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May 11, 1923 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-11

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W~~tYiiI11Gets YYM wiReal Chnce TE iS.ME

~1eet I111nois Saturday and iowa~
Tond ay hi Big Ten nam~ues;
Jialamnazoo Tuesday

Against. nin I ~H[l N
" I ~Slow Matches Cha1,racteril
T,; of 'Wolerine Raw


Oneo of the nlost ipotant trips of
he season far the Varsity nine will
egin at 3 o'clock tis afternoon when
ach Rlay Mlher and 15 0: his co-
arts entrain for Urbana to meet the
!Ifni, anti later to battle the Haw-
yes at Iowa City. F7rom the showing
y Iowa In the 10 inning game played
g iist'the Wolverines last Monday
fternoon on iFerry field and the
tength of the Indians who have turn-
d all of their Conference games into
ins with the exception of one con-.
et with Iow~'the Wolverine record
offar his, season may meet ruination
nless the Maize and Blue warriOr
yep on their toes every minute of
ay. A single error may spell deeat
nl recession to second place in the
loferenco standing.
4akson Illifi Choice
CoachCarl Lundgren will probably
e Jackson, the'Illinois twirling ace,
thne''noid ag nst Michigan. If
abksont is In form hei will be at hard
an for Liverance to heat and his
fgging teammates are counted "n to
ve him almost =perfect ackig. Ift
Wngs Pdrn out ag they ought tothe
ontest will resolve itself into one o
it 'gratest - Litcing -'Battles of ine
onferen ce seascon. If th iiondsmn
an't come across a slugging mat % h
tight to result.
Liveraiuce £or Michigan
LIverance is counted upon to, dis-
ay his old time fort n md keep the
dians guessinig whenthey tae their
irs at bat. In case the v reran We!1-
rlue twirler Isn't up, to oerm, the
ach is taking along four other pitch-
s including Gibson and O'Hara, who
Lin finish the game. It is expected
at Livy will be in form however and
bsen~ and O'Hara can e save for
e other Conference game on Nlon-
ow a. will have a good chance to get
avenge for her defeat at the hands of
ie Maze and Blue when the Varsity
[alts. Iowa Cty Monday, afternoon.
Arshall will 'probably be the magai
iosen to pitch against Michigan. In
e game last. Monday the Hawkeye
iirler )Itched a ,steady game of ball
fr nine innings and he might have
on his game if he had been given
eo chance. With a friendly crowd in
e grandstands he can be -cunted
pon to ,fool the eemy batters..
Altht~agh Feather Winter's return has l
[ndered the squad to some extent the
free games played last week gave
eo team a lot of good drill in team-
'ork and batting and ~ two day' let-
awn in "training may help 1q prepare
io team for the two hard contests this
mnode t
Tile Vrsity will have a hard tme
Imetting itself to the loss of Bob
node who was declared inligible for
[rther participation in Conference
Jletics, yesterday afternoon. Shack-3
.ford will be switched to first b~4
d Kln will fill in at the right field
Wetern State Normal will be met
uesday~ afternoon on 'the homeward
ipi in wht will undoubtedly prove to
a practice game, and the following
eek( end will 'be taken up by a two
ime series with the powerful Mn-
otr, nine.
Seeks; to Bar Hereditary Titles
Lo0no May°1-(By A.P.)-Arthur
onsanb , Shefieeld, Labor Par t e-
r of Parliament, though of aristo-'
atic lineage, introduced a bill to
ave Comnmons terminate hereditary
tes, barring heirs and heiresses from
icceeding to nobility; he said many
era wanted to renounce their titles.

With all the matches cli
by slow play, Michigan's to
defeated the racquet w~ielde
negie-Tech yesterday a ft e
Ferry field by winning five
j matches played.
'Tesnowfall of the tw
dlays rende~redth lacoa
for Varsity play, causing th
10 toJ: played on the cor~crE
a iact which was directlyr
foa. Theslow planyin- of hoth
jIn the initial matchi of
noon, "Chuck" Merkel defe
Lini Schwartz, who playe
one for the visitors, in twc
6-2. In the next match 0't
Carnegie, defeated Captain
!Michigan, in three close
'-6, 6-3.
Jerome, of Michigan, defe,
auer, of the losing team, i
played match of the day's cc
by, winning the secondi twc

B iggestHubbard may enter bo0th the Ihigh
and low hurdle races and his only ma-te
Tomorrow Wit GilsIndians1 in the low wyill be Loomis. The duhsky
star may have to run alone in the high Thtem whc wilpy nI
ftDERS ~ ~~~~~~~sticks but he is sure.'to enter in th~e iiatc sre oth fati'
;Coach Harry Gill brings his Illini who has been Charlie's closest rival broad jump.. He may estafish a roe-hrsso itigtunaet.l
EayW track team here tomorrow "when 'thee all season. The Illinois time for the oru i optiinwl o e' ben change 'i, Bcta Phi Delta r lac:,
Luet ,men of they Orange and B3:-ae meet mile is 4: 26 and Reinke, if he does this hta~le n mt ilhvepa ap eaPi~ h te
set ~Steve .irrell~s Varsity runners in event, will see enough competition, keen competitionta iniintheebfgst jump
I iehas Ibekaneavs eancheretiolvein te fhnghmayhseeAll gaies of the first round iuiiit,
what shoul4 prove to be the greatest The two playedhandItbellsandeDavisnen-
LET oudoo dual meet of the West this tered and this looks like a Michigan sm xieetaoeteodnr.ocoktmro ih
-8 PLAYED sesnnwa ane na-eetathuhteScesmy sprn and the same is trle for 'the pole1
No, matterinwamanrnat a surprise but it is doubtful with vault for Brownell, of Illinois, is the Chnshaeenmaeilhy
iaracterised tempt is made to dope the results of Isbell running if first place willn o I man who placed first at Drake with' campuis horseshoe etarcmtournm ent l
ennis team' the meet, the score is so close that to the Orange and Blue.;I
aAeanfg2ieternhe. rssr_ tarted yesterday, Rex-Schlifer, 751-
ers of Car-, even oie third place may change the Agr, of Illinois, will have things rk will plossibly be in shape to vault n replacing Fcinsinger-Alan. R,
ernoon at path of victory for either team. Downriy w wyi hejvln nB e - lrooker has found) a pole that he can Shle,71W wl m~ ~
of the sixj in Urbana they speak ,of Michiigan'si ond place looks like Michigan with 1-ue IfBok)iabetgt seclmdt120,inheirton.
"Wonder Team" in grim tones and VnLand dnowski heaving close to 180 feet. tI Booer sandle oet ' c d chmatY~id the ll-campusthe ir4 P~un
"o prcwious toihishasenstpoledandderosmir's parileshatchesain thes All-campo his new pa
i prvios Gll as nstlle a etemind siritVanOrdn soul tae frstin he hotwill stand tCie strain, which is likely. singles and double's must he played
rts usel~ess =into his men that has been equalled'1 and if Hiniles and Heath are right dr oBlyFlo'Jcrflwr,#5c"coktmro ih.demthsol yte anri vici7rp~ ihgnmyslmi hseet h
ete eccurt, makes his football players fight until discus is an eceigydoub'tfuil Bonll.haie wl ppearmoe
responsible'tels wite event. Hunter and Brooker may be or less slim. By virtu? of the many requests.
ih tel. n at bostersu h nia asialet1lc utteIln aefil 1linois' chances rest in the cdashes, ,f~Lculty tennis tournamn~t, entr:
the after- stronmahenew hndmade atotee tottaku
and that is that Coach Harry Gill 'ha stofongwherelandvaresdopedeto takenpossibly in the6hurdlesoandsin acouple c
eated Cap- never lost a dual meet to the Wol- first and second. The hammer throeftefedeet.A xednl omc,26.A ona ceue
lenen nudmberximtverine acord ;Hee rra.. th trnment wiltl
a nubrvrnsHehas been doing his utmost is also ) doubtful but oneI thing is cer- lnetadapocmt cr cod earnetetun
o sets, 6-4, this past week in order that his recordi taim, and that is that 'Sam hill will inr oahriddpn a h ialudra.Aseilcuta e
'Connor, of ~have to tro btter than 137 fret if resu)lt something like 70 to 61 iii nthe ficeld will be re:served for all chn
'Conncr, ofi will not be spoiled tomorrow. It ' I.onro )C.L n orine's favor. Ic: th~is contest.
Rorchofihe would have Illinois take :first.r
sets, 7-5, seems as thonig, Michigan has the edgE ineadScmhveben- t-how- - --
on paper as to the number of first ________andSchmidhave_,bee____how
-places but Gill's hope is to place ing groat form this past. week u~id . - -
ated 1-aus- Ihere again (Iill'C )w.- .may suiffer.
[n the best !enough seconds and thirds to atone. ___________________
:ompetition, Captain Paul Sweet, of the Illini, pull-~
ro -ia~hS ed a tendon when he helped to C' a r ,- .. - wf E < .- "a z.


MMs' ] 1
F .T J r .. - y rC..

AOI ileip.

1 merican
R 1H1E
Boston....... ........... 7 11 1
Chicago..........9 14 3
Ellerton, Quinn, Black, Murry,
'Odoul; Rue!, Faber, Schalk
Philadelphia.........10 13 4
St. Louis ..... . .......7 10 2
Hast, Harris, Roni mel, Perkins;
Danforth, Kolp, Bayne, 'Root, sever-

I86 -,after he had lost the first 36. tablish a world's record in the quar-
Kline made it three out of the four~ ter mile, relay at Drake and thoughl
singles for the Maize and Blue when he is# expected to 'run Saturday; lhi5
lie defeated Keil, 9-7, 6-2.; form may not be at its best.
Merkel and Rorich -won a slow j Trio ini Century
doubegmatcp mtain Schwa tondrsh o- }amItBu rbe, ndGoateritwill,-Ca-
duesgmatcpmtanShevstondrsho-I tisBrobableGothaterittma"11a
all, 6-2, 7-5. Michigan took the final the century dash for Michigan. Bur-
match for the Wolverines when Kline ke has always shown better time out-
'and Zemon defeated O'Connor and doors than in and last year turned in
Illausauer,1-6, 6-47 6-3. a time of 10 flat in the dual meet with
SChicago. Wittman and Goldwater canI
RU H KEdo 10 seconds in competition and it
St. Louis ............ .. 7 14 2 is likely that Ayres, of Illinois, will,


New York
Pen nock,
ton, Boone

... . . . 13
... . . . . . . 4
Scha~ig; lE dward,


Philadelphia ....... ........0 4'1
Doak, Stuart; Ainsm~jth, Meadows,
New York-No game, Cold weather.;
Students Forfeit- Athletic Rooks
'More than 25 athletic books have
been taken up'by the Athletic Associa-
tion from those persons who were not
Iusing them iWthe right mnmner. There
is a contract on _the cover of each
book to which all students pledge
themselves when they accept the book
and if' this contract is violated the
book is forfeited and the owner is
reported to the University Disciplin-
ary committee. There are others who
have not been caught and the asso-
ciation is on the lookout for them.

be hard pressed and chances are that
he may fail to take first. Burke, Gold-I
water, an~d Martin will do the 220 .andI
the rate that Martin has been ,going'
the past 'fw days indicates that Gill
will be at fault to reckon without m
Joyner, Seimonsz and ?Martin, and]!
possiblyr Thonma' w ill run the quarter
and in this event, as in the 220, the
Illini may be surprised.. Steve ex-
pects to slam in the half, mile for
Reinke, I-attendorf, Roesser, aiid
Cushing have yet to meet their Equals
as a; team. Reinke may run in the
mile with Bowen and that ,would leave,
the burden in the half to Hattendorf'

b Norie Michaigan men play
SBilliards tlin is the case
lah any otter American~ or
'gy ForeIgn . Uhilversity. This 't
W has been true now for a
r" period of nearly twenty V4
years. Tho reason- -
. Lf . t! -
Flw y l.,.N~c SZ ,*itryYo treast You i%

The Pennsylvania Railroad System, will have a nunmber of
desirable positions in their shops for students this summer. The
work will cover a large range of locomotive repairs a will
offer a wonderful opportunity for shop experience. The rate
of pay in any position while learning will be the samie as paid
to the regular workrnei' of the sam*ie occupa~tion.
Students desiring further information will please see a'
representative in room '306 Michigan Union from 3 P. M. to
7 P. M. today or write


C. B'. GRAY,
'Master Mechanic P.. R. R.
1 t 5j Lib~erty Ave.,
Pittsburgh, Pena


game;. Cold weather,.-

Cincinnati . :...... ...4 14 4
Boston.......... .3 S 0
Pt xey, *Uargrave; McNamara, 0'-


"'""" '


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Guaranteed from ecracing; or burning out. 'Sometheing new.
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$5.00 Gillette Razors, Cold Plated........................ $1.0S
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for valuable Premiums.
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ThAA Wtfat hfnn


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