A.Y, MAY 12, 1923 !THE 'MICHIG AN DAILY 4m )1 COUNC IL CHA IRMAN'N'unIFuoe Yankee 'Co urt ManiIRxINFCD[BE MEETS HR ONI ~lJIULLJIIi Sails .for Fra ce~ lURI ME T E T S E D G W OSECOND ANNUAL CONTENTION 01' Lau1an1n,Ma y 11 (By A. P.) -The ASSOCIATION TO BE HELD)rar 4 Vorovsky: tragedy ,hIas acted as a d. rA.&' arigt hedlgts.to the Near~ BAND TO BE SANME ;SIZE NEXT YEAR Financier Killed by A, Paris, May 10 (By A. P.), Parmalee, New York, cas) Part: branch of the Guarc Co., was shot and killed chanced to walk between and a gang fighting on street. ..w.. .. ... University women who are interest- d in procuring summer" employment t the summer resorts are asked to quire at the officee of Dean Jean H-am. All women who wish to take part in th a -oe (a c il m e t'7o'clock Tuesday evening in Barbour gymnasium. The wNomen who are to daace in tho pageant on Lantern night will meet at 1 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour st for the Senior Girls' play tearse at 9 o'clock this n Sarah Caswell Angell hall. le honor point hike will start Eck from Barbour gymnasium zing. ones for' the dances tonight )11ows:' Union, Nvirs. Cake; Mtrs. Philip' Reynolds. games in the interhouse tournament will be played as" t -5 Monday afternoon ;at Pal- Alpha Gamma Delta, vs. Kap: Kappa Alpha Theta vs. Pi at ,5 o'clock Tuesday, Alpha elta Gamma, Zeta Tau Alpha, Newberry; at 6:30 o'clock't Kappa Kappa Gamma vs. tta Delta, Betsy Barbour vs. eeivr; at 5 o'clock Wednes- a Epsilon Phi vs. Delta Zeta. uee House Tea 3ene fits League~ Invitations were sent out yeiterday' afternoon to the managing editors. business managers, and faculty ad- # visers of the leading high school pa- pers of the state to attend the secand annual convention of the Michigan In- terscbolastic Press Association which of to be held here under the auspices ofSigma Delta Chi, national profes- sional journalistic fraternity, May 17. 18, and 19. Last year about 100 men attended tQe convention land this year it isf Sexpected that more than 200 will be present. The members of Sigma Del-1 tt, Chi will entertain the visitors while' they are here and will furnish themr with lodging. Committee appointments for the convention made by Herbert S. Case. '23, president of the organization, are as follows: toastmaster, It. Andrew Brown, '24; chairman of program com- mittee, Edwin R. Meiss, '23;, chair-' man -of housing committee, John A.1 Bacon, '24; chairman of. contest com- mittee, Ralph N. Byers, '24; chairman of arrangements committee, James C. Stevens, '231; chairman of reception committee, William H.L Riley, '23. 'Ralph L. Smith, '24, was appointed to formulate tentative plans for the se- ond. annual Gridiron banquet next year., }East conference that the conference is dragging out too long and that' the delay Is .paving the way toward new complications instead of tending to- ward peace. The announced coming to Lausanne of M. Aleanderia, the Greek minis- ter of foreign. affairs in a day or two to serge notice on the conference that 'it must :get. along with its work or Greece will mnake a special treaty with Turkey, has acted as a stimulant and the work is moving more rapidly. The Swiss federal council today 'is- sued a communique exipressing indig- nation over the attack on the Russian and regretting especially that it oc- curred at the seat of the peacecun Fon i ears are expressed here over the safety. of a delegation of S wiss watch- makers in' Moscow, who reopened the watch trade with Russia. MembersC 'of the Soviet group here are said 'to' have threatened the Swiss. IGilbert's, Chocolates received fresh for Mothers' Day. Tice's. 113 E. Lib- erty.-Adv. Martha: Washington Candies fresh' for Mothers' Day. Tice's 113 E.' Liber- ty. adv. contrary to campusĀ° rumor, no plans have, been made to enlarge the Vr Vrsity band next Year. Carton Pierce, !a '29DM, anager of the band, gave twoj reascns explaining w hy no such ac- tionx wculd b~e taken. The major dii-j- ficuilty lies in the fact that there is no mone.iy avilable to purchase uniformis for a larger organization. He pointed out the trouble attendent upon the' I1;nrcnase of the un~forrms which the h and now wears, and said tl-at it would be practically Impossible to raise the funds to uniform a larger body. The other' reasona for the decision' against increasing the size of the. ha3nd is the beilef of Capt. Wilfred Wilson that a. smaller and. more perfect body of musicians is more desirable than a larger one of poorer quality. New Tag's Seemred for Arboretim New tags have been placed on the various plants and shrubs that are planted in the Nichols arboretum. The' former tags were small and could not be found by those unfamiliar with the arrangement. The new ones,ca- ca-rying both the scientific and popular namesi, are large and easily seen. of- ficials report that many of the plants! are well in bloom. The new Lit.,Building is growing Have you watched the classified1F grow ?-Adv., Look over the values In' the Class1l fieds.-Adv.. Follow That Hunc to the BLU - GOLI LUNCH 605 Church Let "Jimmie the WI~ i ,Johnsoin William H4. Ja.hnzon, ranked: as the{ second best tennis player In thi~s coup- try, sailed recently from New York on cThe S.' S. Hlomeric. lHe plans to tour, the continent, appearing on some of the most, prominent, courts on the oth-. SCOTCH PHIOOPE TOfDELIVERLEICTU RE, PROF. J lPN STUART MiACKEN. IL1 ILL SPEA K MN DAY M) DTUESDAY A" i AIlts. Edwvard Ponmeroy Who as chairman 'of :the Alumnae council, Will meet here with the execu- tive board of the council, May 25. At this meeting, action will be: taken on the temporary Budget for the greater million dollar campaign. y women are invited "idge-tea which memlb{ house are gliing from xthis afternoon in th( bour gymnasium. Thb 'the affair will be do igan League fund. ,he first time that as ation has attempted large a scale. Both1 undred will be .playei y be pbtained at the ission Is 75 cents and Refreshn~ents will be to at- 1 3ers ofi n 2:30 e par- AL" h)'i essioan AT TUE THEATE RS Screen--Today e pro-' onated] The central campaign etntiriit e of she University of 'Michigani Lca i.~e act- small 'ed on the temporary :budget "o._ the abro-g campaign at a meeting heist T'J i- br di A report of the group activitie,, wa dorgiven. Pre?7arations are now .under- tables way for presenting the entire canmgaign oserv- program to the Alumnae council in SvJune. Charts and maps will be drawn up to show the alumnae distribution. Definite decision regarding the or- ganization pllans which ha v6 been 'sug- FUNTY .e:ted bcy Mrs. Molly Price .coo-. the campaign admvisor, wl have to be gxv- is havoe en oflicial sanction at the meeting(ot to. the the 'Alumnae council, which will, be I_ i. 2rc.,de -- Gloria Swanson in 'rodigal Daughters"; comedy, 1i.!W5. Majestic---Lon Chaney in -"The Shock" comedy and news. Orpheum - Buster Keaton in "The Saphead." Wuerth--Elmer Clifton's, "Dowt^n to the 'Sea in Ships"; comedy, "The Artist." I "Thireefold Commonwealth" w"ill be j the subJect of Prof. John Stuart Mac- kenzie of the philosophy. department of the University of 'Wales. for, his lecture in Ntatukal 'Science auditorium' Iat, 4:15 o'clock Monday. At 2r o'clock } Tuesda4y he will speak in 'Room' B,! Law building on "Our Contemporary, Outlook. in Philosoph."t of Professor Mackenzie is a graduate 'o Glasgow, and Cambridge. universl- . ties. He wvas a classmate of, Prof. Robert M. Wenley of the 'philosophy' Idepartment. He is the ,recipilent of fellowiships and -degrees fromt several' lEnglis1h colleges and 'is also, a :cele- brated author, his. Works. including # I"Manual of Ethics." and ' "An Intro- duction to Social -Philosophy." k IlHe is one. of the editors 'of the In- I ternational Journal of Ethics for. wihich he has written many articles, Iand he is ~also president of ther nenchi Sociological, society. Professor- Mackenzie came direct to, Ithe United. States from India.; I'h~a is his. first visit to this:;country al- though _-he'a has traveled extensively Cthroughout ..Europe.' "While in ;Ann theor; he andl Mrs. Mackenzie wlli be th guests~ of Martha: Cook dormi- C ory..'' P Th e Interstate' Tailors (of Cincinnati) fiill bUe at the American Rotel during the present week. Tailor-.Made Suits and TopdeSisadcoats $2.5 (Smiall Deposit aRequfred with Order.) ALL OURGARMENTS FULLY GUARANTEED AS TO STYLE, FIT AND -WEAR Drop into' the America n. Hotel or phone your address to 123 and our representative will call: Fathers a Mothe rs: This is the "fountain of health" at Michira Men ES $13 LDI NG Ema So r 6 league ibuild-; several uro- Out recently. thel a Chiln- 'ental linon. benefit glance me oii Wash- it~ry .ResIdent% Sell Hosierr fiing tht~ week residents off sCook mbuilding will agai takef of the sale of "Real-Silk" hose benefit of the Women's league. z, -who is the Ann Arbor agent company will talk in various ; Dries, sororities and' league and will~ take orders. Martha' ill1 have eharge of the delivery.'I hose may be procured at $5.50 each box containing four pairs.j, !muster $24 was realized on the 1 hose. :ize Daily Advertisers.--Adv. ! hold .Tune 15 at the Uniion.y The meet-f ing will be an all "day sess' n. .TShe discussion regarding the diMtribution of, the financial 'burden of the cam-_ pm~gn will b)e continued. at that meet-, ig, when out of town members will be present. An effort is being m1ade to{ havca ( .representative' pt (sent from 2. every state or at least from every sec-j tion of the country.- 1'. W. C.,tA. oldls. Rummage Sale Weekly rummage sales and being fheld at the city Y. W. C..A. to earn m uoney for the summer camp at Cavan- augh lake. Five have already been' held, and there will be several more. Trho sales take- place in the garage building, and all articles are donated. ; Members of the girls' work coimmittee of the association, have charge of the undertaking. Do you use Classified adts system- aticallIv?-Adv. Garrick- (Detroit)-- Chauncey Olcott In "The Heart of Pad- dry Whack."a .. Stagp-ThisIT%*oek Like Chicken ? Acheck of this register. ,. of famous Americans would plainly indicate the, popiularity o(A the Longines watch. What is true of men of affairs of, the nation as a whole is reflected in, our own city. Many of our prominent citizens have for years experienced the genuine pleasure of always having the exact time by carrying a Longines. ~ra~ ~uok -P vvomIH of Michigan Father ai Mother used like- Gilbert's Chocolates buy them ai _, There are fewer delicacies that tickle the palate like the delicious ROAST CHICKEN 'we prepare. Sold whole or half, for 70' cents a pound. Individual chicken pies Saturday night 5.72 i G.Claude DrplI ,Drug and Prescrit Store Coa State and N. Uinive Phone 308. { CORNWELL COAT "The Quarr and Lump West Va. Egg and Lump KAROLYN KITCHEN Pocahontas and Coke IMMEDIATE DELIVERY COMMON AND FACE BRICK GORNWELL*COAL PHONES 81-VI and 2 0 Office -- Cornwell Block. 119 East Liberty 1 lp*r _arm",, THIERE ARE NO .TWO WAYS ABOUT IT I r Health hides iin each spoonful of.Connor's COOD Ice Cream, Rich and pur'e and zestful, the ice c ram lover's dream. 9' , . ,._ -.- (- sj ,. _n <, - 4Fq :, ICE /CREAM I B UI IS ONE, OF THE PUREST AND HEALTHIEST BEVERAGES oW THE MARKET TODAY. 0 K