'"'1'! LJ'J 1A., 1 ._... it ~tj~n measure solved, the work of the con- b tference cannot be recognized as any- thing but an advance toward greater _TR OF 'TILE unity of the Americas. :,I . !. [OlAL INEWSPAP. blislihed every :Horning except Monday g the University year by the Board in rol of Student Publications nihers of Western Conference Editorial? elation. e Associated Pre-,s is exclusively en- Ito the use for republication of all news tches credited to it or not otherwise; ted1 in this gaper and the local news publ- UNIVERSI,3 TY OIL CBIC AGO, T'UES- DAY, MAY 22, 1923 . GRADUATE COURSES T l:ie Graduate school is at present seriously handicapped in its work of administering higher education be- cause of the fact there are not enough' courses restricted solely to graduate students. The Bachelor of Arts, in order to get what he wants, is often CAMPUS OPINION Uitor, 'The:cMichigan Daily: I -woullik , to Lvnthe text-book situation 4 ilk attheUnvriyd Michigan, explained. Why shiould tellt- books be changed every year? I took! a course last semester andlihad to pay $6 fort the two books we hxad to buy. Now when I took the sane books back to a local store to exchdange themr I x was told they would not be used this next semester and as a conse- quence would be worth practically nothing. I was offered less than 10 percent of the original cost for the, Duuncan &r Starling A E.A T" I Maybe you thinky the boys ii are slow. Just give the dlate li this Daily Maroon the 00. n Chi. Ane on BoyV! 7oth .Ends of the- Diagonal Entered at the postofflee at Ann Arbor,' forced to attend a class the personnel IT-h-h- o-o-o-t-t-t ziggigty dawg! Just Michigan., as second class matter. ou 1dashedfterstfte Subcritin b carir e mal,$3.o. of which is made u}) almost entirely 1 bu.5dy hado h eto h ffies: Ann Arbor Press Building, M1ay- of under-graduates, and consequently ltl l'wrd nard Street.loemuhothsclay to-GRLA. Phones: editorial, 2414 and 175-M Busi- he lssmc fteshlryam-GRLA ness, 960. sphere to be derived through contact Maybe their trying to move the date ^Commx~unications not to exceed 300 wrds th his ellows. Unless this situa.- up so they can get out of the Mus- ifsigned, the ignattur' not uccssarilv t, tion is ameliorated through. the intro- tache Contest; that startedon the day appear in print, but as an~ evidence of faith,aibeo. ~and notices of evenlts will be published in ductioft of more graduate, courses n1-;bfoe The D~aily at the discretion of thle 1ditor. If dications are that an increasingly*** left at or mailed to. The Daily office. Un-t 'odr signed communnicationls wil] receiv e no con- largeL number of students will go east CUJ~y~Niiei oe side'ation. No mnanuscript twill be retuirnedi to complete their education, and the' "The Hal t in the Desert"-Mustapha uinless the writer encloses postage. The D:,ily Dik does npot neesarily endlorse the sentiments; Graduate school will =lose prestige Drnk expressed in the commnticationls. which, from the standpoint of the*** university, cannot afford to be lost. The scene opens wt rfso E1)1T01RAL STAFF It is not conducive to the best schol- walking down* the street with one Taelvphonxes 21411 and 170.31 arship for a graduate student to at- foot in the gutter and the other on tend a class in which under-gradii- the side-walk. All visualize his undu. MANAGCING EDITOR .ates are in the majority. H-e is merely latory, method of pedestration. Is is MAPION B. STAHL going to school under, the same cir- well visualized? News liS Editor ...........Pail Watzel cumstances he has always encounter- One of his students steps uip and City Editorl. ............:.James B. Young ed whereas his situation entitles him says, "W'ell, how are you today, Pro-, Assistant City Editor ...J.. A. Bacon Edioril BardCharma ,..... R Messto something better.' It' is exceeding-I fessor?" ly difficult for him to rise above his Oh! Hello there,- - er,. well I NihBetrs- Tar ~e environmnent, an environment which is j ust can't understand whit makes me L. J. 1-Tershdlorfer R. C. Mfo: iarty determined bly th3e interests of the so lame.." -H. A.Dp~a1~e 3. E Mackmajor portion of the class.Noie S-(,1-; Edit-.... ....floae . Vllott * o Women's Editor ...... ..Marion Koch These evils would for the most parts Surnd'-y Magazine Edaitor ... .1[. A. Donahue be' obviateca if the graduate student: Fintd the floral It :M Eitor.....BukE.yIC. Robiue, were attending school with I$ fe- Bolsheviki tendencies Editorial Board lows. He would be in smaller classesi Had Oswaild Rufus Pratt p x ,j r r i' t s i i . i two text books. "What' radical changes in theories occur in such a short timge that ren- der it, necessary for a new text-b~ook to be 'useI every year? Why .shouldt a student not be able to realize a. lit- tle from the exceedingly ;high prices lie is compelled to pay fore his books?' My books cost me, one third of what I paidl for tuition the entire year. h Let us go back to the time when jMichigan could rightfully be called} a p. oor mian's school. This is no longer traie and it will not be, as loing as there is no regulation of the price of books. Can anyone tell me why a tiro- fessor should change 'his text-books every year? IEDITORIAL COMMENTI Are you ALIVE? Use The classifieds. Daily -Adv. - I STRICTLY HONE COOKING DETROIT UNITED ILINES Ann Arbor and Jacks-t" TIME TABLE (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Car- am. and hourly to 9:05 p.m. Jackson Express Cr rs (local stops wezst of Aun Arbor)-9 :4'/am., and every two ho.urs to 9!47 p.. Local Cars East Bound-7:00 a.-n. ann' every two hours to 9 :eo p.,nm., r:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only--i :40 To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-7 :So a.m., x2:10 P.Mh. To Jackson and Kalamazoo-L:n"- ited cars 32:47, 10o:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47, 4:47 p.m. To Jackson and Lansing-Limited 'at 8:47 p.m. j1 HEPL A'S STUDENT. 1LUNCH I ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS Schedinl. in Effect Octobe.r it, I1 Central Time (Slow Time) D X X D 11,M. AM, P.M. P.M. 3:45 7:" ., Adrian ,... 12:45 8:45 1-15 Sis .Tecunise... 12:15 8:z5 4.30 5:30 ...Clinton .... 12:00 8:00 5:z, 9:15 ...Saline .11i:15 7:15 5:49 o:iS Ar 4rnArb~orI~v. 10:45 6:45 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. D--Daily, X-Daily except Sundays and flolidays. Friday and Saturday special bus for students leaves Adrian 1 :45, leaves kUn, Arbor 4:45. jAMYES 11. RLLIOTT. Proprietor Phone 46~ 4019 EAST JEFFERSON Sm. i HARVMA1RDJ graduate School of $Bsiness A two -year course in business, open to college graduates, leading to the degree of Mister in Business Administration , __ I I owell K~err M aur-ice Bermnan ul Jinstcin Eugene Carmichael .Assistants. among students who would be apt to' If asked to do one thing, he'd do0 be interested in their work. The or-; The opposite from that. YOU'TH! WILL BE SERY El) (Harvard Crimison- Stanley IT. Armstrong Sidney 133ie~fiei4 Hlelen brown ti. . Clark A. t. (Connable Bernadette Cote Evelyn IL Coughlin Joseph Epstein T. E. Fiske Jahn Gailinglhcuse Waltr S. Goodspcee Portia Goulder Ron~al Ialgii Franklin D. Hlepburr Winona A. Hlibb~rdI Edward J. lhigginus Kecnneth C. Kellar Eliabeth Liebermnann John McGinnis Saimuel Moore M. II. Pryor Ai. B. Rafferty Robert G. Ramsay_ . W. l?.'witch Soul3. Schnitz Phlilip 'M. \vna-net BUSINESS STAFF TelePhonke 960 BUS~INESS MANAGER, AL~BERT J. PA~RKER dinary routine work of the classroom Hie always let his hair grow, could be dispensed with in favor of And seldom;. took a bath stimulating (iscussions under the Or changed his shirt, or wx guiding hand of the professor whom hair. hec would come into more intimate By .gosh, you woulda laugh( contact with.. A fine esprit de corps - might be developed ' among graduate Now Oswald's hang-out clu students, who would feel that they And cause of his downfall £were members of a definite part-of: Was two wide doors ox eitl the Univer-sity 'instead of special stu-1 Of University Hall. dents. Wh1enl crowds camne outt Because of. the, superficiality andI door mediocrity which permeates instrue- He'd invariably rush in tion as it is administered' today in ourj And tear his hair and yell institutions of learning it is becoming' Laugh.--It was a sin. ,.ore a d more evident that students in the near future will turn to grad- "But alas, !one day with low, uate schools as the only suitable mne- He stoopedr to pick a fag diumnz of higher education. For Micli- When "out" d(oor opened-s' gan to have a graduate school worthy dead of the name of the University will Hies gone now-yep hie(lied. require additional graduate courses Now folks if you don't get plus the exclusive services of capable To emphasize this fact men. In 'the light of present mone- My advice is this-just trya tary conditions such a suggestion may I As Oswald Rufus Pratt. be merely a cry in the wilderness, but ,Terse the fact. remrains that the Graduate *** school is ill suited to satisfy the de- helie Wrd1's WorstR miands that are made upon it at pres-; Why_ is a billard cue lih ent, to say nothing of living up to the! creamn cone? increasingly important. position it I'll bite. Why? Ady~rtislflg............John J. IHamel, Jr. Advtji Isug ..............Walter K, Selierer Advurti Ng........... Lawrence II. Favrot Pu'aation .........Ehdward F. Conlini Coy ws~tiig ............I)avid J. Mf. Park Circ atin..............ownsend HI. Wolie1 Account................. Beaumont Parks Assistants PerryIM. hyden IWm/ ItI.Good Eugene L. D}unne Clyde L. 1lagerman .lo Q' .I1005'kinHenry Freud C. L. Putmnan Clayton Purdly F,. ll. Armantrout 3. B. Sanzenhacher 'William 1l. Reid, Jr. Clifford Mlitts Harold L. Hale Thomfast Mchachren Wm. v.Roeser LusM. exter James A,"Dry'er Edward B. Reidle Herbert W. Cooper !).y N:SDAX, MAY .9, 1923 igh Eitr-J.G. (GAIZLINGOOUSE IMPA- AMERICAN BOYNDS Altthou;gh the prestige 'which the lUritc'd States once held in Pan-Ame- ican affairs sutffered- somewhat as A reCsult of, the conference which just concludeol the accomplishments of th i coc lave of representatives fromt long The irritating criticism of Dreiser anad others- that Amer icanms cannot' mshed Il think-is partly supported by facts.; The automlatic tool, in the use of ied. which a. man repeats one motion over, and over, has proved a powerful agent eer to say for fostering sub-nornial initelligenc~e --and strarngely enough, really puts a ,her side premium on uinder-developed minds.- Tile normal or highly-developed) man the "out" does not perform mechanical tasks as expertly as th~e half-wit, so the latter flourishes and multiplies. a fiendish While* the so "singlec-track inds" are numerous, and are a. serious mien- ! ace where enlightened public opinion ered head ' is necessary, their incapacity is usu- ally ap~parent; they deceive no one.s struck hin Infinitely more dangerous, in a nega- l ive way, is the host of perfectly good- s 1. ;hear-ted people who, seemingly en- m ly view,, gaged in occupations requiring intelli- gence, settle down to methods of and (10 working, and more important, habit; of thinking no less mechanical than? ey Skeet. turning a screw every ten seconds. Clerks, at first fresh and alert, whio Joke allow their jobs. to become mere rou- ke an ice- tine with no spark of inquiry enliv-j eing a high-sided rut; preachers andi eduicators who discard their youthful ican ride enthlusiasmn and experimentation for Thoriiie. (dogina; engineers who reject common- sense, in favor of half' understood'for- rst. Joke r.!ulae; (doctors who rely on the heroic me like a remedies of former .ages--such men may (10 no personal evil, but their in- fluence in preventing progress, their i can jride . reaction against chanige, (duc to inertia, alone, is tremendous. Mloot. The "Youth" movement, which L- widlespread in Germany and is ex-j i."dsto ly tending its influence to the rest of t"---Tooth- Europe and to America, is a revolt. against intellectual complacence, and aliaghler"- self-satisfied smugness. It has re- sultedI in Germany in the "Wander- vely Pine-' lovers," hauds of young peop~le who hack. ar walking. about seeing their coup- try at first hapdl, and interesting i themselves in everything. In America, its evidoees ar-e chiefly orator-y, in- epiae' terc'oileilate conferences, and the I due apol- spring imryup all, over the land of d the 'rest stu~dent discussion societies andI pub- lications devoted to critici m. Appar-I t aPPLe Of ently the revolution that Sir James Barrie advocated-of Youth againstj 1the Rug. its Betters has finally inade a (definite: tck of my start. 1 '3 Aly 1123 1 J 3 4 13 14 la 16 17 19) 19 20 21 22' 23 21 2 S 26 27 28 29) 30 31f 9MA ACO STRAW eAR0{ __IPIT TOand 1 i WEAR ~6""AAN AA PATS I I 1 i i* i i i 0i 0i i VPP! A! I :1= - - Z '. ".I 006 sea o [ 300 1 .u,...,,...,,_., I 1 1- -1 T-1 a, i i i , i i f i i i i I I :34PYIPITM I I,. Toitsofntees rtading the Havar&Rdndusiness School: +CLEAN1EtD A'NI) REBLOC(EI) -('No ned(s used) Straws, Panamas, Leghorns, B'ankoks and all kinds of hats Cleaned andh Rebloeked at low prices for HIGH1 CLASS WVORK Let a "Boot-black" shine ,your shoes, but have your hat Clean- ed and Reblocked by a Practical Hatter. FACTURY HAT STORE F 67 Packard Street Phone 1792 sWhere D. U. ' R. Stops at State 1. The above graph shows the growth in enrolmhent and the large number of students com- ing fromn institutions other than Harvard. During the present year 158 colleges are repre- sensed. 2. The case methodis used. Actual pro~blems obtained from busi- ness are used as the basis of in- struction. A staff of investiga- tors is constantly at work Bath- ering problems. 3. Business is regarded and studied as a profession. 4. What the students intheSchool think of the training which they receive is indicated' by the high percentage of eligible first year men who return to 'complete the course- 84 per cent. the present year. 5. The training in the School materially- shortens the appren- tice period in business. A poemnrece nrnt lysaid: "On the ba.sis of our ex- perience with your graduates, I estimxate that you are saving them five' years n~et.' Six months after they come to us, your, men are as well fitted to assume responsibility and to make decisions as the typical college min at thirty."- The enrolment is limited in first year courses. I I ILIILLLIL~ 16 TOLEDO ANN ARBOR BUS, Cars leave for Toledo 7:10 A. 31., 12 P. 11. and u P. M. Excepit Sim- tiny. Sundays at 8:001, 11:00 anid For further information and enrolment blanks, write to Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration University 23, Camrbridge, Massachusetts .- , ..... . , M Mwo seems destined to play in the,.life of the U:niversity in the future.E FOR 3IORE C'OMPL1ETE A NNA LS Guests at the recent All-Pubiica.- tions banquet, were entertained 'and ! highly interested in the reminiscences of the speaker of the evening, Regent- elect Ralph Stone, who recounted in considerable detail a history, of the early journalistic endeavors of Michi- gan men fromi the time wvhen a daily studlent newspaper was first advo-j Because neither of them a bricycle. i, E. * v(: r; "all the countries of the New, World ~wer e maney andl peculiarly significant. -Contsidered p urely from the standpoint ot' chivemntsin securing a new -ytmfor the working out of inter, ;national peace, the meeting was aj compijle'te fa ilure, but the practical doe- 1 velopmtets in establishing closer 'friendships , unified 'principles, and more adequnate undlerstanding of the idio:eyn cr..ci os and1 problems of each, oth pr's national policies signify, its 'suceSS. The g;reatest accomplishments ofj; the conference were in the reorganiZa-, l ion of the Pan-American Union to' ~iclud" such social problems as have T'een heretofore almost completely, n{ nelected. The commission on hygiene - outlined an extensive program for' _! ,(rican nublic health, one of the(; In,es vita!l problems of the day. in all' ;south and Central American coun-t t rigs, esprecilly the latter -where cli- jatic conditions are so harmful to' good health. Edutcation received a great impetus 1 thrugh llthel plans ,Of a Pan-American educational conference in the near; tuture which will 'solve the differ-; ences that have hindered co-opera- tion between the institutidns of the various nations. It is through educa- f tional means that the wvork whiceh has characterized the Pan-American Con-! Terence since its inception can be un- officially hut very effectively carried out. Contrary' to the precedent set at; former conferem~es of this body, po-1 litical qlue,.tions receivedI a consider-' able amomut of attedtion. The deter-' nination of the Latin-American na- tions to introduce these matters con- elusively, proved that they will now csated. Likewise students who are inclined to browse through the old files of the Michigan Daily find many revelations and much that is amusing to them. i Men and women entering the Uni- versity now find the publications in a wvelladvanced stage; the routine, is well ordered; the equipment is gen- erally satisfactory and everything' is run on a pre-determined, systematic basis. These people have very little conception of how, the publications were first started, what were theirj original. functionsi, their handicaps, and their problems. k concise but authentic history of joarnalism at 'Michigan woldc prove' absorbimig reading for a lamrge num~ber of students, particularly those work- ing on publications. The Board in Control of Student Publications in sponsoring the preparation of such a' history ;might preserve much inter- esting' information which at present reaches students only in indirect ways, or dloes not reach them at all. Similarly, in accord 'with the sul;- 'I'hte WVt'Id's Second WVor 'Ihy is a ostrich plan freckle? I'll b~ite. Wh1y? Because neither of them a lbicycle. a utg gestions, frel'4"w ev4 "Irritating 1Male 1Paren picker Orchestra. "Mr. Casey and Mr. Ga Sung by Cohen & Goildsteh «Ye-, We H-ave Some Lo' ap~ples Lett"-Scars & Roe' "Gray's Elegy"-Al Jolsorm TFry- This on Your Flr A little free verse 'with all odies to Al Kreymbor,g an( of his esteemed satellites. 1Alfalfa the MOTher is not the cow'; no CAn we EsCa~aba InI IDog Is noTHing the ba neCK ItClies. May Festival. IPIUMADELPHIX JACK 0 De= Bunk: jI. getta rhetoric instruct didngt mind that so muc- imade us write a three thou the~me on the subeqt"'Brevi /l Copyright 1923 Hart Schaffner & :Mars i .. ' ., 1 .... is l , , o to "7I'JiREN. :tor, but I auntil he sand word, ty-A Vir- mnure. 'Phis is aII 'hotkolt gestion of Regent Stone, the officials Little Willie Fitzroy-Smith-Emeri- Universit- Announcement might be' tus Ssat humnly outside 'the estate of made to contain a more detailed de- Jinimy do Gashousekid. His (Little scription of all student activities. I Willie's) despondency was despondent. High school graduates who- are at-; He gazed with lusterless eyes at thme tempting to (decide which university approaching figure of the manly de they are to attend are likely to place Gashousekid himself. considerable emphasis upaon the scope "What's do gloom fer, Willie?" of student acivities pursued in a' asked Jimmy, given institution, and they will be "Ali, dis gang (f lip-parkers gives especially interested in those activi- mee a pain in de chin," "'soliloquized ties offering therm practical training. Willie. "'Ya see, when I b'attles de - Bronx Flash, do gang' wit de ringside ducats starts givin' 'me do razz. I For the first time in history, the3 pulls up to Bronx's ear in a clinch in 'Ensian is out before the date when dto toid round anl' whispers in do fun- it was promised. Evidently the pub- nel, 'Say. Bronx, dis gang is clown lisher is anxious for a renewal of his: on me . Give mne a life in dis milly an' contract. I'm yours for life.'" Its beauty lies as mu Lch in the fact; that it is a movement as in any in-- herent qualities. But "Youth" heas turned against the, ways of for'mer generations; it (1^clares itself capable' and desir-ous of managing the world in a new' and better way, and it de- mnands a (chance. The olvi-'zms answer is "Wait a few years and the reins are yours." In time, however, youth ceases to be youth andl becomes fixed, obese, immobile. The best service the "Youth" movement can do is to pre- serve the youthful enthusiasm, youth- ful willingness to try, and youthful open-miindlness of its followers even after experience has hardened their intellects. Only thus can popular leth- argy--where progress is concerned--; be overcome, inch intelligent, creative interest take, its place. The remarkable change which a. few pieces of stone have wrought in the appearance of the Model High Schoolj assures one that the artistic element is not being neglected in the new= build ings on the campus. Michigan is being heralded as an exponent of. modern music .all over 4 - piece suits Comfortable Shirts f Unden ear too' yQU know, if you cily stop to think, that you're going to be .a lot more comfort- able if you wear shirts and un- dergarments that, were made for summer- use. Here are the newest; comfortable to wear- and to pay for.- - WVD's and Manhattani lighitwelih underwvear. . ........ .I,d1) Other lightweight unicdr'ivenr .$1.04) White 'English hbroadclothl shirts, with collars attiched.. . .$3 Silk shirts iii white aumd clew shmwd- of grey and tani. Some have collars to maiteI ... . $5 to $7.50 Arrow shirts of white Oxford cloth, ithi collars attached. ....5 W1hite soisette,