THE MICHIGAN DAILY _______ p~lil Yrr 1 a- ' - II - r: iiiaew : " e~a~ m . ."". FMN FILL OFFICES CLSS COMMITTEES, erine Mellen, '26, Ruth Rankin,'23flb Illhfh Catherine Coryell, '26, Margaret Mogk EIORS ~~IN M~IL ' 26, Margaret Effinger, '26, Lorettaj Cohy, Chambeotgbrlain,''2 , ay Dolr- TPT 111~IT otCoop ber, a'262, Drh MObry'6,lDr- IM TI9 lIEW CSTO Louthan, '26, Jessie Sprague, '26, Mar-1I___ garet Geddes, '26, Ruth Jennings, '26,1SGES FPASFR Margaret Page, '26, Anne Seeley, '26STLSO LYSFi Katherine Wilson, '26, Dorothy Waldo, a+ NEXT YEAR'S AlNNUAL I '26, Elizabeth Tompkins, '26, Elizabeth PRODUCTIONi Beard, '26, Mildred Keunzel, '26, and, Dorothy Spencer, '26. Starting what is hoped will become O IINATIONS C IA RY COI N&ILI BEltS 1,01 Ji t ('.7- NE 3. Women of the junior, sopliomore and freshman classes met yesterday afternoon at Barbour gymnasium to elect comm~uittee for the coining year, Nominees for the senior judiciary committee include Dorothy Greenwald, '24, Ida Jenks, '24, Constance Smith, '24, and Loraine Price, '24. From this number one member will be selected later. The senior social committee was elected as follows: Charlotte Er- mann, '24; chairman, Natalie Glover, '24, H-ope Halliday, '24, and Dorothy Wyley, '24. Pamela Brown, '24, was elected cl rm*-nan of the senior. girl's play committee, and those chosen to assist her were Winifred Craigie, '24, Doris Crouse, '24, Madeline Arnold, '24, and Elizabeth Carson, '24. Juniors Make Elections Nominees for the junior judiciary council member are, Charlotte Har- rison, '25, Evelyn Wideman, '25, ;Olga Verdelin, '25, and Alma Crouse, '25., Margiret Beal, '25, was elected chair-, man of the junior advisory !commit- tee. The social committee of the jun- ior class includes: Eleanor Putnam, '25, chairman, Louise Barley, '25, Mar- jorie Sweet, '25, Winifred Cheney, '25,_ and Adelaide Sherer, '25. Members of the Junior Girl's play committee1 are, Helen Brown, '25, chairman, Dor- othy Spencer, '25, vice-chairman, Mar- garet Barnum, '25, Jeanne Briggs, '25, and Edna Kadow, '25. Sophomores ]Elect Committee Nominees for the sophomore mem- ber of the judiciary council are: Lor- ainke Parent, '2f, Margaret Effinger, '26, Ruth Carson, '26, and Virginia} Kersey, '26. - The sophomore social committee includes: Kathryn Clark,! '26, chairman, Francis Walker, '26, Jessie Sprague, '26, Elizabeth Mc Dow- ell; '26, and Katherine Wilson, '26; The members of the Freshman Spread comn- mnittee were elected as follows: Cath- t~Iornc a custom in the club, senior members of Masq~ues, viomen's dramatic :or- ganization, met with Professor JI Raleigh Nelson, of the engineeringl English department, to suggest thel #Professor J. 14tilgh Nelson and l corresponding secretary, William C. lMrs. Nelson are entertaining mem- VWang; treasurer, Wei H. Yu. bers of the club at a tea at their home Y. F. Wu is the second Chinese wo- from 4 to 6 o'clock tomorrow after- ;a wohshl hspsto.le noon. At this'time Professor Nelson 4I1 will speak to the women on oi- prdecessor was Helen L. Wong, who cies of the organization for next year. held the omfce or presidency in 1921. Miss Wu came to America and enter- STU ENT EL CTIed the University in 1922, and is now- i - suecializing in biology. While in- China WOMAN PRESWiENT she graduated froml Ginling college,j1 ----,.. Nanking, and was for, several years; "Give a woman the credit that teaching in, the Women's higher Nor- deevs""htiIwa h majoiyml College, Peking, the highest .edu- of members of the Chinese Students ;cational institution for women in the! Club said when they elected Y. F. Wu i ient. ' as president of the club for. 1923-24. The other officers elected at the meet- Martha Washington Candies fresh for in.are: vice-president, C. C. Tong; Mothers' Day,. Tice's 113.R. Lifer-1 recording secretary, Florence Chang; ty. advy. Dou You ee Etramourses? a Send for catalog describing over 440 courses in History, Englisb, Mathematics, Chemistry, Zoology, Modern Languages, Economics,. Philosophy, Sociology, etc., given by correspondence. Inquire iaow credits earned may be applied on present college program., Home STUDY rDEPT. CHCAGO. IIOI .. , ,. /. I A Newv Pattern I I annual play to be undertaken next - ~year. Because those who are graduat- There will be a meeting of the Girli ing understand the problems of the Reserve leader's at 7 o'clock this eve- club better than .some of the other, Wing, in the south parlor of N ewberry nmembers, it is thought that thoir.sub'- hall. A special program has been ar- gestions bear considerable value to ranged, jthle organization. ______The meeting at which the final se- The class in girl scout leadership e lection is to be made will be held at will meet at 7 o'clock tomorrow morn- 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in the ing in Barbour gymnasium instead. parlors of Barbour gymnasium. In 'the meantime the senior-members are All women who are to dance in the asked to read the plays -that have been Pageant on Lantern night will hold an sgetdadwihaeo eeec important meeting at 4 o'clock tomor- in the upper study hall of the general row afternoon in Barbour gy a iu. library. Some of the prays nov un- gymasim.1der consideration are: "The. Piper," Murmers will hold. their annual by Josephine Preston Peabody; "A elections at 4:15 o'clock this after- Thousand Years Ago," and "The Can- noon at the Delta Delta Delta house. terbury Pilgrims," by Percy. Mackaye; *Maeterlinck's "Bluebird", "Alcestia," There will be no more league parties' by Carlota Montenegro; "Every- this spring, because of the many oth- man," by Montrose J. Moses; "The er activities which will. take place.f Chineese Lantern," by Laurence Holl- Tha artes wll e cntined extman; and "Es her,"7 a tragedy adapted yea='" from the French of Jean Racine by IJc4bn Masehold. SAMPLES Permanenmtly on D 'yat GUYSWOLFOLK &Co. 3066 South State Street Ann Arbor, ,Michigan Designed'by. WHITEHOUSE . HARDY Iw~CORpOftA"'fO BROADWAY Al 40Th STREET 144 WEST 42 "° 9REET K-,oti-AuFM OPERA HOUSE BLDG. KNICKERBOCKER BtALDING NEW YORK [ ( W 6+'aJ.02. l --I ____________________________---- r : t E 4F 3 } . . ' r ^ / .. -- - -- Acts 3, 4, and 5 of the Senior Girls'! Play will meet at 7 o'clock tonight in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The group of foresters wil meet at 3:30 o'cock 'tomorrow in the basemen4 of !Barbour gymnasium and the cast at 9 o'clock Saturday morning in Sarah Caswell IAngell hall. The second round of the tennis tournament must be played off by May 17. There will be no extension of timc. Some of, the plays would necessitate production in the Whitney rather than in Hill auditorium as has been a cus-' tom of Masques for several years. The play chosen will be announced eh the night of May 23 when the club will give "Will 0' the .Wisp" before Jmembers of. the club and their guests. JElection of oficers for next year will be held at 4 o'clock Tuesday, May 22, in the parlors of Barbour gym- nasium. '; Y: f I I-1 - N - -'it -~ ']TROLLEY TO lDETrROIT FROM0 '4 THE VARSITY DOOR E,____________________________ I- lka(dt&u'n(Fd 7 pounOV ~j~4 Srvice for, I~chigav Stude~nts HAVE YOU On Fridavs herea fter, r re 'n r; ' May 4, a Special Limited Car will leave Hill Auditorium siding can the Campus at. 1, 2, 3 and 4 P. M. for Detroit. hd HELPED? E AT° THlE TIIEATERS Screen-Today !I j. For Prompt Service Call Powder Puff Beauty Shop FENDERSON & FENDERSON Save . 1oarxy by rav ling the Trolley Way YOUR A. 1H. "CADY, supt. D. J. C TAG BUY TODAY ....rt 320 S. State Telephone 993-R Arcade - Gloria Swanson in "Prodigal Daughters"; comiedy, news. r, a TO ol Pik 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 I rpheum-Evelyn Brent in "Thej I Woman Who Came Back"; /j~ Pearl White in ''Plunder.''" IWuerth-Elmer Clifton's "Down j othe Sea in Ships"; comedy, "TeArtist."j Stage-Thits Week ' I Garrick- (Detroit)- Chauncey I Olcott in "The Heart of Pad-'J dy Whack." The new Lit. Building is ,growing; Have you watched the classified,- grmow?-Adv. SIB LAST TIMES TODAY -REGLAR PRICES REGULJAR Pill CFEs nTHE WOMAN e: ' WIO CAMVE.BACKE N ' - ev+ A lagoers Picture . " ALSO- PEARL WHITE in "PLUNDER" 4I COMEDY, t I:~ NOW SHOWING n doy See the Midnight Bathing arty! See a Real. Flapper { owam ow 1I . .. Tickets for Single Concerts may be secured at the University School of Music, $1.50 each. A few Course Tickets remain at $5.00 each. SOPRANOS - Y CONTRALTOS TWELVE *TENORS STAR BARITOINES .,'SOLOIST'SW THREE VIOLINIST =' RENOWNED. PIANIST ORGANIZATION'S ORGANIST TS'HY UNIVERSITY CHORAL UIONI"M TSHE CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL CHORUS THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRADI GUL~ST.AV H OLST Distinguished Guest Conductor t f' DER MOTTO, A Fig for Convention and a Fig far Attire FRUDIL THEODORE ROBERTS AND GREAT CASIO + ',. . .y p 00'. .~ ,I - - i r- 14AVE modern parents lost Conl-