THE MICHICAN DAILY __ __ T'S GOING ON OTmALCNE ipy for this column sboldl - ted by :i::30o~'clock of FOUR CONTESTANTS IWILT efore publication. IN FIRST ATKINSO COMPETITION 1800 words. ean NV. R. Ilumprey 11''0I_ Eich. Mr. G. E. Deflsfllr Jx. Carlton Wells, Mr Ralph Carson TOO U d ge.Y asAUTO AC ml' E-Co IIbMtt lay be4 LSPEARa ti H { 1 ti 91G 00-Itobet iie rkr %%IIIlbeill "Studenit Character,.for 'World Cit- room 302 of the Union to interview izenship, Spiritual and Moral"' Will be' the subject of the orations in the first seniors interested in General ElecAtisnM ora:rtrclcnet ., tric company's business tr-aining Akno eoiloaoia ots course." He will be theroeal day to be held at 8 o'clock this ev- ~'1- :15--Law faculty lanch in prda. ening in 'University Filail. T['his nmemor- dining room of the Unon ial has been established by dir. Orie C. 4:00-Denn's adisory comxnlitee Atkinson of Battle Creek in memory meeting in Dean lfinger's offic e, of hi,. son, C. Maurice Atkinson, '22, University hal. who met a tragic death In ani auto- 3i:15-Sophiomores meet at Waternian mobile accident just prior to con- ,. gymnasium to get ropes and form in mencement last year.' line for the march to river. A yearly testimonial of $50 and a 3:15 a-MeetIng of the officials for the gold medal have been given to the - Spring-Games in back of the Ohein- {public speaking department by Mr. At- istry building. kinson to be presented to the victor,- 3:30--Spring Games-Tug-of- var. in each year's contest. Thy~ contest_'; 6:40-Rlellburn dinner In ladles' din- ants who will. compete for the prizes ing room of the Union. are Horace W. Glasgow, '24, NormanI 7 :30-Phlel meeting lit room 302 of B. Johnson, '25, Belford V. Lawson the Union. '24; and Melvin H. Spencer, '25, all 7 :30--Alphia \Nuineeting on fourth of whom have won places in the past floor of Vniversity hall. mr extemporaneous speaking con- U.' S. L. STORAGE BATTERIES ar e the best for your radio outf it i I i I- i 1 r1 Rentals 25c a day i I f!I I} 1 it 11 FOR THE UNiMIERSALCAR 6 a. m. to midnight ser vice OLDSMOBILE -CARS TIRES A ND)A UTO AMCES-' SOIIIES OF ALL1ILNDJS A A I ECONOM Y GARAGE -SHLEY ANT HIIUJO N High-Grade Lubricant '16 I1 '20 '20 '16 '16 '21. Ford{ Ford, Ford' Ford' Ford Ford Ford Coupe .. Touring,. Touring . Touring . Touring. Chassis. Runabout. # 5** * 0 * 9 . . 9 " i.. " " 9 " " " " " ! " ! '." f. .80 '$50o .$1(10 .$150 . $50 $40 s$50 .s$80 Use 0 * 0 5 09 0 * * 0 :a-Pep in -e ig in h.11111 alrlunt. tests. 7 :30-Yarsity band meet', 11111' audio - torium, wear uniforms. 9 :00-Arcitects ball at Barbour gyo'-' nasiunm. S :OQi--Pythagoileans meeting inroom' 304 of the Union. SATURDAY4 91:15--Spring Gaines. 2:0-1arslty Nand jmeets, Lanz hal The oration is not to exceed 0 9 9 5 * 0 0 9 9 i White Star 0 0 9* * * * * * *9 * 0 WALK-IOVER. I1 Motor Your choice of 25 other cars from $50 to $150 Oils Ho' SO', PLATT wear uniforms.! 2:30-Track mect, AMichigan v-s. I1- linois at Ferry field. 5::30--Banquet for Father~s lna ssem,, bly hall of the Union. - at Ford Sales and Service: PHONE 727 Alt )I:Ihotioa ~_ p___________________________ - IM-AOTICE S Tb'lose inteiested In summer empl~oy-' ment should see Henry C. Egerton who will be in Dean Bursley's office, University hail, from 9 to 11 -o'clock this morning. Ther e will also be someone to speak to those interested in surnmer work Sin room 306 -at 3 and 6 o'clock to- day. Soniors Interested in the business4 traiing course in non-technical subjects given by the General Elec- trio comnpany- should consult Robert Wieneke either -byr phone, 1460, orl by seeing him in room 302 of thel Union an afternoon this week. Stag tickets for the Senior bell, Fri.i dlay, May 18, may be obtained from -William Galbraith, 604 South State street. Ile has also a limited num-! ber of couple tickets left. Pi c e Wo ' lc s RurParis, M arch 10-(By A.P.)-Poin- catre -refused ,to make -statement in foreign policy or discuss the Ruhr;' lie asked the Chamber to, postpone._ Ruhr discussion indefinitely, snaking Sit .a question of confidence; vote, 498, -to 78. - 1 Low beeL Finest of satin. Light but sturdy sole, of $8.50 Michigamua Oil Co. -I PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTI SERS- r i LowI-Ic! ati Pups f F -i I . i The mod' rni nA's far::)Ite is the low- heel, satin pu .L l5 ere L "The Pet,"~ suitable for street wear, dress wear, sport wear, lIong wear, anywhere. See how Walk-Over skill makes satin pumps that really fit ! Your Choice - r: : , ®: I I FI I OF ANY OF THESE Fords., .Dodges, USER CAR BARGAINS Chevrolets, Buaicks, Nash and Reo PRICES RANGE FROM $25 UI 4 . *, { ., t "N a4: 115 S. Main St: Ann Arbor Sales Cole 1 he Price' ot INNER. TUBES AND SHOES For all sizes of autos here. All of standard make. All gi anteed by the.- manufacturers. All with splendid records mileage service. Tried and true tires 'are the only kind handle and the only kind you can affod to use on your -IRWIN M. CLEMENTS 117. .'WASHINGTON ST. e , l ', What's ,What For Golf Sweater jackets Very Smart A sweater jacket gives with every move- ment of your body. Made of tweed, alpaca and brushed wool in brown, tan and gray. Smart look- ing. $6.50 to $8.50. lip: t / T o-.trosers r. VACUUM CUP TIRES Ccessr Your Car Should Ha' has not beenp advanced this spring in. Washtenaw county.. Buy your tires now« as the prices are very ow, for prices will surely advance in the future. I Knic, ers Are Vernon J.,McCrumb 11i3.115 8. AMILEASTREET Distributor for Pecnnsylvania TVacmuni .6p Tires A Light, Durable ax Adjustable Visor E sen ial W H E T HE R it's golf, hiking} or some other sport that you're in- terested in you'll want knickers. In tweeds,' ov- erplaids and English mix- tures. $6.75 to $8.50. Plain White as to Shirt 'THERE'S a ne w --Manhattan shirt. of White Oxford cloth here that's particularly' well suited to- golf wear.' It has its wvhite collar at- tached. $3 Golf Hose Are ,Fancy suits, $45 S~i inawAutoEXIDiE BATTERIES. --------- widlca n be fitted to bot hopeii anld closed it is umade of can be lmnd either in the blue or green,, and Is albsolutely guo not to, break or crack. It iprotects t1e eyes against sun-glare-serves time purpose gles, and at tk3 5:same time adids to the appearance of the car rents being, blinded by dazzling headlights-thus adverting da ,idents. It '1lso aids in keeping rain and~ snort fronm the -wlndlshield. a standard price- of $7.15. T HAT extra pair means cx- Sac tly double the wvear yTou'd ordinarily get. When this feature is combined with H art., Schaffner& Marx qual- ity and style you're certain to be satisfied. DJODGE I3ROTIERS To Relies US~D CARS That Back 1919g DODGE BROTHERS TOURING All Dodge Bi~otiers used cars are lout in first.- class condition in our shops before sold. Strain Other suits, $25 to $53.5 0 1922 FORD COUPE This dribver's seat cuhion is specially designed to elinimuate the ache that most people acquire after a long drixe at the 'wheel. of a high quality leather, strong In texture, yet yielding enou give comfort and ease. uiniall colors to match the upholstery. C 4:'R I) ca ilga (1!n-nl nr Low mileage and in good condition-almost a111 good as new. I