Bible School. 10: 30 A. MT.-"lfutles4 of Children to pnrenrt""" Loyalty seems to be the k eynote of Mother's Day. Loyalty to home however humble and wherever lo- cated; loyalty. to parents; loyalty to that faith in God and i s world thru rwhich they led us to a knowledge of the divine realities or-'the Gospels Mes- sagec. We may niot ex? ress; our ideas in the. same creedal forms as did1 some of our, parents, and we may ri4t shar'e the sam~e points o1t view inrespect tQ the tenets of the- christian religion;' but no one can get* away from his obligation to and gratitude for that simple and direct faith in God which made their lives what they were and1 which enabled them to give us what we posse~ss. Religion to many of our parens Was real and mn6t a mere symbol or. form. Religion to them was something to be lived and not only something to be believed. Ma1y we possess more of the real religion of our, parents.,, May f fith like theirs ever lead us on and on. REV. LtONA R DA. BARRETT. ,$ } SubJeect:"Adam ni d Fallen :Man Wednesday Evening,''testimc meeting," 7:30,. R~eading Room, 236 Nickels cade. Open dhly n-to 5 exc( Sundays 'and 1Holidays: 1 WANTEJ) WANTED-Students to work in kit- chen remainder of semester. Em- ployment assured next year. 644 Tappan Ave. 158p-5 WANTED--To' rent garage near southeast corner of campus, during lVay F'estival week. Call Smith, 1057.. 162p-2 To (room club of 15 or 20 men or wo- men dining room accommodations. Mrs. Deland, 1128-4. 161p-2 EVERYONE IS WELCOME 6' k UNITARIAN CH1UICH State and Ifuron Streets SID1NEY S. FRDIS, iltndsf~r i _ i ~- -~ P W. BUSINESS OPPOKRT UNITY AGENTS-Men or women- to make hlouse to house sales in their home territory during their vacation. Lib- eral commnissons. No previous can- jvass made. Send~fifty cents for samnple and information. Niagara Curtain Container Co., 'Niagara SiVLESMTAN WANTED-To lid~ndle Ann :arbor improved property, also sub- div~ision. Must be a hustler. Phone 866. 161c-3 KO1DAK l1 F IING FILMS-Developed and printed byi our own ~phiotograph1ers. Le~ave Etlms at any of our stores today, get prints tomorrow nighJt. Calk- in~s Fletcher Drug Co. 109-21: HOUSECLEANING WE~ make your house clean without paint. We do both interior and ex- terior washing. City House Clean- ing Co. Phone '19?95=J. 152c30, EXPERTS on washing windows at trason~able prices. City Window Cleaning Co. Phone 1995-J. 153c30 RUGS SHAMPOOED or Dust cleaned. A~uArbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Fhone 50. 13sc-tf A "REX Special Canoe Lunch will WANTED-At University Hospital, 2 students for wall washing. Apply Housekeeping Office. 161-3' TYPEWRITING TYPEWRITING and Mimeographing. promptly and neatly done. Anythingj from a postcar~d to a volume of hun- dreds of pages. 0. D. 31ORRILL 17 Nickel's Arcade' Phone 1718 157c-10 YOU GET PROMPT AND ACCURATE service when your MANUSCRIPTS are TYPED by EXPERTS at BID- DL4ES BOOK STORE. 11 Nickels' Arcade. llic-tf USED CARS FORD SEDAN-Runs and looks new. Very low mileage very carefully driven, Has all the accessories' if you are in the market for a good car, come and see this, between 6' and 7 p. in.. Cash or terms. 1121 Church. 162c-2' BUICX 4 ROADSTER1-Good condi- tion. Good tires. Bargain for cash. Call 1580-M. 162-2 JNTERSTATE TAILORS UNRIVALLED CLOTHING VALUES IN TAILOR-MADE SUITS AND TOP- COATS' AT $27.50. THE INTER-, STATE TAILORS, ARE AT THE AMVERICAN HOTEL. PHONE 123 FOR APPOINTMENT. 156c-4 TYPEWRITERS EXPERT 'Typewriter Repairing, all makes. Ann Arbor Typewriter Ex- change. Phone 866. 9 Savings Bank Block. 123c-tf IlAGGAGE PHONE 2700, PACKAGE AND BAG- rs '" -'1fffT~k1 l 4 1f1ll _9 10:30 A. Rowe. M.-Organ recital, Mr. La ZIO %ATIERAN CHURCH Fifth Ave. and Washington St. E. C.: STELL*OI1 , Pastor 9:00 A. M.-Bible study dour. 14:30 A. M.-A pre-confirmation service. 5': 30 P. ICI.-Studfent Forumn. Sub - ject, "The Christian Attltu4'e to- ward Criminal's." Miss Ruth Sauer, Leader. 7:30 P. M.-Sermoii subject, "A Clear Case of Inspiration." Matt. 10, 19, 20. All services in English. ISund G. A." NEU31ANN, Paistor ay School at 9:00 a. m'. Service at 10:0'a. to. Eng- 10:30--Morning Worship. "MVoher," Mr. Sayles. SerminIi I. BETHILEHiEM EVANGELICAL CH~URCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) 4t AveM, near Packa A .. _ _... ....r.. ... .. Church fish. Church man. Stud( FIRST BAP'IST CHURCH IL EDWiAR P SAYLES, 31inister HOWARD RI. CHAPMAN, 36nlster for Students Service 11:00,a.:nm". AN ARBO BIW9LEGIJAIR [_ Ger- 10:40 A. M.--Morningi Service, Ser. inon Topic: "TUis New Freedom." 9:45 A. M.-Church S'chool. cents Cordially W 6lcoed k. 7:304 - Evening service. Sermon, " aul's Stuloide a Warning. AgAinst Jealousy," Mr. Sayles. Following the morning Church' Service, students will: meet at Guild House across: the street for class study. This service is at service, with~ Donald Ressler, '23E, as leader. The topic' is, "The Ediueational Function of Kel3I'oT." See Upper Rom" and Prin~ted Schedule Sunday cZlass far. Metaf 4:30 P. M1.-Young Peo'ple's outdoor meeting. If fthe weather is bad, the supper will be at ,the chu'reh, at the regulAr time. I t ,IL .I ' , __ .*, ,,., ? ,. ,. ., . ., . ,.., :.,.s i - .., FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 'REV A 'V~. STALKE RDP. Tht MISS ELLEXN W 1MOORE, S~tudnt Director 10:30 A. M. MORNING .W6RSHIP., Pastor's Subject: "XOTIIE~It)1O, A SANCTUARY?' 12:00 Noon. BIBLE CLASSEiS in WESLEY HALL. 5:311 P. M. OPEN HOUSE at WESLEY HAIA1L. 6:30 P. M.. WESLEYAN GUILD DEVOTIONAL MEETING. MR. ROBERT 70 P. M. EVENING WORSHIP. Pastor's Subject: "THE' SIMPLICI- TY OF CHRIST." SPECIAL MUSIC: "Grand Chorus in D," (lDeshayes), Mrs. Rh*eadl; "An;- tiantino" (Martini -Kreisder), Miss. Struble;, "Benedictus"; (qunod), the chorus choir; "The Mother, to Her Chlre"(Rachmanlo'ff), Mr. Wheeler; "The Triumphal March" (Guilmant) ; "Andante Sos- temuto" (Guilmant) ; A Postlude (Dubois), Mrs., Rhead; "God be Merciful to Us" (Parker), "Turn Thee unto Me". (Cot), the chorus: choir, "Arians" (Massenet), Miss Struble. 9:30-German Service. I 10:30-Bible School. 11:30-English Service. Sernmon subject: ".PerseCiitloiifear Christ's Sake." Communion Services a week from Sunday, afnnouncement on Fri-.. day afternoon. "IMOTIIERfS DAY" 5':3'0 Young People's Hour 6:30 Christian Endleavor Meeting "For What Do I Go to Church; Cary I be as Good a. ChislthinOut,,;ide a Ind" Lucile Meyering, '23, Leader. i ---r M . rr r ...._, _.,_... - I .-r- I I i I: "THE STONE CHURCH WITH THE WARIA WELCOME" Hlerbert A. Jump, E.. Knox Mitchell,'l Ajiy K. Ifiliar, Staff. 10:30 A. M.-Mr. Jump, continues his liberal interpretations of CRtEE D OF PROGRR1SNLVE CHRISX1A'_IT'Y F. P. ARTHUR, Pastor. COR. CATHERINEl AND DIVISION S'TREETS I. THE 9:30 A. M.-Bible School.=Prof. Barnhill, superintendent. 12:00 M.-Student Clase in Lane ' Hall Reading Roomts. 8:00'A. M.--Holy" Communion. * 4 IV "ThI1 Day of Judlgment y rsus linendin'g Divine Lave," 10:30 A. M.--Morning IPrayer and Sermo yt Ror.. 8ubiec is My Rear Selfl" '" - .. ,- - - - -'a r I I' t I