FOUR THE MICHIIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 12, - -,..,. ,.. .r . . " ' vhtn~n ~ a 114 his past will be a carefully edited one , in which the gloomy spots are ef- I faced and only the pleasant ones left C OFFICIAL, EWSPAPE1L OF TIHE outstanding. Other things being equal r a; UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN he will be free to go ahead in his GOOD MORNIN( Published every morning except Monday luring the University year by the Board in life work less susceptible to fear of control of Student Publications failure than would be the case if his SUNSHINE Members of Western Conference Editorial mir.d were haunted with recollections In contradiction of (or is it "to"? SssociatIon- of unsuccessful ventures in the past.t __________________________________ inthe current rumors that the yearling. The Associated Press is exclusively en- The person with a poor memory .is itled to the use for republication of all news are yellow, comes this hot stuff ont lispatches credited to it or not otherwise also apt to have less occasion to the hook. This seems to have bee :redited in this paper and the local, news pub- I resort to worrying than the individual wished thereinor written by a spirited lad-does it not whose mind houses a large store of i Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, ideas and inferences, and hence may And yet, ve have cause to believ Iichigan, as second class matter. that it is the work of a sophomor Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50. be free from that mental strain which e kick o 4 o n ? e re ut II EDITORIAL COMMENT ADAPTABILITY (Ohio State Lantern) Learning to adapt himself to new or, unusual circumstances is one of the many useful things, aside fromj knowledge obtained by study, that a student gains from his college career. When a Utuident comes to college he finds himself in a "city of students." He must adapt himself to his new sur- roundings; he must be able to "fit in" l where-ver he goes, or he will not beE wanted, and he must learn that in un- Offices: Anil Arbor Press Building, May- ard Street. Phones: 9ditorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi. ness, 960. Communications not to exceed 300' words sinevi; the signature not , necessarily to ppear in print, but as an evidence of faith, and notices of events will be published in '1he Daily at the discretion of the Editor. If eft at or mailed to The Daily office. Un- igned cominnnications will receive no con- ideration. N'o manuscript will be returned mless the writer encloses postage. The Daily loes not necessarily endorse the sentiments 'xpressed in the communications. EDITORIA11T STA171F Telephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR MARION 3,. STAHL News Editor......... .....Paul Watzel Citp'rEditor ...........James B. Young Assistant City Editor. ....... A. Bacon Editorial Board Chairman......E. R. Meiss Night Editors- Ralph Byers harry Hoey LT J. Uershdorfer R. C. Moriarty H. A. Donahue J. E. Mack Snorts Vditor .........Wallace F. Elliott Women's Editor.............Marion Koch Sunday Magazine Editor ....11. A. Donahue MuI1sic Editor....... .. 1. Ailey lluior .Editor...........Buckley C. Robbing Editorial Board Lowell Keir Maurice Berman Paul Einstein Eugene Carmichael. is often concomitant with poor health. But the difficulty with attempting to be dogmatic on such a subject is that there are so many factors which influence a man's mental and physi-. cal make-up outside of the mere pos- session of a good memory or a poor one. Unless the physician referred to is able to present more evidence to substantiate his statements than is available at present, the only conclu- sion that can be arrived at is that, other things being equal, the posses- sion of a poor memory is not a handi- cap to success. Nothing has beenj advanced so far to cause the person with a good memory a very great amount of concern as to his physical or mental welfare. A SAFETY MEASURE Troffic deaths in Detroit should de- cline materially due to the action of the city council which unanimously approved the act to the effect that the "boulevard stop" system shouldI be instituted. The bill will in all probability pass finally on next Tues- day and will became effective a week later. This traffic system has been used. with considerable success InI other large cities, especially in Chi- cago. The traffic death list has been in-f creasing steadily in Detroit and the present system of regulation seems inadequate to cope with the situation.; Affairs hiave reached such a bad state that a person feels much safer in an auto than out of one. The pedestrian has certain rights, but since they are continually infringed upon by. the, autoist it is necessary that the city officials tack action to make walking 3 " , 1. of'it, you might say. Yes indeed Here it is, anyway. Come on, ye Frosh, let's get 'em good Those low-down Sophs ne'er under stood The might and figlit of '26. Leave home your combs and daint clothes. Bring all. your nerve and plenty o blows. We'll show 'em how such things ar 1. - y e done, And incidentally have lots of fun. We'll deck ourselves with wild war paint, Our green will make the dear things faint. Thsir red- bah! It just looks rough, But after all it's one big bluff. So let's go, lads, and show 'em tricks That'll put fear in their hearts of '26. UiL P. * * * HERE we have the other side of the question. This clever little thing was written by a good-looking soph- omore with a talent for that sort of thing. It is quite the best thing we have seen in quite a while. My yes! And here IT is: The ugly frosh, with little pot, Apprpaches slowly to the spot Where lies the battle field.1 No battling blood is in his veins; Among his forebears were no thanes Who fought with cold, hard steel. . . BUT . The noble SOPH, with haughty tread, A nifty toque upon his head, Now stalks upon the scene. Three centuries of Irish gore Are in the veins of the Sophomore- So HE is quite serene. AND- Who will win the awful fight? Stanley H. Armstr Sidney Bielfiekit R. A. Billington H elen Brown 11. C. Clark A. B3. (onnable Bernadette Cote Evelyn 1. Coughlir Joseph Fpstein T. E. Fiske Jcahn Oarlinghous Walter S. Goods Portia Goulder Ronal- Iaigrm Assistants ong Franklin D. Helpburn Winona A.'HibbardI Edward J. Higgin* Kenneth C. Kellar Elizabeth iebermann john McGiwnnis Samuel Moore in ." Mi. H. P'ryor NV. B. Rafferty Rolert G. Ransay se I.\.l~jc .eed SoIl J. Schnitz Philip M. Wagnez usual circumstances the man who can; adapt himself, can manage and make the best of things, is the one who comes out on top. If the student, after coming to col- lege, affiliates with an organization, he will here learn another lesson of adaptability. Adapting himself to the ideas of a group may not seem eas3l at first. Adapting himself to the. cir- cumstances of having a roommate who borrows shirts and ties and shoes,j may not be pleasant, but is excellent training for the man who must later in. life, outside-of college, adapt him- self to far more serious circumstances. This question of adaptability is al- most an art. Yet it is an art which can be cultivated, and there is little' better place in which to learn adapta- bility than in college. The student who does not learn this is often dissatis- fied in college and quite often in after- life. INITIATE SOI'ETHING (Ohio State Lantern) It has been said that the most pre- cious gift of the gods is Initiative-! the ability to start things and keepI then} going. Too many of us are al- ways waiting for omething to turn up, for something to happen. We lack' the knack of following the dictates of our heart and making things happen ourselves. We shift responsibility forI amusement to the next man. In the realm of business, initiative; that creates is rewarded with higher wages. On all sides we hear the call for those people who can busy them- selves in new ways to reach new ends. History of mankind is generous with examples of rich men who were never destined to be happy, for they had nothing-to hope for or to strive after. They lhad 'never experienced the joy that 'comes from accomplish- ment. On the other. hand, Roosevelt, who was born with the proverbial golden spoon in his mouth, was always hap- py, so it is said, because he was con- stantly busy in some useful cause or endeavor. Knowledge, a sage informs us, does not come from the impre-sire books of life, but from the principle of work- ing out these theoretical truths in ac- tual practice. It is true that the prac- tical principles and their constant ap- plication are the things that count. .Get busy. Take the initiative and do something worth while. Its a pleas- ing sensation. TOLEDO-ANN ARBOR BUS Cars leave for Toledo 7:10 A. M., 2 P. M. and 5i P. MI. Except Sni- day. Sundays at 8:00, 11:00 and S :30. ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS Schedule in Effect October it. =922 Central Time (Slow Time) D X X D P.M. A.M. P;M. P.M. 3:45 7:0, .. . Adrian .... 12:45 8:45 4:30 8:o '0 Clnto'' n 2... 2 oo 8:oo _SVSA..:15 Saline . 11:15 7:15 5:45 Q,:45 Ar'knn ArborLv. 10:45 6'45 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. D-Daily, X-Daily except Sundays and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special bus for students leaves Adrian 1:45. leaves Ann Arbor 445. JAMES 11. ELLIO T. Proprietor Phone .46 PETROIT UNITED LiNES Ann Arbor and Jacks-n TIME TABLE (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars- 6:oo a.ll., 7 :oo, 8:0o a.ra., 9:o a.m. and hourly to 9:a5 p.m. Jackson Express Crs (local stops west of Aran Arbor)-g:4/ a.m., and every two hurs to 9'47 .1n. Local Cars East Hound-7:oo a.m. ane every two hours to , :eo p. im, xx :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only--I:-4o To Saline--Change at Ypsianti. Local Cars West Bcnd-7 :50, 12:1 P.rM. To Jackson and kalamazoo-L1xnr. ited cars 3:47; 10:47 a.m., 12:47. 2:47, 4:47 p.m. To Jackson and Lansing- Limited at 8:49 P.M. UNDE because RC S We .have a comple - w ing a Special Ath p-on Shirt3 and I- I-111111111111113ft Track Pants. RWEAR COMFORT they are Tailor Made! Clotbig sMore DOWNTOWN "11., r M f rrNRfM IN rrlr gfMAI... R UNONSUITS 11 _,1 'MR. STEWARD-Do You Want the Best? _., _.. __ . __ _.._w 1 '1. 1923 MAY 1923 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 1011 12 13 11 15 16 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 21 2 2 27 28 29 30 31 STRAW S a~ .vt and WEj ANAMA -~ HATS The best ingredients often make a difference in the quality and taste of food. .1 By buying in medium large quantities you wvill find. the best to be the cheapest. We especially recommend, for general, all round purposes ASSURE YOU OF te assortment on hand at all times-inClud- letic Garment at $1.00-and the popular Roller King BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER ALBERT 3. PARKER CI.EANEI) AND REBLOCKD) (No acids used) Straws, Panamas, Leghorns, Bankoks and all kinds of hats Cleaned and Reblocked at low prices for HIGH CLASS WORK Let a "Boot-black" shine your shoes, but have your hat Clean- ed and Reblocked by a ?Practical Hatter. Or the most suitable flour for Pastry Baking- limico Pastry You Will Find That Our All Purpose Flours are unequalled for purity and excellence. Made right in Ann Arbor You will find our mills handy for deli direct to you.- THE MICHIGA N MILLING CO. .-AN ARBOR only a- semii-dangeBrous. pastime. In Advertising ..............John J. aiel, Jr. That only Father Time can tell... Advertiing..........Walter K. Schererr a metropolitan community the size of But I'm betting onr '25 Advcrtising..........Lawrence H. Favrot Detroit,where there are neither sub- ROW 1): .0W. Publication ...........E1dward F. Conlin 101I I )0V Cmhywritinig ...........David J. .'Park1 w'ays or elevated hos, the down Circulation .............1ownsend i1 Wolfe town district becomes alnios as dan- Anther little piece was submitted Accounts ..... ......eaumiont Parks os to life and limb as the battle AohrltlWic v! umte Assistants gerous that took a rather impartial view of Perry M. Ilayden Win. H. Good I fields of Europe. -The pedesti ian in i Eugene L. Dunne Clyde L. Hagerman Detroit t h te eohn C. la'ki c Henry Freud tooonerve of be that there was gonna be a' C. I. Arantrout . anznubacher a'Veteran to remain unscathed. ogreat fight anyhow and may the bestI William IT. Reid, Jr. Cliford Mitts The one great objectiton to the man win. So say we! Harold L. Hale t'n'i as M-"(achren "boulevard stop" system is that it . * * * Wm.1 ). Roesser Louis M. Dexter Allan S. Morton C. Wells Christie encourages speeding. This cannot be Once there was little boy who was Janes A, Dryer Edward IL Reidle said to detract materially from the seven years and three months and value of the system because speeding . ne week and five days old. He wore now takes place all over the city, a littleK Lordt Fauntleroy suit and? whereas the new regulation wil tend when he walked abroad he was just to keep it localized along the main about the berries. Ho yus! SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1923 arteries of traffic, The accomplished One day he was walking as was city driver learns that a judicious use his custom, and what do you suppose? Night E(itor--THOMAS E. FTSKE of speed is the best way to keep all Oh, come, do suppose something! You four fenders intact. Many automo- hafta, ta make it come out right. AUTHORIT; bilists have objected to the action of That's right, the little girl in the Every community is beset with in- the council because they claim that' back seat there-What was it you dividuals wh ate wont to disregard Ithe new system will entail too much supposed, miss? Suppose you sup-' authority and tney are by no means ! delay at the side street crossing; the s, comnt.drvrwl hv ocmet, oi pose a little louder, so this littul boy> nen-existent in a college community.; driver will have to come to a com- way urp' here can hear- There is tlat type of student who has ! plete stop before essaying to cross the Nope, yo're wrong. Alcibiades was learned ,about college from popular bonelevard. These drivers should not the ki of' Spain. He was the fiction-the Tom Brown sort of fel- have called to their attention the duke of Cauliflower. Of course it has low-who thinks that because an an- fact that the few minutes wasted at nothing to do with the littul boy! thor has written vividly of dormitory the crossing may be responsible for Ho!. Ho! ** * fights, that he must make reality out saving several human lives. Further- THE IIENPECAERON of fiction. more, the driver once he gets on the Joseph Yauchau, of Kiang-tungead To prevent this impressionable in- main thoroughfare is enabled to ipakess dividual from doing damage to him-, up-. for lost time because a higher one over mastering desire. Te wanted self, his mates and the surrounding speed limit is always allowed. be a mandarin w a sorts of property, the students of the Univer-1 The council deserves the support of unimportant functions, and the pri-d sity, through their elected representa-1 the auto driving public in Detroit in I eof werng h bideed tives, have placed a ban upon mob this latest endeavor to cut down the .bedroom slipers, and a bird's.egg violence and now find themselves in appalling number of traffic deaths on his, hat, on feast days. Hv yearn- )itn:uto enforce their enactment. that occur there every year. Not only e otetofatothe heatof The situation rests with the stu- will the new aystem prove safe, to parade on the day of the feast of dent boot, not with the faculty or the pedestrian, but it should break uI Pingyang (Chinese for Washington's iny Uniersity official. There is a the jammed traffic condition in the ;birthday), leading with measured question that must be answered: "Will business district by providing several tep the leisurly progress of the l'ocal i pic~~~~~~Ncoloorhsr.H yerdtob student government at the University main boulevards where fast moving ' orchestra. He yearned to be of Michigan function?" The law is will be possible. Traffic experts in in the public eye, to experience of now kmown to the 'campus and ignor- the city are confident that the new fruits of prominence. "Is it not I, ance of it cannot be accepted as an I bill will reduce the number of ace.- he used to ask of his perfectly darl- excuse. dents byat least fifty percent. I ing little wife, "I, Joseph Yauchau of' --ents-byII the enormous stomach, and the beet- M IORY-A CUItSEI . ARTISTIC DECORATIONS J ling eye, who am the logical people'sI Cotrary to existing conceptions, a The annual architects' May Party choice .for Mandar?" "It is even poor umeinory is a blessing ratherksr o, she would reply between puffs than a curse, that is if we are to which tooksplacelast night in Barbour of opium and shots of cocaine. So accept the word of a prominent Lon- gymnasium was an affair of uni-' Mr. Yauchau caused posters to be Jon physician who has just published que interest. As the result.of a con- placed about the town, on which the an interesting scientific treatise ,on siderable amount of well directed en- legend read: "Vate Thfor Yauchau- tle subject. The authority in ques- ergy, a most extraordinary scheme clean politics and more feast days.", tion maintains that not only is the of decoration was carried out, By due process of law, he was elect- person in possession of a poor mem- transforming the walls of the build: ed, and everywhere could be heard Vi FACTORY HEAT STO F 617 Packard Stret ?hone 1792 Where D U R. Stops at State i } t t I . ._ S i i Saturday I-- Special p 4 , ' ; 19 .0 I WHITE CURE BY SATIETY (New York Times) A veteran dramatic critic, the late William Winter, once said that he was not so much worried by indecency on the stage as by stupidity. Hisj point was that indecency itself by too much repition becomes stupid. A similar j dgment might be passed on, the run of current novels exploiting sex. An old English reviewer corn- Slair.s in a r'n cient article that the thing is getting to be "a horribie bore." He says that he scarcely meets a person who doesn't think that the novelists are overdoing it. At the be- inning it w as =r facile path to no-1 toriety, and iin many cases it seemo'l o pay vell. But the notoriety col'1i wears thin and gets to be stale, while the (i'-inmercial proeit in depictinf morbid sex relation .is fortunatey' Jjeconiing highly dubious. The public is dis;2neily wearying of boohl' that deal with soiled angels and archangels slightly dfimaged. At first the new departure w s d 'ended partly as art, but more is audacity. But in time the art appears too short and easy, and the apdacity degenerates into mere bravado. Be- sides. dhe limits have long 'sirce been reached beyond which the most au- dacio-s cannot venture wihout danger of falling into the nands of the pl!"ie. Originally, it wa- alse mainiained that novels built arourd . the pa hx;logy of sex were really ,on- veying to ignorant readers trmths which mtrydical science and r&,eart°hsc into the unconscious mind had only ii. recent times been discovering.- About tis fallay Mr. Chesterton has some POPLIN - d . .4 tires" . 1 4 S '.+ SHIRTS A Flower for Your MAother Sunday J1Nfai e 2FJdossom shop «1 o; 4 O EACH -OR-- .9 AO -ALSO- ' I-" Foulard Ties .*1 950 Each 1 DONALDSON'S 224 S. STATE ST. . M 1 E E ; F, r , ,,,~ i - No Michigan Man a04 o ° o' or. Michigan Woman ory better qunlified for financial sue- ing so that they now bear the appear- cess than one with a good memory, ance of an old palace on the Nile I but that he is apt to be in better with a typical Egyptian atmosphere. health also. Profiting by the ingenuity of sev- Undoubtedly the docetor is too dog- eral men among those in charge of th the boim of firecrackers and shouts. of "Hip! Hip! Hurrah! Yauchau!. Yauchau! Yauchau! Huzzah-h-h-h-h!" On his first feast lay he attired him- self in his cherished costume, taking7 + i t X CAN AFFORD. w . .....