________ ____ ___ ________THE MICHIGAN. DATLY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . __ .. ........ r' .. . . _ i ESIIMAN sto AlScFigures usthytrthreycrikdendh G ar oy e'shacw u e anner thatreverey poo d i S M N C Sreview a k [ 'emws te.Myteq sotln lD Oin p asethm.Ma te uis oniue ________ [ T. to wag in peace. R. A. B. Grol scrdaohrscesgcyle baseball game little can be said. 3'Po Lcue l eri PEP MEET ~yesterday through the medium of car-It is undoubtedly clever, the box scorewhrBSII etesh ~let Hber. ~ebe Catai Fo icturs ad srcam wen he I-s one of the most inane, foolish, typi- W. V. Bishop, University Librarian, Elec HibertGoeel als alne toricalu mbead srcappeard.then amebendubsheainstat his even! left, yesterday afternoon for Detroit, rfi Gms'Ao-ae Lieuenats Thenam ben pulisedand ll hiseveni werehe eis to deliver a lecture before Lietenntswasrater gainst that number. 1-us- though it is obviously a complete a group of .teachers in Detroit Central tory is too realistic a subject,' too dry fraud. For The Daily could never lose high school, , on the subject, "Books JPPERCIASS-MEN SPEAK, as mode of entertainment to arouse a Gargoyle game, and Manuscipts of the Fifteenth Cen- ASKING FOR F1AIR PLAN much enthusiasm from the averago The poetry is g ood, especially that tuy". H-e will return today. college youth. ~But not so with the little splurge about the storm and the! Hubert Goebel, '26E, was elected issuc. magpie, the jokes are rather above Others are benefltted by the class!- ~atan orte rehmn aesatth~ The cover is characteristically clev- the average, and, the editorials are fleds, why ot' YOQU? -Adv. nga fesmepeh metinnlatnigtt~re , entirely obvious, and delightfully . re~hen ep eetng lst igh inreal. Halsey Davidson, '25, the art -_________________________________ \ewberry Hall in preparation. for the 1st guilty, has used an interesting sub-' ,pring games which start this after-! ject in a manner that typifies the idea Loo. Hs leutnans ae L YIPalof the issue in the way that a cover should. The cover was undoubtedly BernHry akns,1W. H. Heath, 11 appreciated by all those who have I. MilP .BneW . : cifil- studied economics and by others as an, R. F. IHutzell, TD . A.Voss, R.well. fames, I. C. Matheson and A. C. Lith- The historical s'ketches that furnish 'ridge. These men w= ill lead theirthmanprofhewien atr "~s ntegms oa n oo that fills the issue are well, written ow. and exceedingly humerous. They are, H. E. Hubbard, '24E, and Calvin A. in that style so typical of 'college hu-.. 2ampbell, '24E, addressed the fresh- mor publications, "joyous, carefree, ir-' non and explained the games, urg- resistible." nig fair play it all contests and as Of like nature and like good favor ; curing the yearlings of a "square is "The Slip-Shod History of God'sel.Ln"Itassabiitohemd Leal".~~ ir Land" tilaes-.btit h e- Twenty members of the freshman icr ttms n, yes tnutb 'lee clu4 sang the class song,"Michi_ called a trifle slip-shod. But on the~ Realie an's '26i" to the tune of "The Vic- whole, the better qualities that cloth R ' i :orr", aril followed with "Varisity": its formation make these things easily At the close of the meeting the nmen ;lforgotten. " ite routu--wrtaser Of the tw°o pates devoted to that f ats1fch4flf '~ ) h a i ut. ,- a e m "r iven identification car ds, each of the ;tabulous account of The D aily-G ar-! lrecciti~ic~ r-,cesk- crdso a cf.-SER.VICEABL , beautiful, and :e color. j Dadistinctively up-to-date are these Armrcbl hnyT~r.Te "I(x-OF-WAR WILL (Qemakale heeyTro tlas.Dhe UNDE~lr~ChLASS (:AIES "I TOD)AYI appeal to lovers of attractive neck- GARRICK Sa.Mt 4ct i: 8# s ThtSe:,ns~esnt Wednesday - In the Romantic Comtdyv " THE HEART OF PADDY WHACK" 14 EXT WEEK--THE BONSTELLEC 0. SENIORS! Now is the time to place your order for CALLING CARDS ENGRAVED OR PRINTED FLOWERS Plants Corsages' We can also ,furnish yob1 with ANNOUN CEMENTS Palms and Ferns. to Rent FLOWERS BY WIRE Cousins & Hall 611 EAST UNIVERISITY AYE. PRIONE.115 EITHER ENGRAVED OR 11f2S. MAIN ST. PRINTED PHONE 1404 THE MAYER( - SCHA1RER COMPANY Stationers, 'Prinfers, Binders and E~ngravers Read The Daily "Classified" Columns mi (rContinued from Page one) 'eed, I. A. Harwvick, R. T. Howe, J.i .Blahnick, Robert Halsey, Carl 'ooq, H'. 0. Steele, E. R. Slaugh- r, P. Enstein, G. Hineman, E. O fund, D). Vredenburg, M. Sullivan, T.H. Beeler, W. G. Kilpatrick, Van- r Mueler, L. L. Farrell, 0. W. eed, R. F. Mloody, I'. H. Ninney, D.j Deyer, WV. L. Butler, L. H. ; eachein, C. Spencer and H. Cuiff- l "Rolling stones gather no moss,"!, tt unused furniture gathers dust. 'all 960. -Adv. TO A BOTTLE OF LECTRO The 'Genuine Choco latei Malted Milk Sci v- Dealers Phone 114- Wear as perhaps no other tie can. They offer positive good looks with the additional guarantee of a long life of good wear. You can't equal them anywhere for a really good buy. Your haberdasher has~ them in stock now'. SOLD BY WADI-3JAMVS & CO. REU3LE CONLItN & CO. I. F. WV'UERTH & CO. F. V. GROSS MACK & CO. 0 ' ... -"- - _.k NOW NOW roo gain---oTo 'Save V :HUDSON .~ x. -7 /J V.4. .. for tripd Faric :::.. In~~~~~~~~.. ChosngHs.prn.Sit.orI.oma.W The'-o nH oes I-' H1 11 AD left It all behind-the dirtiness, the soridness, 1,tie evil -for a life of happiness taught lii by the urist beaifuihl girl lie had ever seed! And now . ., he was at the old gamne again,' furtive ,alert, eager. . foi' her life was the object, and he M'ouldl go to any length, even that 'of giving his own, to make her happy again .to s.+e those who would bring hier t: t ba'pliness! pla ptre of thrilling surprises, bt always a uit~tif il, iipp~aIhiig Ioi-e store a picture that will hold] youi lth its treme ](ins cliiixes! cW urge yout not to nmiss it! LO NCA a 'A\ \, vALLI "4a., ,, Rr>z AOL4 *. CS, ' '" ± - t , , r p _/ . .. A -_ALSt#-- WUDDY MESSENGER -UN- "BALL OYER T..WIST" r:.; 'oe / %/wJ r. ,