- E lish Students 'be Girls' Mandolin club will meet 5 '60,' ;this afternoon at Newberry J. It is requested that dues be d at this time. The picnlic wvill be. ;tponed. 4embers cf Wyvern will meet at 5 o'clock tceniht at the. Chi Omega Bae. entrar.y to a previous notice which feared ha the Sundlay Daily under program ecf spring; events, thbe Hor Girls' play will be given on irsday, June 14, and not on May 'here ihas been a change in the cast earsai for th e S nlov Girls'' play. 3cast for acts 1 and II will meet at clock tosi;a instead of this after- a in Sia ft, asw:ell Angell hal. he cast for acts 3, 4, and 5 will .t at. 7 o'clock tomorrow night in all Casvwell Angell hall. The group cresters ,,ill m< .v . .'.. . ..... .£ la ! "* , Y_ .: len y1. Davison Mrs. Hlenry P. Davison, widow of" the late financier, has established at tutfor the purpose of bringing six English students to Aerican univer-! sities each .year.1 terested in education are invited. Mr. Luther Payrdom, of thie, educatioin de- partment, will Speak. IE* A. It, MEMBERS ATTENI) several members of the Sarah Cas-I well A ngell chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution att _nd-t ed the dedication services yesterday afternoon in Battle Creek. A room in the Roosievelt Memorial hospital was dedicated at. this time to Mrs. W 11 Get good values ,cheap, thru. the Classified columns.-7Adv.. Is Sa~ ,if, vil t Ara T.rousers IIORASCE CLAVEA'UJ ___No.S o. State St. _ Arcade - Gloria Swar "Prodigal Daughters"; news. Majestic-"Huntlng Big Africa;" Mermaid "Hold Tight"; news. Orpheum-HEvelyn Brent Womnan Who Came Pearl White in "Plund4 TER'S nson :n comedy, Game in1 comedy, in "The Back'; "Down ' comedy,I I and "I'ena is Enthusiast ,A LIQUIFY WITH d4 LI.TEN AND ALLEVIATE YOUR LONGINGS I Wtierth-Elmer Clifton's to the Sea in Ships"; "The artist." 11 Stage--This Week C I Knickers in all the washable materials $3, to$7.50 Golf Hose a large assortment of Imported and Domestic wool and lisle $1.50 to $6' Golf Shirts White collar attache d, two pockets all sleeve lengths from 32 to 35 $2.50 to $5 Belts-in the New Club Colors as well as all grades of leathers. Tennis trousers in white and.,greyr Flannels and the white du ck. All of our Flannels are cut with. the full bhottoms, hanging straight from. the knee to cuff. We are also showing the Golf and't'ennis collar attached shirts with the drawers attached. r South State at WVilliam St. C.arrick-- (Detroit)- Chauncey Olcott in "The Heart of Pad- dy Whack." 1 .I !#i SOLO EVL'RYWiEEE , 11 Spring Means Light' Lunches Dainty salads Cooling drinks Pleasant surroundings The Home of' Tuttles Lunch Room a~t fair Pries e. at 338 Maynard St. South of Majestic _ _ I Iq .~....... ,. ,_ x. ... ., . / ,; . .mow..... . ., STARTING,- WEDNESDA STARTING TODbAY P'RICE8 MATINEE - All ;dents.25c EEVNIN G - All seats..... 35C KIDfES -IOC 2:~09 3:34 } 1d .Sl.1 4 : 1 SEVEN DEADLY B? fib o No.1I. New Lips to Kiss Often; No. 2.' Freedom From'Convntions; No.3. A New World for Women; Noy 4. No More Chaperons; No.5S. Life with. a Kick In It; No.6& Our Own Larchkle6 s; NO. 7. The Single Moral Standard Including SOUL KISSES. "Have you seen GLORIA.SWANSON in 'PRODIGAL DAUGHTERS'? Don't miss it. It is not only the lest piece of acting.-MVISS. SWANSONti heas ever donle, but it is, 1 think, one of the most, faithful filmh portrayals of contemporary social and family life that has ever been screened. " 'x OI ;AL DAkUGHTERS' should he preserved under seal for showing fifty years frcnt 'now to let your descendants 1-now just what thil jazz age really is. MVary and I run off films every night at liome. Of late we ha,.-e been seeing old 'news reels made about fifteen years agoc. They areo itore interest ing tLhan plays." W here Are SIen, Trill Seeking darlings fe i ' x , , f , X PAREN TS Are You Ajigast at the Reckless Pace of Your D~aughiters I "ll< I, '1,iA _ r "'tea:... t 1r GIRLS .cT Flo. You Thaink~ Your en~are, Hopelessly Fashioned Par- Old- i i 4 1 APQ6 no t r 7 r-~ PV 11 n a Wild Tale of the"Ja zAge i V .' . E 'q i ' k " . ,. i ' t ..y- -+ .. ff A +. a / , " ' j " i d M i' p 1 a o 4 Y 0 , d ff _, P °a u , . ' { .; -- . } ° 4 0 00 0 JO* : 0. "p O e'p t With Gloria as the .nmost reckless of themr all THEOORE ROBETS ANDP-A WONDER CAST. ALST. JOHN, i- I COITING' SUNDAY r U IK r ----- crmI!Pjt_4s! ". i ) , I l y C,*VIWW