LTHER ISHlOWERS Y aCJ iAan Ado SEE TH TRACK TODAY No. 162 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE NES AND INDIANS CLASH RACK HERE THIS AFTERNOON. ,MONO SOADS MEET AT UBANA i i Congressman To Speak AtDinner VISITING FATHERS Will HAVE BUSY SCHEDUILE TODAY ii I i f i "U==VERSITY NEEDS GOOD SPORTS, NOT IIAZERS"-YOST, I MAIZE AD BlUE TRACKSTERS FAVORED TO TAKE CLOSE, BATTEE RECORD SMASHING D U E WITH GOOD CONDTIONS Varsity Should Take Quarter, Half, Two Mile, Shot Put, Hurdles and Broad Jump If Jupiter Pluvius un~dergoes a re- form and the weather remains rain- less, Steve Farrell's Varsity track team will face Harry Gill's Illinois runners at 2:30 o'clock this after- noon on Ferry field, in a meet which should see a number of records brok- en and which will probably decide the winner of the Western Conference out- door meet to be held June 1-2 here. Illini Deterndned Even though Gill's men lost the Big Ten indoor championship to Michigan, the Illini do not anticipate 'dropping today's dual meet. All week "Silent Harry" has been working' with his, Orange and Bluc runners, and he has brought to Ann Arbor .an aggrega- tion that may spring many -surprises. Experts who have attempted to pro- phesy the outcome of the meet have ' all favored Michigan to win, but none by more than 10 points. So close ;s the competition expected to be that a singe point stands a good chance of3 determining the winner.: The Indian's keystone in the 100 yard dash Is Ayres, who did not do much in indoor work but who is at his best on a cinder palth outdoors. He will have the century run contest- I ed by Captain Burke, Goldwater, and l Wittman, Michigan's century trio. Ayres will have as his running mate Evans who ands oxiy . slim chance of placing. The Wolverines may up-. set the dope a little and take fist in the event. Martin, fleet Wolve'ine dash man, is ' being counted on to take the 220. Ie has done the distance in 21 3-5. Burke and Wittman will alo run in this event for Michigan, and Ayres, Hughes, and Evans are entered for Illinois. Every man entered for the 220 has a time of at least 22 seconds to his credit so the race will be one of the closest of the meet. Martin will also run' in the 440 with Seimons and Joyner as his mates. If Captain Sweet runs for Illinois, he will have as his mates, Fitch, Carter, Smuts, and Koonz. Fitch Is the next best quar- ter miler in the Indian camp -and if Sweet is kept from entering because1 of his tulled tendon, the burden of the race will be left to him. He will have to do at least 50 seconds to stand 1 a chance to tie Martin:. , Relneke- May Run Mle If Rteinke rns in the half and not in the mile, as some expect, the Maizct and Blue stands a chance to rnake at slam. Hattendor, Roesser, and Cash- ing all have times just as good tndt even better than the best ilini entvl 1 ruington. Hal will be the otherI Illinois entry in the'halF. Beinke roan break the Ferry field record of 1:54-1 if other conditions are favorable. Michigan's sole entry in the mile. if Reinke does not run the long race. will be Jack Bowen. .Pattnson of Illinois is slated to take this race it he runs anything like he has so' far this. season. He has a time of 4:26,i while his teammate,'Wells, and Jack Bowen have not done better than 4:2 this year. There is no telling what will happen if Reinke runs in the mile. If he does, Gill's man may find I it hard to take first. (Continued on Page Six) COACH lISIIER'S MEN DUE FOR j HARD BATTLE WITH I STRONG ILLINI NINEI LIVER ANCE ANDJACKSON T-O PERFOR M ON M(;UND CLASS GUMES, TRACK AND CAMPUS TOURS' PROGPAM WILL SEE VAUDEV] AT MIMES TOI MEET, ON E ILLE I NIGHT "Michigan stands for good sportsmanuship," said Coach Yrost last night at the pep meeting in Hill auditorium. "Do you think then that six or eight men should waylay another whom they probably do not even know and haze him? I 0o not call that good sportsmanship." This was the message of the Coach to those who are reported to be taking part in interclass razzing during the spring games. "I am and always have been a firm believer in fighting. This means fair fighting and not the kind where several men jump another by reason of mere num- bers. In boxing they do not put two men on one. It is the same way here. We want good sports- manship and fair play at the University and we are going to have it." RULES VIOLATIONS INVALIDATE TUGSOF WARE DECIDES COUNCIL: GAMES TO BE CONCLUDED TODA ANNUAIL SPRING CONTESTS TO PLAYED OFF AT 9:15 TIS MORNING BE Sl)ICHEIEIGH T OPPONEicrrri SItIVER Sianckleford to Resume Old Position rs at F rst; liein Going to tight FieldJ Coach Fisher's varsity baseball nine will meet the supremte test of the sea-} son at Urbana- this afternoon when it ! clashes with Coach Carl Lund gren's P, I. Kelley, '10L "Fighting . Illini" reputed to be the ; P. H. Kelley, 'OOL, Lansing lawyer best combination in the Western Con an member of the House ot Repre- aneenembthisfyear.HTheeoutcomerof Terenc d hiy yearThe ottci-ned ofsentatives, who will deliver an ad- today's' game will undoubtedly dress at the Fathers' Day ba'nquet at an important bearing upon the chaim- the atheening. pionship of the Big Ten.' If the Wol- theUn __n __hs __venng._ verme squad pulls through the battle" with as much success as It has in the three other Conference ganes alread played the Indians will be pushed P 9 [ .U P down to fourth or fifth place on the " standing chart and the Maise and Blue will cinch its place at the top for the next week or so.' If Illinois manages to win, her reputation will be further augmentd and Michigan Joltnson, Farrell, Yost, 1awton,w will have to be contented with third Weuley Speak at Large position in the title race. atlieriiig The two teams seem evenly match- ned as far as past records are conl- ORETHIAN 2.000 TURN OUT cerned, although the-Indians have a ' T'O SEN ID MEN ON TO VICTORY single defeat to -mar their record while the Wolverines are as yet' undefeated. 'Enthusiastic speeches, songs, yells The Orange and Blue sustained the and applause were combined last blot to her record in the first game night by more than two thousand played with the hlawkeyes. Through- rooters in Hill auditorium to make out the contest the two teams seemed the first huge track pep meeting a big evenly matched until a group of er- success and to give the team a great rors in the final frames. gave the low- send-off on the road to victory in ans a chance to pile up an unbeatable their meet with the Illini today. lead. In the second game played be- Michigan yells and songs opened the tween the two schools Illinois proved meeting and then Carl Johnson, '20, her superiority when she finally took former track captain and one of Mich- the contest by a four point lead. The igan's best track products, spoke. He fact that Iowa was conquered by the gave a brief history of track at the, Wolverines in a. ten inning game which University and made a plea for wbole- was thrown away by an 'error proves hearted interest and support of the nothing in regard to either team's team by the students. Coach Steve! superiority. .From the contests aIl- Farrell reiterated this plea and talked ready played between the three schools on the future which Michigan's teami Micigian; Illinois. aind Iowa all seem should have. Burton, iffy, and Kelly to Address "Fathers' ity" Banquet At Union Visiting fathers here for the Fath- ers' lay celebration will have a busy program today, which will terminate with a banquet at 5:30 o'clock at the Union, followed by an entertainment I at the Mimes theater. More than 650 guests are expected at the dinner, which will be one of the largest ever given at the Union. The entire assembly hall will be filled and overflow will be accommodated in CLASS ENTHU;IA SM REACHES FEVER HEAT Obstacle iace, "Horse and Rider". lope-tyinig Contest are Chos- en Ganes' With class rivalry at a fever heat, and strong evidences on both sides of a "will to win", the freshmen and sophomore classes meet this morning for their annual Spring games, to be held at Ferry field. Due to the rul- ing of the Council, that the results of the tug-of-war be cast out of the final results of the games, all will 1 I E KK MO19NEARLY COMPLETED THIRD CONTEST NEVER OFFICIALLY STARTI Responsibility for Ginimes Cond Wias Placed in Underelassmen' Hands, Declare Councilmen Due to exhibitions of unsportsma like spirit, and violations of rules a regulations in all three of the tugs- war held yesterday afternoon betwe the freshmen and sophomore class the Student council has decided tl none of them shall count toward t final score of the annual Spri: games. It is also undei'stood that t future of the traditional games w seriously endangered by yesterda exhibition. All possible effort was made by t Spring games committee of the S dent council to make this year's co tests fair in every way. At the -p liminary class meetings all rules we explained by councilmen, and t need for fair play and good snort the main dining room downstairs. Al-.- depend upon this morning's contests. though all speeches will be delivered Bronze Tablet Designed and Executed Sophomores will gather at 9:15 o- upstairs, those dining below vil be by C. B. Angell to be Placed clock on the steps of Hill auditorium, given ample opportunity to hear theyIi Yost Field House weete ilrciefnlisrc talks in the assembly hall. _swherthey_ will receive final instruc- Burton, Kelly, Duffy to Talk O Etions before marching to Ferry field. Speakers at the dinner will include O S ASM E They will then go down to Ferry field President Marion L. Burton, Congress- in a body, proceeding by way of East man P. H. Kelley, '00L, of Lansing, and James E. Duffy, Sr., '92L, of Bay . The "Kirk Memorial", a bronze tab-. university avenue as far as Hill street.' City. Mr. Duffy, a member of the let to be placed in the new Yost They will then turn west on Hill state board of law examiners and of Field House by the literary class of I street to State street, whence they will i l '. 7 1 ] 1 ,; 7 ' >:7 t'M I , z u a~ i %cx to be equally formidable on the dia- Coach Fielding H. Yost was the next mond and today's game is sure to be speaker on the program. He pointed a neck and neck struggle., out the need of service and fair play (Continued on Page Six) fat the University and asked the stu- __________________ dents to stick by the team at all stages of the game. "Don't quit when the outlook is dark," he said. "Then is the time the boys need your sup-' Yport." Fred Lawton, '11,. talked on "Dad LU YO UUO U N TOOK and Michigan." He showed the great F DND importance of them both on the boy's New York, ay. -(y A .)-life, citg experiences which he as 'ankee stadiu, the world's biggest had with young boys in the juvenile baseball par mwas converted today in- court work in Detroit. Prof. Robert ato the worlds greatest fistic arena - l.Wenley gave the last speech. Pro- where tomorrow morethan a ton of fessor Wenley analyzed the effect of hfr a crowd upon a man in athletic coin- heavyweights will battle for the free I " " th Uiversity board in control of;nasiattstmebogteoe f 1923 in memory of their classmate who go directly to the east gate of Ferry manship at this time brought before atletis w proinentn tewas killed l in an - field. They will line up on the north the men. The rules were ubscribed rate activities while on the campus. ji ledlt fal iantsno- side of the field. to without reservation by the class g'Mr. Kehley served as lieutenant- eacciden t neaYpslanti o, s wFreshmen-f Meet at iUnion officers and the Spring games com- overnor othate ndes te at: earg cp e Te mThe first year nren will come to-' mittees of the two classes. In addi- meber of the U. S. house of repr- oni e ay mo , esigned and ex- ther at the Union, at the same time, tion the classes agreed in a body to meniv er fe U. as. o ecuted by Carlton B. Angell, has been where they will also receive final in- uphold them. settvsfrfv er.'senzt to Detroit where the bronze will tuloifrncuclm .Thywl The Saxophone sextette of the Var- structions from coincmen. They wii 'First Pull Takes'12 Minutes sity band will furnish music during Cast. then march to the east gate of Ferry pectiveeet- the meal. Immediately following the - The completed tablet will be a bas field, lining up on the south side of ing places at Hill auditorium and the banquet Mimes will offer a special relief. A profile view of Bernard the field, Union,' the sophomore and freshman vaudeville for the fathers, admission Kirk, the football star, is in tile di- The committee will examine all con- classes marched down to the Huron to be by banquet ticket stubs only. rect center. Mr. Angell used several testants to make sure that they wear river, preceded in their march by their Fa 'lers )Jay Attend Games, Classes action pictures, and one full-face pho- tennis shoes. class bands. Arriving, the sopho- Events scheduled for today to which tograph as the basis for his interpre- The first event to occur between the nores took up their positions on the fathers are invited will commence at tation.' In a semi-circle above the two classes will be the relay obstacle east bank, and the freshmen went to 10 o'clock this mor'ning on Ferry fi-ld figure of the head, are the eleven men- race. For this, three teams of 10 men the west. The first tug, between the when the underclassmen meet "In the bers of the team; depicted as holding each have been chosen from the class lightweights, as won by the sopio- annual Spring games. up the honor of their Alma Mater, the es. Each race will count one points .;torits, after a -hard. fiht of 12 min- Several luncheons will be given at spirit of knowledge and truth seated the winner of two out of three to re- utes. the Union in honor of the visitors, on a throne. Below this is the follov- ceive a point toward the final score After the first tug, the two classes after which they may witness the ing 'inscription: "In Memory of Ber- of the games. A quarter-mile course changed hanks, the sophomores going Illinois-Michigan track meet at 2:30 narcl Kirk, For His Successes on the has been laid out, and the runners Ito the west bank, and the freshmen o'clock. Fathers will be admitted to Football Field-And For His Good will be required to overcome the us- to the east. The second was won by the event by banquet ticket while stu, Fellow'ship-But Especially For H'is ua obstacles of barrels and 10-fot the freshmen, in less than three min- dents will be required to show thihI Manliness. Class of 1923. barriers. ' rutes. ' During this tug, according to Athletic books. It is anticipated that there will be "Horse and Rider" New G the council conmittee, flagrant vio- Fathers will be welcomed as visi- no formal unveiling of the memorial The second contest is new to 1:thi lations of the regulations occurred. tors to any classes in the literary or this year, lue to the uncompleted state first and second year men. It is the' The third tug, which was to have professional colleges. Tours will be of the Field House. It is possible, "Horse and rider" game, introduced been between the heavyweight teams conducted through several laborator- however, that the tablet will be placed tihis year to take the place of bag of the two classes, never officially oc- ies and shops. Campus guides, who on exhibition in the library during the fight, used last year. For this, 15 curred. A horse was procured by will conduct visitors about the cam- next two weeks. I teams of two men each have been chos- the freshman class, and attached to pus, may be secured at any time at Mr. Angell, the designer and sculp- en from each -of the opposing class^s. their end of the cable. The sopho- the office of the Dean of Students. ftor of the tablet, is a nephew of for- One man of each team is to act as iores then came to the aid of their rater Jresident James B. Angell. He "horse" and the other as "rider". They team, and pulled the rope across the received his art education at the Clii- will line up in parallel lines and meet, river before the pistol was fired. Af- A6 FUND S INSUFFICIENT scago Institute of Arts, and became the side capturing the' largest numn- ter procuring the rope, the second director of the clay modeling depart- her of horses and riders by the spedi- ye-ar men marched to Hill auditorium 0 P aent last semester. j fled time being declared the winer. in a body, and dispersed. The third event which is the rohpe- ",nd iser " Ftying contest, and is already familiar ln t itstnein to the sopol omore class Will give ev- Itaigtscioinhrwgou LOW TO'TA OF $111 it iLt g ahMMITeEE ,FORerybody a chance to-get into the fight. the results of the tug-of-war from th NECESSITATE ANOThER Mnen on both sides will be provided scor of the Spring games, the Coun- CAM i IPA IGN FA w im i Vt i i with ropes. The class having the aciicommittee declared that it haC 1Ie U 31 i L N ilargest numiber of opponents tied up placed the responsiblity for the con- Tag Day receipts this year fell far and in pens by the end of the period'duct of the. games with the classes. It below the mark set last year. The WILLIAM KRATZ, '24E, SELECTED will be declared the winner of the had procured promises of co-operation tags sold during the two days netted GENERAL CHAIRMAN OF event. frony both of the classes and front the fresh air camp fund $490. In PRODUCTION All men who aie to act as officials their leaders. The committee points addition, fraternity, sorority, and lea- for the games are asked to meet at out that, since the agreements of the gue houses have turned in $386, al- William C Kratz, '24E, has been the south end of the Chemistry build- classes were not lived up to, the con- though a number of houses have not chosen general chairman of the com ;ng at 9:15 o'clock this morning.,"-'' tests cannot be considered as a par yet sent in the money obtained for mittee which is to have charge of men, and members of Sphinx, Trian- of this year's Spring games. the tags. The gift of $715 of the J- next year's Union Opera. According gles, Vulcans, and Druids will be the Hop committee swells the fund to to the new system for the government officials. Must Show Correct Time $1,591, but this amount will not be of the Opera, the general chairman Hartford, Conn., May 11 (By A..) sufficient to run the camp and it is of the committee will be assisted by I The public display of any but stand- during summer scoto cllect four men who are not to have anyL and time is forbidden under penalty dngsufne s.,t definite tasks, but are to rotate in U MU L UIIIIU of $100 fine by a bill which has passet The Tag Day program was carried their service on the various commit- the legislature, and now is awaiting out by a committee Coposed of Paul tees.'r action by the governor, who is ex Goebel, '23 , general charmsaP; Hugh Eugene L. Dunne, '25, John Brom- peced to approve it. Duffield, '24, Tag Day, Max Schrayer,ey'25, tEdwin Ritchie, '24E, and Bar- '23E; fraternities, Marion Murray, '24, old Martin, '25, are the men who will C. H. Lang, '15, assistant mhianager of sororities, A. J. Parker, '23, advertis- assist Kratz, while Cass Hough, '25, the publication department of the Gen- E e s ' The inig, A. B. Connable, '25 , publicity. will act as an alternate of the as- cnpam xiifi iiAii ivne - ntdn le , demandct. sistants. Marion B. Stahl, '25L, will eral Electric company will be iIn An Student leaders are in demand fbr 'o ulct n e Arbor today to interview all seniors 'Week-End the Summer Fresh Air camp which (have charge of publicity, and Leo't is 'to be held at Patterson lake. M. A. Franklin, '24, will have charge of who may be interested in non-tech- Ives of Ann Arbor has donated a tract the programs for the Opera. ' nical opportunities with the coin- SATlRDAY petition . Initrap milk fund. . need support even Room was made for 100,000 pesons uI if that many care to sec Jebs Willard ball ecatie in tI try to pirove his claim of pugilistic dthevcomietition of fitness against Floyd Johnson, a prom- ,, issing youth of 22 years, aMd Firpo, team.m ," the Argentine, against Jack MacAul- tA cde thet iffe, a Detroit youngster, who never by the Arca e the has been floored for the full count, meeting. The together with three other contests. therogram. w A great block of seats has been re- acted as chairman. served by society folk and another set aside for city and state officials. Thou- sands of general admission seats to be sold at the arena will be placedICOMMITTEE on sale at ten o'clock tomorrow morn- ing. Sale of other seats had passed $300,000 at noon today.6 I Ordered to Leave Ruhr ck , ne sai'. you more than in foot- hat sport you have f individual against of team against Author,' turnished ater, concluded the Var-sity hand and preesnt throughout 'rence W." Snell, '23, .POSTPONES N "RSHNG Karlsruh~e, May 11 (By A. 1.)-Chue Action on the men connected with Rail Inspector Wirth, brother of the the rushing of theaters Wedneday1 former German chancellor, has been was postponed by the University dis- given until Sunday by the French to ciphine committee at their meetig leave the.Ruhr district. yesterday afternoon. The committee A it the unu ploy the. last ily tive cdan any sity decided not to take action on any of the names until a full report was submitted by the committee of the rch tects'Party Decorations, Student council. The names of the two senior stu- Depict Life In Ancient E f gypi dents who were arrested in connec- tion with the affair were put on the list to be acted on with the other names which will be brought up. The cpletc with compositions showing painting, gold beating and working, #committee adjourned until early next arts of Egypt, and reflecting the and pottery working. #week, when it is expected the full isual interest taken in recent ex- Attractiveness was lent to the party student council committee report will rations on the Nile, decorations rt by the music which was furnished be available. annual Architects May party, held by The Pasadena Ten orchestra from The committee appointed by the ; h n California. The favors of the evening Student council continued its investi- s sniehtcel Barbour gymnasium cas- were King Tut vanity cases with gations yesterday, interviewing men. surpassed in excellence, attrac- clever Egyptian designs on their cov- known to be connected with the affair ness, and coloration' those of any ers.' The programs were hand paint- and collecting evidence which will be ce held this year, and those nI ed by the women architect students, submitted to the discipline committee. dance ever held at the Unix-er- containing hieroglyphics and pictures The work is progressing rapidly and ,I of appropriate hue. An act of novel- every effort is being .made to bring of 170 acres, of which 50 is virgin The executive committee which has chare o theannal rodutio co- parry. forest, for the site of the camp or- charge of the annual production con- A comprehensive business course ganized for poor boys who would not sists of the president of the Union, Aor comeensves ius ing cors othrwie b abe t spnd utdor:the general chairman of the Opera,! for college graduates is being con-- otherwise be able to spend outdoor tegnrlcara fteOea ducted by the company. In this way_ vacations. A number of students have committee, the general manager of dtedebyothescompng mn th way signified their intention of going to the Union, and the president and an- I an endeavor is being miade to train ithe camp as leaders, but ten more other representative of Mimes d fa- ist rowminelectrical industry will be required. Men are needed who matic society. This group will have a seng sletrial industy. will be able to stay during the whole charge of the Opera throughout its Any seniors who arewithretehd can period of the camp which will be entire trip which will include 15 ci- arrange for an inter thog Ro, from :Tune 26 to August 8. This time tks, among them, Philadelphia, Wash- ert ienke, 22, by telephoning 1460,I .nn~nrnttr nn Spring Games. Illinois Track Meet. Fathers' Day banquet, Watch for The Daily Extra The Daly Nvill publish an ex- tra this afternoon in which full returns of the Illinois-Michigan track meet at Ferry field, the