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May 11, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-11

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-- - -

* -.t .

i Daily

shed every morning except M'onday
he University year by the Board in
of Student Publications
era of Western Conference Editorial

The Associated Press is exclusively en-
:led to the use for republication of all news
ispatches credited to nit or not otherwise
edited in this paper and the local news pub-;
Ied therein. .
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
ichigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-.
rh Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi.
ess, 960.
Communications not to exceed 300 words
sigh-ed. the sirznature not necessarily toj
pear in print, but as an evidence of faith,
id notices of events will be published in
hr Daily at the discretion of the 1i'ditor. If
ft at or mailed to The Daily office. Un
fned commnuications will receive no con-
deration. No manuscript will be returned
less the wvritcr encloses postage. The Daily.
ics not necessarily endorse the sentiments.
pressed in the communications.
Telephones 2114 and 176-31
ews 1?ditor...............:...Paul Watzel
ity Editor ..............ames B. Young
ssistant City Editor.........J A. Bacon
ditorial Board Chairman. ... . eiss
,;-ht Editors-
Ralph yrers harry lToey
I.. J. Il(o1-hdorfer 1. C. Moziarty
11. A.-Donahue 3. E. Miackn
rrt Fdrit r.......... Walla-e F. Elliott
aoen's aEdittrr.............Marion Koch
Qnda ' Magazine Editor ... .1. A.Donahlue
usic Editor........... .I:. 11 Ailey
mor Editor ....... uckley C. Robbins
Editorial Board
owell Kerr Maurice Berean
'aul instein Eugene. Carmichael,

The accusation has been frfquently
made that Michigan spirit wanes withr
the coming of the first signs of spring,
that it is only fully aroused during
the brief season when football calls
everyone to his feet. This fact is
obviously untrue as one can observe
at any baseball game, but it remains
for the student body to demonstrate
to the members of the Varsity track
team tonight that they are staunchly
supporting them in the events which
take place at Ferry field on Satur-
Turn out tonight with all your en-
thusiasm and let Coach Farrell and
his men know that you are there.
The art of correct reading is some-
thing which any student should be
more than glad to acquire. A major-
ity of college students do not make
the most of their reading opportuni-
ties; they spend many hours thumbing
the pages of the latest short story
magazines, special preference always
being given to the magazine that runs
the wor.st trash in its columns. Onl
the other hand, there is the college
grind, a somewhat rare specimen
these days, who devotes his spare'
reading time to a perusal of the
weightiest articles on file in the li-
brary with never a thought of adding;
a trace of variety to his education
by reading a throbbing novel of the
Canadian northwest.
Even with thew duous scholars who
read the long dry passages of the7

A L L 8 W UN ()"1 0 1

(lDaily lilini)
"Fi(gets" is the case made out
against the American people by Dr.
"M. V. O'Shea of the University of
Wisconsin. The doctor made out a
bad case of restlessness against the
.American public but did not, accord-
ing to all accounts prescribe a rem-
bdy for the malady.
It is true that the people of this


Ura ham 's
2101h ,fnds of the Diagonal






This is a cut of the first landing of
Napoleon at Cadillac square. It was
secured by our trusty camera man,
only at the risk of losing a leg (the
man's), by the ferocious attack of the
Laputans, who resorted to a special
form of 3-in-I oil which they inserted
in a slingshot and let it fly at the
victims. 'The person on the right is
evidently Napoleon's attendant, Has-
san-Ben-Ai, while the individual on

standard works,
be a craving for
No special harm

there must at
a short snappy
can come from

times the left is Hassan's chief of staff,
story. Varney. The big corporal is just off,
read- the edge of the Picture (apologies to

iley Ii. Armstrong Franklin D. Hepburn
ney Iliclficid Winona A. Ilibbard
;1. flillington Edward J. Iliq-gin's
en Brown Kenneth C. Kellar
C. Clark ' Elizabeth Liebermann.
B. Connahle John McGinnis
aadctte Cote Samuel Moore
lyn I. Coughlin N. 1. -Pryor
ethl Epstein 1V. B. Rafferty
I. Fiske Robert G. Ramsay
ii Garliughouse ..f V.I 1 w1
ter S. Goodspeed- So.l J. Schnitz
tia Goulder 1hiliAp M, Wagnez
mid IIalgrim
Telephone 960
crtising ..............John J. I1-anel, Jr. l
crtising ..............Walter K. Scherer
'ecrtising......Lavrclnce 11. I'avt
ication ..............Edward F. Conlin
ywriting.............David J. N. Park
ulation.............Townsend 11. -Wolfe
ousts..............T.Beaumont Parks
ry MT. Iayden %Win. HT. Good
gene 1. Duope Clyde L. Hagerman'
p. (' -ikin 11cnry 'Freud
L. Putman Clayton Pur'y
I). Armantrout J. I. Sanzenbacher
iam 11..Reid, Jr. Clifford Mitts
oll I hale T hotva; McEachren
n. D. Foesser Louis M/. Dexter
an S. Morton C. Wells Christie
ocs A.' Dryer EdAyNrd B3. Reidle
rbert W. Cooper
FRIDAY, MAY 11. 1923
i)A 4S) OF 1C1 HIGAN

ing a red hot story right off the press'
provided it is not taken seriously;
people need a little something to add
zest to the monotony of their exist-,
ence. Still, the person who spends
practically all his time reading de-
tective stories, the scandal sheets of
the newspapers, and books that have
been suppressed, is doing himself a
great deal of harm. There is a dan-
ger that the reader will take such
material too seriously. It is neces-
sary to examine light fiction with a
critical eye.- The ideal reader con-
Sentrates on the best works in the
field of literature, but he keeps be-1
fore him the ever present aim of
improving his education by reading
upon a variety of subjects.
There is an ever increasing ten-
dency on the part of students to.ig-
nore the best literary works for ab-
solute trash. The fault lies in the
home training and secondary schoolj
education which the student receives
before coming to college. The desir-
ability of appreciating fine writing,

Optic). It cannot be doubted that
the historical value of this phato-"
graph is inestimable. If you want'
any more of these cuts write to Mr.-
of Sears-Roebuck & Co. .
Wild Irish Rose.
I asked a Wisconsin fellow
When they had their Spring Games,
He answered in accents mellow,
"We leave it up to the dames."
* * 0
Dl ary of the Swinger
Well I went to all my classes to-
day. No, first 'I got up and believe
me, horace, that was a job. Well
a1s 1 said before, I went to all my
classes, except those in the morning.
My professors were as h.1ppy as
usual. to see me and welcomed me
with their usual, cheery, "Are you
aware of the fact that this class be-
gins at 6:00 A. M. and not 8:19?"
Apologizing for my apparent tardi-a
ness at my first class, I scurried to

country are more restless, more eag-
er to change their positions and status
than the people of other civilizedI
countries? The fluctuating financial
situation both locally and nationally,
the change in the purposes or profes,
sion of an individual and the care-'
free independence of the average per-
son seems to suggest that this state-
ment might be so.I
Foreigners visiting this country and
natives who travel in foreign coun-I
tries will generally testify to this
truth. Perhaps there is a reason for
this dissatisfied spirit of Americans.
In the first place the constantly in-
coming immigrants bring about a con-
stant change in labor conditions
which reflects indirectly on almost?
every individual employed in indus-
trial production.
One of the foremost factors in sta-
bilizing the interests of the English,
French andr Italians is the love of tra-
ditivans and respect for time-honored'
customs. America is perhaps build-
ing up a few traditions but it has
only 300 years of grovth back, of
it as compared to three of four times
that length of time in England. Amer-
ican soldiers visiting England often
offend English comrades by speaking
lightly of such renowned exhilbits
as crown jewels, a'ncient statues and
other treasures dear to the English
heart. Mt. Vernon and Bunker hill
mean less to us than similar memor-
ials in other countries. We would'
require centuries of mellowing to
mold our customs into monuments of
reverential respect.
Thenbesides, so-iety is not baser
upon the same deeply-entrenched
basis that it is in England and France.
Fortunes here are made and lost in
a day and in similar fluctuations so-
ciety moves up and down again.
Yes, we are a restless people. Rest-
less, with the spirit of youth and wan-
derlust and the desire to find the new
j instead of revering the old, but we are
not careless or irresponsible with
it. We have an arrogant disdain for
tradition and an egotistical opinion
of our own ability. To strike a happy
medium, to come down from our pe-
destal of self-satisfaction and to mod-
erate our restlessness, and, at the
same time to avoid the inactivity and
too ethereal reverence of traditions
that we associate with the English
and French, is the idealistic future
for America.

Are you ALIVE? Use The


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Detroit Limited and Express Cars-~
6:00 a.m., 7:00 a.m., 8:o a.in., 9'.O
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Jackson Express Crs (local stopw
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every two ih Jurs to 9 -7P :n.
Local, Cars Ea $ound--7:oo a.'m.
anc every two hours to 9 :eo p. m.,
x i :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti 'only-tf :4o
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To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bouand-7:s0 a.m.,
To . Jackson and . Kalamazoo--Lirr-
iteti cars 3:47, :0:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47,
To Jackson and Lansing--Limited at
8:47 p.m.

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(No acids used)
Straws, Panamas, Leghorns,
Bankoks and all kinds of hats
Cleaned and Reblocked at low
prices for HIGH CLASS WORK.
Let a "Boot-black" shine your
shoes, but have your hat Clean-
ed aid Reblocked by a Practical
617 Packard Street Phone 171Y
Where D. U. R. Stops at State

'Sport Hats--in th
gli litigl115 E.l
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e wanted colors-for
iate wear.



Schedule in Effect October 8. iTss
Central Tire (Slow Time)
P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.
1:45 7:;......Adrian .... 12:4 8:45
1s 8.ai ... Tecumsc 1 ... 2:15 8:1s
t:3o 8:3o .... Clinton .... iz:oo 8too
t, ~ 9:i3 ..Saline .. 11i:15 '7:tS
;::t q:d. Arnn ArborLv. TO:45 6:45
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
D-Waily. X-Daily except Sundays
and. lolidavs. Lriday and Saturday special
bus for students leaves Adrian t:4.. leave-
Ann Arbor 4:45.
JAMES H. RLLIOTT, Proprietor
Phone 46


Suits with extra Trousers
.o. . o..tateS.

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Sejhool of Music '
11'tice at 1 ES.. 418 N. D1


Liberty St.




Cars leave for Toledo 7:10 A. X.,
1. M. and P. M. Except Sun-
day. Sulidays at 8:00, 11:00 and

The Eberbach & Son Co


is under emphasized by him.
student of today must ftealize

, y
that ! , .

but failed to recite satis-
on the question, "Why is a
arm-pits?" That stopped

bushel of

while lighter ficition may be read
occasionally, it should not comprise
the basis for an education.
Breaking all previous records for
an early publication date, the Michi~-
ganenslan made its first appearance

The University o~f Michigan bids on the campus Monday. The 1923
welcome to the fathers of her stu- 'Ensian may be regarded as a high
dents -who have come to Ann Arbor water mark in the field of college
for the two day entertainment plan- annuals. Each year the student body
ned in their honor. A series of events acclaims the 'Enslan as the best ever
have been arranged which should re- published yet each succeeding year!
call to-the fathers', memories of their witnesses the same praise for the
own exciting school days. The spring year book.
games, track meet, banquet, and Perhaps the most striking featurej
Mimes production comprise the main of this year's publication is the high
features on the- program. This week type of art work in the color plates.
end affair:,offer s busy fathers an op- In addition to the greater number'
portunity teo rfoiet the cares of their of pages the 'Ensian contains many
profession and to indulge in thoughts novel features, including a plate on
.of the old, days when they were en- which are the pictures of Michigan's
giged in class contests, in sprinting All-Americans. .
down the cinder paths, in appearing A college annual is the best record
before the footlights in dramatic pre- of university life that the student can
sentations, in short, the fathers should obtain. An .'Ensian, filled with its
be rejuvenated by their two day so.. pictures of gridiron heroes, banquets,
jobrn on the Michigan campus. dances, athletic contests, quiet nooksf
Many of the visiting fathers are on the banks of the Huron serves toI
Michigan men and they will be espe- bring back to the Michigan man in
cially inte:rested to make an inspec- later . years some semblance of the
tion of the University to note the stu- old spirit of the University.
pendous changes that have taken It, is gratifying to note that the
place within the last decade. Those 1923 'Ensian has furthered the prog-- I
fathers who are not Michigan gradu- ress characteristic of annuals in theI
ates will be more than glad to have past and has been acknowledged 'by
a chance to get a close up view of other college editors as a peer in
the institution which they halve chos-, the realm of university annuals.
en as the educating medium of theIr
sons. A large number of the men in Tickets will be required for partici-
the business world have not had the pation in the Tug-of-War this after-f
time to visit a university for so long noon. Co-operate with the student
that they little realize the revolution- councilmen who are in charge and
ized character of the American uni- abide by their regulations for after
vcrsity. The Fathers' Day plan should all they are of your own making.
prove the means of placing these men
in closer cont ct with present day uni- Four thousand year old Mexican
versity life, ruins, bearing a name something like
Fa hers' Day is destined to become that of the newly revived Egyptian
one -of Michigan's annual affairs and pharaoh -whose name we hesitate to
succeeding years should do much to- mention, has recently been found.
ward making this event a renowned More power to the ancients.
feature of the school year. The Uni-
versity takes great pleasure in wel-; The class of '24 realized that they
coming you, the fathers of .Michigan could render a good service in con-'

me cold. After class I hurried over
to a- lu-nch-room and hastily con-
sumed a breakfast in the manner of
one who hastily consumes a break-
fast. This done I went back home
and hurled myself into old Doc Oste-
moor for a round-robin sleeping tour-
nament. I won.,
Dizzy Pon.
Down in Canandaigua
They teach men how to blow
I can't think of anything to rhyme
with Canandaigua
But if you hear
One of them near
Start in to cheer
Don't you believe that it'- so. y
Franc is,
1 * *
Fathler Day
Fellow frosh., a-word I type to you
About that Dad of curs.
He's spending jack to make us crack
The books for many hours.
A Dad's a pal, at least that's mine.
"He has nothing too good for me."
There's no one else of just his kind.
"A Dad' he'll always be.
When times are hard and things go
For that Dad, you know he'll say
"It's hard, I know, but I'll get along,
I hope, my boy, you're happy today."
Grab your Conklin, some stayshnery
toq -
And let your words be not sad,
"May 'leventh's the day we all want
For that is the day for just Dard."
i OJI'5--- 11 M lzI! !
'Today is the day.
When work is given up for play,
And freshmen-sephom: ore games
Hold sway.
We hope and pray

(Harvard Crimson)
The war made it more than ever ap-
parent that whole masses of people
were being led about by the nose. Men
fought without knowing why they
were fighting; storms of passion arose
out of misapprehension. Therefore
the resolve was taken in the heat of
the battle, that the masses should be
lravened by education, and the men
should be taught to live peaceably
side by side through seeing one an-
other clearly. In the United States
the first material development of this
idea was the formation of the Com-
mittee of One Hundred under the lead-
ership of Elihu Root. Its purpose,
announced early in March, is to bring
to the American voter the "facts
which form the necessary basis of all
sound reasoning upon international
But it was to a school of even
greater scope that the idealists of the
war looked fvrward. They would
found a university somewhere in No
Man's Land where students from
every nation might gather, as in the
famous Mediaeval universities, ex-
change their ideas on God and Man,
and hear the most learned lectures
of every nation. Such a university
would be a clearing house for inter-
national misapprehension.
Fortunately before the calm of
peace has cooled the iron, another im-
portant step in this direction has been
taken,; in this case by law. In The
Hague, the center of neutrality,Tan
acdaemy for the study of international
law is to be founded. To it every
country may send qualified students,I
including diplomatic representatives,
to hear world-famous jurists and
"search together the sea of interna-
tional law". The academy does not

Father will enjoy ,seeig with
what speed well cooked foods
are served at the, MLuc

3 22 South State Street-Next


ITS use




po ssibilities

that you never knew
y existdin your motor

That everything will be
o.. K..
And that not more than
break their necks.


e or six purpose to nourish its members on
long lists of past cases and decisions.
Bunk. Neither is its purpose to hand down
decisions en future disputes, as the
ancient University of Paris' did in

tributing the surplus from the J-Hop * * *
to the S. C. A. fresh air camp. Canes

a S,'

- - & .w - - -- ~A ~ w W - -

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