TH-E MTCH--AN DAILY ..HLE Surpug~lgH[S HgDULVSings Here May . tT. C,' BIG PEP MEETING'i : 19 '114to' nlt Gym lInt SPASS$ T'S (OIQMMA-NDE1I- Maior General Harry C. Hale, cost-l( anding the sixth corks area re- ewed the six companies of the local 0. T. C. unit yesterday afternoon the floor of Waterman gymnasium. ie to weather conditions the core-~ ony was~ transferred from South: rry field to the gymnasium shortly fore the timie of the review. At 2:30 the student soldiers as- mbled on the floor of the gymnas- mn where they were placed in bat- lion formation. The six, companies hick composed the battalion were: npanies A, B, and C, coast artillery, mmanded by Cadet Captains W. I-. iyear, '22E, H S. Andersson, '23E, !d A. 0. Ostjin, '23E; company D, the -dinance unit, comnmanded by C ,cet iptain V. S. Firestone, '23E; comn- mly E, the infantry company, corn-3 ,indcd. by Cadet Captain C. P. Sel-I rds, '24, and company H, the'sivnal trps unit commanded by Cadet Cali-, in C. A. Boyd, '23E. The R. 0. C. bandl with Cadet Captain It. F. le, '24E, as the drum major wa~s rmed at the head of the battalion'. ajor Wi]~is Shippam, commanderE cadets andl Cadet Colonel M. S. nkley '23h, inspected and drilled e companies previous to the' arrival General Hale. The general arrivedl from Detroit 4 o'clock accompanied by hip, aide.. d was immiediately taken to Water- a~n gymnasium by Major Rober-t rthur, head of the military science partment. An inspection of the it was imme'.diately made by the rty composed of CGeneral Jlale; ajor Arthur, -Major Shippama, Major 6 o01s, Cap tain Hloorn and the gn- al's aide together With the , cadet 'ficers. On the comptletionil of the -inspection 6e entire unit, preceded by the band, issed in review before the party and as immediately dismissed. Followy-I 6g this ceremony .General' Hale in- ectedl the property and equipme~nt1 Fthe R. 0. T. C. post. He later as entertained at dinner by the con- ned clubs of the city. IRSTYTENNIS MEN DEFEATNOTRE DAME (Continued from Page One) 5 contest there will be 15 teams on a side of two men each,, one acting as the "ride" on the "horse's" shoulders. They will line, up in parallel. lines and meet, the sidle having the largest numberx of "horse and riders" at the! end of the specified, time winning the event. 'very man in' both classes will corn- petev in the rope-tying contest, the object of which is to tie up the great- est number of opponents and to plaTe them in the 'pens. Freshmen-will assemble at 7:,15 0'- clock tonight in the auditorium of Newberry hall to hold a pep meeting At this "time they will .elect a, captain land choose lieutenants. Rules will be explained to them by Student count- cilmen andr class officers. _,Y_ N e w . 'r~ m . T h e O th e r C olleg e s . Rom, tl a - B .. - f1iss y 1,500 rebels were defeated, With x 1200 illed, byv Italian troops operating Califoriiz'" - l'landicuffed back to jl't-.1i-A few of the rule s to bed in T ripoli. The army suffered 119 '1back: dusty and worn~ by hours spent observed _tomorrow when the fresh-wounded. on the road. tvwo students of the UIn- men andi sophomores c las;h in Salt iviersity Farm ait Davis Cli.,will Lak:e City are as follows: "lvory miale fini,-h today a ;tunt which has attract-; member of the university will report, e r! widc attention in the state. The ran nw rhio h apsa students started -walking three days ranrnowGorodi, n te c- Usest~ ag h Wl av oerdmreta3:30. Visitors and faculty iwetpbers TID r'S SFLCAl INKs ago acid wil haillcnotedbeotubbed,: proER'eSP they do 150 miles when' hyhv iihd- l o etbepoie hyd ueirona4pni, the hae fnised.not interefere ,with the proceedings. A ueif,tna' e h IPziinet ou-The "senior statistics"~ "Those coming late shall be ducke.; RIIMhR'S PEN SHOP compiled by the vote of the class were NofsigwlIealwd ox 't announced at a class dinner a few; collars, combed hair, or neckties will ________ evenings past. Among the' questions be tolerated." [voted upon were: who is the most rep-}I VICTOR ALLJMEtDEIN~lER resentative Princeonian of the class?l rne(ow)H eatrsun- f y teli most likely to succeed? done most; at Grinnel college will not be per- PIANO .TUI ENG i for the class?: done the class' for. the; iitted to own motor cars, following I S4 Musi ne I shandsomest? prettiest? finest a r uling made by the Men's Senate 1 Office a1t JtlIIONF 3062 ___ legs? most desperate fusser? most un- i recently. The only exception will beatte.18Y.DVlonL conscious? and about thirty others. 1.tat seniors may have cars after spring vacation, though not before Xrtlrne4tTfl-T'wenty-fiV'e students that time. have signified their intention of leav-___ ing college. They object to a rule pro- ~ iter d-T T 1hibiting smoking in the halls and class- Genea (wterad-c uUiver- Ynave A-i- rooms of the school of journalism sity of Geneva, the seat of 26 inter- Swhich has been recently punt into ef- national colleges has announcd sum- fecc. mer courses for the year. Amer!- ___ cans, especially are desired to take ofrde-Asthedfinfayetteual ofew-adtongindferetsepartmdenswiThearytui-jJ Purofde-atthfie nfthanutalofer-Itonadvntagenfth ee stuiesiThevtuy daysago it was. decided1 that the, con- from $12 to $24. will appreciate atbox of BETSY ROSS CANDIES M-OTHER MAY 13 iA 3 Officials for the games are asked to 1 Giu eppie Daiiise Baritone meet in back of the Chem istry butildi- IMr. Danise, th~e distingui lied bari- ing at 3:15 o'clock P'riday afternoon.1 Members of sphinx, -Triangles, Vl'to rne, of the Metropolitan Opera corn-' cars, and .Druids, along with "M" men ' pany, will appear, togethecr witik Fl or- IFUIAUR4IIE4 will be the officials. enc'e Macbeth, at the, fourth May. Fes- forence in 1924 should be held at the Names of the mien selected for thae tvlcfcrFiayeeig a 9 University of Michigan. In the elec- tug-of-war will be run in tomorrow' Like mrany Italian singers, he achieved iton of officers, Dean Joseph A. Buns- Daily.n ley, of Michigan, was chosen president Dail ; ~~~~~enwni Europe and in South Amn- rthcongya..DnBule erica before (latti-Cazazza .euga ;edfrth coigya.DnBusy himi for the Acrt: oiclita f. Last stum- was also onie of the chief speakers or Board Decides 1 h ofToc;dsusigtepo TI nier at Ravinia 'nark, has art called Ithecofrnedsusigteps E , N m'' e It 0oS tj forth uinanimous praise, :while his New 1 and cons of studcent conferencec before York appeara nces during the recant #t, dens ( Continued, from. Page One) operatic season gave bee so brilla,.n-' Havr.-hruettaHrad and, in a measure, reward sucif ser- ~,ly successful, as to be compared to lavad-h ue hta avr vie by naming the new field hbQuse Amato in his prime. His repertory'in-fotalpyemutlyinheH- cludes4 the baritone roles in "Rigolet-, vat d-Yale game to receive his "H3", on° Ferry Field after Mvr. Yost; and {to'" "AndreaChir""alat, has, been repealed. Formerly thel Whereas, it is the desire of this ' ;Pgla c ahhshdosn"n ubro Boardto eidene itsown ppre "Don Carlos," "Il Barbiere di1 Sivig- cahhshdt edi ubro Bof ll o ienigs, wan a" , "Ernaanti," "Carmen,," "~allo in substitutes deemed worthy of sweat- tion the loya beefiial aschera ," "Z aza," "_Othello," "La For-I ers during the last moments, of play service rendered the University by MVr. a del Destino," "Faust,", "La Trav ia- ; in that game so that, they Will not be Yost. Now, therefore, 'be it it "Herediade" and "Giullatime Tell."' unjustly deprived of an "II". This Resolved, that the. neW field hiouse W________Ixill no longer be necessary. on' Ferry Field be and the gamne is hereby named and shiall Hereafter be Bridge Tea Will Raise Funds known as Yost Field House, and that, Reservations for tables for the such name be appropriately workedt bridge tea which members of McCiin- f into tiMe building upon. a suitable de- ton house are giving on Saturday af-I- sign to be prepared by the architects ternoon. in the parlours of B~arbour and approved by this Board.; gymnasium, may be made by calling 1 " 1925-R. Single tickets for the af- Rdssiaji Exports Halted; fair are 75 cents and tables are $3., o Moscow, May 9-(By A. P.)-Pet-' The proceeds from this affa~r will be } ' " rograd reports say exports to Great,; iveni to the university of Michigan uu for SIEA SHIP AGENCY', TPickets, Tou s. Cruises-:'al ltines _ EUROPE aind ORIENIT K~~jurnE, KUE8LER 60 .HrnSt. Phone 1334 every size snapsh ot 35c to$1.25 LYN-DON & COMPANY 719 N. UN;IVER SITY f - ,l I I 'll I IN _. , 1 ,. . " ~ 1 ;. 4 pI^" a /t4 . VC , p c c 3' I ' «, os c. ; i r r' "fDedicated to the best Nother Y0 U THE9R Britain have stopped, due to appre-" League Building fund. hension that A British note. now en, route to Russia Will resuilt in breaking Do you use Classified ads relations. atically?-Adv. system- a f' i . . the n y V nothing is so symboic of your, affec tion, 2 94) I as flowers-lcy spe ak for, you (Speclal to '?le Daily), _ iuth Bend, Ind., May 9- Michigan ated Notre Damie today hero in ten- 5to 1., The second' doulbles rnatc!-I forfeited to enable the Wolvci-,- octhata^ l ace plaIyed on indoor couirts ivhich sticky anld tr'oublesome to the est ants. mmary: Captain Rorick and Can- vere, 7-5> 6-G;Kiine )anil Velasc(o; 8-6; Jerome and Gozelez, S-G, Merkle-Riorick and Cantillevere - n7ire, 6-2:, 7-5. Round IUpijIrish: i O)s Lbin., My-i A.P.).-A round- ia, hegun of rebels in the mpounM- s near Blessxngton, OLujIty Wick- itly Classifieds for rea~l results.-- 4o.Irns~rese.7t Wdeday -- C14AUNEY LOOT Li t he Romantic Camedj' 'THE HEAR~T $F PADDY WHACK' MT WEEK--THE BONSTELLE Co. II THE GREY! SH~OP 60o E. Liberty Send Mothe - a box of1 "jMAVIS99Chocolates ,6'Say t z~i TIowers"~ N XV MAKE TH E KIDS HAPPY BUY YOUR TAG~ DIRECT W, U. WVIRE ' for Sunday Blu''Ma'' ii, e Blossom Shop NICKELS ARCADE. 23E. LIBERTYI- _________________________________________ I, _____ T m t _ iy , CI I ~ The picture All, W a _TheGretest A TO "PAY CH-EAP PRICES FOR POOR QUALITY MEAT The Cheapest Way is to Bu Good Meal OUR SPLOJAL INK WI~L LLASE Ye ROASTf CHOPS L STEAKS APOULTRY EIND MOTHER a. box of You'll Appreciate the QUALITY-SERVICE-PRICES 3ETSY ROS CADI ES A.RU G MAY 1 23 N. fMain St. F- rIi hf p . .. ,- ec s a and Satlur'da - - - -MAM Ifh If f